"test_plug_and_play.cc" is an optional source file for catch2 tests. If the source file is available, the "make plug-and-play-tests" command will use it to create a catch2 tests binary. If the source file is not available, the "make plug-and-play-tests" command will fail. This source file is in the .gitignore and should never be added to the git project. The main use of test_plug_and_play.cc is for the file to be used in conjunction with the "git bisect" command. If you don't know how the git bisect command works, reference "git bisect --help" because otherwise none of the following will make sense. test_plug_and_play.cc is a file which: 1) Compilations of versions of crawl older than master can search for catch2 tests 2) Will not be overwritten by git history changes, such as those which occur while using git bisect. This combination of features allows for you to write tests once, then use them for any version of crawl which has previously existed, all the way back to the original implementation of catch2 support for crawl. While you are hunting down a bug introduced in newer versions of crawl, see if you can create a catch2 test which checks for the bug in test_plug_and_play.cc. Verify this test works with "make plug-and-play-tests". Then, see if this test works correctly when you "git checkout" a version of crawl which does not have the bug. If both are true, you can use test_plug_and_play.cc to easily find the bug. Simply use git bisect as normally, but compile and run plug-and-play-tests instead of normal crawl. Whenever the bug is present, your test will fail and you can mark that commit as bad. Whenever the bug is absent, your test will pass and you can mark that commit as good. This test process is so easy git bisect allows you to automate it. Look into "git bisect run" for more details. When you've finished solving the bug, remember to move the new test from test_plug_and_play.cc to a regular test file included in the git project! This will help prevent regressions.