Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.31-a0-1480-g9c3b9a8043 (webtiles) character file. Game seed: 10910659129828329782 1142041 Prakerore the Earth Mage (level 24, 103/103 HPs) Began as a Felid Artificer on Dec 28, 2023. Was an Initiate of Gozag. Escaped with the Orb ... and 3 runes on Dec 29, 2023! The game lasted 07:44:01 (162088 turns). Prakerore the Earth Mage (Felid Artificer) Turns: 162088, Time: 07:44:02 Health: 103/103 AC: 23 Str: 8 XL: 24 Next: 55% Magic: 36/36 EV: 33 Int: 24 God: Gozag Gold: 1303 SH: 0 Dex: 18 Spells: 1/39 levels left Lives: 1 Deaths: 5 rFire + . . - Unarmed rCold + . . (shield unavailable) rNeg + . . (body armour unavailable) rPois ∞ (helmet unavailable) rElec + (cloak unavailable) rCorr . (gloves unavailable) SInv + (boots unavailable) Will +++.. Z - amulet of magic regeneration Stlth ++ A - ring of protection from fire HPRegen 0.37/turn u - ring of protection from cold MPRegen 0.65/turn %: no passive effects @: statue-form, hasted (expiring), bribing [the Dungeon, the Depths] A: slow and powerful, torment resistance 1, reduced hp, very small, claws 1, fangs 3, see invisible, (shaggy fur 3), stealthy paws, no weapons or thrown items, no armour, multi-lived, (iridescent scales 1), clumsy 1, frail 1 0: Orb of Zot }: 3/15 runes: decaying, serpentine, abyssal a: Begin Untransformation, Renounce Religion, Potion Petition, Call Merchant, Bribe Branch You escaped. You worshipped Gozag. Gozag was most pleased with you. You were a living statue of rough stone. You visited 11 branches of the dungeon, and saw 50 of its levels. You visited the Abyss 3 times. You visited 2 bazaars. You also visited: Wizlab. You collected 25589 gold pieces. You spent 5381 gold pieces at shops. You paid 18905 gold pieces to Gozag. Inventory: Jewellery d - a +4 ring of protection g - a +6 ring of intelligence h - a ring of positive energy o - the ring "Kaolaoli" {rPois Int+6} (You bought it in a shop in a bazaar) [ring of intelligence] Int+6: It affects your intelligence (+6). rPois: It protects you from poison p - a ring of resist corrosion t - an amulet of guardian spirit u - a ring of protection from cold (right paw) y - a ring of protection from fire A - a ring of protection from fire (left paw) F - a ring of protection from fire G - a ring of protection from cold I - a ring of flight L - a ring of wizardry X - a +6 ring of strength Y - a +4 ring of protection Z - an amulet of magic regeneration (around neck) Talismans r - a granite talisman (active) O - a serpent talisman Wands a - a wand of flame (63) (quivered) x - a wand of mindburst (27) M - a wand of digging (5) N - a wand of paralysis (20) Q - a wand of iceblast (28) S - a wand of polymorph (4) T - a wand of quicksilver (10) Scrolls f - 5 scrolls of immolation i - a scroll of revelation k - 4 scrolls of silence m - 5 scrolls of torment s - a scroll of blinking B - 9 scrolls of amnesia R - a scroll of poison U - 6 scrolls of noise Potions e - 3 potions of cancellation j - 6 potions of mutation l - 10 potions of lignification w - 2 potions of haste z - 8 potions of might C - 5 potions of curing D - a potion of magic E - 3 potions of brilliance J - 4 potions of berserk rage P - 2 potions of invisibility W - 4 potions of attraction Miscellaneous c - a lightning rod (4/4) K - a phial of floods Skills: - Level 13.0 Fighting - Level 19.5 Dodging - Level 13.0 Stealth - Level 7.0 Unarmed Combat - Level 8.0 Spellcasting - Level 20.0 Conjurations - Level 20.6 Earth Magic - Level 16.7 Alchemy - Level 10.0 Evocations + Level 12.9 Shapeshifting You had one spell level left. You knew the following spells: Your Spells Type Power Damage Failure Level a - Magic Dart Conj 100% 1d8 0% 1 b - Eringya's Noxious Bo Alch 37% 4d6 1% 6 c - Stone Arrow Conj/Erth 100% 3d13 0% 3 d - Passwall Erth 83% N/A 0% 3 e - Petrify Alch/Erth 78% N/A 1% 4 f - Lee's Rapid Deconstr Erth 41% 3d20* 1% 5 g - Irradiate Conj/Alch 39% 3d24 1% 5 h - Blink Tloc 18% N/A 10% 2 i - Apportation Tloc 18% N/A 6% 1 z - Lehudib's Crystal Sp Conj/Erth 41% 10d10 10% 8 Your spell library contained the following spells: Spells Type Power Damage Failure Level Sandblast Erth 100% 2d20 0% 1 Sting Conj/Alch 100% 1d9 0% 1 Shock Conj/Air 100% 1d9 1% 1 Necrotise Necr 36% 1d5 6% 1 Slow Hex 36% N/A 6% 1 Searing Ray Conj 100% 2d8 0% 2 Brom's Barrelling Bould Conj/Erth 82% 2d9 0% 4 Momentum Strike Conj/Tloc 100% 3d10 1% 2 Static Discharge Conj/Air 100% 3-8/arc 1% 2 Mephitic Cloud Conj/Alch/Air 62% N/A 1% 3 Flame Wave Conj/Fire 55% 2d13 1% 4 Fulminant Prism Conj/Alch 39% 3d17 1% 4 Leda's Liquefaction Alch/Erth 39% N/A 1% 4 Sticky Flame Fire/Alch 49% 2d9 1% 4 Alistair's Intoxication Alch 49% N/A 1% 5 Orb of Destruction Conj 40% 9d11 1% 7 Borgnjor's Vile Clutch Necr/Erth 28% N/A 2% 5 Arcjolt Conj/Air 27% 1d37 3% 5 Fireball Conj/Fire 27% 3d12 3% 5 Call Imp Summ 18% N/A 10% 2 Lesser Beckoning Tloc 18% N/A 10% 2 Conjure Ball Lightning Conj/Air 27% 3x3d8 16% 6 Confusing Touch Hex 9% N/A 19% 3 Frozen Ramparts Ice 18% 1d3 19% 3 Gell's Gravitas Tloc 9% N/A 19% 3 Inner Flame Hex/Fire 9% N/A 19% 3 Sigil of Binding Hex 9% N/A 19% 3 Summon Ice Beast Ice/Summ 9% N/A 19% 3 Swiftness Air 9% N/A 19% 3 Teleport Other Tloc 9% N/A 19% 3 Vampiric Draining Necr 9% 2d6 19% 3 Airstrike Air 4% 2d(1-17) 54% 4 Cause Fear Hex 4% N/A 54% 4 Manifold Assault Tloc 9% N/A 54% 4 Martyr's Knell Necr/Summ 9% N/A 54% 4 Passage of Golubria Tloc 9% N/A 54% 4 Summon Blazeheart Golem Fire/Summ 9% N/A 54% 4 Summon Lightning Spire Summ/Air 9% N/A 54% 4 Vhi's Electric Charge Tloc/Air 18% N/A 54% 4 Spellforged Servitor Conj/Summ 27% N/A 65% 7 Curse of Agony Necr 9% N/A 87% 5 Metabolic Englaciation Hex/Ice 4% N/A 87% 5 Summon Forest Summ/Tloc 4% N/A 87% 5 Summon Mana Viper Hex/Summ 9% N/A 87% 5 Plasma Beam Fire/Air 4% 2x1d14 100% 6 Monstrous Menagerie Summ 4% N/A 100% 7 Summon Hydra Summ 4% N/A 100% 7 Discord Hex 4% N/A 100% 8 Disjunction Tloc 4% N/A 100% 8 Ignition Fire 4% 3d4 100% 8 Dragon's Call Summ 4% N/A 100% 9 Fire Storm Conj/Fire 27% 8d7 100% 9 Animate Armour Summ/Erth Unusable N/A N/A 4 Dimensional Bullseye Hex/Tloc Unusable N/A N/A 4 Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (15/15) Temple (1/1) D:5 Lair (5/5) D:11 Swamp (4/4) Lair:2 Snake (4/4) Lair:2 Slime (0/5) Lair:4 Orc (2/2) D:12 Elf (3/3) Orc:2 Vaults (4/5) D:14 Crypt (3/3) Vaults:3 Tomb (0/3) Crypt:3 Depths (4/4) D:15 Zot (5/5) Depths:4 WizLab (visited) Altars: Ashenzari Cheibriados Dithmenos Elyvilon Fedhas Gozag Hepliaklqana Kikubaaqudgha Makhleb Nemelex Xobeh Okawaru Qazlal Ru Sif Muna Trog Uskayaw Vehumet Wu Jian Xom Yredelemnul Zin The Shining One Jiyva Lugonu Shops: Orc:2 *[:( Snake:2 [(*! Snake:4 ? Vaults:1 ( Vaults:3 * Depths:1 * Portals: Hell: Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Abyss: Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Pandemonium: Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:3 Ziggurat: Depths:2 Annotations: Swamp:1 1 runed translucent door, exclusion: door, newman's ghost, adept DsGl Snake:4 exclusions: 2 upstairs and 3 more exclusions Orc:1 exclusion: downstairs Elf:1 5 runed translucent doors, exclusion: 2 downstairs Vaults:1 exclusion: door Vaults:2 exclusions: ironbound convoker and tengu reaver, Sojobo; Zenata Vaults:3 2 transporters, exclusion: orange crystal statue, Mennas Crypt:1 3 runed translucent doors, exclusions: 3 doors and downstairs, Dixziz's ghost, veteran SpHu; Dudyom's ghost, veteran GrEE Crypt:2 3 runed translucent doors, Feom's ghost, adept MiFi; Xtahua Depths:1 exclusion: orange crystal statue Depths:2 1 runed translucent door, exclusions: 5 doors, downstairs, iron dragon, tentacled monstrosity and upstairs Depths:3 3 runed translucent doors, exclusions: 3 doors and upstairs, QwerTheAngmarim's ghost, master DjAl Depths:4 exclusions: 2 caustic shrikes and lich Zot:2 exclusion: orb of fire Zot:5 36 runed doors, 2 exclusions Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You are a living statue of rough stone. Your actions are slow, but your melee attacks are powerful. You are resistant to unholy torment. Your maximum health is decreased, since you lack skill for your form. You are immune to poison. You have sharp claws. You have razor-sharp teeth. You have supernaturally acute eyesight. (SInv) ((Your thick and shaggy fur keeps you warm. (AC +3, rC+))) Your paws help you pounce on unaware monsters. You are incapable of wielding weapons or throwing items. You cannot wear armour. You gain extra lives every three experience levels. ((You are partially covered in iridescent scales. (AC +2))) You are clumsy. (Dex -2) You are frail. (-10% HP) Message History Press: ? - help, Dir - move target A rock wall. This square is covered in magical glow. You begin to meditate on the wall. You continue meditating on the rock. x3 Magic restored. You finish merging with the rock. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Your extra speed is starting to run out. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. You feel yourself slow down. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You feel yourself speed up. Okay, then. Blink to where? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target As you read the scroll of blinking, it crumbles to dust. Casting: Passwall (safe; 0% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Passwall (safe; 0% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target A rock wall. This square is covered in magical glow. You begin to meditate on the wall. You continue meditating on the rock. x3 You finish merging with the rock. Casting: Passwall (safe; 0% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Passwall (safe; 0% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target A rock wall. This square is covered in magical glow. You begin to meditate on the wall. You continue meditating on the rock. x3 Your extra speed is starting to run out. You finish merging with the rock. Unknown command. There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here. Magic restored. You have escaped! #♣..................# #.#.#..# #.................♣.# #.#....# ##..................# #.#.#.## #......8.....♣.....# #.#.#... ##∩#................♣ #.#.#### #.###♣..............♣ #.#.# #.# #..............# #.#.# #.# #.............~# #.#.# ..# #♣..♣......8.########.#.# ### #...........##........#.#### ##.♣....♣..###.............. ################........... #....................... #.###########........... #.# #####........... #.#######......######### ##########....................... There were no monsters in sight! Vanquished Creatures An ancient lich (Crypt:3) An orb of fire (Zot:3) A juggernaut (Depths:4) A royal mummy (Crypt:2) Vashnia (Snake:4) Saint Roka (Orc:2) A caustic shrike (Depths:2) A curse toe (Zot:4) A bone dragon (Crypt:3) 2 golden dragons 2 electric golems (Zot:2) Rupert (Orc:2) Mlioglotl (Swamp:2) 8 tentacled monstrosities 2 walking earthen tomes (Depths:2) 5 liches 6 deep elf master archers (Elf:3) 10 Orb Guardians (Zot:5) A quicksilver dragon (Zot:5) 4 acid blobs (Depths:1) 2 ancient champions 4 tentacled starspawn 5 sphinxes 4 deep elf blademasters A death cob (Zot:2) 2 titans Donald (Orc:1) 2 tengu reavers 5 storm dragons 7 frost giants A rockslime (Depths:1) 3 shadow dragons Roxanne (Snake:4) 2 azure jellies (Depths:1) 5 nagarajas A revenant (Crypt:2) 2 draconian knights An iron dragon (Depths:2) 3 deep elf sorcerers (Elf:3) 9 fire giants 3 deep elf elementalists A ghost moth (Zot:5) 4 draconian scorchers 2 draconian shifters 12 vault wardens A reaper (Crypt:2) 2 cacodemons (Abyss:1) A draconian annihilator (Zot:5) 12 very ugly things 2 curse skulls (Crypt:1) The ghost of particleface the Skirmisher, a journeyman GrAl of Ashenzari (Lair:5) 2 orc warlords (Orc:2) 12 stone giants 6 quicksilver oozes (Depths:1) 19 ironbound preservers 4 green draconians 7 ironbound thunderhulks A broodmother (shapeshifter) (Elf:1) 2 deep elf demonologists (Elf:3) 9 deep elf death magi 5 vampire knights 4 white draconians A starcursed mass (Abyss:1) 4 formless jellyfish 4 black draconians (Zot:5) 5 spark wasps A lorocyproca (Abyss:3) 2 purple draconians 2 yellow draconians 7 red draconians 4 war gargoyles (Crypt:3) 4 bunyips 10 dire elephants 5 deep elf annihilators 6 crystal guardians 5 ettins 6 jiangshi A mummy priest (Crypt:2) 3 entropy weavers 12 fire dragons A spriggan zombie (Crypt:3) A merfolk impaler (Depths:2) 7 rakshasas A deep elf high priest (Elf:3) Josephine (D:12) 3 ice dragons 6 vault guards 2 spriggan air magi 12 great orbs of eyes 7 yaktaur captains 14 hydras 4 salamander tyrants (Snake:4) 2 peacekeepers A hell beast (Depths:1) 2 catoblepae 6 alligators 6 ironbound frosthearts 5 centaur warriors 8 boulder beetles 9 anacondas 3 death knights 36 dancing weapons 2 two-headed ogres 3 demonic crawlers 9 deep troll earth magi 6 tengu warriors 5 death yaks 20 naga warriors 6 spriggan berserkers 2 vampire magi 12 deep troll shamans 18 naga sharpshooters 7 orc high priests A bennu skeleton (Crypt:2) 2 titan zombies (Crypt:3) 3 thrashing horrors (Abyss:1) 5 shock serpents 29 deep elf knights 2 occultists 2 storm dragon zombies A sun demon (Abyss:3) 17 skeletal warriors 33 hell knights Amaemon (D:8) A titan skeleton (Depths:3) 4 salamander mystics 3 sixfirhies (Abyss:1) 4 wretched stars (Abyss:1) 6 iron trolls A spatial maelstrom (Abyss:1) 56 deep trolls 9 goliath frogs 4 spriggan druids 8 swamp dragons A glowing orange brain (Abyss:1) 2 flayed ghosts 2 anaconda zombies 7 arcanists A death drake (Swamp:3) A golden dragon skeleton (Crypt:2) 4 bog bodies 14 ironbound convokers A shadow dragon zombie (Crypt:3) 6 phantasmal warriors 21 harpies 6 naga ritualists 33 deep elf zephyrmancers 11 deep elf archers 8 mana vipers 24 ugly things 20 lindwurms 15 necromancers 22 deep elf pyromancers 2 shining eyes (Depths:1) 11 orc knights A sphinx simulacrum (Depths:3) 5 orc sorcerers An oklob plant (Lair:1) 16 salamanders 4 worldbinders (Abyss:1) 2 cyclopes 2 stone giant skeletons A frost giant zombie (Depths:3) 4 manticores 10 will-o-the-wisps A meliai (shapeshifter) (D:14) A toenail golem (Depths:4) A centaur zombie (Crypt:3) 7 moths of wrath 4 kobold blastminers (Orc:2) An apocalypse crab (Abyss:1) An alligator snapping turtle zombie (Crypt:3) 11 vault sentinels 2 guardian serpents 15 elephants 35 black mambas 25 naga magi 3 smoke demons 3 gargoyles 4 orange demons A red draconian zombie (Crypt:1) 13 large abominations A torpor snail (shapeshifter) (Depths:2) A swamp worm zombie (Crypt:2) 2 rime drakes 10 cane toads 27 yaktaurs Maggie (D:6) 2 dire elephant skeletons A kobold demonologist (D:12) A rime drake (shapeshifter) (D:14) 3 komodo dragons 4 freezing wraiths 2 tormentors 5 tengu conjurers 10 unseen horrors An ancient zyme (Abyss:1) A guardian mummy (Crypt:2) 2 efreet 2 bloated husks (Swamp:1) 8 trolls 2 hellwings 3 polar bears (Lair:5) A wind drake (shapeshifter) (Abyss:1) A merfolk (shapeshifter) (Depths:1) 8 tyrant leeches 19 hornets 4 harpy skeletons A tarantella (Vaults:2) Grinder (D:5) 10 raiju A guardian serpent zombie (Crypt:1) A glass eye (Depths:1) 9 dream sheep 12 blink frogs A culicivora (Vaults:2) A merfolk skeleton (Crypt:3) 4 air elementals Sigmund (D:2) 14 slime creatures 29 spriggans A centaur simulacrum (D:15) 6 wyverns 3 vampires 9 wraiths A ynoxinul (Abyss:1) 28 yaks 3 golden eyes 9 water elementals A slime creature zombie (Crypt:1) 3 fire elementals 3 basilisks 4 redbacks 3 wargs 12 swamp worms Edmund (D:5) 19 vampire mosquitoes 2 acid dragons 6 chaos spawn 40 nagas 14 water moccasins 10 swamp drakes 31 orc warriors 2 sky beasts A snapping turtle zombie (Crypt:1) 7 black bears A cane toad skeleton (Crypt:1) 27 laughing skulls 25 wolves 4 boggarts (Lair:5) 7 ogres 9 centaurs A phantom (D:5) A rime drake zombie (Crypt:2) 4 weeping skulls (Abyss:1) 16 bullfrogs A brain worm (Abyss:1) 4 earth elementals A gnoll sergeant (D:8) 21 small abominations 4 necrophages (Crypt:3) 14 wights A glowing shapeshifter simulacrum (Depths:3) 6 scorpions 9 killer bees A vampire bat (D:4) 2 electric eels A howler monkey (D:7) 3 bombardier beetles 2 quasits (Abyss:1) 2 hounds (D:5) 4 jellies 16 orc priests Crazy Yiuf (D:5) A black bear zombie (Crypt:1) 2 gnoll boudas (D:7) 4 iguanas An iron imp (Abyss:1) Jessica (D:2) A black bear skeleton (Crypt:1) 2 sleepcaps 18 orc wizards 2 mummies (Crypt:2) An adder (D:5) 13 gnolls A shadow imp (D:6) 3 white imps 5 ufetubi 2 worms 3 fire bats (D:4) 60 orcs 2 spectral bats (D:4) 4 ball pythons 3 bat skeletons (D:4) 2 bat zombies 11 endoplasms 3 giant cockroaches 7 goblins 5 hobgoblins 6 kobolds 14 bats A bat simulacrum (D:4) 4 frilled lizards A frilled lizard skeleton (Crypt:2) A jackal skeleton (Crypt:1) A rat (D:2) A river rat skeleton (Crypt:1) A butterfly (Lair:2) A lurking horror (Abyss:1) 2 starspawn tentacles (Abyss:1) 1915 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills) A tentacled monstrosity (Zot:5) 8 Orb Guardians (Zot:5) 2 moths of wrath (Zot:5) A hellwing (D:9) A ynoxinul (D:9) An orc warrior (D:5) 2 howler monkeys (D:10) 2 orc wizards A gnoll (D:7) An adder (D:5) 4 orcs 24 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (others) A dread lich (Zot:5) A pandemonium lord (Depths:4) A Killer Klown (Zot:5) An electric golem (Zot:5) A tentacled monstrosity (Zot:5) 4 Orb Guardians (Zot:5) A deep elf blademaster (Elf:3) A great orb of eyes (Depths:4) A shadow demon (Depths:4) A black mamba (Snake:1) A smoke demon (Depths:4) An ice devil (Depths:4) A red devil (Depths:4) 3 bloated husks A yak (Lair:4) A swamp drake (Swamp:4) A wolf (Lair:5) Blork the orc (D:5) A quasit (Abyss:1) 3 orcs 28 foxfires A lurking horror (Abyss:1) 4 starspawn tentacles 60 creatures vanquished. Grand Total: 1999 creatures vanquished Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | Prakerore the Felid Artificer began the quest for the Orb. 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 10/10 MP: 2/2 26 | D:1 | Found a faded altar of an unknown god. 110 | D:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Unarmed Combat 282 | D:1 | Learned a level 1 spell: Magic Dart 374 | D:1 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 14/14 MP: 0/3 761 | D:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Conjurations 1797 | D:2 | Noticed Sigmund 1971 | D:2 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 18/18 MP: 1/4 1974 | D:2 | Learned a level 2 spell: Searing Ray 2110 | D:2 | Noticed Jessica 3682 | D:4 | Found Utiutzas's Magic Scroll Shoppe. 3785 | D:4 | Reached skill level 1 in Spellcasting 4038 | D:4 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 19/22 MP: 1/6 4038 | D:4 | Gained a life (2 lives remaining) 4464 | D:4 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 25/25 MP: 1/7 4955 | D:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon 4955 | D:5 | Noticed Blork the orc 4955 | D:5 | Noticed an orc warrior 5141 | D:5 | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple. 5150 | Temple | Entered the Ecumenical Temple 5166 | Temple | Became a worshipper of Gozag Ym Sagoz the Greedy 5210 | D:5 | Your ally Blork the orc died 5214 | D:5 | Killed an orc warrior 5215 | D:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Conjurations 5215 | D:5 | Gained mutation: You are covered in thick fur. (AC +2) | [Felid growth] 5215 | D:5 | Reached XP level 6. HP: 30/30 MP: 8/8 5417 | D:5 | Learned a level 3 spell: Stone Arrow 5628 | D:5 | Reached XP level 7. HP: 33/33 MP: 1/9 5752 | D:5 | Noticed Edmund 5983 | D:6 | Reached skill level 5 in Stealth 6077 | D:6 | Noticed Maggie 6360 | D:6 | Identified the +2 plate armour of Qazlal's Outrage | {*Corrode rElec Regen+ SInv} 8079 | D:7 | Reached XP level 8. HP: 32/37 MP: 4/10 8195 | D:8 | Reached skill level 1 in Earth Magic 9495 | D:9 | Reached skill level 5 in Earth Magic 9709 | D:9 | Learned a level 3 spell: Passwall 9833 | D:9 | Reached XP level 9. HP: 41/41 MP: 1/11 10602 | D:10 | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon 10734 | D:10 | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin. 10735 | D:10 | Found a shimmering blue altar of Sif Muna. 10736 | D:10 | Found a burning altar of Makhleb. 10737 | D:10 | Found a hazy altar of Hepliaklqana. 10749 | D:8 | Noticed Amaemon 10749 | D:8 | Noticed an orange demon 11793 | D:11 | Noticed a gargoyle 12529 | D:11 | Noticed a boulder beetle 13093 | D:2 | Killed Jessica 13219 | D:2 | Killed Sigmund 13652 | D:5 | Learned a level 4 spell: Petrify 13887 | D:5 | Noticed Grinder 13891 | D:5 | Killed Grinder 14098 | D:5 | Found a runed translucent door. 14099 | D:5 | Noticed Crazy Yiuf 14395 | D:6 | Reached skill level 1 in Alchemy 15706 | D:8 | Killed an orange demon 15707 | D:8 | Reached XP level 10. HP: 45/45 MP: 2/15 16097 | D:8 | Reached skill level 5 in Alchemy 17390 | D:11 | Noticed an elephant 17588 | D:11 | Killed an elephant 17919 | D:11 | Noticed a cyclops 18036 | D:11 | Mangled by a boulder beetle 18036 | D:11 | Lost a life (1 life remaining) 18732 | D:12 | Noticed Josephine 19642 | D:11 | Noticed a white ugly thing 20913 | D:11 | Killed a gargoyle 21085 | D:11 | Found a staircase to the Lair. 21122 | Lair:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts 22201 | Lair:2 | Noticed a catoblepas 22309 | Lair:2 | Noticed a cane toad 22318 | Lair:2 | Killed a cane toad 22361 | Lair:2 | Reached XP level 11. HP: 47/49 MP: 0/16 22361 | Lair:2 | Gained a life (2 lives remaining) 22892 | Lair:2 | Found a frozen archway. 23312 | Lair:3 | Noticed a four-headed hydra 23821 | Lair:4 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 23823 | Lair:4 | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits. 25143 | Lair:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Lair of Beasts 25147 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 10 in Alchemy 25194 | Lair:5 | Noticed a four-headed hydra 25392 | Lair:5 | Noticed a boulder beetle 26184 | Lair:5 | Noticed a death yak 26185 | Lair:5 | Noticed a death yak 26562 | Lair:5 | Killed a boulder beetle 26769 | Lair:5 | Found a runed translucent door. 26769 | Lair:5 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 26769 | Lair:5 | Noticed particleface's ghost (journeyman GrAl) 26769 | Lair:5 | Noticed a +1 great mace of chaos 26921 | Lair:5 | Noticed a death yak 26921 | Lair:5 | Noticed a death yak 27123 | Lair:3 | Noticed a catoblepas 27853 | Lair:1 | Noticed an oklob plant 27918 | D:11 | Killed a white ugly thing 28038 | D:11 | Killed a boulder beetle 28666 | D:5 | Killed Edmund 28740 | D:5 | Killed Crazy Yiuf 28810 | D:5 | Gained mutation: Your thick and shaggy fur keeps you warm. | (AC +3, rC+) [Felid growth] 28810 | D:5 | Reached XP level 12. HP: 36/53 MP: 10/17 29152 | D:6 | Killed Maggie 29159 | D:6 | Learned a level 5 spell: Lee's Rapid Deconstruction 30327 | D:11 | Found an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council. 32752 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging 35637 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Evocations 36550 | D:12 | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines. 36731 | D:13 | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting 37334 | D:12 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 37410 | D:13 | Reached skill level 10 in Earth Magic 37650 | D:13 | Noticed a five-headed hydra 37650 | D:13 | Noticed a boulder beetle 37701 | D:14 | Noticed a fire dragon 37994 | D:14 | Noticed a boulder beetle 38007 | D:14 | Killed a boulder beetle 38306 | D:14 | Noticed a boulder beetle 38480 | D:14 | Noticed a boulder beetle 38495 | D:14 | Killed a boulder beetle 38542 | D:14 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 39407 | Lair:2 | Found a staircase to the Snake Pit. 39419 | Lair:2 | Reached XP level 13. HP: 50/63 MP: 15/19 39463 | Snake:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Snake Pit 41410 | Snake:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Snake Pit 41544 | Snake:4 | Noticed Roxanne 42205 | Snake:4 | Found Edievaju's Magic Scroll Shoppe. 42211 | Snake:4 | Bought a scroll of noise for 18 gold pieces 42211 | Snake:4 | Bought a scroll of butterflies for 72 gold pieces 42211 | Snake:4 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 54 gold pieces 42211 | Snake:4 | Bought a scroll of identify for 36 gold pieces 42211 | Snake:4 | Bought a scroll of identify for 36 gold pieces 42877 | Snake:4 | Noticed a nagaraja 43413 | Snake:4 | Identified the +1 plate armour of Biefri {rN++ Will- Int+8 | Slay-4} 43831 | Snake:4 | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging 46133 | Snake:4 | Noticed Vashnia 46490 | Snake:4 | Killed a nagaraja 48612 | Snake:4 | Noticed a nagaraja 48825 | Snake:4 | Reached XP level 14. HP: 62/72 MP: 20/20 52279 | Snake:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting 52285 | Snake:4 | Learned a level 5 spell: Irradiate 54524 | Snake:4 | Noticed a nagaraja 54725 | Snake:4 | Noticed a nagaraja 54769 | Snake:4 | Killed from afar by a nagaraja 54769 | Snake:4 | Lost a life (1 life remaining) 54940 | Snake:4 | Got a serpentine rune of Zot 57231 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 15 in Alchemy 59783 | Lair:2 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 75/75 MP: 21/25 59783 | Lair:2 | Gained a life (2 lives remaining) 59801 | Lair:2 | Found a staircase to the Swamp. 61785 | D:8 | Killed Amaemon 64558 | D:12 | Killed Josephine 65246 | D:15 | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon 65690 | D:14 | Found a gate to the Vaults. 67210 | D:15 | Reached skill level 10 in Stealth 67929 | D:15 | Reached skill level 5 in Unarmed Combat 68753 | Orc:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines 69174 | Orc:1 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 69440 | Orc:2 | Entered Level 2 of the Orcish Mines 69440 | Orc:2 | Noticed Saint Roka 69440 | Orc:2 | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls. 69472 | Orc:2 | Found Xuvixaw's Antique Armour Emporium. 69857 | Orc:2 | Identified the +4 scimitar of Hicroh {venom, rF- Int+2 | Dex+5} 70384 | Orc:2 | Noticed Donald 70393 | Orc:1 | Killed Donald 71329 | Orc:2 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 84/84 MP: 11/26 71335 | Orc:2 | Noticed Rupert 71630 | Orc:2 | Killed Rupert 71888 | Orc:2 | Found Qojulliw's General Store. 72381 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of invisibility for 104 gold pieces 72381 | Orc:2 | Bought 2 potions of lignification for 78 gold pieces 72381 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of mutation for 104 gold pieces 72800 | Orc:2 | Killed Saint Roka 73991 | Orc:2 | Found Ejaysoy's Book Emporium. 74383 | Orc:2 | Found Teanaij's Antique Weapon Boutique. 74389 | Orc:2 | Paralysed by an orc sorcerer for 2 turns 74497 | Orc:2 | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting 77337 | Snake:2 | Reached skill level 15 in Dodging 77789 | Snake:2 | Found Eshosin's Weapon Shop. 77792 | Snake:2 | Found Ymoclo Tieto's Distillery. 77792 | Snake:2 | Found Bola's Armour Shop. 77795 | Snake:2 | Found Nuinn's Assorted Antiques. 78839 | Snake:2 | Bought a tapered fluorescent wand for 108 gold pieces 78839 | Snake:2 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 135 gold pieces 78844 | Snake:2 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 85 gold pieces 78844 | Snake:2 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 85 gold pieces 78844 | Snake:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 51 gold pieces 78844 | Snake:2 | Bought 2 potions of brilliance for 136 gold pieces 78844 | Snake:2 | Bought a potion of might for 68 gold pieces 78844 | Snake:2 | Bought a potion of berserk rage for 85 gold pieces 78844 | Snake:2 | Bought 2 potions of cancellation for 272 gold pieces 78844 | Snake:2 | Bought a potion of haste for 170 gold pieces 78850 | Snake:2 | Identified a scroll of acquirement 78851 | Snake:2 | Acquired Great Wizards, Vol. II 78861 | Snake:2 | Learned a level 6 spell: Eringya's Noxious Bog 81458 | Snake:2 | Identified the +0 plate armour "Zanuofim" {Dex+5} 81808 | Snake:1 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 61/91 MP: 12/27 82345 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults 82345 | Vaults:1 | Found Bisit's Antique Weapon Shoppe. 82743 | Vaults:1 | Found a magical portal. 82763 | WizLab | Entered Tukima's Studio 83592 | Vaults:2 | Noticed Zenata 83848 | Vaults:3 | Noticed Mennas 86317 | Vaults:1 | You fall into a shaft and drop 1 floor! 86556 | Vaults:2 | Noticed Sojobo 86970 | Vaults:2 | Identified the +2 tower shield "Teeplitao" {*Corrode rC+ | Str+3} 88005 | Vaults:2 | Reached XP level 18. HP: 40/100 MP: 28/28 89971 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Evocations 90677 | Elf:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls 90677 | Elf:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 90677 | Elf:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 90677 | Elf:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 90677 | Elf:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 90677 | Elf:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 90677 | Elf:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 90705 | Elf:1 | Found a flickering gateway to a bazaar. 90717 | Bazaar | Entered a bazaar 90722 | Bazaar | Found Oxtaginetag's Antique Weapon Boutique. 90743 | Bazaar | Found Olurhok's Weapon Emporium. 90765 | Bazaar | Found Cuiceple's Jewellery Boutique. 90785 | Bazaar | Found Vauroxt's Magic Scroll Shoppe. 90812 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of fear for 56 gold pieces 90812 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 42 gold pieces 90812 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 42 gold pieces 90812 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of fog for 56 gold pieces 90812 | Bazaar | Bought 3 scrolls of amnesia for 168 gold pieces 90812 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 42 gold pieces 90827 | Bazaar | Bought a +4 ring of protection for 324 gold pieces 90827 | Bazaar | Bought the ring "Kaolaoli" {rPois Int+6} for 424 gold | pieces 90827 | Bazaar | Bought a ring of flight for 157 gold pieces 90882 | Elf:1 | Found a runed translucent door. 91116 | Elf:1 | Found a runed translucent door. 91223 | Elf:1 | Paralysed by an air elemental for 1 turns 92087 | Vaults:3 | Found a transporter. 92098 | Vaults:3 | Found a transporter. 92167 | Vaults:3 | Found a staircase to the Crypt. 92167 | Vaults:3 | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha. 92168 | Vaults:3 | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul. 92707 | Vaults:3 | Paralysed by a sphinx for 2 turns 93097 | Vaults:3 | Got the Writings on Amassed Chemistry 93471 | Vaults:3 | Found Plog's Assorted Antiques. 93474 | Vaults:3 | Bought a phial of floods for 880 gold pieces 93474 | Vaults:3 | Bought a scroll of fog for 88 gold pieces 93474 | Vaults:3 | Bought a scroll of fear for 88 gold pieces 93474 | Vaults:3 | Bought a scroll of blinking for 165 gold pieces 95335 | Vaults:4 | Reached skill level 15 in Earth Magic 95674 | Vaults:4 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 104/104 MP: 18/29 98827 | Snake:2 | Bought a potion of attraction for 81 gold pieces 99969 | Elf:2 | Paralysed by an air elemental for 1 turns 100111 | Elf:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Elven Halls 102126 | D:15 | Found a staircase to the Depths. 102152 | Depths:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Depths 102152 | Depths:1 | Found a flickering gateway to a bazaar. 102218 | Bazaar | Entered a bazaar 102345 | Bazaar | Found Woippog's Antique Weapon Emporium. 102345 | Bazaar | Found Heetweed's Assorted Antiques. 102380 | Bazaar | Found Rukh's Magic Scroll Emporium. 102396 | Bazaar | Found Poanuera's Armour Emporium. 102449 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of blinking for 135 gold pieces 102449 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of blinking for 135 gold pieces 102449 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of silence for 171 gold pieces 102449 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 54 gold pieces 102449 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 54 gold pieces 102475 | Bazaar | Bought a scroll of fog for 72 gold pieces 102556 | Depths:2 | Found a gateway to Hell. 102753 | Depths:2 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 102878 | Depths:2 | Found a runed translucent door. 102883 | Depths:2 | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss. 102894 | Depths:2 | Found a one-way gateway to a ziggurat. 103172 | Depths:3 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. 103604 | Depths:3 | Found a runed translucent gate. 103605 | Depths:3 | Found a runed translucent gate. 103605 | Depths:3 | Noticed QwerTheAngmarim's ghost (master DjAl) 103793 | Depths:3 | Found a runed translucent gate. 104861 | Depths:3 | Found an opulent altar of Gozag. 105180 | Depths:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Depths 105841 | Depths:4 | Noticed a caustic shrike 105844 | Depths:4 | Noticed a caustic shrike 106989 | Depths:1 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 109/109 MP: 30/30 107207 | Depths:1 | Gained mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably at | your foes. [mutagenic glow] 107214 | Depths:2 | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [mutagenic glow] 107222 | Depths:2 | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon | taking damage. [mutagenic glow] 107337 | Depths:1 | HP: 2/98 [quicksilver ooze (18)] 107338 | Depths:1 | Demolished by a quicksilver ooze 107338 | Depths:1 | Lost a life (1 life remaining) 108194 | Depths:1 | Killed from afar by an acid blob 108194 | Depths:1 | Lost a life (0 lives remaining) 108633 | Depths:1 | Paralysed by a Zot trap for 5 turns 110351 | Depths:1 | Gained mutation: You are very frail. (-20% HP) [a shining | eye] 110455 | Depths:2 | Lost mutation: You are very frail. (-20% HP) [potion of | mutation] 110455 | Depths:2 | Lost mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking | damage. [potion of mutation] 110455 | Depths:2 | Lost mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 110455 | Depths:2 | Gained mutation: You are somewhat resistant to further | mutation. [potion of mutation] 111034 | Depths:1 | Found Ysimir's Globular Garage. 111271 | Swamp:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Swamp 112960 | Swamp:2 | Noticed Mlioglotl 113423 | Swamp:2 | Killed Mlioglotl 113908 | Swamp:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Swamp 115576 | Swamp:4 | Got a decaying rune of Zot 117343 | Swamp:1 | Paralysed by a hornet for 1 turns 117383 | Swamp:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Conjurations 117600 | Swamp:1 | Reached XP level 21. HP: 80/113 MP: 28/34 117600 | Swamp:1 | Gained a life (1 life remaining) 117792 | Swamp:1 | Found a runed translucent door. 117796 | Swamp:1 | Identified the +0 buckler of the Locust {rElec rF+ rC+ | Dex+4} 117797 | Swamp:1 | Noticed newman's ghost (adept DsGl) 123406 | Depths:2 | Noticed a caustic shrike 126843 | Depths:2 | Identified the +7 chain mail of the Present {rElec Regen+ | rCorr Str-5 Int-2} 128889 | Elf:2 | Reached skill level 15 in Conjurations 130043 | Elf:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 130045 | Elf:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 130050 | Elf:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 130649 | Elf:1 | Reached XP level 22. HP: 118/118 MP: 35/35 130649 | Elf:1 | Gained a life (2 lives remaining) 130747 | Elf:1 | Learned a level 8 spell: Lehudib's Crystal Spear 131798 | Crypt:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt 133488 | Crypt:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 133488 | Crypt:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 133488 | Crypt:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 133492 | Crypt:1 | Noticed Dixziz's ghost (veteran SpHu) 133492 | Crypt:1 | Noticed Dudyom's ghost (veteran GrEE) 134270 | Crypt:2 | Noticed Xtahua 135308 | Crypt:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Crypt 137787 | Crypt:3 | Found a staircase to the Tomb. 138469 | Crypt:3 | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul. 138514 | Crypt:3 | Noticed an ancient lich 140578 | Elf:3 | Identified the ring "Ytoxuomi" {Fire rN+} 141815 | Elf:3 | Identified the +5 broad axe "Unyf" {flame, rF+ Dex+2 SInv} 142064 | Elf:3 | Identified the +1 plate armour of the Unseen Realm {rC- | Str+5} 143486 | Elf:3 | Identified the +12 flail of the Weasel {flame, *Corrode | Will++} 143923 | Elf:3 | Identified the +3 scale mail of Serendipity {Rampage rF- | Will+ Dex+6} 143953 | Elf:3 | Identified the ring "Petish" {Wiz Will- Dex+5} 144430 | Elf:3 | Identified the +5 battleaxe of Valour {pain, Will+ Stlth+} 144658 | Elf:3 | Got The Highest Levels of the Wizard's Wisdom 144665 | Elf:3 | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink 144672 | Elf:3 | Got Lom Lobon's Grimoire of the Map 144682 | Elf:3 | Identified the staff "Azxastru" {rF+ rCorr Fire} 144697 | Elf:3 | Found the +3 Elemental Staff {ele, rElec rF+ rC+ AC+3} 145033 | Depths:2 | Killed a caustic shrike 145190 | Depths:2 | Identified the staff "Giahoedgh" {Str+2 Earth} 145276 | Depths:3 | Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw. 145376 | Depths:4 | Noticed a juggernaut 145382 | Depths:4 | Killed a juggernaut 145383 | Depths:4 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 122/122 MP: 21/36 145490 | Depths:4 | Found a broken altar of Ashenzari. 146165 | Depths:4 | Found a gate to the Realm of Zot. 147631 | Orc:2 | Bought the Compendium of Wanderlust for 450 gold pieces 147633 | Orc:2 | Learned a level 1 spell: Apportation 147915 | Depths:2 | Voluntarily entered the Abyss. 148017 | Abyss:1 | Found a runed translucent door. 148755 | Abyss:1 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 148803 | Abyss:1 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 148992 | Abyss:1 | Upgraded the game from 0.31-a0-1464-gf45dec508d to | 0.31-a0-1480-g9c3b9a8043 149147 | Depths:2 | Escaped the Abyss 149184 | Depths:2 | Voluntarily entered the Abyss. 149372 | Abyss:1 | Found a runed translucent door. 149938 | Abyss:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Shapeshifting 150295 | Depths:2 | Escaped the Abyss 151196 | Snake:4 | Killed Vashnia 151731 | Snake:4 | Killed Roxanne 152046 | Elf:1 | Reached skill level 5 in Shapeshifting 153740 | Lair:5 | Killed particleface's ghost 154748 | Crypt:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 154748 | Crypt:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 154748 | Crypt:2 | Found a runed translucent gate. 154750 | Crypt:2 | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha. 154751 | Crypt:2 | Noticed an ancient lich 154751 | Crypt:2 | Noticed a dread lich 154752 | Crypt:2 | Noticed Feom's ghost (adept MiFi) 155145 | Crypt:2 | Noticed a royal mummy 155155 | Crypt:2 | Killed a royal mummy 155381 | Crypt:3 | Killed an ancient lich 155972 | Depths:2 | Voluntarily entered the Abyss. 156589 | Abyss:3 | Noticed a dread lich 156640 | Abyss:3 | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul. 156815 | Abyss:3 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 156830 | Abyss:3 | Got an abyssal rune of Zot 157150 | Abyss:3 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 157166 | Depths:2 | Escaped the Abyss 157181 | Depths:2 | Lost mutation: You are somewhat resistant to further | mutation. [potion of mutation] 157181 | Depths:2 | Lost mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably at | your foes. [potion of mutation] 157181 | Depths:2 | Gained mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your | head. [potion of mutation] 157181 | Depths:2 | Lost mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your head. | [potion of mutation] 157181 | Depths:2 | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 157351 | Zot:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot 157519 | Zot:2 | Noticed an orb of fire 157751 | Zot:2 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 127/127 MP: 36/36 158077 | Zot:3 | Noticed an orb of fire 158078 | Zot:3 | Gained mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [an orb of fire] 158082 | Zot:3 | Killed an orb of fire 158083 | Zot:3 | Reached skill level 10 in Shapeshifting 158319 | Zot:4 | Identified the +10 halberd of the Stopping Sybil {flame, | rPois} 158324 | Zot:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot 158324 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 158324 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 158324 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 158324 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 158324 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 158498 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 158498 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 158498 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 158498 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 158498 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159194 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159195 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159196 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159197 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159198 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159199 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159200 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159201 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159202 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159306 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159306 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159306 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159306 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159306 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159306 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159307 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159308 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159309 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159318 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159318 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159318 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159318 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159318 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159318 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159319 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 159320 | Zot:5 | Found a huge runed gate. 161272 | Zot:5 | Noticed a dread lich 161279 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 161311 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 161377 | Zot:5 | Killed a Killer Klown 161385 | Zot:5 | Killed a dread lich 161387 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 161400 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 161446 | Zot:5 | Got the Orb of Zot 161448 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 161450 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 161452 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 161463 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 161633 | Zot:2 | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [a neqoxec] 161667 | Depths:4 | Noticed Feclab the pandemonium lord 161669 | Depths:4 | HP: 3/102 [Feclab the pandemonium lord (15)] 161670 | Depths:4 | Noticed Gediveusch the pandemonium lord 161670 | Depths:4 | Slain by Feclab the pandemonium lord 161670 | Depths:4 | Lost a life (1 life remaining) 161687 | Depths:4 | Killed Feclab the pandemonium lord 161923 | D:9 | Noticed Lezoapoc the pandemonium lord 162088 | D:$ | Escaped with the Orb! Illustrated notes Levels and vault maps discovered: D:1: nzn_arrival_settlement, layout_basic, chequers_ecumenical_altar_island, kennysheep_minor_cross D:2: layout_basic, uniq_sigmund, uniq_jessica D:3: layout_rooms, serial_bayou_pond_c, serial_bayou_lagoon_a, nicolae_figureground_sparkle D:4: layout_basic, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_getting_attention, goddamned_bats D:5: layout_loops_ring, minmay_temple_entry_poolview, uniq_crazy_yiuf_cottage, uniq_edmund, uniq_blork_the_orc, uniq_grinder D:6: layout_rooms, uniq_maggie D:7: layout_layer_cave, serial_glass, glass_columns_a, glass_columns_a D:8: layout_cave_pools, uniq_amaemon D:9: layout_basic D:10: layout_long_grid, mainiacjoe_overflow_alcove_3, grunt_ministairs_10 D:11: layout_layer_cave, grunt_lair_entry_orc_guard_hut, minmay_door_square, nzn_wu_jian_council_hall D:12: layout_cave_pods, minmay_orc_entry_temple_small, serial_rivers, chequers_serial_rivers_small_3, chequers_serial_rivers_room_b, chequers_serial_rivers_room_b, chequers_serial_rivers_micro_d, chequers_serial_rivers_small_b, chequers_serial_rivers_small_b, uniq_josephine D:13: layout_roguey D:14: layout_basic, skrybe_vaults_entry_preservation, moated_statue, minmay_misc_feat_five D:15: grunt_enter_depths_snipers, layout_cross, minmay_crystal_room Temple: hc_temple_tempest_star Lair:1: layout_regular_city, minmay_lair_oklob_items, serial_bayou_shore_a Lair:2: layout_small_grid, nicolae_swamp_entry_splash_gauntlet, alex1729_snake_entry_snake, portal_ice_cave_entry_pillars_1, infiniplex_staircase_pool, serial_bayou_shore_b, lemuel_fruit_fields, serial_bayou_shore_b Lair:3: layout_misc_corridors, beast_lair_carwin_9 Lair:4: layout_gridlike, minmay_slime_entry_pillars, serial_bayou_crossing Lair:5: minmay_lair_end_enchanted_forest, layout_cave_pods, ebering_ghost_xom, serial_bayou_ford_a Swamp:1: layout_falls_marsh, ebering_ghost_inner_flame, evilmike_swamp_ruin_house_3 Swamp:2: layout_basic_swamp, hangedman_swamp_blocks, uniq_mlioglotl Swamp:3: layout_basic_swamp, nicolae_swamp_tree_designs, nicolae_swamp_long_stream Swamp:4: swamp_fiery, layout_basic_swamp, swamp_pool_1_2 Snake:1: layout_chambers, grunt_megastairs_3 Snake:2: layout_cave_pods, minmay_shoptagon Snake:3: nicolae_snake_hallway, layout_honeycomb, grunt_megastairs_4, serial_bayou_shore_b Snake:4: snake_pit, layout_basic, serial_shops, shop, uniq_roxanne, uniq_vashnia Orc:1: layout_caves, basic_altar Orc:2: grunt_orc_gardens, layout_caves, grunt_orc_garden, grunt_orc_garden, grunt_orc_garden, grunt_orc_garden, elf_legates, uniq_rupert, uniq_saint_roka, uniq_donald Elf:1: nicolae_elf_arrival_dilemma, layout_geoelf_grid, serial_shops, bzr_firewalk, hangedman_elven_crosses_minicolossus Elf:2: nicolae_elf_blades_splatter_lattice [nicolae_vaults_blade_armed_guards], layout_geoelf_grid Elf:3: minmay_elf_hall, layout_gridlike, nicolae_elf_deep_friendship Vaults:1: infiniplex_enter_wizlab_water, nicolae_vaults_wrenched, vaults_room_octagon, nicolae_vaults_steering_wheel, grunt_vaults_diagonal, v_misc_8, ontoclasm_vaults_eye, nicolae_vaults_trapezoid_lopsided_3, nicolae_vaults_tangram_2, v_rooms_2, nicolae_vaults_trapezoid_lopsided_2, grunt_vaults_swirl, ontoclasm_vaults_ring_small, v_alt_pattern_1, nicolae_vaults_tetromino_T_2, nicolae_vaults_quartermaster, hangedman_vaults_cutoff, layout_vaults_maze, serial_shops, shop Vaults:2: vaults_room_octagon, grunt_vaults_trifunnel, nicolae_vaults_trapezoid_lopsided_1, v_misc_23, nicolae_vaults_three_branches, v_misc_5, nicolae_vaults_layer_cake_slice, nicolae_vaults_doubleplus_tesselated, layout_vaults_omnigrid, uniq_margery, uniq_zenata, uniq_sojobo Vaults:3: minmay_crypt_entry_necro_gods, v_alt_pattern_5, nicolae_vaults_network_quinsquares [nicolae_vaults_network_quincunx_subvault, nicolae_vaults_network_quincunx_subvault, nicolae_vaults_network_quincunx_subvault, nicolae_vaults_network_quincunx_subvault], vaults_room_grunt_arrival_ludios, gammafunk_sealed_arena, nicolae_vaults_angled_halls, v_misc_14, vaults_room_semicircle, v_misc_25, vaults_room_corners, nicolae_vaults_six-pack, nicolae_vaults_little_squares_5, vaults_room_hallway, vaults_dpeg_hooks, layout_vaults_omnibox, serial_shops, shop, uniq_mennas Vaults:4: nicolae_vaults_layer_cake_slice, vaults_dpeg_diagonal, nicolae_vaults_circle_grid_a, v_pattern_3, vaults_room_octagon, vaults_room_semicircle, v_rooms_6, vaults_mumra_hexcomb, nicolae_vaults_gold_heap, vaults_room_door_ring, ontoclasm_vaults_spin, vaults_room_grid, nicolae_vaults_border_crossing, nicolae_vaults_tetromino_L_2, layout_vaults_big_cross Crypt:1: layout_basic, gammafunk_ghost_cemetery, grunt_crypt_arrival_split, grunt_megastairs_2 Crypt:2: ragdoll_tomb_raider, layout_gridlike, gammafunk_ghost_crypt, uniq_xtahua Crypt:3: cryptofortress_bobbens Depths:1: four-leaf_vault, layout_cave_pools, special_room [special_room_jelly], eino_curves_01, serial_shops, bzr_entry_gold, hell_entry, grunt_pan_entry_zigzag, minivault_15, tekkud_shop_of_orbs Depths:2: minmay_four_inscribed_fans, layout_basic, enter_ziggurat_d, pan_entry, serial_bayou, serial_bayou_pond_e, serial_bayou_pond_d, serial_bayou_lake_a, serial_bayou_shore_b, serial_bayou_pond_d, nicolae_elevator_lobby_asterisk, abyss_entry_flame_altar, hell_entry, kennysheep_treasure_room Depths:3: regret_index_uskayaw_diablada_macabre, layout_cave_shapes, grunt_gozag_breadcrumbs, gammafunk_ghost_split, pan_entry, abyss_entry, hangedman_geh_valley, infiniplex_staircase_zigzag_4 Depths:4: grunt_zot_entry_gee_three, layout_gridlike, pan_entry, minmay_room_of_horrors, hell_entry, serial_glass, glass_columns_c, glass_columns_b, due_unseen_surprise, ashenzari_altar_1 Zot:1: layout_gridlike, regret_index_zotdec_onion_hex Zot:2: layout_gridlike, grunt_ministairs_12, st_stairs_13, regret_index_zotdec_storm_pass, uniq_tiamat Zot:3: layout_misc_corridors, drop_trap, lemuel_elevator Zot:4: gammafunk_the_bubble [the_bubble_gammafunk_plus_minus], layout_gridlike, grunt_ministairs_3, st_stairs_1, regret_index_zotdec_banners Zot:5: layout_basic, grunt_ministairs_3, door_vault Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | ---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+----- Unarmed Combat | 1 4 6 7 | 7.0 Conjurations | 1 3 5 6 7 10 15 19 20 | 20.0 Spellcasting | 1 3 6 8 | 8.0 Stealth | 3 6 9 11 13 | 13.0 Earth Magic | 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 | 20.6 Alchemy | 4 7 12 15 16 | 16.7 Fighting | 5 7 9 11 13 | 13.0 Dodging | 7 11 13 17 19 | 19.5 Evocations | 5 6 10 | 10.0 Shapeshifting | 9 12 | 12.9 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 | 7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-24 || total ---------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------++------- Melee: Unarmed | 54 | 7 | 12 | 217 | 660 | 929 | 742 | 528 || 3149 Bite | 5 | 1 | | 39 | 126 | 199 | 162 | 123 || 655 Punch | | | | 9 | 36 | 82 | 56 | 65 || 248 Cast: Magic Dart | 72 | 14 | 2 | | 2 | 1 | | || 91 Searing Ray | 9 | 27 | 32 | 3 | 1 | | | || 72 Stone Arrow | | | 85 | 150 | 340 | 95 | 218 | 37 || 925 Passwall | | | 2 | 35 | 21 | 5 | 27 | 12 || 102 Petrify | | | | 139 | 296 | 481 | 504 | 213 || 1633 Lee's Rapid Decon | | | | 1 | 22 | 17 | 17 | 75 || 132 Irradiate | | | | | 13 | 76 | 173 | 158 || 420 Eringya's Noxious | | | | | | 26 | 17 | 7 || 50 Lehudib's Crystal | | | | | | | | 298 || 298 Apportation | | | | | | | | 8 || 8 Blink | | | | | | | | 3 || 3 Invoke: Potion Petition | | | | | 8 | 2 | 6 | 3 || 19 Bribe Branch | | | | | | | | 4 || 4 Evoke: Wand | 4 | 7 | 12 | 14 | 22 | 6 | 30 | 17 || 112 Lightning rod | | | | | 18 | 4 | 9 | 4 || 35 Phial of floods | | | | | | | 1 | || 1 Use: Scroll | | | | 16 | 6 | 22 | 32 | 29 || 105 Potion | | | | 10 | 5 | 12 | 33 | 29 || 89 Stab: Sleeping | 1 | | 2 | 26 | 10 | 14 | 31 | 8 || 92 Petrified | | | | 150 | 368 | 465 | 449 | 224 || 1656 Petrifying | | | | 7 | 53 | 112 | 74 | 45 || 291 Paralysed | | | | | 3 | | 1 | 2 || 6 Distracted | | | | | 1 | 1 | | 2 || 4 Invisible | | | | | | | | 4 || 4 Armour: Skin | 25 | 9 | 37 | 91 | 168 | 222 | 381 | 365 || 1298 Dodge: Dodged | 49 | 59 | 78 | 148 | 623 | 1040 | 947 | 1064 || 4008 Block: Other | | | 9 | 49 | 109 | 28 | | || 195 Reflection | | | 1 | 4 | 14 | 8 | | || 27 Form: Beast | 2 | | | | | | | || 2 | 1 | | | | | | | || 1 Statue | | | | | | | | 1 || 1 Table legend: (Time is in decaauts) A = Elapsed time spent in this place. B = Non-inter-level travel time spent in this place. C = Inter-level travel time spent in this place. D = Time resting spent in this place. E = Time spent auto-exploring this place. F = Levels seen in this place. G = Mean time per level. A B C D E F G +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----+--------+ Total | 162818 | 146097 | 16721 | 43070 | 67796 | 58 | 2807.2 | Dungeon | 37965 | 31601 | 6364 | 6855 | 18174 | 15 | 2531.0 | Temple | 32 | 2 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 32.0 | Lair | 20350 | 17547 | 2803 | 4470 | 9161 | 5 | 4070.0 | Swamp | 7291 | 6577 | 714 | 1944 | 3233 | 4 | 1822.8 | Snake Pit | 24600 | 23368 | 1232 | 7897 | 9643 | 4 | 6150.0 | Orcish Mines | 6218 | 5512 | 706 | 1863 | 2353 | 2 | 3109.0 | Elven Halls | 12933 | 12098 | 835 | 5509 | 4242 | 3 | 4311.0 | Vaults | 16517 | 15212 | 1305 | 3009 | 8562 | 4 | 4129.2 | Crypt | 8602 | 8026 | 576 | 3274 | 3101 | 3 | 2867.3 | Depths | 19759 | 17905 | 1854 | 5951 | 6256 | 4 | 4939.8 | Zot | 4543 | 4244 | 299 | 2012 | 817 | 5 | 908.6 | Abyss | 3522 | 3522 | 0 | 283 | 1978 | 5 | 704.4 | Bazaar | 460 | 460 | 0 | 0 | 273 | 2 | 230.0 | Wizlab | 18 | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 18.0 | +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----+--------+ Top non-repeatable levels by time: Snake:4: 14292 daAuts Lair:5: 8210 daAuts Depths:2: 6598 daAuts Depths:4: 5837 daAuts Elf:2: 5637 daAuts Elf:3: 5100 daAuts Vaults:4: 4715 daAuts Vaults:2: 4689 daAuts Vaults:1: 4605 daAuts D:12: 4401 daAuts Crypt:3: 4357 daAuts D:11: 4319 daAuts Lair:1: 3958 daAuts Depths:1: 3852 daAuts Snake:1: 3616 daAuts