Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.23-a0-612-gcb482e9659 (webtiles) character file. 23043251 EthnicCake the Impregnable (level 27, 265/265 HPs) Began as a Deep Dwarf Fighter on Dec 21, 2018. Was the Champion of Makhleb. Escaped with the Orb ... and 15 runes! The game lasted 03:45:56 (65391 turns). EthnicCake the Impregnable (Deep Dwarf Fighter) Turns: 65391, Time: 03:45:57 Health: 265/265 AC: 47 Str: 40 XL: 27 Magic: 12/12 EV: 22 Int: 12 God: Makhleb [******] Gold: 5347 SH: 31 Dex: 10 Spells: 38/59 levels left rFire + . . SeeInvis + a - +9 broad axe (freeze) rCold + . . Gourm . o - +3 large shield {AC+3} rNeg + + + Faith . y - +10 pearl dragon scales rPois + Spirit . Q - +2 helmet rElec + Reflect . W - scarf {rC+ rF+} rCorr . Harm . A - +2 pair of gloves MR ++++. u - +2 pair of boots {run} Stlth .......... d - amulet "Quqapulo" {Acrobat rElec Str+6 Int-4 Stlth+} HPRegen 0.00/turn N - ring "Zoum Vyo" {*Contam rN+ AC+4 Str+7 SInv, =R} MPRegen 0.13/turn P - ring of poison resistance @: mighty, non-regenerating, quick A: damage resistance, heal wounds, rugged brown scales 1, blurry vision 1, clumsy 1, deformed body, deterioration 1, dopey 1, frail 1, low mp 2, negative energy resistance 1, sense surroundings 3, screaming 2, weak 1, no potion heal 1, subdued magic 3, MP-powered wands, no regeneration 0: Orb of Zot }: 15/15 runes: decaying, slimy, silver, golden, iron, obsidian, icy, bone, abyssal, demonic, glowing, magical, fiery, dark, gossamer a: Heal Wounds, Minor Destruction, Lesser Servant of Makhleb, Major Destruction, Greater Servant of Makhleb, Renounce Religion You escaped. You worshipped Makhleb. Makhleb was exalted by your worship. You were full. You visited 18 branches of the dungeon, and saw 88 of its levels. You visited Pandemonium 1 time, and saw 17 of its levels. You visited the Abyss 2 times. You also visited: Bailey. You collected 9963 gold pieces. You spent 4616 gold pieces at shops. Inventory: Hand Weapons a - a +9 broad axe of freezing (weapon) (You found it on level 13 of the Dungeon) b - a +9 eveningstar of holy wrath (You took it off Urug on level 11 of the Dungeon) Missiles h - 2 throwing nets (quivered) {!f} Armour o - a +3 large shield of protection (worn) (You found it on level 13 of the Dungeon) u - a +2 pair of boots of running (worn) (You found it on level 13 of the Dungeon) y - +10 pearl dragon scales (worn) (You took it off a deep elf master archer on level 3 of the Elven Halls) A - a +2 pair of gloves (worn) (You found it on level 15 of the Dungeon) Q - a +2 helmet (worn) (You found it on level 2 of the Swamp) W - a scarf of resistance (worn) (You found it on level 7 of the Dungeon) Jewellery c - the amulet "Kacaloj" {+Inv rF+++ Regen+ Str-3 Stlth+} (You took it off a hell knight on level 2 of the Depths) [amulet of regeneration] It affects your strength (-3). It renders you almost immune to fire. It lets you turn invisible. It increases your rate of regeneration. It makes you more stealthy. d - the amulet "Quqapulo" (around neck) {Acrobat rElec Str+6 Int-4 Stlth+} (You acquired it on level 1 of the Lair of Beasts) [amulet of the acrobat] It helps you evade while moving and waiting. It affects your strength (+6). It affects your intelligence (-4). It insulates you from electricity. It makes you more stealthy. C - the ring of Zin's Hope {rC+++ MP+9 Str+3 Dex-5 Stlth+} (You bought it in a shop on level 2 of the Elven Halls) [ring of magical power] It affects your strength (+3). It affects your dexterity (-5). It renders you almost immune to cold. It affects your magic capacity (+9). It makes you more stealthy. E - a +5 ring of evasion (You found it in Pandemonium) F - an uncursed ring of protection from fire (You found it on level 7 of the Iron City of Dis) M - an uncursed ring of protection from magic (You found it on level 3 of the Vaults) N - the ring "Zoum Vyo" (left hand) {*Contam rN+ AC+4 Str+7 SInv, =R} (You took it off a spriggan berserker on level 2 of the Depths) [ring of protection] It affects your AC (+4). It affects your strength (+7). It protects you from negative energy. It lets you see invisible. It causes magical contamination when unequipped. P - a ring of poison resistance (right hand) (You found it on level 5 of the Lair of Beasts) Wands k - a wand of digging (13) (You bought it in a shop on level 2 of the Elven Halls) m - a wand of iceblast (26) (You found it on level 11 of the Dungeon) n - a wand of clouds (1) (You bought it in a shop on level 2 of the Elven Halls) x - a wand of enslavement (28) (You found it on level 1 of the Elven Halls) D - a wand of acid (22) (You found it on level 10 of the Dungeon) T - a wand of paralysis (16) (You found it on level 4 of the Vaults) U - a wand of scattershot (16) (You found it on level 6 of the Lair of Beasts) Scrolls e - a scroll of magic mapping g - 11 scrolls of fog i - 20 scrolls of identify t - 15 scrolls of immolation w - 23 scrolls of remove curse z - a scroll of holy word G - 9 scrolls of teleportation I - 5 scrolls of silence K - 9 scrolls of blinking R - 2 scrolls of vulnerability S - 10 scrolls of fear Potions l - 4 potions of resistance q - a potion of cancellation r - 2 potions of flight v - 2 potions of brilliance B - 2 potions of agility H - 6 potions of invisibility J - 3 potions of heal wounds L - 8 potions of magic O - 10 potions of curing Y - 2 potions of ambrosia Miscellaneous f - 7 phantom mirrors X - a lamp of fire (You found it on level 3 of the Elven Halls) Z - a lightning rod (4/4) (You found it on level 6 of the Lair of Beasts) Comestibles s - 39 rations Skills: + Level 24.2 Fighting - Level 18.0(19.4) Axes - Level 12.4(16.0) Maces & Flails + Level 26.2 Armour + Level 24.5 Dodging - Level 25.0 Shields + Level 16.5 Spellcasting - Level 8.0 Hexes - Level 4.0 Charms - Level 12.0 Summonings - Level 12.0 Translocations - Level 2.0 Air Magic - Level 18.0 Invocations - Level 8.0 Evocations You had 38 spell levels left. You knew the following spells: Your Spells Type Power Failure Level Hunger k - Lesser Beckoning Tloc ###....... 1% 3 None l - Summon Lightning Spi Summ/Air ##...... 1% 4 ##..... p - Passage of Golubria Tloc N/A 1% 4 ##..... q - Summon Butterflies Summ ###..... 0% 1 None v - Summon Mana Viper Hex/Summ ###..... 1% 5 #####.. B - Blink Tloc N/A 0% 2 None S - Swiftness Chrm/Air #....... 1% 2 None Your spell library contained the following spells: Spells Type Power Failure Level Hunger Summon Small Mammal Summ ###. 0% 1 None Call Imp Summ ###..... 0% 2 None Confusing Touch Hex ###... 1% 1 None Corona Hex ###.... 1% 1 None Infusion Chrm ##.. 1% 1 None Ensorcelled Hibernation Hex/Ice ##.... 1% 2 None Shroud of Golubria Chrm/Tloc ###....... 1% 2 None Slow Hex ###..... 1% 2 None Song of Slaying Chrm ##...... 1% 2 None Call Canine Familiar Summ ###..... 1% 3 None Confuse Hex ###..... 1% 3 None Dazzling Spray Conj/Hex ##.... 1% 3 None Gell's Gravitas Tloc ###....... 1% 3 None Inner Flame Hex/Fire ##...... 1% 3 None Portal Projectile Hex/Tloc ###... 1% 3 None Recall Summ/Tloc N/A 1% 3 None Spectral Weapon Hex/Chrm ##...... 1% 3 None Summon Guardian Golem Hex/Summ ###..... 1% 3 None Teleport Other Tloc ###..... 1% 3 None Tukima's Dance Hex ###..... 1% 3 None Cause Fear Hex ###....... 1% 4 ##..... Summon Forest Summ/Tloc ###....... 1% 5 #####.. Shock Conj/Air #... 2% 1 None Summon Ice Beast Ice/Summ ##...... 3% 4 ##..... Beastly Appendage Tmut #..... 4% 1 None Flame Tongue Conj/Fire #.... 4% 1 None Freeze Ice #... 4% 1 None Magic Dart Conj #... 4% 1 None Sandblast Erth #..... 4% 1 None Sting Conj/Pois #... 4% 1 None Poisonous Vapours Pois/Air #..... 4% 2 None Ozocubu's Armour Chrm/Ice #....... 5% 3 None Corpse Rot Necr N/A 6% 2 None Passwall Tmut/Erth #....... 6% 2 None Sticks to Snakes Tmut #....... 6% 2 None Sublimation of Blood Necr #......... 6% 2 None Throw Flame Conj/Fire #..... 6% 2 None Throw Frost Conj/Ice #..... 6% 2 None Static Discharge Conj/Air #....... 9% 3 None Fulminant Prism Conj/Hex ##........ 9% 4 ##..... Leda's Liquefaction Hex/Erth ##........ 9% 4 ##..... Mephitic Cloud Conj/Pois/Air #....... 11% 3 None Conjure Flame Conj/Fire #....... 14% 3 None Ignite Poison Fire/Tmut/Pois #....... 14% 3 None Stone Arrow Conj/Erth #..... 14% 3 None Silence Hex/Air ##........ 17% 5 #####.. Airstrike Air #......... 22% 4 ##..... Metabolic Englaciation Hex/Ice ##........ 28% 5 #####.. Yara's Violent Unravell Hex/Tmut ##........ 28% 5 #####.. Malign Gateway Summ/Tloc ###....... 32% 7 ####### Monstrous Menagerie Summ ###....... 32% 7 ####### Summon Greater Demon Summ ###....... 32% 7 ####### Summon Hydra Summ ###....... 32% 7 ####### Animate Dead Necr N/A 50% 4 ##..... Ice Form Ice/Tmut #....... 50% 4 ##..... Olgreb's Toxic Radiance Pois #....... 50% 4 ##..... Petrify Tmut/Erth #....... 50% 4 ##..... Sticky Flame Conj/Fire #....... 50% 4 ##..... Throw Icicle Conj/Ice #....... 50% 4 ##..... Excruciating Wounds Chrm/Necr #......... 56% 5 #####.. Iskenderun's Battlesphe Conj/Chrm #....... 56% 5 #####.. Lightning Bolt Conj/Air #......... 73% 5 #####.. Agony Necr #....... 86% 5 #####.. Alistair's Intoxication Tmut/Pois #....... 86% 5 #####.. Bolt of Draining Conj/Necr #......... 86% 5 #####.. Bolt of Magma Conj/Fire/Erth #......... 86% 5 #####.. Borgnjor's Vile Clutch Necr/Erth #......... 86% 5 #####.. Dispel Undead Necr #....... 86% 5 #####.. Fireball Conj/Fire #......... 86% 5 #####.. Irradiate Conj/Tmut #......... 86% 5 #####.. Lee's Rapid Deconstruct Erth #......... 86% 5 #####.. Venom Bolt Conj/Pois #......... 86% 5 #####.. Deflect Missiles Chrm/Air #......... 96% 6 ######. Summon Horrible Things Summ ###....... 96% 8 ####### Spellforged Servitor Conj/Summ ##........ 99% 7 ####### Bolt of Cold Conj/Ice #......... 100% 6 ######. Conjure Ball Lightning Conj/Air #......... 100% 6 ######. Death Channel Necr #......... 100% 6 ######. Freezing Cloud Conj/Ice/Air #......... 100% 6 ######. Hydra Form Tmut #......... 100% 6 ######. Iron Shot Conj/Erth #......... 100% 6 ######. Ozocubu's Refrigeration Ice #......... 100% 6 ######. Simulacrum Ice/Necr #......... 100% 6 ######. Statue Form Tmut/Erth #........ 100% 6 ######. Dragon Form Tmut #......... 100% 7 ####### Orb of Destruction Conj #......... 100% 7 ####### Ring of Flames Chrm/Fire #......... 100% 7 ####### Ignition Fire #......... 100% 8 ####### Shatter Erth #......... 100% 9 ####### Tornado Air #......... 100% 9 ####### Regeneration Chrm/Necr Unusable N/A 3 N/A Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (15/15) Temple (1/1) D:6 Lair (6/6) D:9 Swamp (4/4) Lair:4 Spider (4/4) Lair:4 Slime (5/5) Lair:6 Orc (2/2) D:9 Elf (3/3) Orc:2 Vaults (5/5) D:13 Crypt (3/3) Vaults:2 Tomb (3/3) Crypt:3 Depths (5/5) D:15 Hell (1/1) Dis (7/7) Hell Geh (7/7) Hell Coc (7/7) Hell Tar (7/7) Hell Zot (5/5) Depths:5 Altars: Ashenzari Cheibriados Dithmenos Fedhas Gozag Kikubaaqudgha Makhleb Nemelex Xobeh Okawaru Ru Sif Muna Trog Uskayaw Vehumet Xom Zin The Shining One Beogh Jiyva Shops: Orc:2 [(%[% Elf:2 }}=* Elf:3 ? Portals: Hell: Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Depths:5 Abyss: Depths:1 Depths:4 Depths:5 Pandemonium: Depths:2 Depths:3 Ziggurat: Depths:5 Annotations: Swamp:2 exclusion: Roxanne, Roxanne Elf:2 Donald is actually dead, Donald Crypt:1 36 runed doors Depths:3 exclusion: 2 doors Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You are resistant to damage. You can heal yourself by infusing magical energy. You resist negative energy. (rN+) You passively map a large area around you. You do not regenerate. You are partially covered in rugged brown scales. (AC +1, +3% HP) Scrolls take you a little longer to read. You are clumsy. (Dex -2) Armour fits poorly on your strangely shaped body. Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking damage. You are dopey. (Int -2) You are frail. (-10% HP) Your magical capacity is very low. (-20% MP) You sometimes yell uncontrollably at your foes. You are weak. (Str -2) Potions are less effective at restoring your health. Your spells are much easier to cast, but much less powerful. You expend magic power (3 MP) to strengthen your wands. Message History You puncture the sun demon! The sun demon convulses! You kill the sun demon! Makhleb accepts your kill. You feel better. You block the red devil's attack. Health restored: 265 You block the red devil's attack. You hit the red devil. The red devil convulses. The red devil is moderately wounded. You bludgeon the red devil!! The red devil convulses! You kill the red devil! Makhleb accepts your kill. You block the balrug's attack. The balrug closely misses you. You see here a +0 trident. You bludgeon the balrug!! The balrug convulses!! The balrug is severely wounded. You impale the balrug!! You kill the balrug! Makhleb accepts your kill. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (S) Swamp (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus (Z) Zot Where to? (* - list waypoints, Enter - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You see here a +0 halberd. There is a stone staircase leading down here. A cherub comes into view. It is wielding a +4 flail of flaming. You see here a plate armour. Your +9 eveningstar of holy wrath stops glowing. Your +9 broad axe of freezing glows with a cold blue light! a - a +9 broad axe of freezing (weapon) The cherub unwields a +4 flail of flaming. It stops flaming. The cherub wields a +0 shortbow. The cherub shoots an arrow. You block the arrow. You see here an arrow. You feel very mighty all of a sudden. The cherub shoots an arrow. You block the arrow. The cherub shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you but does no damage. You see here an arrow. The cherub unwields a +0 shortbow. The cherub wields a +4 flail of flaming. It bursts into flame! You block the cherub's attack. x2 You completely miss the cherub. You closely miss the cherub. You block the cherub's attack. x2 You miss the cherub. You block the cherub's attack. x2 You slash the cherub! You freeze the cherub. The cherub is lightly wounded. You slice the cherub!! You freeze the cherub! The cherub is severely wounded. You block the cherub's attack. The cherub gores you but does no damage. You slash the cherub! You freeze the cherub. The cherub is almost dead. You slice the cherub!! You freeze the cherub. You kill the cherub! Makhleb accepts your kill. Items here: ( )) [ a +4 flail of flaming; a +0 shortbow; 16 arrows; a cursed +0 robe (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (S) Swamp (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus (Z) Zot Where to? (* - list waypoints, Enter - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) A hellion comes into view. You slash the hellion! You freeze the hellion. The hellion is heavily wounded. You completely miss the hellion. The hellion is heavily wounded. You block the hellion's attack. You slash the hellion! You freeze the hellion. The hellion is almost dead. You block the hellion's attack. You barely miss the hellion. The hellion is almost dead. You block the hellion's attack. You open the hellion like a pillowcase!!! You freeze the hellion. You kill the hellion! Makhleb accepts your kill. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (S) Swamp (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus (Z) Zot Where to? (* - list waypoints, Enter - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) You see here a +0 hunting sling. There is a stone staircase leading up, spattered with blood here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You open the door. There is an open door here. There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here. You have escaped! #.###.#.#.###≈≈§.≈≈≈#.# #.# #.# #.#.#.#.'.§≈≈≈§.'.# #.# #.# #...#.#.#≈.....≈#.# #.# #.# ##..#.#.#≈≈.@.≈≈#.# #.# ..# #..#.#.#≈.....≈#.# #.# ..#####.#...+.≈≈≈≈≈.+.# #.# ........#.###≈≈≈.≈≈≈#.# #.# ............####.####.# #.# ......##...## #.......#######.# ......##...# #...............# ...######..# #.############### ...# #..####.# ...#### ##...##.# ......# #..[...# ......# #......# ......####......# .............##.# There were no monsters in sight! Vanquished Creatures Cerebov (Pan) Antaeus (Coc:7) Asmodeus (Geh:7) Ereshkigal (Tar:7) the Royal Jelly (Slime:5) Gloorx Vloq (Pan) Mnoleg (Pan) Lom Lobon (Pan) the Serpent of Hell (Geh:7) Dispater (Dis:7) 4 orbs of fire (Zot:3 Zot:5) 3 ancient liches (Crypt:3 Zot:5) Khufu (Crypt:3) Sojobo (Depths:1) 9 greater mummies (Crypt:3 Tomb:1 Tomb:2) Frederick (Depths:4) Margery (Depths:4) Saint Roka (Vaults:4) the Lernaean hydra (Swamp:4) 3 shard shrikes (Coc:2 Coc:4) 7 Killer Klowns (Zot:5) A caustic shrike (Depths:4) 2 curse toes (Zot:1 Zot:2) Geryon (Hell) 5 bone dragons (Coc:7 Tar:4 Dis:7 Abyss:1 Crypt:3) Nikola (Swamp:4) 8 golden dragons (Depths:4 Depths:5 Depths:2 Vaults:5 Zot:2) 2 pandemonium lords (Pan) 2 doom hounds (Tar:1 Tar:7) Arachne (Spider:4) 3 electric golems (Zot:5) 6 Brimstone Fiends (Geh:7 Pan) 4 iron giants (Dis:7) 17 Ice Fiends (Geh:7 Coc:2 Coc:4 Coc:6 Coc:7) 8 Tzitzimimeh (Tar:1 Tar:4 Tar:7 Pan D:13) 11 Hell Sentinels (Dis:7) 4 liches (Depths:2 Geh:7 Crypt:3) Jorgrun (Swamp:1) 26 tentacled monstrosities (Depths:4 Depths:2 Pan Vaults:5 Zot:1) 28 Orb Guardians (Zot:5 Zot:1 D:10 D:8) 5 quicksilver dragons (Vaults:5 Zot:2 Zot:5) 4 deep elf blademasters (Elf:2 Elf:3 Abyss:4) 11 titans (Vaults:4 Depths:2 Pan Vaults:5) 15 sphinxes (Depths:1 Depths:4 Depths:2 Vaults:5 Tomb:1) 2 tentacled starspawn (Abyss:1) 2 deep elf master archers (Elf:3) 16 acid blobs (Slime:1 Slime:3 Slime:4 Slime:5) 8 Executioners (Pan) 5 death cobs (Zot:2 Zot:4) An eldritch tentacle (Pan) 4 ancient champions (Crypt:2 Tomb:1 Tomb:2) 5 draconian monks (Zot:2 Zot:4 Zot:5) 2 thorn hunters (Swamp:4 Abyss:4) 15 storm dragons (Depths:2 Pan Vaults:5 Zot:1 Zot:2) Donald (Elf:2) 15 tengu reavers (Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:4 Vaults:5) 5 revenants (Crypt:1 Crypt:2 Tomb:1) 15 shadow dragons (Depths:5 Depths:2 Hell Tar:7 Vaults:5) 19 azure jellies (Slime:1 Slime:2 Slime:4 Slime:5) 9 iron dragons (Depths:4 Hell Dis:7 Vaults:5) 16 fire giants (Depths:1 Depths:4 Depths:2 Geh:7 Vaults:5) 7 ghost moths (Spider:3 Spider:4 Pan Zot:5) An orc warlord (Bailey) 19 cacodemons (Depths:1 Dis:7 Pan) 13 vault wardens (Vaults:1 Vaults:2 Vaults:3 Vaults:4 Vaults:5) 20 balrugs (Geh:7 Pan D:4) 8 deep elf sorcerers (Elf:1 Elf:3 Abyss:4 Vaults:5) 7 draconian knights (Depths:5 Zot:2 Zot:5 Zot:4) 24 frost giants (Vaults:3 Vaults:4 Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:4) 5 deep elf elementalists (Elf:3 Vaults:5) A draconian scorcher (Zot:2) 5 black suns (Pan) Louise (Elf:2) 5 draconian shifters (Depths:5 Zot:2 Zot:5) 2 curse skulls (Pan Crypt:2) 8 emperor scorpions (Spider:1 Spider:2 Spider:4) 19 reapers (Geh:7 Coc:7 Tar:1 Tar:7 Dis:3) 2 warmongers (Pan) 3 draconian stormcallers (Zot:2 Zot:5) 6 draconian annihilators (Pan Zot:2 Zot:4 Zot:5) 17 war gargoyles (Hell Dis:7 Vaults:5 Crypt:3) 37 stone giants (Vaults:1 Vaults:2 Vaults:3 Vaults:4 Depths:1) 11 ironheart preservers (Vaults:1 Vaults:2 Vaults:3 Vaults:4 Vaults:5) A spriggan defender (Depths:4) 3 entropy weavers (Spider:3 Spider:4 Vaults:3) 26 very ugly things (Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:4 Depths:5 Depths:3) 4 ghouls (Vaults:2 Crypt:1 Crypt:3) 2 corrupters (Pan) 5 vampire knights (Depths:1 Depths:5 Crypt:2 Crypt:3) 11 green draconians (Depths:5 Zot:1 Zot:2 Zot:3 Zot:4) Nessos (D:14) 6 bennus (Tomb:1 Tomb:3) 5 blood saints (Pan) 7 deep elf demonologists (Vaults:3 Elf:3 Depths:4 Vaults:5) A dire elephant (shapeshifter) (Zot:2) 7 yellow draconians (Zot:2 Zot:4 Zot:5) 2 green draconians (shapeshifter) (Zot:2) 18 deep elf annihilators (Elf:3 Depths:5 Depths:3 Depths:2 Pan) A spark wasp (shapeshifter) (Depths:2) 3 dire elephants (D:15 Abyss:4) 12 black draconians (Depths:5 Zot:2 Zot:3 Zot:4 Zot:5) 3 eidola (Vaults:2 Tar:7) 7 spark wasps (Spider:4 Depths:2) A white draconian (shapeshifter) (Zot:2) 4 purple draconians (Depths:5 Zot:5) 6 white draconians (Depths:5 Zot:2 Zot:5) 11 deep elf death magi (Elf:3 Vaults:5 Crypt:2 Zot:2) 8 red draconians (Depths:5 Zot:2 Zot:3 Zot:4 Zot:5) 14 blizzard demons (Hell Coc:7 Pan) 6 lorocyprocas (Pan Zot:2) 7 statues (Depths:3) The ghost of Dooggoeq the Blocker, a journeyman GnFi of Makhleb (Lair:3) 4 crystal guardians (Crypt:3 Zot:2) 5 death oozes (Slime:5) 9 green deaths (Hell Pan) Snorg (D:11) 13 yaktaur captains (Vaults:2 Vaults:3 Vaults:4 Depths:1 Depths:5) A quicksilver dragon zombie (Coc:7) 4 jiangshi (Depths:3 Crypt:1 Crypt:2) 16 ettins (Vaults:2 Vaults:4 Depths:1 Depths:5 Depths:3) 7 great orbs of eyes (Depths:1 Depths:4 Depths:2 Slime:1 Slime:5) 13 fire dragons (Vaults:1 Vaults:3 Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:4) 5 deep elf high priests (Elf:3 Depths:4 Vaults:5) Erolcha (D:11) 14 mummy priests (Tomb:1 Tomb:2) Harold (D:11) 14 ogre magi (Vaults:2 Vaults:3 Vaults:4 Depths:2 Vaults:5) 5 quicksilver dragon skeletons (Coc:3 Coc:4 Tar:3 Pan Crypt:2) 2 hell beasts (Depths:3 Pan) 22 ice dragons (Vaults:4 Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:5 Depths:3) A kraken zombie (Coc:4) 31 vault guards (D:13 Vaults:1 Vaults:3 Vaults:4) 23 hydras (Lair:4 Lair:5 D:12 Swamp:1 Swamp:2) A monstrous demonspawn (Pan) 6 spriggan air magi (Depths:5 Depths:3 Depths:2) 9 centaur warriors (D:13 Vaults:1 Vaults:2 Vaults:3) 3 shambling mangroves (Swamp:2 Swamp:3 Swamp:1) 5 rakshasas (Depths:2 Lair:1 Zot:2) A catoblepas (Lair:6) 3 death knights (D:11 Vaults:2 Crypt:1) 2 ghost crabs (Swamp:4) A merfolk avatar (Lair:6) 32 dancing weapons (Elf:1 Elf:2 Abyss:1 Crypt:3) 11 alligators (Swamp:1 Swamp:2 Swamp:3 Swamp:4) 28 two-headed ogres (Orc:2 D:14 D:15 Vaults:2 Vaults:3) A satyr (Abyss:4) 5 deep troll shamans (Vaults:4 Depths:2) 9 tengu warriors (D:15 Depths:1 Depths:3 Depths:2) 7 deep troll earth magi (Vaults:2 Depths:1 Depths:4) 34 death scarabs (Tomb:1 Tomb:2 Tomb:3) 4 hell hogs (Hell Geh:2) 18 soul eaters (Hell Tar:2 Tar:7 Pan) 2 titan zombies (Geh:7 Coc:7) An orc high priest (Orc:2) 3 shock serpents (Pan) 7 spriggan berserkers (Depths:5 Depths:2) 6 vampire magi (Depths:4 Depths:3 Depths:2 Crypt:2) A shock serpent (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5) 24 sun demons (Hell Depths:1 Geh:7 Pan D:4) 8 iron golems (Hell Dis:7) 24 deep elf knights (Vaults:1 D:13 Vaults:2 Vaults:3 Elf:1) 3 storm dragon zombies (Depths:3 Geh:7 Dis:2) 24 hell knights (Depths:4 Depths:5 Depths:2 Geh:3 Crypt:3) A cherub (D:2) 13 shadow wraiths (Vaults:4 Tar:7 Pan) 13 iron trolls (Depths:3 Depths:1 Hell Dis:7) 7 orc knights (Orc:2 Bailey D:13 Vaults:2 Vaults:4) 65 skeletal warriors (Depths:3 Coc:2 Coc:3 Coc:7 Tar:1) A golden dragon zombie (Crypt:3) 22 sixfirhies (Depths:1 Pan) 16 deep trolls (Vaults:2 Vaults:4 Depths:1 Depths:4) An unseen horror (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3) 3 storm dragon skeletons (Depths:1 Geh:7 Coc:7) A sea snake (Lair:6) A death drake (shapeshifter) (Vaults:4) 3 gelid demonspawn (Pan) 12 wizards (Vaults:1 Vaults:2 Vaults:3 Depths:1 Depths:3) 5 flayed ghosts (Geh:3 Geh:7 Tar:2 Tar:7) 12 anaconda zombies (Hell Geh:3 Coc:3 Coc:4 Coc:6) 9 unseen horrors (Vaults:1 Depths:4 Tar:7 Pan) A spriggan druid (Swamp:4) 6 shadow dragon zombies (Geh:7 Coc:2 Coc:3 Dis:7 Crypt:3) 5 glowing orange brains (Depths:1 Depths:5 Depths:2 Slime:1) 7 shadow demons (Tar:7 Pan) 3 lindwurms (Swamp:4) 12 swamp dragons (Swamp:1 Swamp:2 Swamp:3 Swamp:4) 4 infernal demonspawn (Pan) 2 golden dragon skeletons (Tar:4) 21 necromancers (D:13 Vaults:1 Vaults:3 Depths:1 Depths:2) 7 phantasmal warriors (Vaults:4 Tar:1 Tar:7 Vaults:5 Crypt:1) 5 anaconda skeletons (Hell Coc:7 Crypt:3 Tomb:1 Tomb:2) 3 harpies (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3 Elf:1 Vaults:5) 10 ironbrand convokers (Vaults:2 Vaults:3 Vaults:4 Vaults:5) 23 deep elf archers (D:13 Vaults:1 Vaults:2 Vaults:3 Elf:1) 16 orb spiders (Lair:4 Spider:1 Spider:2 Spider:3 Spider:4) 62 ugly things (D:11 D:15 Swamp:3 Swamp:4 Vaults:1) 2 harpies (Lair:6 Vaults:2) A mana viper (shapeshifter) (Depths:5) 6 wolf spider zombies (D:14 Coc:7 Dis:5 Dis:7) A wolf spider (shapeshifter) (Vaults:4) 77 deep elf magi (D:14 Vaults:1 Vaults:2 Vaults:4 Elf:1) An iron dragon zombie (Depths:1) 4 stone giant zombies (Vaults:1 Coc:2 Coc:4 Coc:6) 4 orc sorcerers (Orc:1 Orc:2 Vaults:4) 7 shining eyes (Slime:2 Slime:3 Slime:4 Pan) 2 human zombies (Vaults:3 Geh:1) 40 wolf spiders (D:15 Spider:1 Spider:2 Spider:3 Spider:4) 4 worldbinders (Abyss:4 Abyss:1) 3 frost giant zombies (Geh:5 Tar:2 Crypt:3) A manticore (D:15) 3 oklob plants (Lair:1) A shining eye (shapeshifter) (Depths:4) 4 fire giant zombies (Geh:7 Coc:7 Tar:7 Dis:5) A guardian serpent (Zot:2) A toenail golem (D:7) 3 dire elephant zombies (Coc:2 Tar:2 Crypt:2) 13 moths of wrath (Spider:1 Spider:3 Zot:1 Zot:2 Zot:3) 6 fire giant skeletons (Depths:1 Geh:3 Coc:4 Dis:7 Pan) A centaur zombie (D:15) 8 cyclopes (D:11 Orc:2 D:15 Vaults:1 Vaults:2) A shock serpent zombie (Dis:1) 4 iron dragon skeletons (Coc:3 Coc:4 Crypt:3) 4 stone giant skeletons (Vaults:1 Geh:3 Coc:6 Crypt:3) 4 molten gargoyles (Geh:7) 17 vault sentinels (Vaults:1 Vaults:3 Vaults:4 Vaults:5) A torpor snail (Spider:4) 3 black mambas (Lair:3 Lair:6) 19 rust devils (Hell Dis:1 Dis:6 Dis:7 Tomb:2) 13 orange demons (Hell Pan) A water nymph (Abyss:4) 8 frost giant skeletons (Depths:1 Geh:7 Coc:2 Coc:4 Tar:7) 2 elephants (Lair:6) 10 eyes of devastation (Slime:2 Slime:3 Slime:5 Pan) A shock serpent skeleton (Crypt:1) A spiny frog (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1) 5 titan simulacra (Coc:7) 27 spiny frogs (Lair:1 Lair:2 Lair:4 Lair:5 Lair:6) 13 hellions (Geh:3 Geh:7 Tar:1 Tar:7 Dis:3) 3 dire elephant skeletons (Geh:3 Coc:1 Coc:7) 2 storm dragon simulacra (Coc:7) 3 elf zombies (Depths:3 Tar:1 Crypt:2) 3 gargoyles (D:10 D:13 D:14) 18 smoke demons (Pan) 3 rime drakes (Lair:6) 2 kobold demonologists (D:14) A centaur skeleton (D:15) A komodo dragon (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1) 54 yaktaurs (D:13 Vaults:1 Vaults:2 Vaults:3 Vaults:4) 7 anaconda simulacra (Hell Coc:7) An efreet (Geh:3) 12 freezing wraiths (Vaults:1 Vaults:4 Coc:2 Coc:4 Coc:7) 11 hellwings (Pan) 21 komodo dragons (Lair:1 Lair:2 Lair:4 Lair:5 Lair:6) 18 tormentors (Geh:7 Tar:7 Dis:1 Dis:5 Dis:6) An ancient zyme (Abyss:1) 15 demonic crawlers (Spider:1 Spider:2 Spider:3 Spider:4 Hell) 2 emperor scorpion zombies (Geh:3 Crypt:3) 6 harpy zombies (Coc:2 Tar:1 Zot:2) 31 ice devils (Depths:3 Hell Coc:1 Coc:2 Coc:4) 8 polar bears (Lair:4 Lair:6) 30 guardian mummies (Tomb:1 Tomb:2 Tomb:3) A red draconian skeleton (Crypt:2) 14 red devils (Hell Geh:1 Geh:7 Dis:1 Pan) 8 trolls (Orc:2 D:12 D:15 Vaults:2 Vaults:4) 15 hydra zombies (Hell Geh:7 Coc:1 Coc:2 Coc:3) 2 tengu conjurers (Depths:1) A merfolk (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3) 2 silent spectres (Tar:2 Tar:7) 43 jumping spiders (Spider:1 Spider:2 Spider:3 Spider:4) A wind drake (Lair:6) A queen bee (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5) 17 large abominations (Depths:4 Pan Abyss:1) A wolf spider simulacrum (Coc:4) 25 hornets (Lair:6 D:12 D:14 Swamp:1 Swamp:3) A tyrant leech (shapeshifter) (Depths:2) 5 human skeletons (Vaults:1 Vaults:3 Geh:7 Pan) 5 ettin zombies (Vaults:3 Depths:1 Geh:3 Coc:6 Dis:7) 105 slime creatures (D:14 D:15 D:5 Swamp:2 Swamp:3) A satyr zombie (Crypt:1) 7 hydra skeletons (Hell Coc:4 Coc:7 Tar:2 Tar:7) 9 tyrant leeches (Swamp:3 Swamp:4 Swamp:1) A slime creature (shapeshifter) (D:11) 2 raiju (D:11 Zot:2) 8 dream sheep (Lair:4 Lair:5) 5 alligator zombies (Coc:2 Coc:3 Coc:4 Coc:7) 5 ice dragon zombies (Geh:7 Coc:3 Dis:7 Crypt:3) A fire giant simulacrum (Coc:4) 21 bog bodies (Swamp:1 Swamp:2 Swamp:3 Swamp:4 Coc:7) 19 blink frogs (Lair:1 Lair:2 Lair:4 Swamp:4) 2 fire dragon zombies (Depths:1 Coc:7) 7 hippogriffs (Lair:1 Lair:6 D:15) A meliai zombie (D:13) A frost giant simulacrum (Vaults:1) 3 alligator skeletons (Hell Coc:7) 19 shadows (D:11 Geh:2 Geh:3 Geh:7 Coc:1) A black mamba zombie (Coc:4) 2 air elementals (Elf:1 Elf:3) 4 fire dragon skeletons (Geh:6 Tar:4 Dis:7 Crypt:2) 3 redbacks (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3 Depths:1 Vaults:5) 2 ice dragon skeletons (Geh:7 Coc:7) 74 redbacks (Spider:1 Spider:2 Spider:3 Spider:4 Vaults:3) 7 ynoxinuls (Pan) 2 spriggan skeletons (Depths:1 Tar:1) 12 water elementals (Elf:1 Elf:2 Depths:1 Depths:4 Abyss:4) 5 ettin skeletons (Geh:5 Geh:6 Tar:7 Tomb:1) 3 spriggans (Depths:5) 31 yaks (Lair:1 Lair:2 Lair:5 Lair:6) 6 ushabtiu (Tomb:1 Tomb:2 Tomb:3) 121 flying skulls (Geh:2 Geh:3 Geh:6 Geh:7 Coc:2) A spriggan (shapeshifter) (Depths:2) 9 wyverns (Lair:2 Lair:3 Lair:5 Lair:6 D:11) 25 tarantellas (Spider:1 Spider:2 Spider:3 Spider:4) 12 wraiths (D:14 D:15 Geh:2 Geh:3 Geh:7) 3 basilisks (Lair:1 Lair:6) 11 fire elementals (Elf:2 Elf:3 Hell Geh:6 Geh:7) 20 humans (D:13) A golden eye (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3) 19 vampire mosquitoes (D:14 Swamp:1 Swamp:4 Spider:1) 10 chaos spawn (Depths:4 Pan) 14 neqoxecs (Pan Abyss:1) 3 wargs (Vaults:2 Vaults:4) 17 insubstantial wisps (Swamp:1 Swamp:2 Swamp:4) 2 soldier ants (shapeshifter) (Vaults:4 Depths:4) A soldier ant (D:10) 5 spiny frog zombies (Hell Coc:2 Coc:3 Coc:6 Coc:7) 16 water moccasins (Lair:1 Lair:2 Lair:4 Lair:5 Lair:6) 2 hell hounds (Depths:3 Dis:7) 14 swamp worms (Swamp:1 Swamp:2 Swamp:3 Swamp:4) 10 small abominations (Depths:4 Abyss:1) 8 hydra simulacra (Coc:7) An acid dragon (D:13) A faun skeleton (Crypt:1) 2 floating eyes (Pan) 5 porcupines (Lair:1 Lair:2 Lair:5) A merfolk skeleton (Geh:3) 4 spiny frog skeletons (Hell Geh:7 Coc:3 Tar:4) A black bear (shapeshifter) (D:13) 11 swamp drakes (Swamp:1 Swamp:3 Swamp:4) 4 ice beasts (D:9 D:14 Coc:1 Coc:7) A swamp dragon zombie (Coc:7) 13 eyes of draining (D:14 Slime:1 Slime:3 Slime:5 Slime:2) A spriggan simulacrum (Depths:1) 2 black bears (D:9 D:11) 3 snapping turtle zombies (Geh:1 Geh:7) 62 orc warriors (D:6 D:7 D:9 D:10 Orc:1) An eye of draining (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5) 3 manticore zombies (Geh:7 Tar:2 Crypt:3) 3 sky beasts (D:12 D:15) 11 necrophages (Coc:3 Tar:2 Tar:3 Tar:4 Tar:7) A blink frog zombie (Crypt:1) 27 centaurs (D:5 D:6 D:7 D:9 D:12) 31 ogres (D:4 D:6 D:8 Orc:1 Orc:2) 7 boggarts (D:11 D:15 Depths:2) 3 phantoms (D:8 Coc:3 Tar:4) 2 snapping turtle skeletons (Coc:7) 6 wolves (Lair:5) A manticore skeleton (Tar:1) 12 crocodiles (Lair:1 Lair:2 Lair:6 D:12) 8 big kobolds (D:5 D:14) 10 bullfrogs (D:6 D:9 D:10 Lair:1 Lair:2) An elf skeleton (Coc:7) An earth elemental (Elf:3) A gnoll sergeant (D:8) A glowing shapeshifter simulacrum (Depths:3) A queen bee zombie (Crypt:2) A water moccasin skeleton (D:8) A wyvern skeleton (D:7) 6 scorpions (D:5 D:8 D:9 D:10) 3 electric eels (Spider:1 Spider:3) A troll skeleton (Coc:2) 35 wights (D:7 D:15 Geh:3 Tar:1 Dis:1) 8 howler monkeys (D:7 D:8 D:9) 7 jellies (D:5 D:7 D:10 D:12) 13 crimson imps (D:6 D:10 D:14 Hell Geh:7) A quasit (D:7) A bullfrog zombie (D:10) 7 hounds (D:5 D:6 D:8 D:11 D:12) 23 orc priests (D:5 D:6 D:7 D:10 Orc:1) A bullfrog skeleton (D:11) 23 orc wizards (D:3 D:6 Orc:1 Orc:2 D:12) 26 iron imps (Dis:3 Dis:5 Dis:7) 4 iguanas (D:2 D:5 D:10 D:14) 11 hell rats (Lair:5 Hell) 11 worker ants (D:2 D:5 D:6 D:4 D:8) A killer bee zombie (D:8) An acid dragon skeleton (Crypt:2) A hound zombie (Crypt:1) A hound skeleton (D:8) 52 mummies (Coc:1 Coc:4 Coc:7 Crypt:3 Tomb:1) A worker ant zombie (D:11) 21 gnolls (D:2 D:8 Bailey) 11 adders (D:2 D:3 D:5 D:6 D:4) A howler monkey skeleton (Crypt:2) 4 shadow imps (D:5 D:9 Tar:7) 9 white imps (Coc:1 Coc:2 Coc:3 Coc:4 Coc:6) 2 oozes (D:5) An adder zombie (D:6) 2 worms (D:2 D:3) 2 dart slugs (D:1 D:3) A leopard gecko (D:3) 126 orcs (D:3 D:5 D:6 D:4 D:7) 8 giant cockroaches (D:1 D:3 D:5 D:6) 24 goblins (D:1 D:2 D:3 Orc:1 Bailey) 24 hobgoblins (D:1 D:2 D:3 Orc:1 Bailey) 20 jackals (D:1 D:5 D:2 D:10 D:11) 3 quokkas (D:4 D:10 D:12) A ball python (D:3) 13 bats (D:1 D:2 D:3) A dart slug zombie (Crypt:2) 2 frilled lizards (D:1) A hobgoblin zombie (Crypt:2) A jackal skeleton (D:6) 16 kobolds (D:1 D:3 D:5 D:10 Orc:1) A kobold zombie (Tar:4) A leopard gecko zombie (D:6) An orc zombie (Tar:7) 5 rats (D:1 D:2 D:3) A butterfly (Zot:2) 3 crawling corpses (Vaults:5) 8 fungi (Lair:2 Lair:4 Lair:6) A plant (Lair:4) 3 starspawn tentacles (Abyss:1) A tentacle (Coc:4) 3817 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills) A juggernaut (Depths:2) Boris (Depths:3) A deep elf blademaster (Elf:2) An Executioner (Pan) A ghost moth (Spider:4) An orc warlord (Orc:1) An ettin (Depths:2) An ice dragon (Depths:2) Urug (D:11) A deep elf knight (Elf:2) A hell knight (Depths:2) An orc knight (Bailey) An ugly thing (D:15) An orb spider (Spider:4) A meliai (D:11) A polar bear (Lair:4) A jumping spider (Spider:4) 2 blink frogs (Lair:4) A ynoxinul (Pan) A tarantella (Spider:4) A warg (Orc:1) A water moccasin (Lair:4) A porcupine (Lair:4) 8 orc warriors (Orc:1 Orc:2 D:13 Vaults:4) An ogre (Orc:1) A centaur (D:13) A bullfrog (Lair:4) 2 orc priests (Orc:2) 2 orc wizards (D:11) A worker ant (D:11) 2 shadow imps (D:11 D:13) 10 orcs (D:11 Orc:1 Orc:2 Bailey D:13) A hobgoblin (Bailey) A goblin (Bailey) A fire vortex (Pan) A fungus (Lair:4) 56 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (others) A golden dragon (Depths:2) An eldritch tentacle (Pan) A fire giant (Depths:2) An orc warlord (Orc:2) A vampire knight (Vaults:2) An ettin (Depths:2) A green death (Pan) A hydra (Swamp:4) An alligator (Swamp:3) A vampire mage (Depths:5) A deep elf knight (Vaults:3) An unseen horror (Vaults:1) An orc knight (Orc:2) A deep elf mage (Elf:1) 2 ugly things (Vaults:3 Zot:2) A wolf spider (Vaults:3) 2 smoke demons (Pan) A yaktaur (shapeshifter) (Depths:1) A hellwing (Pan) A tyrant leech (Swamp:3) A hornet (Swamp:3) A slime creature (Swamp:3) A blink frog (Swamp:4) A bog body (Coc:7) An air elemental (Elf:2) A shadow (Vaults:2) 3 flying skulls (Coc:7 Tar:7) A vampire (D:9) A water elemental (Coc:7) A neqoxec (Pan) 2 vampire mosquitoes (Swamp:1) A swamp worm (Swamp:3) A swamp drake (Swamp:4) An orc warrior (Vaults:4) A spriggan skeleton (Geh:7) 6 ball lightnings (Pan) 2 orcs (Orc:1 Vaults:4) A briar patch (Abyss:4) 13 fungi (D:5 Lair:5 Lair:6 Elf:1) 23 plants (Lair:1 Lair:3 Lair:5 Lair:6 Depths:1) 4 starspawn tentacles (Abyss:1) 7 tentacles (Coc:4) 10 toadstools (D:5) 106 creatures vanquished. Grand Total: 3979 creatures vanquished Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | EthnicCake the Deep Dwarf Fighter began the quest for the | Orb. 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 20/20 MP: 1/1 66 | D:1 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 22/27 MP: 2/2 850 | D:1 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 17/33 MP: 3/3 995 | D:2 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 34/40 MP: 3/3 1115 | D:2 | Reached skill level 5 in Axes 1738 | D:3 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 20/46 MP: 4/4 2079 | D:4 | Noticed an ogre 2148 | D:4 | Killed an ogre 2148 | D:4 | Reached XP level 6. HP: 56/56 MP: 4/4 2176 | D:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon 2205 | D:5 | Reached skill level 4 in Armour 2341 | D:5 | Reached XP level 7. HP: 60/62 MP: 5/5 2538 | D:5 | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru. 2541 | D:5 | Found an opulent altar of Gozag. 2564 | D:5 | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin. 2564 | D:5 | Found a deep blue altar of Sif Muna. 2567 | D:5 | Found a shadowy altar of Dithmenos. 3291 | D:6 | Reached skill level 5 in Shields 3291 | D:6 | Reached XP level 8. HP: 58/72 MP: 5/5 3384 | D:6 | Reached skill level 5 in Armour 3508 | D:6 | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple. 3541 | Temple | Entered the Ecumenical Temple 3574 | Temple | Became a worshipper of Makhleb the Destroyer 3933 | D:4 | Reached skill level 6 in Armour 4428 | D:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting 5073 | D:7 | Gained mutation: You passively map the area around you. | [Deep Dwarf growth] 5073 | D:7 | Reached XP level 9. HP: 44/81 MP: 5/5 5201 | D:7 | Reached skill level 1 in Invocations 5241 | D:7 | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha. 5281 | D:7 | Reached * piety under Makhleb 5409 | D:7 | Reached skill level 10 in Axes 5835 | D:8 | Noticed Maurice 5840 | D:8 | Noticed Maurice 5840 | D:8 | Maurice changed into Maurice the scorpion 5847 | D:8 | Killed Maurice the scorpion 5920 | D:8 | You fall through a shaft for 3 floors! 5951 | D:11 | Noticed a death knight 5973 | D:10 | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon 6003 | D:9 | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines. 6230 | D:8 | Reached skill level 7 in Armour 6255 | D:8 | Reached ** piety under Makhleb 6858 | D:9 | Reached XP level 10. HP: 49/91 MP: 8/8 7253 | D:9 | Found a shattered altar of Ashenzari. 7313 | D:9 | Found a staircase to the Lair. 7719 | D:10 | Noticed a gargoyle 7732 | D:10 | Killed a gargoyle 8208 | Lair:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts 8258 | Lair:1 | Reached skill level 5 in Invocations 8272 | Lair:1 | Reached *** piety under Makhleb 8401 | Lair:1 | Noticed an oklob plant 8401 | Lair:1 | Noticed an oklob plant 8401 | Lair:1 | Noticed an oklob plant 8467 | Lair:1 | Noticed a spiny frog 8479 | Lair:1 | Killed a spiny frog 8479 | Lair:1 | Reached skill level 8 in Armour 8595 | Lair:1 | Reached XP level 11. HP: 56/99 MP: 8/8 9214 | Lair:2 | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru. 9425 | Lair:2 | Reached **** piety under Makhleb 10047 | Lair:3 | Found a runed gate. 10048 | Lair:3 | Noticed a 13-headed hydra 10048 | Lair:3 | Noticed a nine-headed hydra 10048 | Lair:3 | Noticed Dooggoeq's ghost (journeyman GnFi) 10050 | Lair:3 | Found a runed gate. 10050 | Lair:3 | Found a runed gate. 10146 | Lair:3 | Reached skill level 9 in Armour 10917 | Lair:4 | Reached XP level 12. HP: 77/110 MP: 11/11 10998 | Lair:4 | Noticed a four-headed hydra 11002 | Lair:4 | Killed a one-headed hydra 11188 | Lair:4 | Found a staircase to the Swamp. 11258 | Lair:4 | Found a hole to the Spider Nest. 11768 | Lair:5 | Noticed a five-headed hydra 11788 | Lair:5 | Killed a one-headed hydra 11915 | Lair:5 | Noticed a six-headed hydra 11926 | Lair:5 | Killed a two-headed hydra 11952 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 10 in Armour 11952 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 10 in Shields 12037 | Lair:5 | Noticed a four-headed hydra 12045 | Lair:5 | Killed a one-headed hydra 12384 | Lair:5 | Reached ***** piety under Makhleb 12541 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 10 in Invocations 12836 | Lair:6 | Entered Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts 12936 | Lair:6 | Reached XP level 13. HP: 99/120 MP: 13/13 13276 | Lair:6 | Reached skill level 15 in Axes 13585 | Lair:6 | Reached skill level 1 in Dodging 13613 | Lair:6 | Reached skill level 11 in Armour 13680 | Lair:6 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 13680 | Lair:6 | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits. 14294 | D:11 | Noticed Harold 14294 | D:11 | Noticed Erolcha 14366 | D:11 | Killed Erolcha 14368 | D:11 | Noticed Snorg 14377 | D:11 | Killed Snorg 14438 | D:11 | Noticed Urug 14440 | D:11 | Killed Harold 14450 | D:11 | Killed Urug 14570 | D:11 | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh. 14910 | Orc:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines 15022 | Orc:1 | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog. 15106 | Orc:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Evocations 15109 | Orc:1 | Noticed an orc warlord 15116 | Orc:1 | Gained mutation: You resist negative energy. (rN+) [Deep | Dwarf growth] 15116 | Orc:1 | Reached XP level 14. HP: 113/130 MP: 15/15 15117 | Orc:1 | Noticed a balrug 15179 | Orc:1 | Noticed a balrug 15393 | Orc:1 | Killed an orc warlord 15558 | Orc:2 | Entered Level 2 of the Orcish Mines 15558 | Orc:2 | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls. 15702 | Orc:2 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 15805 | Orc:2 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 15958 | Orc:2 | Found Ulass's Food Shoppe. 16041 | Orc:2 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 16097 | Orc:2 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 16125 | Orc:2 | Found Qeriar's Food Emporium. 16172 | Orc:2 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 16172 | Orc:2 | Found Peas's Armour Emporium. 16300 | Orc:2 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 16394 | Orc:2 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 16433 | Orc:2 | Noticed an orc warlord 16438 | Orc:2 | Noticed a balrug 16489 | Orc:2 | HP: 6/130 [balrug/bolt of fire[the player character] (24)] 16730 | Orc:2 | Reached ****** piety under Makhleb 16799 | Orc:2 | Found Ehaext's Antique Armour Boutique. 16800 | Orc:2 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 16806 | Orc:2 | Found Pulyjyvu's Antique Weapon Shop. 17014 | Orc:2 | Bought a runed large shield for 217 gold pieces 17157 | D:12 | Found a flagged portal. 17194 | Bailey | Entered a bailey 17479 | Bailey | Noticed an orc warlord 17502 | Bailey | Killed an orc warlord 17502 | Bailey | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting 17552 | Bailey | Identified a scroll of acquirement 18090 | D:12 | Identified the Disquisition on the Sinister Oath 18273 | D:12 | Reached skill level 5 in Evocations 18294 | D:12 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 127/138 MP: 14/16 18769 | D:13 | Found a gate to the Vaults. 18784 | D:13 | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging 19069 | D:13 | Got a pitted trident 19070 | D:13 | Identified the +3 trident of Valuable Assets {pierce, rF++ | Str+6 Dex-5} (You found it on level 13 of the Dungeon) 19124 | D:13 | Reached skill level 12 in Armour 19512 | D:13 | Found an iron altar of Okawaru. 19546 | D:13 | Identified a +0 pair of boots of running (You found it on | level 13 of the Dungeon) 19549 | D:13 | Got a blackened hat 19560 | D:13 | Identified the +2 hat "Jomifoh" {Str+3} (You found it on | level 13 of the Dungeon) 20311 | D:14 | Noticed Nessos 20317 | D:14 | Killed Nessos 20387 | D:15 | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon 20432 | D:15 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 147/147 MP: 17/17 20864 | D:15 | Found a staircase to the Depths. 20998 | D:15 | Identified the +6 chain mail of Fysm {*Drain Dex+4} (You | found it on level 15 of the Dungeon) 21997 | Swamp:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Swamp 21999 | Swamp:1 | Noticed Jorgrun 22044 | Swamp:1 | Killed Jorgrun 22065 | Swamp:1 | Found a transporter. 22091 | Swamp:1 | Found a transporter. 22679 | Swamp:2 | Identified Roxanne's Incunabulum of the Mountains 22679 | Swamp:2 | Noticed Roxanne 23436 | Swamp:2 | Identified the +7 hand axe of Rammuaqe {chop, rElec rPois | rC++ SInv} (You found it on level 2 of the Swamp) 23668 | Swamp:3 | Found the +7 Kryia's mail coat {PotionHeal*2 rC+} 23700 | Swamp:3 | Paralysed by a hornet for 1 turns 23766 | Swamp:3 | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha. 24219 | Swamp:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Swamp 24332 | Swamp:4 | Reached skill level 13 in Armour 24447 | Swamp:4 | Noticed a thorn hunter 24474 | Swamp:4 | Killed a thorn hunter 24481 | Swamp:4 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 157/157 MP: 19/19 24529 | Swamp:4 | Noticed the 27-headed Lernaean hydra 24694 | Swamp:4 | Killed the 19-headed Lernaean hydra 24855 | Swamp:4 | Got a decaying rune of Zot 24868 | Swamp:4 | Noticed Nikola 24879 | Swamp:4 | Killed Nikola 25728 | Spider:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Spider Nest 26737 | Spider:2 | Reached skill level 14 in Armour 27210 | Spider:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Invocations 27280 | Spider:3 | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging 27433 | Spider:3 | Gained mutation: You passively map a large area around you. | [Deep Dwarf growth] 27433 | Spider:3 | Reached XP level 18. HP: 168/168 MP: 21/21 27713 | Spider:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Spider Nest 28824 | Spider:4 | Noticed Arachne 28850 | Spider:4 | Killed Arachne 29071 | Spider:4 | Got a gossamer rune of Zot 29424 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults 29627 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 15 in Shields 29632 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 15 in Armour 30015 | Vaults:1 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 178/178 MP: 23/23 30385 | Vaults:1 | Identified the cursed +1 chain mail of Cowardice {Str+3 | Dex+2} (You found it on level 1 of the Vaults) 30834 | Vaults:2 | Found a staircase to the Crypt. 31946 | Vaults:3 | Reached skill level 16 in Armour 32049 | Vaults:3 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 190/190 MP: 24/24 33171 | Vaults:4 | Noticed Saint Roka 33192 | Vaults:4 | Killed Saint Roka 34346 | Elf:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls 34501 | Elf:1 | Reached skill level 17 in Armour 34520 | Elf:1 | Identified the Incunabulum of Creative Combat Magic 35257 | Elf:2 | Found Xolagruje's General Store. 35270 | Elf:2 | Bought a potion of might for 60 gold pieces 35270 | Elf:2 | Bought a potion of might for 60 gold pieces 35340 | Elf:2 | Reached XP level 21. HP: 191/200 MP: 26/26 35366 | Elf:2 | Found Xaichucw's Jewellery Shop. 35366 | Elf:2 | Found Sogatott's Gadget Shoppe. 35367 | Elf:2 | Found Saujett's Gadget Shoppe. 35367 | Elf:2 | Noticed Donald 35373 | Elf:2 | Killed Donald 35378 | Elf:2 | Bought a wand of digging (7) for 418 gold pieces 35380 | Elf:2 | Bought a cursed ring of teleportation for 49 gold pieces 35383 | Elf:2 | Bought a wand of clouds (4) for 480 gold pieces 35574 | Elf:2 | Reached skill level 15 in Fighting 35758 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed gate. 35758 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed gate. 35758 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed gate. 35759 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed gate. 35760 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed gate. 36014 | Elf:2 | Gained mutation: Scrolls take you a little longer to read. | [a neqoxec] 36077 | Elf:2 | Noticed Louise 36112 | Elf:2 | Killed Louise 36429 | Elf:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Elven Halls 36596 | Elf:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Dodging 36851 | Elf:3 | Identified the +0 leather armour of Least Resistance {rPois | Int+2} 37210 | Elf:3 | Found Ohorits's Magic Scroll Boutique. 37221 | Elf:3 | Reached skill level 18 in Armour 37345 | Elf:3 | Identified the +6 battleaxe "Nein" {freeze, Dex+3} 37345 | Elf:3 | Identified the amulet "Dirchu Navous" {Spirit Str+2} 37657 | Elf:3 | Bought a scroll of fear for 56 gold pieces 37657 | Elf:3 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 48 gold pieces 37657 | Elf:3 | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 56 gold pieces 37657 | Elf:3 | Bought a scroll of fog for 32 gold pieces 37657 | Elf:3 | Bought a scroll of fog for 32 gold pieces 37703 | Elf:2 | Bought a wand of digging (6) for 400 gold pieces 37895 | Lair:1 | Got a heavily runed diamond amulet 37898 | Lair:1 | Identified the amulet "Quqapulo" {Acrobat rElec Str+6 Int-4 | Stlth+} (You acquired it on level 1 of the Lair of Beasts) 38082 | Lair:3 | Killed Dooggoeq's ghost 38303 | Depths:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Depths 38517 | Depths:1 | Reached XP level 22. HP: 212/212 MP: 27/27 38575 | Depths:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Maces & Flails 38627 | Depths:1 | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss. 38632 | Depths:1 | Noticed Sojobo 38734 | Depths:1 | Killed Sojobo 38839 | Depths:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 39016 | Depths:1 | Found a runed door. 39427 | Depths:2 | You fall through a shaft for 2 floors! 39517 | Depths:4 | Noticed Margery 39544 | Depths:4 | Killed Margery 39716 | Depths:4 | Noticed Frederick 39727 | Depths:4 | Killed Frederick 39857 | Depths:4 | Gained mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [a shining eye] 39863 | Depths:4 | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, | but a little less powerful. [a shining eye] 39867 | Depths:4 | Gained mutation: You are weak. (Str -2) [a shining eye] 40142 | Depths:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Maces & Flails 40220 | Depths:4 | Reached skill level 19 in Armour 40321 | Depths:4 | Noticed a golden dragon 40333 | Depths:4 | Killed a golden dragon 40465 | Depths:4 | Noticed a caustic shrike 40487 | Depths:4 | Killed a caustic shrike 40613 | Depths:4 | Identified the Catalogue of the Rocks 40651 | Depths:4 | Identified the +1 chain mail "Foyconue" {*Contam rF++} (You | found it on level 4 of the Depths) 40767 | Depths:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Depths 40962 | Depths:5 | Found a gateway to a ziggurat. 40995 | Depths:5 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 222/222 MP: 28/28 41229 | Depths:5 | Found a gate to the Realm of Zot. 41406 | Depths:5 | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink 41848 | Depths:3 | Reached skill level 1 in Translocations 41894 | Depths:3 | Reached skill level 1 in Spellcasting 42184 | Depths:3 | Found a radiant altar of Vehumet. 42184 | Depths:3 | Noticed Boris 42206 | Depths:3 | Killed Boris 42535 | Depths:3 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. 43128 | Depths:2 | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas. 43342 | Depths:2 | Found a runed door. 43482 | Depths:2 | Reached skill level 5 in Translocations 43482 | Depths:2 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 229/234 MP: 28/28 43775 | Depths:2 | Noticed a juggernaut 43790 | Depths:2 | Killed a juggernaut 43790 | Depths:2 | Reached skill level 20 in Armour 43809 | Depths:2 | Identified the amulet "Kacaloj" {+Inv rF+++ Regen+ Str-3 | Stlth+} 43872 | Depths:2 | Identified the ring "Zoum Vyo" {*Contam rN+ AC+4 Str+7 | SInv} 44036 | Depths:2 | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting 44274 | Depths:2 | Found a runed door. 44426 | Depths:2 | Found the +1 cloak of Starlight {rElec rC+ EV+4 Stlth--} 44440 | Depths:2 | Found a runed door. 44665 | Depths:2 | Found the +6 Majin-Bo {vamp, Archmagi MP+6 Int+6} 44916 | Depths:2 | Found a runed door. 44957 | Depths:2 | Reached skill level 10 in Maces & Flails 45295 | Lair:1 | Gained mutation: Scrolls take you longer to read. | [mutagenic glow] 45351 | Lair:1 | Gained mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably at | your foes. [mutagenic glow] 45532 | Lair:1 | Cast into level 4 of the Abyss (a distortion unwield) 45621 | Abyss:4 | Got an abyssal rune of Zot 45626 | Abyss:4 | Paralysed by accursed screaming for 1 turns 45629 | Lair:1 | Escaped the Abyss 45633 | Lair:1 | ~~abyssal rune in under 200 turns 45633 | Lair:1 | ~~definitely worth the distortion risk 45814 | Slime:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Pits of Slime 46441 | Slime:3 | Gained mutation: Your spells are easier to cast, but less | powerful. [a shining eye] 46443 | Slime:3 | Reached XP level 25. HP: 236/244 MP: 26/28 46466 | Slime:3 | Gained mutation: You are dopey. (Int -2) [a shining eye] 46513 | Slime:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Pits of Slime 46549 | Slime:5 | Noticed the Royal Jelly 46561 | Slime:5 | Killed the Royal Jelly 46566 | Slime:5 | Reached skill level 10 in Translocations 46607 | Slime:5 | Found the +12 Vampire's Tooth {vamp} 46614 | Slime:5 | Identified Sif Muna's Tome of Changing and Summoning 46646 | Slime:5 | Got a slimy rune of Zot 46742 | Slime:5 | Identified the +10 plate armour of the Arcane {*Drain | Regen+ Str-2 SInv} (You found it on level 5 of the Pits of | Slime) 47185 | Elf:2 | Bought a wand of digging (4) for 320 gold pieces 47185 | Elf:2 | Bought a wand of iceblast (12) for 320 gold pieces 47187 | Elf:2 | Bought the ring of Zin's Hope {rC+++ MP+9 Str+3 Dex-5 | Stlth+} for 666 gold pieces 47189 | Elf:2 | Bought a phantom mirror for 570 gold pieces 47235 | Elf:3 | Bought a scroll of acquirement for 832 gold pieces 47241 | Elf:3 | Identified the +3 shield "Enkorow" {rN++ Dex-4 Slay+3} (You | acquired it on level 3 of the Elven Halls) 47512 | Hell | Entered the Vestibule of Hell 47512 | Hell | Noticed Geryon 47514 | Hell | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is low. (-10% MP) [a | cacodemon] 47519 | Hell | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon | taking damage. [a cacodemon] 47618 | Hell | Found a gateway to the freezing wastes of Cocytus. 47774 | Hell | Killed Geryon 47780 | Hell | Learned a level 3 spell: Lesser Beckoning 47798 | Hell | Found a gateway to the ashen valley of Gehenna. 47879 | Hell | Found a gateway to the decaying netherworld of Tartarus. 48006 | Hell | Found a gateway to the Iron City of Dis. 48191 | Hell | Learned a level 4 spell: Passage of Golubria 48219 | Geh:1 | Entered Level 1 of Gehenna 48399 | Geh:5 | You fall through a shaft! 48434 | Geh:7 | Entered Level 7 of Gehenna 48599 | Geh:7 | Noticed the Serpent of Hell 48622 | Geh:7 | Killed the Serpent of Hell 48813 | Geh:7 | Identified the +7 sceptre of Asmodeus 48813 | Geh:7 | Noticed Asmodeus 48857 | Geh:7 | Killed Asmodeus 48857 | Geh:7 | Reached XP level 26. HP: 136/256 MP: 24/24 48871 | Geh:7 | Got an obsidian rune of Zot 49473 | Coc:1 | Entered Level 1 of Cocytus 50016 | Coc:4 | You fall through a shaft for 2 floors! 50124 | Coc:7 | Entered Level 7 of Cocytus 50590 | Coc:7 | Noticed Antaeus 50621 | Coc:7 | Killed Antaeus 50672 | Coc:7 | Reached XP level 27. HP: 175/268 MP: 21/21 50733 | Coc:7 | Identified the +3 morningstar of Responsibility {crush, | *Rage rPois Str+4} (You found it on level 7 of Cocytus) 50734 | Coc:7 | Got an icy rune of Zot 50743 | Coc:7 | Identified Tatasok's Disquisition on Moulding and | Conjuration 50861 | Tar:1 | Entered Level 1 of Tartarus 51336 | Tar:4 | Reached skill level 21 in Armour 51409 | Tar:4 | You fall through a shaft for 2 floors! 51414 | Tar:7 | Entered Level 7 of Tartarus 51630 | Tar:7 | Gained mutation: Potions are less effective at restoring | your health. [mutagenic glow] 51658 | Tar:7 | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely | shaped body. [mutagenic glow] 51710 | Tar:7 | Noticed Ereshkigal 51808 | Tar:7 | Killed Ereshkigal 51858 | Tar:7 | Got a bone rune of Zot 51940 | Dis:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Iron City of Dis 52202 | Dis:5 | You fall through a shaft! 52231 | Dis:6 | You fall through a shaft! 52231 | Dis:7 | Entered Level 7 of the Iron City of Dis 52763 | Dis:7 | Gained mutation: Your body often deteriorates upon taking | damage. [a cacodemon] 52777 | Dis:7 | Identified the +3 war axe "Hydrabane" {chop, rPois rF+ | SInv} (You found it on level 7 of the Iron City of Dis) 52796 | Dis:7 | Identified the +4 staff of Dispater 52796 | Dis:7 | Noticed Dispater 52844 | Dis:7 | Killed Dispater 52847 | Dis:7 | Reached skill level 10 in Spellcasting 52916 | Dis:7 | Got an iron rune of Zot 53140 | Pan | Entered the realm of Gloorx Vloq. 53140 | Pan | Entered Pandemonium 53334 | Pan | Noticed Gloorx Vloq 53430 | Pan | Reached skill level 22 in Armour 53446 | Pan | Killed Gloorx Vloq 53504 | Pan | Got a dark rune of Zot 53574 | Pan | Gained mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat. [a | cacodemon] 53580 | Pan | Lost mutation: Your body often deteriorates upon taking | damage. [a cacodemon] 53584 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is very low. (-20% | MP) [a cacodemon] 53599 | Pan | Lost mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat. | [potion of mutation] 53599 | Pan | Lost mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking | damage. [potion of mutation] 53599 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are weak. (Str -2) [potion of mutation] 53599 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in rugged brown | scales. (AC +1, +3% HP) [potion of mutation] 53675 | Pan | Noticed Nohait the pandemonium lord 53709 | Pan | Killed Nohait the pandemonium lord 53756 | Pan | Found a runed door. 53782 | Pan | Got a demonic rune of Zot 53861 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 53904 | Pan | Entered the realm of Mnoleg. 53943 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [a neqoxec] 54016 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon | taking damage. [a cacodemon] 54027 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your body often deteriorates upon taking | damage. [a cacodemon] 54055 | Pan | Gained mutation: You sometimes yell uncontrollably at your | foes. [a neqoxec] 54078 | Pan | Noticed Mnoleg 54096 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your spells are much easier to cast, but | much less powerful. [a neqoxec] 54097 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are weak. (Str -2) [a cacodemon] 54108 | Pan | Gained mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat. [a | cacodemon] 54153 | Pan | Killed Mnoleg 54219 | Pan | Got a glowing rune of Zot 54255 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are dopey. (Int -2) [potion of mutation] 54255 | Pan | Lost mutation: Your magical capacity is very low. (-20% MP) | [potion of mutation] 54255 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are somewhat resistant to further | mutation. [potion of mutation] 54279 | Pan | Lost mutation: Your magical capacity is low. (-10% MP) | [potion of mutation] 54279 | Pan | Lost mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely shaped | body. [potion of mutation] 54279 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are somewhat resistant to further | mutation. [potion of mutation] 54279 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are robust. (+10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 54728 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 54743 | Pan | Entered the realm of Cerebov. 54806 | Pan | Identified the +6 sword of Cerebov {flame} 54806 | Pan | Noticed Cerebov 54846 | Pan | Killed Cerebov 55021 | Pan | Identified the +0 plate armour of Muttered Phrases {+Blink | MR++} (You found it in Pandemonium) 55110 | Pan | Got a fiery rune of Zot 55157 | Pan | Reached skill level 1 in Summonings 55257 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 55264 | Pan | Entered the realm of Lom Lobon. 55553 | Pan | Reached skill level 23 in Armour 55576 | Pan | Noticed Lom Lobon 55643 | Pan | Killed Lom Lobon 55685 | Pan | Got a magical rune of Zot 56045 | Pan | Reached skill level 5 in Summonings 56302 | Pan | Noticed Loeniud the pandemonium lord 56330 | Pan | Killed Loeniud the pandemonium lord 56368 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 56378 | Pan | Took an exit into the Abyss. 56378 | Abyss:1 | Escaped into the Abyss 56589 | Depths:3 | Escaped the Abyss 56660 | Hell | Learned a level 1 spell: Summon Butterflies 56666 | Hell | Learned a level 5 spell: Summon Mana Viper 56671 | Hell | Learned a level 4 spell: Summon Lightning Spire 56926 | Vaults:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Vaults 57263 | Vaults:5 | Reached skill level 10 in Summonings 57406 | Vaults:5 | Got a silver rune of Zot 57608 | Vaults:5 | Reached skill level 1 in Hexes 58315 | Crypt:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt 58319 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58319 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58319 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58319 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58321 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58321 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58423 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58423 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58501 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58501 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58501 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58503 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58527 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58528 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58528 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58529 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58529 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58530 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58531 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58535 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58535 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58546 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58546 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58546 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58547 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58548 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58559 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58559 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58559 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58559 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58560 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58561 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58569 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58569 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58569 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 58569 | Crypt:1 | Found a huge runed gate. 59508 | Crypt:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Crypt 59777 | Crypt:3 | Noticed Khufu 59778 | Crypt:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 59778 | Crypt:3 | Reached skill level 5 in Hexes 59791 | Crypt:3 | Killed a greater mummy 59797 | Crypt:3 | Killed Khufu 59797 | Crypt:3 | Reached skill level 24 in Armour 59827 | Crypt:3 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 59827 | Crypt:3 | Noticed an ancient lich 59836 | Crypt:3 | Killed an ancient lich 59883 | Crypt:3 | Learned a level 2 spell: Swiftness 59955 | Crypt:3 | Reached skill level 1 in Charms 60010 | Crypt:3 | Reached skill level 1 in Air Magic 60066 | Crypt:3 | Found a staircase to the Tomb. 60448 | Tomb:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Tomb of the Ancients 60995 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 60995 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 61010 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 61024 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 61133 | Tomb:1 | Identified the +8 scale mail "Plog" {rPois MR- Slay+5 SInv | Stlth+} (You found it on level 1 of the Tomb of the | Ancients) 61350 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a greater mummy 61350 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a greater mummy 61364 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a greater mummy 61366 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a greater mummy 61378 | Tomb:2 | Killed a greater mummy 61386 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 61520 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a greater mummy 61686 | Tomb:2 | Killed a greater mummy 61737 | Tomb:2 | Killed a greater mummy 61744 | Tomb:2 | Killed a greater mummy 62279 | Tomb:2 | Lost mutation: Scrolls take you longer to read. [potion of | mutation] 62279 | Tomb:2 | Lost mutation: Your body often deteriorates upon taking | damage. [potion of mutation] 62279 | Tomb:2 | Lost mutation: You are robust. (+10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 62279 | Tomb:2 | Lost mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat. | [potion of mutation] 62279 | Tomb:2 | Gained mutation: You expend magic power (3 MP) to | strengthen your wands. [potion of mutation] 62333 | Tomb:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients 62359 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 62378 | Tomb:3 | Found the +10 zealot's sword {holy, *Rage rN+ EV+3} 62384 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 62403 | Tomb:2 | Killed a greater mummy 62425 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 62425 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 62425 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 62426 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 62427 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 62446 | Tomb:3 | Got a golden rune of Zot 62460 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 62467 | Tomb:3 | Found the +10 morningstar "Eos" {elec, Halo rElec} 62989 | Zot:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot 63254 | Zot:2 | Reached skill level 25 in Armour 63348 | Zot:3 | Noticed an orb of fire 63352 | Zot:3 | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is low. (-10% MP) | [an orb of fire] 63358 | Zot:3 | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely | shaped body. [an orb of fire] 63364 | Zot:3 | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is very low. (-20% | MP) [an orb of fire] 63368 | Zot:3 | Gained mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [an orb of fire] 63387 | Zot:3 | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [an orb of fire] 63393 | Zot:3 | Killed an orb of fire 63393 | Zot:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Spellcasting 63644 | Zot:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot 63708 | Zot:5 | ~~door on zot hall 64200 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 64213 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 64289 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 64294 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 64307 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You are dopey. (Int -2) [an orb of fire] 64323 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 64329 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 64670 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 64683 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 64692 | Zot:5 | Reached skill level 26 in Armour 64725 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 64736 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 64760 | Zot:5 | Got the Orb of Zot 64772 | Zot:4 | Noticed Xeul the pandemonium lord 65391 | D:$ | Escaped with the Orb! Vault maps used: D:1: ncdulo_lavacross D:2: wad_pebble_path D:4: first_ration D:5: cheibrodos_fertilizer, nicolae_overflow_hidden_temple, dk_noncrumbling_2 D:6: nicolae_whirlpool, minmay_temple_entry_arrows, chequers_garden D:7: lemuel_doored_altar D:8: uniq_maurice D:9: grunt_lair_entry_orc_guard_hut, orc_0_dummy, basic_altar, st_stairs_13, kennysheep_small_spiral D:10: grunt_pizzeria D:11: minmay_curly_fans, basic_altar, uniq_harold, uniq_urug, uniq_erolcha, uniq_snorg D:12: enter_bailey_2, serial_bayou_pond_b, kennysheep_flooded_box D:13: evilmike_iron_armoury, grunt_vaults_entry_tiered D:14: minmay_misc_feat_columns, uniq_nessos D:15: hangedman_depths_entry_try_elsewhere_first, minmay_misc_feat_enclosed Temple: nicolae_temple_elliptical Lair:1: grunt_megastairs_4, minmay_lair_oklob_chamber Lair:2: basic_altar Lair:3: gammafunk_ghost_hydra_chop Lair:4: swamp_mist, nicolae_spider_entry_orb_guardian Lair:5: beast_lair_carwin_8 Lair:6: gammafunk_lair_ancient_temple, slime_altar_1 Swamp:1: gammafunk_the_bubble, evilmike_swamp_ruin_house_2, uniq_jorgrun Swamp:2: evilmike_swamp_ruin_house_3, uniq_roxanne Swamp:3: lemuel_altar_in_water Swamp:4: swamp_alternative, uniq_nikola Spider:1: spider_trap, einodemon_crawler_minivault Spider:4: johnstein_spider_rune_arachne_lair Slime:1: cheibrodos_slime_lost_civilization_5 Orc:1: trog_hazing_becter Orc:2: grunt_orc_community_town_hall, grunt_orc_community_big_house_2, grunt_orc_community_big_house_1, grunt_orc_community_house_1, grunt_orc_community_house_3, grunt_orc_community_house_3, grunt_orc_community_house_3, grunt_orc_community_house_3, grunt_orc_community_house_2, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_stone Elf:1: elf_arrival_002, minmay_elf_sorcery Elf:2: serial_shops, nicolae_shop_competitors_out_of_business, minmay_shop_grove, uniq_donald, uniq_louise Elf:3: grunt_elf_hall_branching, serial_shops, shop Vaults:1: nicolae_vaults_network_square, v_misc_29, ontoclasm_vaults_chip, v_rooms_5, hangedman_vaults_snaps, nicolae_vaults_windows_and_doors_thing, vaults_room_large_hall, nicolae_vaults_know_your_exits, v_misc_14, vaults_dpeg_doors, hangedman_vaults_stretched_pinwheel, vaults_dpeg_diagonal, ontoclasm_vaults_decontamination Vaults:2: v_misc_19, hangedman_vaults_impose, vaults_room_octagon, ontoclasm_vaults_gateway, v_misc_15, vaults_room_large_hall, v_misc_16, v_alt_pattern_2, grunt_vaults_hallway_short, hangedman_vaults_corner_blocks, vaults_room_ringed_pool, st_more_cells, minmay_crypt_entry_simple_box Vaults:3: vaults_dpeg_ring, ontoclasm_vaults_misaligned, hangedman_vaults_capsules, grunt_vaults_twisty, ontoclasm_vaults_ring_large, v_misc_8, v_misc_12, v_pattern_5, v_misc_27, v_misc_24, vaults_room_stairs_pillars Vaults:4: v_misc_17, v_misc_29, ontoclasm_vaults_shuriken, v_misc_28, ontoclasm_vaults_eye, nicolae_vaults_little_ls, nicolae_vaults_network_quincunx, nicolae_vaults_quadrants, v_misc_22, ontoclasm_vaults_ligature, v_alt_pattern_1, nicolae_vaults_diagonal_hallway_7, uniq_saint_roka Crypt:1: door_vault Crypt:3: cryptofortress_bobbens, uniq_khufu Depths:1: hangedman_tar_grid_catacomb, abyss_entry_small_statue_room, serial_bayou_lagoon_a, wad_hexagon, uniq_sojobo Depths:2: minmay_the_grid_ultimate, pan_entry, hell_entry Depths:3: evilmike_halls_of_destruction, grunt_mini_vestibule, pan_entry, minmay_splitting_lines, infiniplex_staircase_spiral Depths:4: minmay_swirls_squares, hell_entry, minmay_room_of_horrors, infiniplex_staircase_diamond, uniq_margery, uniq_frederick Depths:5: grunt_zot_entry_funnels, enter_ziggurat_f, abyss_entry, hell_entry, nrook_campfire Dis:2: door_vault Dis:4: lightli_tower_of_babel, hangedman_dis_decor_tower Dis:5: hangedman_dis_chains, grunt_dis_stairs_iron_hall Dis:7: iron_city_of_dis, nicolae_dis_strange_trophy_room Geh:7: geh_grunt_pentagon Coc:2: serial_ice Coc:7: coc_hangedman Tar:1: grunt_megastairs_3 Tar:3: nicolae_tar_cuneiform_bread Tar:4: nicolae_tar_cuneiform_city Tar:7: tar_mu Zot:1: st_large_dragon_hoard_2 Zot:2: hangedman_orp_of_zott Zot:4: kennysheep_six_static_rooms Abyss:4: grunt_abyss_rune_forest_and_sorcery Pan: gloorx_vloq_st, regret_index_pan_draining_boxed, pan_blood_fountain_2, pan_blood_fountain_small, nicolae_pan_sigil_nadil, nicolae_pan_sick_transit, evilmike_mini_pan_doors_b, pan_captured_pigsty, rand_demon_9, evilmike_mnoleg_eyes, pan_blood_fountain_small, grunt_pan_pentagram, evilmike_mini_pan_doors, pan_blood_fountain_small, grunt_pan_pentagram, uniq_mennas_pan, evilmike_mini_pan_branches, cerebov, reaverb_pan_chaos_star, evilmike_mini_pan_doors_b, lom_lobon_spiral_st, grunt_pan_frozen_over, pan_blood_fountain_small, pan_blood_fountain, evilmike_mini_pan_T, nicolae_pan_lom_lobonic_1, evilmike_mini_pan_possible_glass, pan_blood_fountain_small, rand_demon_4, rand_demon_2 Bailey: bailey_axe_minmay_hex_keep, bailey Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | ---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----- Axes | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 | 18.0 Fighting | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 | 24.2 Armour | 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 26 | 26.2 Shields | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 25 | 25.0 Invocations | 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 | 18.0 Dodging | 3 4 5 7 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 24 | 24.5 Evocations | 1 6 8 | 8.0 Maces & Flails | 5 8 10 12 | 12.4 Translocations | 5 9 11 12 | 12.0 Spellcasting | 3 5 7 16 | 16.5 Summonings | 12 | 12.0 Hexes | 8 | 8.0 Charms | 4 | 4.0 Air Magic | 2 | 2.0 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 | 7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-24 | 25-27 || total -------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------++------- Melee: War axe | 104 | 97 | | 673 | 876 | 421 | | | || 2171 Hand axe | | 42 | 472 | 12 | | 40 | 22 | 81 | || 669 Broad axe | | | | | 386 | 1256 | 1706 | 1820 | 2830 || 7998 Eveningstar | | | | | | | 19 | 9 | 2855 || 2883 Fire: Hand crossbow | | | 52 | | | | | | || 52 Throw: Stone | 6 | 2 | 14 | 16 | | | | | || 38 Tomahawk | | | | 5 | | | | | || 5 Javelin | | | | | 6 | | | | || 6 Throwing net | | | | | | | | | 2 || 2 Cast: Blink | | | | | | | | | 5 || 5 Lesser Beckoning | | | | | | | | | 2 || 2 Swiftness | | | | | | | | | 1 || 1 Invok: Minor Destruction | | | | 7 | 10 | 18 | | | 12 || 47 Lesser Servant of | | | | 2 | 3 | | | | || 5 Major Destruction | | | | | 8 | 3 | | 2 | 4 || 17 Greater Servant o | | | | | 9 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 11 || 28 Abil: Heal Wounds | 2 | 4 | 10 | 5 | 12 | 1 | | | 77 || 111 Evoke Flight | | | | | | | | | 3 || 3 Evoke: Wand | | | 6 | 8 | 19 | 5 | 13 | 4 | 26 || 81 Lightning rod | | | | | 8 | | | | || 8 Box of beasts | | | | | 1 | | | | || 1 Phantom mirror | | | | | | | 1 | | || 1 Lamp of fire | | | | | | | | 1 | 7 || 8 Use: Scroll | | 7 | 9 | 13 | 17 | 15 | 14 | 7 | 45 || 127 Potion | | | | | 10 | 8 | 5 | 2 | 64 || 89 Stab: Distracted | | | | 1 | 2 | | 1 | 1 | 4 || 9 Confused | | | | | 1 | | 1 | | || 2 Paralysed | | | | | | | 2 | | || 2 Held in net/web | | | | | | | | | 7 || 7 Eat: Chunk | 1 | 4 | 8 | 20 | 26 | 18 | 22 | 15 | 2 || 116 Ration | | | 2 | | | 4 | 2 | 3 | 20 || 31 Armor: Scale mail | 59 | 4 | | | | 822 | 409 | | || 1294 Chain mail | | 79 | 195 | 281 | 317 | | | | || 872 Plate armour | | | | | 156 | 185 | | | || 341 Pearl dragon scal | | | | | | | 48 | 565 | 2029 || 2642 Acid dragon scale | | | | | | | | 51 | 63 || 114 Dodge: Dodged | 45 | 37 | 78 | 155 | 239 | 659 | 415 | 629 | 2864 || 5121 Block: Shield | 59 | 84 | 228 | 376 | 389 | | | | || 1136 Large shield | | | | | 470 | 2009 | 1428 | 1620 | 7572 || 13099 Table legend: A = Non-vault XP B = Vault XP C = Vault XP percentage of total XP D = Non-vault monster count E = Vault monster count F = Vault count percentage of total count A B C D E F +---------+---------+-------+---------+---------+------- Total | 1208022 | 1595362 | 56.9 | 2333 | 1514 | 39.4 +---------+---------+-------+---------+---------+------- D:1 | 41 | 0 | 0.0 | 24 | 0 | 0.0 D:2 | 173 | 0 | 0.0 | 21 | 0 | 0.0 D:3 | 151 | 0 | 0.0 | 24 | 0 | 0.0 D:4 | 296 | 0 | 0.0 | 9 | 0 | 0.0 D:5 | 472 | 994 | 67.8 | 24 | 13 | 35.1 D:6 | 916 | 348 | 27.5 | 21 | 3 | 12.5 D:7 | 1258 | 0 | 0.0 | 28 | 0 | 0.0 D:8 | 1022 | 67 | 6.2 | 22 | 1 | 4.3 D:9 | 332 | 473 | 58.8 | 4 | 5 | 55.6 D:10 | 1111 | 137 | 11.0 | 24 | 1 | 4.0 D:11 | 1987 | 5674 | 74.1 | 19 | 11 | 36.7 D:12 | 2931 | 1044 | 26.3 | 32 | 3 | 8.6 D:13 | 4421 | 10916 | 71.2 | 27 | 42 | 60.9 D:14 | 7686 | 1315 | 14.6 | 41 | 1 | 2.4 D:15 | 11417 | 2554 | 18.3 | 32 | 4 | 11.1 Lair:1 | 3534 | 3068 | 46.5 | 16 | 9 | 36.0 Lair:2 | 5531 | 0 | 0.0 | 25 | 0 | 0.0 Lair:3 | 868 | 3079 | 78.0 | 3 | 3 | 50.0 Lair:4 | 6251 | 623 | 9.1 | 24 | 1 | 4.0 Lair:5 | 9807 | 2453 | 20.0 | 43 | 8 | 15.7 Lair:6 | 9957 | 8669 | 46.5 | 33 | 26 | 44.1 Swamp:1 | 10586 | 6746 | 38.9 | 31 | 14 | 31.1 Swamp:2 | 10495 | 0 | 0.0 | 27 | 0 | 0.0 Swamp:3 | 12081 | 0 | 0.0 | 32 | 0 | 0.0 Swamp:4 | 14047 | 26636 | 65.5 | 39 | 27 | 40.9 Spider:1 | 8070 | 1364 | 14.5 | 21 | 6 | 22.2 Spider:2 | 16390 | 0 | 0.0 | 43 | 0 | 0.0 Spider:3 | 26685 | 0 | 0.0 | 77 | 0 | 0.0 Spider:4 | 20111 | 26578 | 56.9 | 55 | 42 | 43.3 Slime:1 | 30757 | 0 | 0.0 | 49 | 0 | 0.0 Slime:2 | 3041 | 0 | 0.0 | 4 | 0 | 0.0 Slime:3 | 8516 | 0 | 0.0 | 13 | 0 | 0.0 Slime:4 | 11350 | 0 | 0.0 | 18 | 0 | 0.0 Slime:5 | 3283 | 30120 | 90.2 | 12 | 12 | 50.0 Orc:1 | 2964 | 11 | 0.4 | 29 | 6 | 17.1 Orc:2 | 3833 | 5313 | 58.1 | 37 | 73 | 66.4 Elf:1 | 22770 | 9968 | 30.4 | 36 | 16 | 30.8 Elf:2 | 22837 | 29572 | 56.4 | 35 | 33 | 48.5 Elf:3 | 5998 | 40816 | 87.2 | 11 | 29 | 72.5 Vaults:1 | 25910 | 15626 | 37.6 | 44 | 30 | 40.5 Vaults:2 | 36687 | 13048 | 26.2 | 67 | 17 | 20.2 Vaults:3 | 40783 | 17625 | 30.2 | 71 | 22 | 23.7 Vaults:4 | 37711 | 43981 | 53.8 | 50 | 56 | 52.8 Vaults:5 | 10310 | 118076 | 92.0 | 10 | 79 | 88.8 Crypt:1 | 17304 | 0 | 0.0 | 26 | 0 | 0.0 Crypt:2 | 15934 | 0 | 0.0 | 21 | 0 | 0.0 Crypt:3 | 0 | 80793 | 100.0 | 0 | 90 | 100.0 Tomb:1 | 11613 | 53770 | 82.2 | 30 | 37 | 55.2 Tomb:2 | 9191 | 63363 | 87.3 | 34 | 61 | 64.2 Tomb:3 | 3630 | 4098 | 53.0 | 5 | 10 | 66.7 Depths:1 | 46889 | 16325 | 25.8 | 62 | 9 | 12.7 Depths:2 | 0 | 154595 | 100.0 | 0 | 112 | 100.0 Depths:3 | 26624 | 32720 | 55.1 | 25 | 34 | 57.6 Depths:4 | 26084 | 51053 | 66.2 | 32 | 39 | 54.9 Depths:5 | 34399 | 23987 | 41.1 | 40 | 16 | 28.6 Hell | 9793 | 20796 | 68.0 | 19 | 36 | 65.5 Dis:1 | 3457 | 0 | 0.0 | 14 | 0 | 0.0 Dis:2 | 839 | 0 | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | 0.0 Dis:3 | 1963 | 0 | 0.0 | 5 | 0 | 0.0 Dis:5 | 2198 | 0 | 0.0 | 11 | 0 | 0.0 Dis:6 | 782 | 0 | 0.0 | 2 | 0 | 0.0 Dis:7 | 24390 | 89202 | 78.5 | 38 | 73 | 65.8 Geh:1 | 816 | 0 | 0.0 | 4 | 0 | 0.0 Geh:2 | 2339 | 0 | 0.0 | 10 | 0 | 0.0 Geh:3 | 12192 | 0 | 0.0 | 36 | 0 | 0.0 Geh:5 | 744 | 0 | 0.0 | 2 | 0 | 0.0 Geh:6 | 1776 | 0 | 0.0 | 8 | 0 | 0.0 Geh:7 | 23267 | 61929 | 72.7 | 44 | 36 | 45.0 Coc:1 | 2465 | 0 | 0.0 | 11 | 0 | 0.0 Coc:2 | 18017 | 0 | 0.0 | 35 | 0 | 0.0 Coc:3 | 10247 | 0 | 0.0 | 22 | 0 | 0.0 Coc:4 | 24720 | 0 | 0.0 | 27 | 0 | 0.0 Coc:6 | 6830 | 0 | 0.0 | 10 | 0 | 0.0 Coc:7 | 31651 | 81780 | 72.1 | 57 | 72 | 55.8 Tar:1 | 17690 | 0 | 0.0 | 23 | 0 | 0.0 Tar:2 | 5467 | 0 | 0.0 | 15 | 0 | 0.0 Tar:3 | 2176 | 0 | 0.0 | 4 | 0 | 0.0 Tar:4 | 19345 | 0 | 0.0 | 30 | 0 | 0.0 Tar:7 | 23339 | 46257 | 66.5 | 49 | 29 | 37.2 Zot:1 | 17267 | 0 | 0.0 | 8 | 0 | 0.0 Zot:2 | 68097 | 19844 | 22.6 | 41 | 20 | 32.8 Zot:3 | 13252 | 0 | 0.0 | 5 | 0 | 0.0 Zot:4 | 29856 | 2145 | 6.7 | 20 | 1 | 4.8 Zot:5 | 50455 | 147258 | 74.5 | 31 | 40 | 56.3 Abyss:1 | 10581 | 0 | 0.0 | 10 | 0 | 0.0 Abyss:4 | 0 | 16385 | 100.0 | 0 | 14 | 100.0 Pan | 124966 | 198485 | 61.4 | 159 | 123 | 43.6 Bailey | 0 | 3683 | 100.0 | 0 | 69 | 100.0 +---------+---------+-------+---------+---------+-------