Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.24.1-4-ge52af88ad5 (webtiles) character file. Game seed: 2332659489032230396, levelgen mode: deterministic 1332225 Maud the Sabretooth (level 27, 108/148 HPs) Began as a Felid Berserker on Apr 20, 2020. Was a High Priest of Trog. Escaped with the Orb ... and 3 runes on Apr 22, 2020! The game lasted 14:37:25 (151957 turns). Maud the Sabretooth (Felid Berserker) Turns: 151957, Time: 14:37:26 Health: 108/148 AC: 3 Str: 20 (21) XL: 27 Magic: 42/47 EV: 52 Int: 9 (11) God: Trog [*****.] Gold: 4299 SH: 0 Dex: 37 Spells: 26/26 levels left Lives: 2 Deaths: 1 rFire + + . SeeInvis + - Unarmed rCold + + + Gourm . (shield unavailable) rNeg + . . Faith . (armour unavailable) rPois + Spirit + (helmet unavailable) rElec + Reflect . (cloak unavailable) rCorr + Harm . (gloves unavailable) MR +++++ Rnd*Rage + (boots unavailable) Stlth ++++...... Z - amulet of Iwajola {Spirit rPois Dex+4} HPRegen 0.34/turn T - ring "Tiso" {rElec rF+ rC+ rN+ MP+9} MPRegen 0.30/turn M - ring "Ifa Nien" {MR+ Str+3 Dex+4} @: mighty, agile, resistant, very slightly contaminated, hasted, invisible, very quick A: very small, no armour, no weapons or thrown items, stealth, claws 1, fangs 3, see invisible, berserk 1, carnivore, clumsy 1, deterioration 1, speed 1, sense surroundings 1, poison resistance, shaggy fur 3, slow metabolism 1, MP-powered wands, sharp paws 0: Orb of Zot }: 3/15 runes: barnacled, slimy, gossamer a: Berserk, Trog's Hand, Brothers in Arms, Renounce Religion You escaped. You worshipped Trog. Trog was extremely pleased with you. You were not hungry. You visited 13 branches of the dungeon, and saw 58 of its levels. You visited the Abyss 1 time. You also visited: Ossuary. You collected 8782 gold pieces. You spent 4483 gold pieces at shops. Inventory: Jewellery d - an uncursed ring of resist corrosion o - an uncursed ring of protection from cold s - the ring "Qurahurch" {-Tele rN+ Str+2 Int+7} (You took it off a deep elf demonologist on level 3 of the Elven Halls) [ring of positive energy] It affects your strength (+2). It affects your intelligence (+7). It protects you from negative energy. It prevents most forms of teleportation. K - an uncursed ring of protection from fire M - the ring "Ifa Nien" (right paw) {MR+ Str+3 Dex+4} (You took it off a deep elf annihilator on level 3 of the Elven Halls) [ring of protection from magic] It affects your strength (+3). It affects your dexterity (+4). It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. T - the ring "Tiso" (left paw) {rElec rF+ rC+ rN+ MP+9} (You took it off a vampire mage on level 3 of the Crypt) [ring of positive energy] It protects you from fire. It protects you from cold. It insulates you from electricity. It protects you from negative energy. It affects your magic capacity (+9). Z - the amulet of Iwajola (around neck) {Spirit rPois Dex+4} (You acquired it on level 2 of the Spider Nest) [amulet of guardian spirit] It causes incoming damage to be split between your health and magic. It affects your dexterity (+4). It protects you from poison. Wands h - a wand of flame (20) j - a wand of random effects (109) n - a wand of clouds (7) p - a wand of polymorph (35) r - a wand of scattershot (3) w - a wand of enslavement (6) z - a wand of iceblast (25) B - a wand of disintegration (30) N - a wand of acid (29) Q - a wand of digging (24) V - a wand of paralysis (38) Scrolls b - 7 scrolls of fear c - 34 scrolls of remove curse g - 13 scrolls of immolation i - 9 scrolls of magic mapping l - 7 scrolls of teleportation m - 2 scrolls of blinking q - 4 scrolls of summoning x - 5 scrolls of vulnerability I - 22 scrolls of identify O - 4 scrolls of torment P - 2 scrolls of fog Potions e - 18 potions of curing f - a potion of haste k - 14 potions of agility t - 9 potions of mutation u - 6 potions of lignification D - 7 potions of might E - 4 potions of cancellation F - 12 potions of flight J - 4 potions of berserk rage L - 6 potions of magic R - 3 potions of resistance W - 7 potions of ambrosia X - 9 potions of heal wounds Miscellaneous v - 2 sacks of spiders y - 3 phantom mirrors A - 3 boxes of beasts G - a crystal ball of energy H - a phial of floods S - a lightning rod (4/4) U - a lamp of fire Y - a fan of gales Comestibles a - 57 rations Skills: + Level 26.9 Fighting - Level 26.0 Dodging - Level 21.0 Stealth O Level 27 Unarmed Combat - Level 20.0 Evocations You had 26 spell levels left. You didn't know any spells. Your spell library contained the following spells: Spells Type Power Failure Level Hunger Corona Hex #...... 38% 1 ##..... Ensorcelled Hibernation Hex/Ice #..... 52% 2 ###.... Confuse Hex #....... 77% 3 ####... Dazzling Spray Conj/Hex #..... 77% 3 ####... Tukima's Dance Hex #....... 77% 3 ####... Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (15/15) Temple (1/1) D:7 Lair (6/6) D:8 Shoals (4/4) Lair:4 Spider (4/4) Lair:2 Slime (5/5) Lair:6 Orc (2/2) D:10 Elf (3/3) Orc:2 Vaults (4/5) D:14 Crypt (3/3) Vaults:2 Tomb (1/3) Crypt:3 Depths (5/5) D:15 Zot (5/5) Depths:5 Ossuary (visited) Altars: Ashenzari Cheibriados Dithmenos Elyvilon Fedhas Gozag Hepliaklqana Kikubaaqudgha Makhleb Nemelex Xobeh Okawaru Qazlal Ru Sif Muna Trog Uskayaw Vehumet Wu Jian Xom Yredelemnul Zin The Shining One Beogh Jiyva Shops: D:4 ! D:7 * D:14 * Orc:1 :*=[ Orc:2 *(:[: Elf:1 [(!! Elf:2 ! Shoals:2 ( Shoals:3 ! Vaults:2 [[ Vaults:4 * Portals: Hell: Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Depths:5 Abyss: Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Pandemonium: Depths:3 Ziggurat: Depths:1 Trove: Depths:5 (give 2 scrolls of acquirement) Annotations: Vaults:2 exclusion: door Tomb:1 exclusion: downstairs Zot:4 2 transporters, Byeckin's ghost, legendary HaBe Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You cannot wear armour. You are incapable of wielding weapons or throwing items. Your paws allow you to move quietly. (Stealth) You have sharp claws. You have razor-sharp teeth. You have supernaturally acute eyesight. (SInv) You are carnivorous and can eat meat at any time. You cover ground quickly. Your thick and shaggy fur keeps you warm. (AC +3, rC+) You have a slow metabolism. Your sharp claws are effective at attacking unaware monsters. You tend to lose your temper in combat. You are clumsy. (Dex -2) Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking damage. You passively map a small area around you. Your system is resistant to poisons. (rPois) You expend magic power (3 MP) to strengthen your wands. Message History A blizzard demon comes into view. The blizzard demon gestures at you. The bolt of lightning misses you. There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here. You feel agile all of a sudden. You feel yourself speed up. The blizzard demon waves its arms in wide circles. The air twists around and strikes you!! You feel very mighty all of a sudden. You fade into invisibility! You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic. You feel protected. The blizzard demon completely misses you. x2 Okay, then. You eviscerate the blizzard demon!!! The blizzard demon is severely wounded. You eviscerate the blizzard demon!!! You kill the blizzard demon! Trog accepts your kill. You have escaped! ######## ##......### ##.........## ##....#####..## ##....#.....#..## #....#.......#..## # #...#....@).(.#).# ## #....#.......#..## .# ##.#..#.....#...# .########.##..#####....# ..#.................#.## #....####.###.....###.# ..##..#...# #.........# ####......###.....##### #.####..######## There were no monsters in sight! Vanquished Creatures the Royal Jelly (Slime:5) 3 orbs of fire (Zot:5) 9 ancient liches A greater mummy (Tomb:1) 5 Killer Klowns (Zot:5) 5 caustic shrikes (Depths:4) Bai Suzhen (Spider:2) 6 golden dragons Xtahua (Depths:4) 2 curse toes A bone dragon (Crypt:2) the Enchantress (Depths:2) 4 electric golems 13 tentacled monstrosities The ghost of Deydore the Severer, an adept MiBe of Trog (Vaults:1) 28 Orb Guardians 6 quicksilver dragons Asterion (Elf:3) 6 liches 2 deep elf master archers (Elf:3) 2 deep elf blademasters (Elf:3) 22 acid blobs 11 death cobs An Executioner (Depths:2) 8 sphinxes The ghost of Orphoch the Devastator, an adept DEFE of Vehumet (Shoals:3) 4 ancient champions 6 shadow dragons 4 revenants 6 storm dragons 2 tengu reavers 4 draconian monks Ilsuiw (Shoals:3) 14 azure jellies 3 draconian knights 6 fire giants 2 deep elf sorcerers 5 orc warlords 5 frost giants A balrug (Depths:4) 9 vault wardens 7 ghost moths 3 draconian scorchers (Zot:1) 2 iron dragons A deep elf elementalist (Elf:3) 8 ghouls 4 draconian annihilators 3 curse skulls 5 spriggan defenders 4 draconian shifters 2 reapers (Crypt:2) 16 ironheart preservers 5 emperor scorpions 2 draconian stormcallers A war gargoyle (Vaults:4) 4 entropy weavers 10 vampire knights 8 deep elf demonologists 7 black draconians 17 stone giants 12 very ugly things A lorocyproca (Depths:3) 8 green draconians A bennu (Tomb:1) 6 red draconians 6 yellow draconians 3 white draconians 4 purple draconians (Zot:1) 5 deep elf annihilators A minotaur (Lair:1) The ghost of rrobere the Ogre Mage, a journeyman OgWz of Vehumet (Lair:1) 13 spark wasps 3 eidola 3 merfolk javelineers 5 ettins 4 blizzard demons 7 death oozes (Slime:5) 6 deep elf death magi 7 mummy priests (Tomb:1) 8 deep elf high priests Josephine (D:12) 7 fire dragons 10 merfolk impalers 4 quicksilver dragon skeletons (Crypt:2) 5 jiangshi 11 rakshasas 15 yaktaur captains 11 ice dragons 3 vault guards (Vaults:4) 7 ogre magi 8 hydras 7 spriggan air magi 12 great orbs of eyes 2 merfolk aquamancers Harold (D:8) Erica (D:10) 2 merfolk avatars (Shoals:3) 30 two-headed ogres 11 centaur warriors 34 dancing weapons A death knight (Crypt:1) 4 death scarabs (Tomb:1) 2 satyrs 4 deep troll earth magi 7 deep troll shamans 26 tengu warriors 6 orc high priests 2 alligator snapping turtles 10 spriggan berserkers 3 sun demons (Depths:4) 3 vampire magi 16 deep elf knights Urug (D:11) 5 soul eaters 24 hell knights A fire crab (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3) 5 iron trolls 7 sea snakes A shadow wraith (Vaults:2) 16 skeletal warriors 4 flayed ghosts 2 quicksilver dragon simulacra (Depths:4) An unseen horror (D:15) 23 orc knights 2 unseen horrors (shapeshifter) 16 deep elf archers 2 golden dragon skeletons (Crypt:2) 20 deep trolls An infernal demonspawn (Depths:3) A harpy (shapeshifter) (D:15) 4 glowing orange brains 4 wizards 11 necromancers An obsidian statue (Shoals:3) 13 ironbrand convokers A wolf spider zombie (Crypt:1) 12 phantasmal warriors 46 ugly things 17 orb spiders Pikel (D:5) 26 harpies 4 orc sorcerers 78 deep elf magi 22 moths of wrath A stone giant zombie (Depths:2) A sphinx skeleton (Depths:2) 2 iron dragon skeletons (Crypt:1) 14 manticores 5 shining eyes A tengu skeleton (Vaults:3) 30 wolf spiders 8 cyclopes 3 fauns 2 cyclopes (shapeshifter) 9 merfolk sirens 3 elephants An ice statue (Depths:4) An eye of devastation (shapeshifter) (Depths:5) 8 rust devils (Depths:4) A smoke demon (Depths:2) 8 black mambas 11 vault sentinels 3 fire giant skeletons 8 water nymphs A black mamba (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1) 3 orange demons Maurice (D:9) 4 eyes of devastation A storm dragon simulacrum (Vaults:4) A torpor snail (Spider:2) 3 gargoyles 8 spiny frogs A yaktaur zombie (Vaults:3) A catoblepas zombie (Crypt:2) 12 komodo dragons A komodo dragon (shapeshifter) (Depths:2) 5 kobold demonologists 9 tengu conjurers 2 efreet 38 yaktaurs A spriggan skeleton (Depths:2) 3 rime drakes 6 demonic crawlers 10 freezing wraiths 5 guardian mummies (Tomb:1) 3 ice devils (Depths:4) A yaktaur skeleton (Vaults:3) A hellwing (Depths:2) 3 red devils (Depths:4) A troll (shapeshifter) (Depths:1) 33 jumping spiders 7 trolls 24 merfolk 13 hornets 3 harpy zombies (Shoals:2) A meliai (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1) 3 meliai (D:11) 12 blink frogs A polar bear (Lair:4) Prince Ribbit (D:5) 13 dream sheep A wolf spider simulacrum (Crypt:1) A blink frog (shapeshifter) (D:15) A jumping spider zombie (Crypt:3) A hippogriff (shapeshifter) (D:15) An alligator zombie (Crypt:1) A bog body (Crypt:3) A stone giant simulacrum (Vaults:4) 11 hippogriffs 10 snapping turtles 3 ettin zombies 2 human simulacra 6 wind drakes A fire giant simulacrum (Vaults:3) 132 slime creatures 2 ettin skeletons A fire dragon zombie (Crypt:1) 2 ice dragon zombies 4 flying skulls 9 shadows An ice dragon skeleton (Crypt:1) 2 fire dragon skeletons (Crypt:2) 46 redbacks 6 water elementals An air elemental (Elf:1) 7 spriggans 8 large abominations (Depths:2) 23 tarantellas A guardian serpent skeleton (Crypt:2) 10 ushabtiu (Tomb:1) A basilisk (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1) 9 wyverns 3 fire elementals 4 steam dragons (Lair:6) 12 golden eyes 29 yaks 15 wraiths A hungry ghost (D:12) A yaktaur simulacrum (Vaults:3) 2 vampire mosquitoes (D:13) 6 basilisks 4 neqoxecs 3 chaos spawn (Depths:2) 3 wargs A soldier ant (D:10) A monstrous demonspawn zombie (Crypt:2) Edmund (D:5) An acid dragon (Vaults:1) 6 water moccasins A two-headed ogre zombie (Crypt:1) A water moccasin (shapeshifter) (Vaults:4) 11 hell hounds 2 floating eyes 56 orc warriors 12 porcupines 6 sky beasts 4 slaves (D:5) 4 ettin simulacra An ice beast (shapeshifter) (Depths:4) 2 ice beasts A phantom (D:8) A swamp dragon zombie (Crypt:1) An elf zombie (Vaults:4) 5 eyes of draining 3 black bears A black bear (shapeshifter) (D:15) An alligator simulacrum (Crypt:1) A necrophage (D:13) 27 ogres 35 boggarts 20 centaurs A swamp dragon skeleton (Crypt:3) 24 wolves A tengu (shapeshifter) (Vaults:4) 20 crocodiles A dream sheep skeleton (Crypt:2) 4 big kobolds 2 hippogriff zombies (Shoals:2) 9 bullfrogs A komodo dragon zombie (Crypt:1) 2 wyvern zombies (D:12) 3 human skeletons 2 earth elementals 7 water moccasin zombies (Ossuary) 4 scorpions 2 queen bee zombies A shapeshifter zombie (Crypt:1) 6 killer bees A troll skeleton (Crypt:3) A raiju zombie (Crypt:1) A vampire bat (D:7) 12 wights 6 howler monkeys A spectral bullfrog (D:12) 2 yak skeletons (Crypt:1) 3 electric eels 6 crimson imps 4 lava snakes (Lair:6) 3 bullfrog zombies 2 centaur zombies (D:12) 2 bullfrog skeletons 6 hounds 20 orc priests 8 jellies 7 centaur skeletons 6 iguanas 4 small abominations (Depths:2) 15 orc wizards 17 worker ants A killer bee zombie (Crypt:2) 5 big kobold zombies (Ossuary) A big kobold skeleton (Crypt:3) A hound zombie (D:8) 12 mummies A worker ant zombie (D:5) A gnoll (D:3) A howler monkey skeleton (D:6) 8 adders 2 shadow imps 6 oozes An iguana zombie (Crypt:2) 2 adder skeletons 8 adder zombies An iguana skeleton (Crypt:2) 6 worms 4 leopard geckos 74 orcs 3 ball pythons 3 bat skeletons (D:7) 2 bat zombies (D:7) 6 giant cockroaches 2 gnoll zombies (Ossuary) 4 goblins 5 hobgoblins 8 jackals 6 quokkas A river rat zombie (Crypt:1) 6 bats A frilled lizard (D:3) 6 hobgoblin zombies (Ossuary) A jackal zombie (D:5) 18 kobolds 3 kobold zombies (Ossuary) A leopard gecko skeleton (D:7) 4 orc zombies (Ossuary) A quokka skeleton (D:7) 4 rats A spectral orc (D:6) 2 crawling corpses (Elf:3) 5 plants 2460 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills) 2 ancient liches (Zot:5) 2 orbs of fire Mara (Spider:4) Frederick (Crypt:2) The ghost of jimmypage the Phalangite, an adept MiHu of Okawaru (Vaults:2) Jorgrun (Spider:3) A titan (Depths:4) Roxanne (Spider:4) A deep elf sorcerer (Elf:3) 2 fire giants 2 vault wardens (Vaults:4) Aizul (Spider:2) 2 ironheart preservers 3 bennus (Tomb:1) 2 slime creatures (D:15) A purple draconian (Zot:5) A spark wasp (Spider:4) A deep elf annihilator (Elf:3) An ettin (Depths:4) A deep elf death mage (Elf:3) 2 fire dragons A yaktaur captain (Depths:4) A vault guard (Vaults:4) A merfolk avatar (Shoals:3) 2 hydras 2 ogre magi A hell hog (Spider:3) 2 two-headed ogres (Vaults:2) 4 deep troll shamans 4 death yaks (Lair:6) A deep elf knight (D:11) A storm dragon skeleton (Vaults:3) 4 deep trolls 2 deep elf archers A kraken simulacrum (Shoals:4) An ironbrand convoker (Vaults:4) 2 orc knights (Orc:2) A lindwurm (Lair:6) 3 ugly things 7 orb spiders 8 wolf spiders 2 deep elf magi (Elf:2) A faun (Shoals:1) 2 cyclopes 5 elephants (Lair:6) A moth of wrath (Spider:4) 2 vault sentinels 3 merfolk sirens 2 molten gargoyles (Lair:6) 8 yaktaurs A tengu conjurer (Depths:4) 3 demonic crawlers 2 wind drakes (Shoals:4) A merfolk (Shoals:1) A troll (Orc:2) A hornet (Spider:3) 4 jumping spiders A hippogriff (Lair:6) A dream sheep (Shoals:1) 6 blink frogs A snapping turtle (Shoals:4) 3 tarantellas 8 redbacks A yak (shapeshifter) (Depths:3) 2 basilisks (Lair:6) 2 fire elementals (Spider:2) 3 wargs A floating eye (shapeshifter) (Depths:5) A hell hound (Spider:3) 9 orc warriors An ettin simulacrum (Depths:4) 4 wolves (Lair:6) An electric eel (Spider:2) 2 orc priests (Orc:1) An orc wizard (Vaults:2) 5 orcs A plant (Shoals:3) A tentacle (Shoals:4) 173 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (others) An entropy weaver (Spider:1) A very ugly thing (Depths:1) An ettin (Depths:3) A wolf spider (Spider:4) A moth of wrath (Zot:3) A hornet (Spider:4) A jumping spider (Spider:1) A redback (Spider:1) An orc (Elf:3) 3 bushes (Lair:6) 21 fungi 36 plants 3 tentacles (Shoals:4) 72 creatures vanquished. Grand Total: 2705 creatures vanquished Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | Maud the Felid Berserker began the quest for the Orb. 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 10/10 MP: 2/2 147 | D:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Stealth 901 | D:1 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 13/14 MP: 3/3 1666 | D:2 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 17/17 MP: 4/4 2299 | D:2 | Found an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council. 3168 | D:3 | Reached skill level 4 in Unarmed Combat 3404 | D:3 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 3507 | D:3 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 21/21 MP: 5/5 3778 | D:3 | Reached ** piety under Trog 3785 | D:3 | Found Zin's Purification Station. 3788 | D:3 | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin. 3793 | D:3 | Bought a potion of curing for 90 gold pieces 4840 | D:4 | Found an iron altar of Okawaru. 4875 | D:4 | Found Apaurph's Distillery. 4883 | D:4 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 60 gold pieces 4883 | D:4 | Bought a potion of agility for 48 gold pieces 5296 | D:4 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 25/25 MP: 6/6 5506 | D:4 | Noticed an ogre 5594 | D:4 | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh. 5605 | D:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting 6277 | D:4 | Found a snail-covered altar of Cheibriados. 6518 | D:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon 6677 | D:5 | Noticed Prince Ribbit 6740 | D:5 | Gained mutation: You are covered in thick fur. (AC +2) | [Felid growth] 6740 | D:5 | Reached XP level 6. HP: 23/30 MP: 7/7 6900 | D:5 | Noticed a slave 6901 | D:5 | Found a shattered altar of Ashenzari. 6991 | D:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Unarmed Combat 7393 | D:5 | Killed a slave 7455 | D:5 | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru. 7471 | D:5 | Noticed a slave 7472 | D:5 | Noticed Pikel 7497 | D:5 | Killed a slave 7699 | D:5 | Noticed a slave 7702 | D:5 | Noticed a slave 7748 | D:5 | Killed a slave 7799 | D:5 | Killed a slave 8027 | D:5 | Noticed Edmund 8132 | D:4 | Reached skill level 6 in Unarmed Combat 8275 | D:3 | Reached XP level 7. HP: 33/33 MP: 8/8 8680 | D:3 | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin. 8900 | D:3 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 9710 | D:4 | Bought a potion of mutation for 96 gold pieces 9710 | D:4 | Bought a potion of curing for 36 gold pieces 9778 | D:5 | Killed Edmund 9872 | D:6 | Found a stormy altar of Qazlal. 9968 | D:6 | Reached XP level 8. HP: 40/40 MP: 9/9 10120 | D:6 | Reached skill level 7 in Unarmed Combat 10238 | D:6 | Reached skill level 1 in Evocations 10300 | D:6 | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul. 10307 | D:6 | Reached *** piety under Trog 10789 | D:6 | Found a stormy altar of Qazlal. 11227 | D:7 | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple. 11445 | D:7 | Found Wousoero's Assorted Antiques. 11592 | D:7 | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha. 11720 | D:7 | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh. 11797 | Temple | Entered the Ecumenical Temple 12073 | D:8 | Found a sand-covered staircase. 12099 | Ossuary | Entered an ossuary 12318 | Ossuary | Reached **** piety under Trog 12385 | Ossuary | Reached XP level 9. HP: 29/45 MP: 11/11 12562 | Ossuary | Reached skill level 8 in Unarmed Combat 13140 | D:8 | Found a staircase to the Lair. 13173 | D:8 | Reached skill level 9 in Unarmed Combat 13568 | D:8 | Reached skill level 10 in Unarmed Combat 13910 | D:8 | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting 14648 | D:8 | Noticed Harold 15129 | D:9 | Noticed Maurice 15146 | D:9 | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging 15146 | D:9 | Reached XP level 10. HP: 40/51 MP: 13/13 15589 | D:9 | Reached skill level 5 in Stealth 15911 | D:10 | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon 16400 | D:10 | Reached ***** piety under Trog 16488 | D:10 | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines. 16804 | D:10 | Reached skill level 5 in Evocations 17646 | D:11 | Noticed an orc knight 17646 | D:11 | Noticed a wizard 17647 | D:11 | Noticed a deep elf knight 17863 | D:11 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 17870 | D:11 | a two-headed ogre changed into a floating eye 17874 | D:11 | Paralysed by a floating eye for 3 turns 17998 | D:11 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 18374 | D:11 | Reached XP level 11. HP: 54/54 MP: 17/17 18487 | D:11 | Noticed a wolf spider 18487 | D:11 | a two-headed ogre changed into a wolf spider 18498 | D:11 | Killed a wolf spider 19134 | D:12 | You fall into a shaft and drop 2 floors! 19259 | D:14 | Found a runed translucent door. 19262 | D:14 | Noticed a centaur warrior 19770 | D:11 | Noticed Erica 19777 | D:12 | Reached skill level 11 in Unarmed Combat 19966 | D:12 | Noticed Josephine 20105 | D:12 | Noticed a white ugly thing 20111 | D:12 | Killed a white ugly thing 20411 | D:11 | Killed from afar by a meliai 20412 | D:11 | Reached XP level 10. HP: -3/52 MP: 17/17 20697 | Orc:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines 20720 | Orc:1 | You fall into a shaft and drop 1 floor! 20720 | Orc:2 | Entered Level 2 of the Orcish Mines 20844 | Orc:1 | Found Faytus's Book Shop. 20884 | Orc:1 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 21168 | Orc:1 | Noticed a cyclops 21172 | Orc:1 | Killed a cyclops 21207 | Orc:1 | Found Fupleg's Jewellery Boutique. 21875 | Orc:2 | Noticed an orc high priest 21986 | Orc:1 | Found Izuts's General Store. 22002 | Orc:1 | Found Goarghacw's Antique Armour Shop. 22792 | Orc:2 | Found Girghuqel's Book Shop. 22792 | Orc:2 | Noticed an orc knight 22916 | Lair:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts 23307 | Lair:1 | Reached XP level 11. HP: 57/57 MP: 18/18 23469 | Lair:1 | Noticed a minotaur 23718 | Lair:1 | Noticed rrobere's ghost (journeyman OgWz) 23789 | Lair:1 | Noticed an eight-headed hydra 23808 | Lair:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 23808 | Lair:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 23808 | Lair:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 24401 | Lair:2 | Found a hole to the Spider Nest. 24528 | Lair:2 | Noticed a four-headed hydra 24621 | Lair:2 | Noticed a six-headed hydra 25581 | Lair:2 | Reached skill level 12 in Unarmed Combat 25712 | Lair:2 | Killed a six-headed hydra 25815 | Lair:2 | Killed a four-headed hydra 25889 | Lair:2 | Found a hole to the Spider Nest. 27239 | Lair:2 | Reached skill level 10 in Stealth 27521 | Lair:2 | Found a hole to the Spider Nest. 28419 | Lair:3 | Noticed a seven-headed hydra 28609 | Lair:3 | Gained mutation: Your thick and shaggy fur keeps you warm. | (AC +3, rC+) [Felid growth] 28609 | Lair:3 | Reached XP level 12. HP: 60/61 MP: 18/20 29303 | Lair:4 | Reached ****** piety under Trog 29436 | Lair:4 | Found a staircase to the Shoals. 29585 | Lair:4 | Reached skill level 10 in Evocations 29636 | Lair:4 | Noticed a catoblepas 30097 | Lair:4 | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging 31143 | Lair:5 | Noticed a seven-headed hydra 31550 | Lair:5 | You fall into a shaft and drop 1 floor! 31550 | Lair:6 | Entered Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts 31550 | Lair:6 | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits. 31550 | Lair:6 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 31628 | Lair:6 | Noticed a death yak 31629 | Lair:6 | Noticed a death yak 31629 | Lair:6 | Noticed a death yak 31629 | Lair:6 | Noticed a death yak 32151 | Lair:6 | Found a large runed translucent door. 32151 | Lair:6 | Noticed a fire dragon 32604 | Lair:6 | Reached XP level 13. HP: 54/64 MP: 22/22 34560 | Lair:5 | Noticed Snorg 34630 | Lair:5 | Noticed Snorg 34630 | Lair:5 | Snorg changed into Snorg the moth of wrath 34749 | Lair:5 | Killed Snorg the moth of wrath 35813 | Lair:6 | Found a large runed translucent door. 36329 | Lair:6 | Killed a fire dragon 36714 | D:5 | Killed Prince Ribbit 36872 | D:5 | Found a shattered altar of Ashenzari. 37015 | D:5 | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru. 37320 | D:5 | Killed Pikel 37542 | D:8 | Killed Harold 37758 | D:8 | Found an opulent altar of Gozag. 37909 | D:9 | Killed Maurice 37909 | D:9 | Reached skill level 13 in Unarmed Combat 37986 | Orc:2 | Noticed an orc warlord 38005 | Orc:2 | Killed an orc warlord 38255 | Orc:2 | Found Osooshrue's Book Boutique. 38843 | Orc:2 | Found Ponissir's Antique Armour Emporium. 38851 | Orc:2 | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls. 39313 | Orc:2 | Found Deiwuteaf's General Store. 39562 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of identify for 36 gold pieces 39644 | Orc:2 | Found Sequbiuw's Antique Weapon Boutique. 39737 | Orc:2 | Found Sequbiuw's Antique Weapon Boutique. 39759 | Orc:2 | Found Ponissir's Antique Armour Emporium. 39790 | Orc:2 | Found Girghuqel's Book Shop. 39793 | Orc:2 | Found Osooshrue's Book Boutique. 39916 | Orc:2 | Reached skill level 14 in Unarmed Combat 39916 | Orc:2 | Reached XP level 14. HP: 70/70 MP: 24/24 40043 | Orc:2 | Found Deiwuteaf's General Store. 40294 | Elf:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls 40354 | D:11 | Noticed Urug 40363 | D:10 | Killed Erica 41597 | D:12 | Killed Josephine 44441 | D:14 | Found Pinleh's General Store. 44451 | D:14 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 80 gold pieces 44451 | D:14 | Bought a scroll of identify for 32 gold pieces 44451 | D:14 | Bought a scroll of blinking for 120 gold pieces 44451 | D:14 | Bought a scroll of identify for 32 gold pieces 44451 | D:14 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 48 gold pieces 44451 | D:14 | Bought 2 potions of heal wounds for 160 gold pieces 44568 | D:14 | Found a shadowy altar of Dithmenos. 44662 | D:14 | Found a gate to the Vaults. 45415 | D:14 | Noticed an iron dragon 45585 | D:14 | Found a gate to the Vaults. 45755 | D:14 | Found a shadowy altar of Dithmenos. 45899 | D:14 | Found Pinleh's General Store. 46118 | D:15 | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon 46623 | D:15 | Found an iron altar of Okawaru. 47199 | D:15 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 66/75 MP: 25/25 47420 | D:15 | Found a staircase to the Depths. 48529 | Depths:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Depths 48532 | Depths:1 | Noticed a tengu reaver 48536 | Depths:1 | Noticed a sphinx 48968 | D:11 | Killed Urug 49204 | D:14 | Bought a potion of ambrosia for 128 gold pieces 49309 | Orc:1 | Bought a wand of clouds (4) for 312 gold pieces 49309 | Orc:1 | Bought a potion of agility for 52 gold pieces 49309 | Orc:1 | Bought a potion of berserk rage for 65 gold pieces 49375 | D:7 | Bought a fan of gales for 920 gold pieces 49375 | D:7 | Bought 2 potions of heal wounds for 230 gold pieces 49500 | Spider:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Spider Nest 49501 | Spider:1 | Noticed a ghost moth 49537 | Lair:2 | Killed a ghost moth 52218 | Spider:1 | Reached skill level 15 in Fighting 52366 | Spider:2 | Noticed Aizul 52384 | Spider:2 | Killed Aizul 53199 | Spider:2 | Identified 3 scrolls of acquirement 53787 | Spider:2 | Noticed a ghost moth 53794 | Spider:2 | Killed a ghost moth 54566 | Spider:2 | Got an ancient bone amulet 54568 | Spider:2 | Got a vibrating ivory amulet 54781 | Spider:3 | Noticed Azrael 55414 | Spider:2 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 57/82 MP: 27/27 55536 | Spider:3 | Noticed Jorgrun 56313 | Spider:2 | Identified the amulet of the Spinneret {*Drain +Rage Int+6 | SInv} (You acquired it on level 2 of the Spider Nest) 56448 | Spider:3 | Killed Jorgrun 57010 | Spider:2 | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +2) [potion of | mutation] 57010 | Spider:2 | Gained mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your | head. [potion of mutation] 57606 | Spider:3 | Noticed Azrael 57606 | Spider:3 | Azrael changed into Azrael the hell hog 57626 | Spider:3 | Killed Azrael the hell hog 57642 | Spider:3 | Noticed Bai Suzhen 58152 | Spider:2 | Killed Bai Suzhen 58152 | Spider:2 | Reached skill level 15 in Stealth 58598 | Spider:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Spider Nest 58635 | Spider:4 | Identified the amulet of Iwajola {Spirit rPois Dex+4} (You | acquired it on level 2 of the Spider Nest) 58669 | Spider:4 | Noticed Mara 58671 | Spider:4 | Reached skill level 15 in Dodging 58678 | Spider:4 | Noticed Maud's illusion 58730 | Spider:4 | Killed Mara 58868 | Spider:4 | Noticed Roxanne 61441 | Spider:4 | Reached skill level 15 in Unarmed Combat 61830 | Spider:4 | Got a gossamer rune of Zot 61986 | Spider:4 | Killed Roxanne 62628 | D:14 | Bought a ration for 80 gold pieces 63036 | Lair:1 | Killed rrobere's ghost 65155 | Shoals:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Shoals 65378 | Shoals:1 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 86/86 MP: 28/28 65684 | Shoals:1 | Reached skill level 16 in Unarmed Combat 66948 | Shoals:2 | Found Visuseoq's Antique Weapon Emporium. 68220 | Shoals:2 | Reached skill level 15 in Evocations 69316 | Shoals:3 | Found Derhanac's Distillery. 69328 | Shoals:3 | Bought a potion of lignification for 48 gold pieces 69334 | Shoals:3 | Found a runed translucent gate. 69334 | Shoals:3 | Found a runed translucent gate. 69334 | Shoals:3 | Found a runed translucent gate. 69337 | Shoals:3 | Found an opulent altar of Gozag. 69348 | Shoals:3 | Noticed Orphoch's ghost (adept DEFE) 69374 | Shoals:3 | Noticed Ilsuiw 69824 | Shoals:3 | Killed Ilsuiw 69961 | Shoals:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Shoals 71068 | Shoals:4 | Reached XP level 18. HP: 79/94 MP: 30/30 74011 | Shoals:4 | Got a barnacled rune of Zot 75898 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults 76384 | Vaults:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 76384 | Vaults:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 76384 | Vaults:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 76384 | Vaults:1 | Noticed Deydore's ghost (adept MiBe) 77454 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 17 in Unarmed Combat 77491 | Vaults:1 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 32/97 MP: 32/32 79700 | D:4 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 60 gold pieces 79744 | D:7 | Bought 3 scrolls labeled UTHOTHE ACOALUAQA for 69 gold | pieces 79981 | Shoals:3 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 80 gold pieces 79981 | Shoals:3 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 80 gold pieces 79981 | Shoals:3 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 80 gold pieces 79981 | Shoals:3 | Bought 2 potions of curing for 96 gold pieces 79981 | Shoals:3 | Bought a potion of agility for 64 gold pieces 80336 | Vaults:1 | Identified the +2 morningstar "Adocseth" {speed, rElec | Str+2} 80337 | Vaults:1 | Identified the +9 executioner's axe of the Spider Nest | {holy, +Rage rC+} 80339 | Vaults:1 | Found the +5 robe of Misfortune {*Contam Harm *Corrode | *Drain *Slow EV+5} 80340 | Vaults:1 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 80547 | Vaults:1 | Killed Deydore's ghost 81550 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 18 in Unarmed Combat 81775 | Vaults:1 | Got a warped iron ring 81776 | Vaults:1 | Identified the ring "Faghef" {rElec rN+ Str+2 Int+3} (You | found it on level 1 of the Vaults) 82528 | Vaults:1 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 84719 | Vaults:2 | HP: 5/100 [yaktaur[a yaktaur captain] (17)] 85391 | Vaults:2 | Found a staircase to the Crypt. 85396 | Vaults:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 85396 | Vaults:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 85396 | Vaults:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 85399 | Vaults:2 | Noticed jimmypage's ghost (adept MiHu) 86015 | Vaults:2 | Found Zoemiaf's Armour Emporium. 86080 | Vaults:2 | Found Miehy's Armour Emporium. 86529 | Vaults:2 | Killed jimmypage's ghost 87451 | Vaults:2 | Found a staircase to the Crypt. 87778 | Vaults:2 | Found Zoemiaf's Armour Emporium. 87883 | Vaults:2 | Found Miehy's Armour Emporium. 88613 | Vaults:3 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 97/105 MP: 30/33 92323 | Vaults:3 | Reached skill level 19 in Unarmed Combat 93648 | Vaults:4 | Reached XP level 21. HP: 109/109 MP: 34/34 93945 | Vaults:4 | Reached skill level 20 in Unarmed Combat 94882 | Vaults:4 | Found Kokull's General Store. 96610 | Vaults:4 | Reached skill level 21 in Unarmed Combat 96721 | Vaults:4 | Reached XP level 22. HP: 114/114 MP: 35/35 96894 | Crypt:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt 99394 | Crypt:2 | Noticed Frederick 99404 | Crypt:2 | Killed Frederick 101142 | Crypt:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Crypt 101381 | Crypt:3 | Found a staircase to the Tomb. 101887 | Crypt:3 | Noticed an ancient lich 101890 | Crypt:3 | Killed an ancient lich 101978 | Crypt:3 | Identified the ring "Tiso" {rElec rF+ rC+ rN+ MP+9} 102120 | Crypt:3 | Identified the ring of Huong {rN+ Str+3} 102273 | Crypt:3 | Identified the ring "Ciwiof Bugad" {rN+ Int+3} 102985 | Crypt:3 | Noticed an ancient lich 103065 | Crypt:3 | Got a sparkling bone ring 103085 | Crypt:3 | Killed an ancient lich 103269 | Crypt:3 | Identified the Almanac of Stolen Souls 103320 | Tomb:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Tomb of the Ancients 103472 | Tomb:1 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 120/120 MP: 30/36 104090 | Tomb:1 | Identified the ring of the Snail {Wiz Int+4 Stlth+} (You | found it on level 3 of the Crypt) 105605 | Tomb:1 | Noticed an ancient lich 105719 | Tomb:1 | Killed an ancient lich 105993 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 106098 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 108110 | Shoals:3 | Found Derhanac's Distillery. 108449 | Shoals:3 | Killed Orphoch's ghost 108943 | Elf:1 | Found Pyacw's Antique Weapon Shoppe. 108951 | Elf:1 | Found Vivenk's Distillery. 108955 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of resistance for 160 gold pieces 108955 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of curing for 48 gold pieces 108955 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of curing for 48 gold pieces 109245 | Elf:1 | Found Etiro's Distillery. 109256 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 85 gold pieces 109256 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 85 gold pieces 109774 | Elf:1 | Found Agguwyh's Armour Boutique. 109812 | Elf:1 | Identified the Tome of Creative Battle Magic 110301 | Elf:2 | Found a runed translucent door. 110356 | Elf:2 | Found Limavisi's Distillery. 110426 | Elf:2 | Bought a potion of ambrosia for 152 gold pieces 110426 | Elf:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 57 gold pieces 110426 | Elf:2 | Bought a potion of agility for 76 gold pieces 110426 | Elf:2 | Bought a potion of mutation for 152 gold pieces 110426 | Elf:2 | Bought a potion of ambrosia for 152 gold pieces 110426 | Elf:2 | Bought a potion of haste for 190 gold pieces 110426 | Elf:2 | Bought a potion of might for 76 gold pieces 110931 | Elf:2 | Found a runed translucent door. 111063 | Elf:2 | Found a runed translucent door. 111174 | Elf:2 | Found Limavisi's Distillery. 111616 | Elf:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Elven Halls 113035 | Elf:2 | Reached skill level 22 in Unarmed Combat 113419 | Elf:2 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 122/122 MP: 37/37 113595 | Elf:2 | Found a runed translucent door. 113752 | Elf:2 | Found Limavisi's Distillery. 114306 | Elf:3 | Noticed Asterion 114448 | Elf:3 | Identified the ring "Ifa Nien" {MR+ Str+3 Dex+4} 114971 | Elf:3 | Killed Asterion 115063 | Elf:3 | Identified the +5 falchion of Destruction {pain, rPois MR+ | Stlth+} 115063 | Elf:3 | Identified the +0 robe of the Hills {rF+} 115947 | Elf:3 | Identified the ring "Qurahurch" {-Tele rN+ Str+2 Int+7} 116066 | Elf:3 | Found the +0 sword of Power 116972 | Slime:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Pits of Slime 117484 | Slime:1 | Gained mutation: You are resistant to electric shocks. | (rElec) [a shining eye] 117852 | Slime:1 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 118102 | Slime:2 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 119005 | Slime:2 | Gained mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably at | your foes. [a shining eye] 119988 | Slime:4 | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [a shining eye] 121354 | Slime:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Pits of Slime 122160 | Slime:5 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 122160 | Slime:5 | Noticed the Royal Jelly 122417 | Slime:5 | Found the ring of the Mage {Wiz MR++ Int+3} 122516 | Slime:5 | Killed the Royal Jelly 123651 | Slime:5 | Got an ancient silver ring 123652 | Slime:5 | Identified the ring "Qeacs" {*Tele MR+ Str+2 Int-4 Dex+4} | (You found it on level 5 of the Pits of Slime) 123913 | Slime:5 | Got a slimy rune of Zot 123923 | Slime:5 | Identified Titao's Last Almanac of the Archmage 124219 | Lair:6 | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +2) [potion of | mutation] 124219 | Lair:6 | Gained mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat. | [potion of mutation] 124219 | Lair:6 | Gained mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [potion of | mutation] 124219 | Lair:6 | Gained mutation: You evolve. [potion of mutation] 124219 | Lair:6 | Gained mutation: You passively map a small area around you. | [potion of mutation] 124220 | Lair:6 | Lost mutation: You evolve. [potion of mutation] 124220 | Lair:6 | Lost mutation: You are resistant to electric shocks. | (rElec) [potion of mutation] 124220 | Lair:6 | Lost mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably at | your foes. [potion of mutation] 124220 | Lair:6 | Lost mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 124221 | Lair:6 | Lost mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [potion of | mutation] 124221 | Lair:6 | Lost mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat. | [potion of mutation] 124221 | Lair:6 | Lost mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your head. | [potion of mutation] 124221 | Lair:6 | Lost mutation: You passively map a small area around you. | [potion of mutation] 124221 | Lair:6 | Gained mutation: You expend magic power (3 MP) to | strengthen your wands. [potion of mutation] 124221 | Lair:6 | Gained mutation: You passively map a small area around you. | [potion of mutation] 124221 | Lair:6 | Gained mutation: Your system is resistant to poisons. | (rPois) [potion of mutation] 124673 | Depths:1 | Reached skill level 23 in Unarmed Combat 124677 | Depths:1 | Reached XP level 25. HP: 130/130 MP: 37/37 125558 | Depths:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 126337 | Depths:1 | Found a gateway to a ziggurat. 127906 | Depths:2 | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss. 128481 | Depths:2 | Gained mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat. [a | neqoxec] 128774 | Depths:2 | Found a burning altar of Makhleb. 128813 | Depths:2 | Found a runed translucent door. 128814 | Depths:2 | Found a runed translucent door. 129055 | Depths:2 | Reached skill level 24 in Unarmed Combat 129129 | Depths:3 | Noticed the Enchantress 129572 | Depths:4 | Noticed Xtahua 129577 | Depths:4 | Killed Xtahua 129852 | Depths:4 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 131019 | Depths:4 | Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw. 131075 | Depths:4 | Reached XP level 26. HP: 132/138 MP: 37/37 131616 | Depths:3 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. 132344 | Depths:2 | Killed the Enchantress 133992 | Depths:3 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. 134656 | Depths:4 | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One. 135932 | Depths:4 | Identified the +1 long sword of Courage {slice, *Rage Int+4 | SInv} 135935 | Depths:4 | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh. 136222 | Depths:4 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 136268 | Depths:4 | Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw. 136377 | Depths:4 | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh. 136449 | Depths:4 | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One. 136691 | Depths:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Depths 137256 | Depths:5 | Reached skill level 25 in Unarmed Combat 138193 | Depths:5 | Found a gate to the Realm of Zot. 138552 | Depths:5 | Found a portal to a secret trove of treasure. 139385 | Depths:5 | Found a portal to a secret trove of treasure. 139569 | Depths:5 | Found a gate to the Realm of Zot. 139579 | Zot:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot 139602 | Zot:1 | Reached XP level 27. HP: 144/144 MP: 38/38 142712 | Zot:3 | Noticed an orb of fire 142719 | Zot:3 | Gained mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [an orb of fire] 142728 | Zot:3 | Killed an orb of fire 144154 | Zot:4 | Noticed Byeckin's ghost (legendary HaBe) 144157 | Zot:4 | Noticed an ancient lich 144222 | Zot:4 | Reached skill level 26 in Unarmed Combat 144541 | Zot:4 | Found a transporter. 144567 | Zot:4 | Found a transporter. 144888 | Zot:4 | Identified the +7 dire flail "Poac" {freeze, Int+8} 146098 | Zot:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot 146432 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 146444 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 147237 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 147245 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon | taking damage. [an orb of fire] 147259 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 147525 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 147549 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 147993 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 147995 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 148018 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 148099 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 148113 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 148126 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 149005 | Zot:5 | Reached skill level 27 in Unarmed Combat 149057 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 149086 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 149201 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 149654 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 149726 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 149826 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 150044 | Zot:5 | Cast into level 5 of the Abyss (the power of Zot) 150044 | Abyss:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Abyss 150051 | Zot:5 | Escaped the Abyss 150143 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 150188 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 150240 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 150251 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 150256 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 150264 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 151389 | Zot:5 | Got the Orb of Zot 151957 | D:$ | Escaped with the Orb! Levels and vault maps discovered: D:1: scummos_arrival_hexagon, layout_rooms D:2: minmay_diamond_boxcup, layout_basic, lemuel_crystal_altar D:3: layout_loops_ring, lemuel_doored_altar, zin_purify, minmay_distorted D:4: layout_basic, kennysheep_mini_moat, old_standard_altar, nicolae_overflow_hidden_temple, serial_shops, shop, first_ration, kennysheep_generic_room_3 D:5: layout_cave_pools, nicolae_ru_the_path_less_chosen, nicolae_overflow_crystal_walls, uniq_prince_ribbit1, uniq_edmund, uniq_pikel D:6: layout_cave_pools, grunt_qazlal_clouds, yredelemnul_forgotten_temple_becter, hangedman_abyss_or_decor_lesser_grid, serial_bayou_ford_a, minmay_unpleasant_kobolds D:7: layout_cave_pools, kennysheep_vampire_church, minmay_temple_entry_waves, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_trees, david_defended_altar_elf D:8: layout_cave_pods, lemuel_coloured_pillars_altar, minmay_lair_entry_grove, serial_glass, glass_columns_b, glass_columns_a, glass_columns_a, glass_columns_a, glass_columns_b, glass_columns_a, glass_columns_b, glass_columns_c, gup_ossuary_entry_pyramid, uniq_harold D:9: layout_irregular_city, uniq_maurice D:10: layout_basic, david_orc_2, hangedman_little_slice_of_home D:11: layout_cave_pools, serial_column_ruins, column_ruins_hut, column_ruins_open_large, column_ruins_corridor_straight, column_ruins_open_tiny, column_ruins_grid_1, column_ruins_corridor_straight, sword_in_stone D:12: minmay_recursive_quarters, layout_long_grid, serial_rivers, chequers_serial_rivers_small_3, chequers_serial_rivers_marsh, chequers_serial_rivers_large_b, chequers_serial_rivers_room_a, hangedman_weighted_door, uniq_josephine D:13: layout_loops_ring, minmay_the_grid_2x2 [minmay_the_grid_pillar_ring, minmay_the_grid_spikes, minmay_the_grid_spin_star, minmay_the_grid_prize_four_corners] D:14: layout_long_grid, david_vaults_2, serial_shops, shop, grunt_dithmenos_shadows, lightli_airlock D:15: gammafunk_enter_depths_forms, layout_loops_ring, okawaru_ov_weapons_minmay, grunt_ministairs_13, nicolae_sextant Temple: jpeg_temple_alley_garden Lair:1: layout_hall_layers, maelrawn_ghost_gauntlet_escape Lair:2: layout_regular_city, spider_nest_entry_rubble, beast_lair_carwin_8 Lair:3: layout_gridlike, grunt_forest_large_clearings, lemuel_fruit_tree, serial_bayou_shore_a Lair:4: layout_hall_layers, minmay_shoals_entry_centaurs, infiniplex_staircase_pool, grunt_megastairs_5 Lair:5: layout_layer_cave, chequers_serial_rivers_room_b, beast_lair_carwin_3, grunt_megastairs_3, infiniplex_staircase_pool_2, uniq_snorg Lair:6: cheibrodos_lair_end_hotspot, layout_small_grid, slime_altar_1 Shoals:1: layout_shoals, ldierk_geyser Shoals:2: layout_shoals, serial_shops, shop, nicolae_shoals_undead_eyrie Shoals:3: layout_shoals, serial_shops, shop_statue, ebering_ghost_gozag, uniq_ilsuiw Shoals:4: shoals_end_grunt_ice, layout_shoals Spider:1: layout_spider_delve Spider:2: layout_spider_delve, uniq_aizul Spider:3: layout_spider_delve, uniq_jorgrun, uniq_bai_suzhen, uniq_azrael Spider:4: spider_rune_water, uniq_roxanne, uniq_mara Slime:1: layout_caves, basic_altar Slime:2: layout_caves, basic_altar Slime:3: layout_caves Slime:4: layout_caves Slime:5 Orc:1: layout_diamond_mine, basic_altar, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_statue_plus, nicolae_shop_stone, nicolae_shop_behind_doors, shop Orc:2: grunt_orc_gardens, layout_caves, grunt_orc_garden, grunt_orc_garden, grunt_orc_garden, grunt_orc_garden, serial_shops, shop_fountains Elf:1: eino_elf_arrival_sip, layout_onion_city, serial_shops, shop, shop_statue, minmay_elf_sorcery, minmay_shop_star Elf:2: layout_loops_cross, serial_shops, shop, nrook_loot_triangle, grunt_ministairs_12, drop_trap, guppyfry_library_mini, lemuel_elevator Elf:3: elf_hall, layout_geoelf_octagon, uniq_asterion Vaults:1: biasface_vaults_ghost_orc_armoury, grunt_vaults_diagonal, ontoclasm_vaults_ring_small, v_rooms_3, ontoclasm_vaults_decontamination, nicolae_vaults_network_star, nicolae_vaults_arrows, hangedman_vaults_hat, ontoclasm_vaults_ligature, layout_vaults_omnigrid Vaults:2: gammafunk_vaults_ghost_tricky_traps, dpeg_vaults_monster_row, minmay_crypt_entry_simple_plaza, nicolae_vaults_network_square, grunt_vaults_funnel, hangedman_vaults_snaps, dpeg_vaults_monster_box, hangedman_vaults_corner, nicolae_vaults_little_squares_5, layout_vaults_big_room, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_waterfront Vaults:3: v_misc_14, hangedman_vaults_stretched_pinwheel, grunt_vaults_swirl, nicolae_vaults_specimen_jars, vaults_dpeg_encased_lava, v_pattern_2, hangedman_vaults_restitches, nicolae_vaults_little_squares_4, hangedman_vaults_cutoff, v_misc_1, hangedman_vaults_restitches, vaults_dpeg_diagonal, hangedman_vaults_stretched_pinwheel, vaults_room_glass_cross, nicolae_vaults_little_squares_6, nicolae_vaults_little_squares_6, vaults_room_pool, layout_vaults_ring Vaults:4: v_misc_14, ontoclasm_vaults_idyll, vaults_dpeg_spiral, vaults_room_boxed, grunt_vaults_focal, nicolae_vaults_back_hallway, vaults_dpeg_hooks, ontoclasm_vaults_eye, special_room_vaults [special_room_orc], vaults_room_stairs_pillars, v_misc_11, nicolae_vaults_little_squares_6, layout_vaults_omnicross, serial_shops, shop Crypt:1: layout_catacombs, grunt_crypt_arrival_webbed Crypt:2: cheibrodos_crypt_draghalla, layout_misc_corridors, uniq_frederick Crypt:3: david_glass_crypt, layout_misc_corridors Tomb:1 Depths:1: layout_cave_pools, enter_ziggurat_a, minmay_misc_feat_encased, hell_entry, serial_sigils_hangedman_snap, minmay_misc_feat_tower, grunt_tough_drop Depths:2: evilmike_makhleb_hellhole, layout_gridlike, serial_curves, eino_curves_01, eino_curves_01, kennysheep_minor_cross, minmay_room_of_horrors, hell_entry, infiniplex_staircase_zigzag_5 Depths:3: minmay_bubble_buster, layout_cave_pools, abyss_entry_small_statue_room, pf_vacation_house_of_asmodeus, rand_demon_pan_entry_8, serial_sigils_hangedman_quiver, serial_sigils, serial_sigils_hangedman_carve, serial_sigils_hangedman_stare, serial_sigils_hangedman_gut, item_on_display_a, uniq_enchantress Depths:4: grunt_profane_halls [grunt_profane_temple_dis, grunt_profane_temple_coc, grunt_profane_temple_tar, grunt_profane_temple_geh, grunt_profane_loot], abyss_entry, hell_entry, uniq_xtahua Depths:5: evilmike_zot_entry_hall, layout_gridlike, nicolae_trove_entry_columns, pf_coc_iceberg Zot:1: layout_misc_corridors Zot:2: layout_concentric_octagons Zot:3: layout_basic Zot:4: layout_misc_corridors, gammafunk_ghost_mausoleum, lemuel_baited_zot_trap, st_stairs_11 Zot:5: layout_misc_corridors, grunt_ministairs_13 Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | ---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----- Stealth | 2 3 4 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 20 21 | 21.0 Unarmed Combat | 4 6 7 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 27 | 27.0 Fighting | 4 5 7 9 10 12 11 13 14 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 | 26.9 Evocations | 2 3 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 20.0 Dodging | 5 7 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 26 | 26.0 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 | 7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-24 | 25-27 || total -------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------++------- Melee: Unarmed | 88 | 202 | 449 | 832 | 939 | 870 | 1135 | 1771 | 2068 || 8354 Bite | 7 | 26 | 58 | 87 | 115 | 136 | 189 | 317 | 406 || 1341 Punch | 3 | 4 | 17 | 47 | 83 | 70 | 161 | 290 | 385 || 1060 Headbutt | | | | | | 194 | 348 | 589 | || 1131 Invok: Berserk | 2 | 2 | 8 | 42 | 84 | 70 | 70 | 71 | 94 || 443 Brothers in Arms | | | | 6 | 21 | 25 | 12 | 9 | 16 || 89 Trog's Hand | | | | | 1 | 2 | 2 | | 2 || 7 Abil: Evoke Flight | | | | | 2 | 65 | | 9 | || 76 Stop Flying | | | | | | 6 | | 1 | || 7 Evoke: Wand | | 3 | 17 | 45 | 42 | 36 | 5 | 19 | 12 || 179 Sack of spiders | | | | 1 | | 1 | | 2 | || 4 Lightning rod | | | | | 7 | 10 | 12 | | || 29 Phial of floods | | | | | 4 | 2 | | 1 | 1 || 8 Lamp of fire | | | | | | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 || 6 Fan of gales | | | | | | | 1 | 1 | || 2 Use: Scroll | 4 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 12 | 19 | 5 | 10 | 8 || 72 Potion | | 1 | | 18 | 9 | 22 | 7 | 9 | 10 || 76 Stab: Sleeping | 13 | 13 | 14 | 41 | 65 | 37 | 19 | 66 | 63 || 331 Distracted | | | 1 | 6 | 10 | 8 | 12 | 19 | 32 || 88 Paralysed | | | | 4 | 5 | 2 | | 2 | 1 || 14 Invisible | | | | | 4 | | | | || 4 Eat: Chunk | 12 | 7 | 26 | 76 | 107 | 107 | 108 | 78 | 132 || 653 Ration | | | | 1 | 8 | 14 | | 20 | 8 || 51 Armor: Skin | 4 | 9 | 16 | 38 | 46 | 20 | 21 | 58 | 19 || 231 Dodge: Dodged | 39 | 127 | 285 | 638 | 857 | 1110 | 709 | 1347 | 1588 || 6700 Block: Other | | | | 61 | 7 | | | | || 68 Reflection | | | | 3 | | | | | || 3