Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.27-a0-1046-g98bf31544f (webtiles) character file. Game seed: 11460254562725368035 15215983 Yermak the Bane of Scribes (level 27, 265/265 HPs) Began as a Djinni Hunter on Apr 19, 2021. Was the Champion of Trog. Escaped with the Orb ... and 15 runes! The game lasted 07:19:05 (104208 turns). Yermak the Bane of Scribes (Djinni Hunter) Turns: 104208, Time: 07:19:06 Health: 265/265 AC: 31 Str: 20 XL: 27 Gold: 1037 EV: 25 Int: 9 God: Trog [******] SH: 20 Dex: 30 rFire + + + SeeInvis + b - +9 quick blade (vamp) rCold + + . Faith . m - +2 shield of Resistance {rF++ rC++ Will++} rNeg + + . Spirit . R - +9 plate armour "Siega" {rC- Regen+ rCorr Dex+4} rPois ∞ Reflect . p - -2 hat of the Alchemist {rElec rPois rF+ rC+ rN+ Will+ rMut rCorr} rElec + Harm + C - scarf {+Inv} rCorr + Rampage + V - +2 pair of gloves of Conscience {Harm Rampage Int-4 Dex+8} rMut + (boots unavailable) Will +++++ f - amulet of Vitality {Regen+ HP+15} Stlth ++........ y - +4 ring of slaying HPRegen 2.54/turn d - ring "Saymet" {rC+ rN+ Slay+4, =R} MPRegen 0.00/turn @: flying, studying 3 skills A: fire resistance 2, cold vulnerability 1, float, innate caster, hp casting, extra vitality 1, see invisible, mutation resistance 1, robust 1, screaming 1 0: Orb of Zot }: 15/15 runes: barnacled, slimy, silver, golden, iron, obsidian, icy, bone, abyssal, demonic, glowing, magical, fiery, dark, gossamer a: Renounce Religion, Evoke Invisibility, Berserk, Trog's Hand, Brothers in Arms You escaped. You worshipped Trog. Trog was exalted by your worship. You visited 17 branches of the dungeon, and saw 85 of its levels. You visited Pandemonium 3 times, and saw 17 of its levels. You visited the Abyss 1 time. You visited 2 ziggurats (completing 1), and saw 45 of their levels. You also visited: Trove, Ice Cave and Wizlab. You collected 11984 gold pieces. You spent 10947 gold pieces at shops. Inventory: Hand Weapons a - a +9 rapier of holy wrath b - a +9 vampiric quick blade (weapon) q - the +10 rapier "Ymefay" {god gift, flame, +Blink} (Trog gifted it to you on level 7 of Gehenna) It has been specially enchanted to burn those struck by it, causing extra injury to most foes and up to half again as much damage against particularly susceptible opponents. It lets you blink. w - a +9 eudemon blade of holy wrath Missiles u - 2 silver boomerangs (quivered) x - 82 silver javelins G - 6 datura-tipped darts J - 6 atropa-tipped darts K - 37 boomerangs of dispersal Z - 9 throwing nets Armour m - the +2 shield of Resistance (worn) {rF++ rC++ Will++} (You acquired it on level 6 of the Lair of Beasts) It greatly protects you from fire. It greatly protects you from cold. It greatly increases your willpower. o - +10 shadow dragon scales p - the -2 hat of the Alchemist (worn) {rElec rPois rF+ rC+ rN+ Will+ rMut rCorr} (You acquired it on level 1 of the Realm of Zot) It protects you from fire. It protects you from cold. It insulates you from electricity. It protects you from poison. It protects you from negative energy. It protects you from acid and corrosion. It protects you from mutation. It increases your willpower. C - a scarf of invisibility (worn) R - the +9 plate armour "Siega" (worn) {rC- Regen+ rCorr Dex+4} (You found it on level 17 of a ziggurat) It affects your dexterity (+4). It makes you vulnerable to cold. It increases your rate of health regeneration. It protects you from acid and corrosion. U - the +4 moon troll leather armour {Spirit, Regen++ MP+5} (You found it on level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients) It affects your magic capacity (+5). It increases your rate of health regeneration. V - the +2 pair of gloves of Conscience (worn) {Harm Rampage Int-4 Dex+8} (You found it in a treasure trove) It affects your intelligence (-4). It affects your dexterity (+8). It increases damage dealt and taken. It bestows one free step when moving towards enemies. Jewellery d - the ring "Saymet" (right hand) {rC+ rN+ Slay+4, =R} (You acquired it in a wizard's laboratory) [ring of slaying] It affects your accuracy and damage with ranged weapons and melee attacks (+4). It protects you from cold. It protects you from negative energy. f - the amulet of Vitality (around neck) {Regen+ HP+15} (You found it on level 15 of a ziggurat) [amulet of regeneration] It affects your health (+15). It increases your rate of health regeneration. y - a +4 ring of slaying (left hand) F - the ring "Vixkeps" {+Blink rF- rC+++ Str+6 Int+2} (You found it on level 23 of a ziggurat) [ring of strength] It affects your strength (+6). It affects your intelligence (+2). It makes you vulnerable to fire. It renders you almost immune to cold. It lets you blink. Wands k - a wand of mindburst (12) A - a wand of acid (51) D - a wand of digging (1) E - a wand of charming (9) I - a wand of iceblast (28) P - a wand of paralysis (30) Scrolls c - 22 scrolls of fear h - 14 scrolls of silence {!r} i - 2 scrolls of immolation j - 5 scrolls of holy word n - 2 scrolls of summoning r - 14 scrolls of fog t - 2 scrolls of vulnerability B - 12 scrolls of blinking M - 11 scrolls of magic mapping T - 39 scrolls of teleportation Potions e - 12 potions of cancellation g - 8 potions of heal wounds v - 29 potions of mutation z - 5 potions of resistance L - 13 potions of ambrosia N - 4 potions of might Q - 34 potions of curing S - 6 potions of lignification W - 4 potions of invisibility Miscellaneous l - a phantom mirror s - the horn of Geryon H - a +1 figurine of a ziggurat O - a condenser vane X - a box of beasts Y - a tin of tremorstones (2/2) Skills: O Level 27 Fighting - Level 19.2(22.0) Short Blades - Level 19.3(22.0) Long Blades - Level 3.2 Crossbows + Level 24.7 Throwing - Level 22.1 Armour - Level 23.0 Dodging + Level 26.8 Stealth - Level 20.9 Shields - Level 1.6 Spellcasting O Level 27 Invocations - Level 20.2 Evocations You couldn't memorise any spells. You knew the following spells: Your Spells Type Power Damage Failure Level a - Sandblast Erth 6% 2d5 75% 1 b - Slow Hex 3% N/A 86% 2 c - Summon Guardian Gole Hex/Summ 3% N/A 98% 3 d - Inner Flame Hex/Fire 3% N/A 98% 3 e - Sticky Flame Conj/Fire 3% 2d3 100% 4 f - Shadow Creatures Summ N/A N/A 100% 6 g - Monstrous Menagerie Summ 1% N/A 100% 7 h - Haunt Necr/Summ 1% N/A 100% 7 i - Infestation Necr 1% N/A 100% 8 j - Summon Horrible Thin Summ 1% N/A 100% 8 k - Absolute Zero Ice 1% ∞ 100% 9 l - Shatter Erth 1% 3d6* 100% 9 w - Bolt of Magma Conj/Fire/Erth 1% 4d4 100% 5 Your spell library was empty. Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (15/15) Temple (0/1) D:7 Lair (6/6) D:11 Shoals (4/4) Lair:2 Spider (4/4) Lair:2 Slime (5/5) Lair:5 Orc (2/2) D:9 Elf (3/3) Orc:2 Vaults (5/5) D:14 Crypt (3/3) Vaults:3 Tomb (3/3) Crypt:3 Depths (5/5) D:15 Hell (visited) Dis (7/7) Hell Geh (7/7) Hell Coc (7/7) Hell Tar (7/7) Hell Zot (5/5) Depths:5 IceCv (visited) WizLab (visited) Altars: Cheibriados Elyvilon Fedhas Gozag Kikubaaqudgha Makhleb Nemelex Xobeh Trog Vehumet Xom Yredelemnul Zin The Shining One Shops: D:3 ? Orc:2 =!? Vaults:3 *[ Vaults:4 ??? Vaults:5 ?[(= Depths:2 ! Depths:4 ? Depths:5 =:=( Portals: Hell: Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Depths:5 Abyss: Depths:4 Pandemonium: Depths:3 Annotations: Shoals:1 2 exclusions Dis:7 Dispater Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You are immune to poison. Your flesh is very heat resistant. (rF++) You are vulnerable to cold. (rC-) You float through the air rather than walking. You learn spells naturally, not from books. Your magical power is your life essence. You have superior vitality. (+4 HP) You have supernaturally acute eyesight. (SInv) You are somewhat resistant to further mutation. You are robust. (+10% HP) You occasionally shout uncontrollably at your foes. Message History Where to? (* - list waypoints, Enter - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) A hellion comes into view. Blink to where? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target As you read the scroll of blinking, it crumbles to dust. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus (Z) Zot Where to? (* - list waypoints, Enter - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) You fly upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You fly upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. A monstrous demonspawn comes into view. The monstrous demonspawn moves out of view. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus (Z) Zot Where to? (* - list waypoints, Enter - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) A monstrous demonspawn is nearby! An Ice Fiend comes into view. Blink to where? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target As you read the scroll of blinking, it crumbles to dust. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus (Z) Zot Where to? (* - list waypoints, Enter - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) Some rock shatters into small pieces. A cacodemon comes into view. There is a stone staircase leading up here. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (N) Spider Nest (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus (Z) Zot Where to? (* - list waypoints, Enter - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) You fly upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You see here a +0 pair of gloves. You see here a +0 dagger. There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here. You have escaped! '## #.# #....# # ..## #.# ♣♣♣...♣♣♣ ## ...## #.## ♣♣.......♣♣ ##. ....## ##..## ♣♣.........♣♣ ##.. .....###....###♣....♣.♣....♣##... .....+...#.....♣.....⌠.....♣.'... .....###....####♣...♣.♣....♣##... ....#####..### ♣..........♣♣ ##.. ..†## #......# ♣@.#♣.....♣♣ ##. ..## #.#....###♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ## '## #........# #.# # .#### #........# #.# ....# #........# #.######### .##.###.##...### #.#.......# # .....##......# #.#.#####.### .....######.## #.....###.##. ..#..######.# ###.#........ There were no monsters in sight! Vanquished Creatures Cerebov (Pan) Antaeus (Coc:7) Asmodeus (Geh:7) Lom Lobon (Pan) Gloorx Vloq (Pan) the Royal Jelly (Slime:5) Ereshkigal (Tar:7) Mnoleg (Pan) 9 dread liches 4 orbs of fire 15 pandemonium lords The ghost of Plog the Naga Aeon, a legendary NaMo of Cheibriados (Zot:1) 11 ancient liches Mara (Vaults:5) Mennas (Pan) 14 juggernauts 14 royal mummies The ghost of Ziyluu the Slayer, a veteran MiFi of Uskayaw (Depths:4) The ghost of Exiha the Slayer, a veteran MiFi of Uskayaw (Depths:4) Frederick (Crypt:1) 5 shard shrikes Margery (Vaults:3) 14 Killer Klowns 4 curse toes 3 caustic shrikes (Zig:15) Geryon (Hell) Jory (Vaults:5) the Enchantress (Depths:2) The ghost of yalue the Executioner, an adept MiFi of the Shining One (Crypt:1) A profane servitor (Crypt:3) 8 golden dragons Nikola (Depths:2) Arachne (Spider:3) 18 Tzitzimimeh 13 bone dragons 7 doom hounds 4 iron giants (Zig:24) 18 Brimstone Fiends 5 electric golems 4 hellephants 14 tentacled monstrosities 10 Hell Sentinels 25 liches Asterion (Elf:3) 17 Ice Fiends 17 titans Polyphemus (Shoals:4) 28 Orb Guardians 6 death cobs A deep elf blademaster (Elf:3) 11 quicksilver dragons 18 ancient champions An eldritch tentacle (Pan) 4 krakens 2 deep elf master archers (Elf:3) Kirke (D:15) 17 acid blobs 29 Executioners 15 tentacled starspawn 14 warmongers 11 sphinxes 13 storm dragons 26 revenants 7 shadow dragons 10 tengu reavers 11 rockslimes 7 azure jellies A fenstrider witch (shapeshifter) (Zig:10) 2 daevas An azure jelly (shapeshifter) (Zig:14) 18 draconian monks 8 fire giants 8 nagarajas 2 fenstrider witches 11 frost giants 28 ghost moths 5 deep elf sorcerers 16 draconian scorchers 5 iron dragons 16 draconian knights 13 emperor scorpions 14 cacodemons 28 orc warlords 3 juggernaut zombies 13 curse skulls 31 balrugs 13 war gargoyles 11 vault wardens 3 deep elf elementalists (Elf:3) Louise (Spider:1) 6 spriggan defenders A caustic shrike zombie (Zig:24) 17 draconian shifters 37 reapers 7 quicksilver oozes 27 very ugly things 15 draconian annihilators 3 elemental wellsprings (Coc:7) 13 ironbound preservers 14 ghouls A stone giant (shapeshifter) (Zig:14) 20 stone giants 10 draconian stormcallers 8 bennus 9 blood saints 5 deep elf demonologists 17 vampire knights 7 corrupters 17 green draconians 13 purple draconians 18 entropy weavers A dire elephant (shapeshifter) (Zig:14) 10 deep elf annihilators 11 black suns 20 black draconians 9 spark wasps 10 lorocyprocas A bunyip (Zig:7) 15 yellow draconians 4 dire elephants 16 red draconians Azrael (Spider:2) 15 white draconians 12 green deaths 23 eidola 9 merfolk javelineers 23 blizzard demons 16 deep elf death magi 5 quicksilver dragon zombies 3 eleionomae (shapeshifter) 4 deep elf high priests 3 crystal guardians (Vaults:3) 25 mummy priests 23 ettins 8 fire dragons 15 yaktaur captains 5 rakshasas 5 jiangshi 10 merfolk impalers Fannar (D:12) A kraken zombie (Coc:7) 31 vault guards 4 ironbound thunderhulks 13 ice dragons 3 peacekeepers (Vaults:3) A quicksilver dragon skeleton (Zig:18) 5 hell beasts 6 ironbound frosthearts 2 juggernaut simulacra (Pan) 19 hydras 4 naga warriors 14 great orbs of eyes 2 ghost crabs 8 monstrous demonspawn 10 ogre magi 8 spriggan air magi 13 boulder beetles An anaconda (shapeshifter) (Zig:3) 13 centaur warriors Erica (D:8) 4 catoblepae An alligator (Zig:8) 6 death knights An anaconda (Zig:8) 38 dancing weapons 6 alligator snapping turtles 6 merfolk avatars 2 satyrs 5 merfolk aquamancers 6 death yaks 9 tengu warriors 25 two-headed ogres 21 vampire magi 14 deep troll earth magi 6 deep troll shamans 2 ironbound beastmasters 8 spriggan berserkers 131 death scarabs 4 titan zombies 18 thrashing horrors 20 hell knights 3 naga sharpshooters (Zig:8) 18 hell hogs 7 shock serpents 28 orc high priests 44 soul eaters 19 deep elf knights 60 skeletal warriors 13 wretched stars 3 iron golems 32 sun demons 4 salamander mystics A storm dragon skeleton (Zig:18) 3 storm dragon zombies 11 sixfirhies 6 titan skeletons 29 shadow wraiths 7 swamp dragons 3 anaconda zombies 6 death drakes A goliath frog (Zig:15) 23 iron trolls A spriggan druid (Zig:8) 2 sea snakes (shapeshifter) 5 spatial maelstroms 5 golden dragon zombies 2 infernal demonspawn (Pan) 5 gelid demonspawn A ghost moth zombie (Crypt:3) 2 glowing orange brains 15 shadow demons 43 deep trolls 4 torturous demonspawn (Pan) 16 sea snakes 16 flayed ghosts 5 naga ritualists 4 bog bodies 36 phantasmal warriors 12 ironbound convokers 3 shadow dragon zombies 3 golden dragon skeletons 3 lindwurms (Vaults:1) 8 wizards 8 deep elf archers 11 necromancers 3 obsidian statues (Zig:10) An orange crystal statue (Zig:10) 14 orc knights 56 harpies 5 tengu zombies 3 iron dragon zombies An anaconda skeleton (Tar:7) 33 deep elf zephyrmancers 3 mana vipers 2 oklob plants (Lair:6) A sphinx zombie (Zig:18) 67 ugly things 17 manticores 39 orb spiders 26 deep elf pyromancers 6 frost giant zombies 2 shadow dragon skeletons 2 wolf spider zombies 4 shining eyes 21 orc sorcerers 2 fire giant zombies 7 stone giant zombies 51 large abominations 10 fauns 9 cyclopes 4 worldbinders 70 slime creatures 40 wolf spiders 3 will-o-the-wisps A sphinx skeleton (Zig:18) 3 stone giant skeletons A cyclops (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5) 3 manticores (shapeshifter) 13 salamanders 14 elephants 2 iron dragon skeletons 2 demonspawn zombies (WizLab) 14 merfolk sirens 4 guardian serpents An eye of devastation (shapeshifter) (Zig:3) 5 eyes of devastation 7 black mambas A shock serpent zombie (Crypt:1) 40 moths of wrath A naga mage (Zig:8) 22 rust devils 7 ice statues 10 elf zombies 9 molten gargoyles 2 frost giant skeletons 18 vault sentinels 2 gargoyles (D:11) 39 smoke demons 8 apocalypse crabs 14 water nymphs 3 dire elephant skeletons 14 torpor snails A fire giant skeleton (Tomb:1) 17 cane toads 2 emperor scorpion zombies 3 dire elephant zombies 16 orange demons 3 rime drakes (shapeshifter) A titan simulacrum (Coc:7) 24 hellions A red draconian zombie (Crypt:2) A green draconian zombie (Crypt:1) A sea snake zombie (Hell) An efreet (D:14) An unseen horror (Tar:7) 33 demonic crawlers A shock serpent skeleton (Tomb:1) A spriggan skeleton (Zig:18) 6 rime drakes 27 tormentors 16 ancient zymes A kobold demonologist (D:12) 3 tengu conjurers (Depths:1) 24 freezing wraiths 39 guardian mummies 29 yaktaurs A catoblepas zombie (Crypt:3) 7 komodo dragons 29 ice devils A komodo dragon (shapeshifter) (D:15) 5 anaconda simulacra 3 harpy zombies 16 red devils 17 hellwings A golden dragon simulacrum (IceCv) A sea snake skeleton (Hell) A queen bee (D:9) A hornet (shapeshifter) (Elf:2) 31 merfolk 2 silent spectres (Tar:7) 2 catoblepas skeletons (Crypt:2) 13 polar bears 7 tyrant leeches 5 hydra zombies 59 jumping spiders A wolf spider simulacrum (D:15) 8 wind drakes A merfolk (shapeshifter) (Elf:2) 15 trolls 3 hydra skeletons 22 hornets 12 blink frogs 5 fire dragon zombies 10 raiju A slime creature (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5) 4 ice dragon zombies 2 alligator zombies 12 dream sheep A deep troll zombie (WizLab) 4 ettin zombies 21 snapping turtles 24 flying skulls 5 centaur simulacra An iron dragon simulacrum (Zig:13) 3 ettin skeletons An alligator skeleton (Coc:7) 7 air elementals 39 tarantellas A tarantella (shapeshifter) (Elf:2) 86 redbacks Sigmund (D:3) A fire dragon skeleton (Tar:7) 27 yaks 2 ice dragon skeletons 2 vampires 25 ynoxinuls 16 spriggans 23 wraiths 6 shadows An elf simulacrum (Zig:13) Grum (D:5) 12 ushabtiu 28 water elementals 6 wyverns A dire elephant simulacrum (IceCv) 6 fire bats (Abyss:5) 4 golden eyes 10 fire elementals 4 basilisks 28 chaos spawn 25 neqoxecs 6 steam dragons A human (D:15) A human simulacrum (Vaults:2) 2 harpy simulacra (IceCv) A wind drake skeleton (Crypt:1) 5 vampire mosquitoes 3 death yak simulacra (IceCv) 5 elf skeletons 14 wargs 5 acid dragons A spatial vortex (Abyss:4) A swamp worm (shapeshifter) (Zig:14) 3 iron troll simulacra (IceCv) A naga (Zig:8) 5 cane toad zombies 22 hell hounds 13 water moccasins 4 hydra simulacra 4 swamp drakes 3 swamp dragon zombies 4 ice beasts 2 sky beasts 3 black bears A black bear (shapeshifter) (D:14) 69 orc warriors 36 starcursed masses 2 snapping turtle zombies A manticore zombie (Tar:7) 11 small abominations 5 boggarts (Lair:6) 24 necrophages A swamp dragon skeleton (Crypt:2) 37 wolves 59 ogres A dream sheep skeleton (Crypt:2) 9 centaurs 3 snapping turtle skeletons 3 human zombies A lindwurm skeleton (Crypt:2) 4 phantoms 3 scorpions A cyclops zombie (Crypt:1) 5 gnoll sergeants 13 bullfrogs 5 earth elementals 2 wyvern zombies A cane toad simulacrum (Coc:7) 11 wyvern skeletons (Crypt:3) 2 troll zombies A water moccasin skeleton (D:4) An elephant simulacrum (IceCv) 26 killer bees A spriggan zombie (Crypt:3) An oklob sapling (D:7) 12 wights 4 centaur zombies 2 howler monkeys A lava snake (Lair:5) 8 crimson imps 2 draconian simulacra (IceCv) A bullfrog zombie (D:6) 3 jellies 5 gnoll shamans 12 hounds 13 iron imps 23 orc priests 3 centaur skeletons An iguana (D:6) Terence (D:2) A basilisk skeleton (Crypt:2) 34 orc wizards 10 hell rats A wolf simulacrum (IceCv) 3 spriggan simulacra (IceCv) A troll simulacrum (IceCv) A killer bee zombie (D:8) A hound skeleton (D:4) 36 mummies A howler monkey zombie (D:6) 31 gnolls 3 ogre simulacra (IceCv) 7 adders 2 naga simulacra (IceCv) 5 shadow imps 2 tengu simulacra 15 white imps 13 ufetubi 2 adder skeletons (D:4) An iguana skeleton (Crypt:2) 4 worms 3 dart slugs 69 orcs 6 ball pythons 9 endoplasms 4 giant cockroaches 3 hobgoblins (D:1) 3 jackals (D:5) 5 kobolds 6 quokkas 5 bats 2 frilled lizards (D:1) A goblin (D:4) A jackal skeleton (Crypt:1) 4 rats A river rat skeleton (Crypt:1) 3 fire vortices (Zig:14) 10 starspawn tentacles 9 tentacles A withered plant (Crypt:3) 4944 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills) An ancient lich (Depths:4) Sojobo (Depths:1) 3 pandemonium lords A golden dragon (Depths:5) 2 caustic shrikes A bone dragon (Tar:2) 3 Brimstone Fiends Jorgrun (D:15) A deep elf blademaster (Elf:3) 2 Ice Fiends (Zig:12) A Hell Sentinel (Zig:12) Agnes (Spider:4) An ancient champion (Zig:25) A draconian monk (Depths:5) A storm dragon (Zig:14) A shadow dragon (Tar:7) 3 blood saints An emperor scorpion (Zig:26) 3 orc warlords A caustic shrike zombie (Zig:24) A vault warden (Vaults:2) A balrug (Zig:27) A black sun (Pan) 3 war gargoyles 9 reapers 3 stone giants (Zig:23) A monstrous demonspawn (Zig:12) A dire elephant (Zig:15) A blizzard demon (Coc:7) A deep elf death mage (Zig:25) A vault guard (Vaults:1) 3 ice dragons A spriggan air mage (Zig:14) A catoblepas (Zig:15) A merfolk aquamancer (Zig:15) A two-headed ogre (D:15) 2 orc high priests (Zig:23) A soul eater (Tar:7) A storm dragon zombie (Tar:7) A shadow wraith (Tar:7) A skeletal warrior (Tar:2) An infernal demonspawn (Pan) A gelid demonspawn (Pan) A phantasmal warrior (Tar:7) 4 shadow demons A deep elf pyromancer (D:15) An orc sorcerer (Zig:21) A slime creature (Vaults:3) 2 oklob plants (Lair:6) An elephant (Zig:15) A moth of wrath (Zig:23) A fire giant skeleton (Coc:7) 2 rust devils An eye of devastation (Zig:17) An orange demon (Pan) 2 smoke demons (Pan) 2 cane toads (Zig:15) A sea snake zombie (Hell) 2 tormentors A rime drake (Zig:15) A demonic crawler (Zig:27) A yaktaur (Vaults:2) A komodo dragon (Zig:15) 2 hellwings 4 ice devils 3 hydra zombies A freezing wraith (Coc:7) A red devil (Pan) 2 blink frogs A merfolk (Zig:15) A sea snake skeleton (Hell) A tengu simulacrum (Zig:13) A dream sheep (Zig:15) 3 flying skulls (Tar:7) An ice dragon zombie (Tar:7) A redback (Zig:17) 2 ynoxinuls 2 neqoxecs A yak (Zig:15) A basilisk (Zig:15) 3 chaos spawn A water moccasin (Zig:15) 3 orc warriors An ice beast (Zig:13) An alligator simulacrum (Hell) A necrophage (Tar:7) 2 ogres A snapping turtle skeleton (Coc:7) A small abomination (Zig:17) A hell rat (Hell) A shadow imp (Tar:7) 140 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (others) A caustic shrike (Zig:15) An electric golem (Zig:14) A Brimstone Fiend (Zig:18) A storm dragon (Zig:14) A draconian monk (Zig:22) 2 warmongers A frost giant (Shoals:4) A corrupter (Zig:17) 3 cacodemons A juggernaut zombie (Zig:24) A draconian scorcher (Zig:12) A caustic shrike zombie (Zig:24) An ironbound preserver (Vaults:3) A green draconian (Zig:22) An entropy weaver (Zig:26) A spark wasp (Zig:14) An eleionoma (Zig:7) An ettin (Depths:4) A fire dragon (Zig:18) A catoblepas (Zig:15) A hydra (Zig:15) A monstrous demonspawn (Pan) A merfolk aquamancer (Zig:19) A merfolk avatar (Zig:19) A deep elf knight (Elf:1) An ironbound convoker (Vaults:1) 3 iron trolls A gelid demonspawn (Pan) An infernal demonspawn (Pan) A deep elf zephyrmancer (Elf:2) A necromancer (Depths:2) 3 harpies (Zig:19) 4 manticores An orange demon (Hell) A demonic crawler (Spider:4) A red devil (Zig:18) 2 merfolk (Zig:19) A centaur simulacrum (D:15) A human (D:15) A water elemental (Zig:19) A wraith (Zig:18) A warg (Zig:16) A naga (Zig:15) An orc warrior (Zig:16) An ogre (Zig:16) A small abomination (Zig:13) A wight (Geh:1) 2 ufetubi (D:15) 2 orcs (Orc:1) 4 foxfires 32 fungi 58 plants 28 starspawn tentacles 45 tentacles A withered plant (Crypt:3) 230 creatures vanquished. Grand Total: 5314 creatures vanquished Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | Yermak the Djinni Hunter began the quest for the Orb. 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 18/18 MP: 0/0 96 | D:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Spellcasting 121 | D:1 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 23/23 MP: 0/0 292 | D:1 | Found a faded altar of an unknown god. 392 | D:1 | Became a worshipper of Trog the Wrathful 392 | D:1 | Reached * piety under Trog 844 | D:1 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 29/29 MP: 0/0 844 | D:1 | Learned a level 1 spell: Sandblast 1382 | D:2 | Reached skill level 3 in Fighting 2322 | D:3 | Noticed a phantom 2493 | D:3 | Noticed Terence 2516 | D:2 | Killed Terence 2517 | D:2 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 27/37 MP: 0/0 2648 | D:3 | Noticed Sigmund 3071 | D:3 | Killed Sigmund 3072 | D:3 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 42/44 MP: 0/0 3072 | D:3 | Learned a level 2 spell: Slow 3072 | D:3 | Reached XP level 6. HP: 47/49 MP: 0/0 3241 | D:3 | Found a snail-covered altar of Cheibriados. 3453 | D:3 | Found Raugom's Magic Scroll Shop. 3488 | D:3 | Reached skill level 6 in Fighting 3823 | D:3 | Bought a scroll of fear for 38 gold pieces 3823 | D:3 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 33 gold pieces 4196 | D:3 | Reached XP level 7. HP: 57/57 MP: 0/0 4196 | D:3 | Learned a level 3 spell: Summon Guardian Golem 4361 | D:4 | Reached ** piety under Trog 4372 | D:3 | Bought a scroll of immolation for 38 gold pieces 5383 | D:4 | Reached skill level 1 in Armour 5871 | D:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon 6019 | D:5 | Reached skill level 3 in Armour 6019 | D:5 | Reached XP level 8. HP: 65/65 MP: 0/0 6248 | D:5 | Reached skill level 1 in Short Blades 6300 | D:5 | Reached *** piety under Trog 6496 | D:5 | Reached skill level 3 in Short Blades 6769 | D:5 | Reached skill level 1 in Shields 7006 | D:5 | Reached XP level 9. HP: 67/71 MP: 0/0 7006 | D:5 | Learned a level 3 spell: Inner Flame 7042 | D:5 | Noticed Grum 7536 | D:5 | Killed Grum 7537 | D:5 | Reached skill level 9 in Fighting 7576 | D:5 | Reached **** piety under Trog 7887 | D:6 | Reached skill level 6 in Short Blades 8067 | D:6 | Identified a scroll of acquirement 8085 | D:6 | Noticed a troll 8091 | D:6 | Killed a troll 8097 | D:6 | Reached skill level 3 in Shields 8100 | D:6 | Identified the +0 leather armour "Zaoqey" {Will+ Int+2} 8657 | D:6 | Found a burning altar of Makhleb. 9112 | D:7 | Reached skill level 1 in Stealth 9112 | D:7 | Reached XP level 10. HP: 80/80 MP: 0/0 9173 | D:7 | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple. 9270 | D:7 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 9276 | D:7 | Found a transporter. 9276 | D:7 | Noticed a wolf spider 9279 | D:7 | Noticed a manticore 9284 | D:7 | Found a transporter. 9285 | D:7 | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One. 9626 | D:7 | Identified the +3 ring mail of the Barber Surgeon {Str+3 | SInv} 9987 | D:8 | Reached skill level 3 in Stealth 10051 | D:8 | Noticed Erica 10267 | D:8 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 10276 | D:8 | Killed a two-headed ogre 10577 | D:8 | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh. 10724 | D:8 | Reached skill level 1 in Evocations 11539 | D:8 | Killed Erica 12042 | D:9 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 12062 | D:9 | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines. 12112 | D:9 | Reached XP level 11. HP: 85/85 MP: 0/0 12112 | D:9 | Learned a level 4 spell: Sticky Flame 12347 | D:9 | Reached skill level 9 in Short Blades 12947 | D:9 | Killed a two-headed ogre 13084 | D:10 | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon 13115 | D:10 | Reached ***** piety under Trog 13675 | D:10 | Reached skill level 6 in Dodging 13918 | D:10 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 13934 | D:10 | Killed a two-headed ogre 14048 | D:10 | Reached skill level 6 in Evocations 14506 | D:11 | Noticed a five-headed hydra 14516 | D:11 | Killed a five-headed hydra 14517 | D:11 | Reached XP level 12. HP: 93/93 MP: 0/0 14758 | D:11 | Found a staircase to the Lair. 15079 | D:11 | Noticed a tengu warrior 15079 | D:11 | Noticed a catoblepas 15080 | D:11 | Noticed a boulder beetle 15081 | D:11 | Noticed a centaur warrior 15103 | D:11 | Noticed a centaur warrior 15154 | D:11 | Noticed a boulder beetle 15167 | D:11 | Killed a boulder beetle 15335 | D:12 | Noticed Fannar 16120 | D:12 | Killed Fannar 16121 | D:12 | Reached skill level 6 in Stealth 16353 | D:12 | Received a gift from Trog 16698 | D:3 | Bought a scroll of identify for 22 gold pieces 16699 | D:3 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 33 gold pieces 16865 | Lair:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts 16962 | Lair:1 | Reached skill level 12 in Fighting 17465 | Lair:1 | Found a white marble altar of Elyvilon. 17969 | Lair:2 | Reached skill level 1 in Throwing 18434 | Lair:2 | Found a hole to the Spider Nest. 18487 | Lair:2 | Reached skill level 3 in Throwing 18660 | Lair:2 | Reached XP level 13. HP: 98/101 MP: 0/0 18660 | Lair:2 | Learned a level 5 spell: Bolt of Magma 18912 | Lair:2 | Found a staircase to the Shoals. 21334 | Lair:4 | Reached skill level 9 in Dodging 21362 | Lair:4 | Identified the +3 leather armour of Nuriz {Dex+3} 22751 | Lair:5 | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits. 22919 | Lair:5 | Reached XP level 14. HP: 110/110 MP: 0/0 23680 | Lair:6 | Entered Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts 24336 | Lair:6 | Reached skill level 6 in Shields 25747 | Lair:6 | Received a gift from Trog 26187 | Lair:6 | Reached skill level 9 in Shields 26610 | Lair:6 | Acquired 1159 gold pieces 26611 | Lair:6 | Acquired the +2 shield of Resistance {rF++ rC++ Will++} 26612 | Lair:6 | Found the +2 shield of Resistance {rF++ rC++ Will++} 28528 | D:13 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 76/116 MP: 0/0 28528 | D:13 | Learned a level 6 spell: Shadow Creatures 29104 | D:13 | Identified the +7 dagger "Koanwae" {venom, Dex+3} 29278 | D:13 | Identified the amulet "Daosu" {Reflect rPois rCorr MP+9 | SH+5} 29318 | D:13 | Reached skill level 12 in Shields 30965 | D:14 | Identified the amulet "Nopsiky" {Spirit Rampage rPois rC+ | Will+} 31230 | D:14 | Found Zin's Purification Station. 31234 | D:14 | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin. 31237 | D:14 | Bought 2 potions of curing for 180 gold pieces 31778 | D:14 | Reached skill level 6 in Throwing 31838 | D:14 | Found a gate to the Vaults. 32567 | D:15 | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon 32584 | D:15 | Found a staircase to the Depths. 32656 | D:15 | Noticed Kirke 32679 | D:15 | Killed Kirke 32680 | D:15 | Reached skill level 15 in Fighting 32885 | D:15 | Received a gift from Trog 33089 | D:15 | Noticed Jorgrun 33129 | D:15 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 117/126 MP: 0/0 33152 | D:15 | Reached skill level 9 in Evocations 33163 | D:15 | Killed Jorgrun 33935 | Orc:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines 34095 | Orc:1 | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog. 34523 | Orc:2 | Entered Level 2 of the Orcish Mines 34640 | Orc:2 | Received a gift from Trog 35347 | Orc:2 | Found Syowouri's Distillery. 35347 | Orc:2 | Found Xiagoguc's Distillery. 35347 | Orc:2 | Found Ruset's Jewellery Boutique. 35347 | Orc:2 | Found Qokimp's Magic Scroll Emporium. 35371 | Orc:2 | Reached skill level 12 in Evocations 35492 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of haste for 150 gold pieces 35492 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of mutation for 120 gold pieces 35492 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of invisibility for 120 gold pieces 35492 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of attraction for 45 gold pieces 35493 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of degeneration for 12 gold pieces 35494 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of lignification for 36 gold pieces 35496 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces 35496 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces 35502 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces 35504 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces 35843 | Spider:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Spider Nest 35893 | Spider:1 | Reached ****** piety under Trog 37225 | Spider:2 | Received a gift from Trog 37248 | Spider:2 | Noticed Louise 37297 | Spider:1 | Killed Louise 37564 | Spider:1 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 107/124 MP: 0/0 37564 | Spider:1 | Learned a level 7 spell: Monstrous Menagerie 37851 | Spider:2 | Noticed Azrael 37859 | Spider:2 | Killed Azrael 37860 | Spider:2 | Reached skill level 9 in Stealth 38151 | Spider:3 | Noticed Arachne 38166 | Spider:3 | Killed Arachne 38271 | Spider:3 | Received a gift from Trog 38824 | Spider:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Spider Nest 39392 | Spider:4 | Reached skill level 12 in Dodging 39465 | Spider:4 | Noticed Agnes 39477 | Spider:4 | Killed Agnes 39903 | Spider:4 | Received a gift from Trog 40315 | Spider:4 | Got a gossamer rune of Zot 40890 | Orc:2 | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls. 41188 | Elf:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls 41524 | Elf:1 | Reached XP level 18. HP: 127/139 MP: 0/0 41710 | Elf:1 | Received a gift from Trog 43316 | Elf:2 | Received a gift from Trog 43578 | Elf:2 | Noticed a Tzitzimitl 43862 | Elf:2 | Found the +7 mace of Variability {chain chaos} 43863 | Elf:2 | Identified the ring "Gicroos" {*Slow rF++ rN+ Dex+6} 43863 | Elf:2 | Identified the +8 dire flail of the Hand {venom, Int+4 | Dex-4 Stlth+} 44109 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed translucent gate. 44109 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed translucent gate. 44110 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed translucent gate. 44111 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed translucent gate. 44159 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed translucent gate. 44400 | Elf:2 | Received a gift from Trog 44714 | Elf:2 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 140/141 MP: 0/0 44714 | Elf:2 | Learned a level 7 spell: Haunt 45140 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults 45215 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 15 in Dodging 46219 | Vaults:1 | Identified the +10 dagger "Lyfik" {god gift, vorpal, rN+ | Str-4 Dex+6 Stlth+} (Trog gifted it to you on level 1 of | the Vaults) 46219 | Vaults:1 | Received a gift from Trog 46683 | Vaults:2 | Reached skill level 18 in Fighting 47223 | Vaults:2 | Identified the +8 morningstar "Ultimatum" {pain, Contam | rF++ rN+++} 47575 | Vaults:2 | Received a gift from Trog 47739 | Vaults:2 | Identified the +1 chain mail of Inaction {rN+} 47932 | Vaults:2 | Reached skill level 9 in Throwing 48415 | Vaults:3 | Found Gack's General Store. 48429 | Vaults:3 | Found Odesocs's Antique Armour Shop. 48437 | Vaults:3 | Bought a pair of runed gloves for 202 gold pieces 48448 | Vaults:3 | Bought a faintly glowing chain mail for 256 gold pieces 48448 | Vaults:3 | Identified the +0 chain mail of the Delightful Lizard | {rPois rF+ rCorr MP+9} (You bought it in a shop on level 3 | of the Vaults) 48537 | Vaults:3 | Identified the +7 dagger of Yermak's Dismemberment {speed, | +Blink Dex+2} 48585 | Vaults:3 | Found a staircase to the Crypt. 48585 | Vaults:3 | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul. 48665 | Vaults:3 | Noticed Margery 48676 | Vaults:3 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 114/150 MP: 0/0 48682 | Vaults:3 | Killed Margery 49021 | Vaults:3 | Received a gift from Trog 49147 | Vaults:3 | Found a portal to a secret trove of treasure. 49813 | Vaults:4 | Found the +18 shield of the Gong {rElec rN+ Will+ EV-5} 50183 | Vaults:4 | Reached skill level 12 in Throwing 50599 | Vaults:4 | Received a gift from Trog 50865 | Vaults:4 | Found Goggank's Magic Scroll Emporium. 50866 | Vaults:4 | Found Acamed's Magic Scroll Shoppe. 50878 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of acquirement for 624 gold pieces 50878 | Vaults:4 | Acquired a manual of Fighting 50932 | Vaults:4 | Found Kiss's Magic Scroll Emporium. 51402 | Elf:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Elven Halls 51634 | Elf:3 | Noticed Asterion 51636 | Elf:3 | Killed Asterion 51822 | Elf:3 | Reached XP level 21. HP: 97/164 MP: 0/0 51822 | Elf:3 | Learned a level 8 spell: Infestation 52054 | Elf:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Evocations 52418 | Elf:3 | Identified the +1 cloak of Evolution {rN+ MP+9 Dex-2} 52445 | Elf:3 | Identified Easy Magic 52458 | Elf:3 | Identified the +0 chain mail "Dydoomnonyll" {rElec Regen+ | Dex+5 Stlth-} 53223 | Shoals:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Shoals 53243 | Shoals:1 | Received a gift from Trog 53373 | Shoals:1 | Found a frozen archway. 53396 | IceCv | Entered an ice cave 53944 | IceCv | Identified the +0 robe of Counnewket {rN+ Int+6} 53946 | IceCv | Identified the +0 pair of boots of Least Resistance {rElec} 54025 | Shoals:1 | Reached skill level 21 in Fighting 54476 | Shoals:1 | Received a gift from Trog 56330 | Shoals:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Shoals 56638 | Shoals:4 | Received a gift from Trog 56764 | Shoals:4 | Reached XP level 22. HP: 155/155 MP: 0/0 56953 | Shoals:4 | Identified the +6 long sword of the Fray {vorpal, rF+++} 56961 | Shoals:4 | Noticed Polyphemus 56974 | Shoals:4 | Killed Polyphemus 57308 | Shoals:4 | Got a barnacled rune of Zot 58250 | Slime:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Pits of Slime 58251 | Slime:1 | Received a gift from Trog 59326 | Depths:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Depths 59817 | Depths:1 | Reached skill level 6 in Armour 59829 | Depths:1 | Reached skill level 15 in Shields 60112 | Depths:1 | Noticed Sojobo 60122 | Depths:1 | Killed Sojobo 60163 | Depths:1 | Reached skill level 9 in Armour 60412 | Depths:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 60515 | Depths:1 | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas. 60916 | Depths:1 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 158/184 MP: 0/0 60916 | Depths:1 | Learned a level 8 spell: Summon Horrible Things 61013 | Depths:1 | Received a gift from Trog 61549 | Depths:2 | Noticed a caustic shrike 61549 | Depths:2 | You are sucked into a shaft and drop 2 floors! 61550 | Depths:4 | Found a magical portal. 61580 | WizLab | Entered Doroklohe's Tomb 61613 | WizLab | Noticed an ancient lich 61633 | WizLab | Killed an ancient lich 62269 | WizLab | Acquired a manual of Crossbows 62270 | WizLab | Acquired the ring "Saymet" {rC+ rN+ Slay+4} 62347 | Depths:4 | Found Tiziarea's Magic Scroll Emporium. 62400 | Depths:4 | Reached skill level 15 in Throwing 62406 | Depths:4 | Received a gift from Trog 63099 | Depths:2 | Noticed Nikola 63113 | Depths:2 | Killed Nikola 63473 | Depths:2 | Killed a caustic shrike 63730 | Vaults:3 | You paid a toll of 11 potions of heal wounds to enter a | treasure trove 63731 | Trove | Entered a treasure trove 63745 | Trove | Identified the +3 scale mail "Acixaf" {rElec rPois rN++ | Int-2} 63752 | Trove | Identified the ring "Magiath" {rC+ rCorr} 63754 | Trove | Identified the +2 pair of gloves of Conscience {Harm | Rampage Int-4 Dex+8} 64043 | Depths:2 | Received a gift from Trog 64265 | Depths:2 | Found Wocliq's Distillery. 64279 | Depths:2 | Noticed the Enchantress 64284 | Depths:2 | Killed the Enchantress 64308 | Depths:2 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 94/191 MP: 0/0 64395 | Depths:2 | Identified the +4 scimitar of Jall {venom, rPois rN+ Str-3 | Int+2} 64657 | Depths:2 | Received a gift from Trog 65899 | Depths:3 | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog. 65919 | Depths:3 | Reached skill level 18 in Dodging 66051 | Depths:3 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. 66315 | Depths:4 | Found an opulent altar of Gozag. 66418 | Depths:4 | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss. 66822 | Depths:4 | Found a runed translucent gate. 66822 | Depths:4 | Found a runed translucent gate. 66822 | Depths:4 | Found a runed translucent gate. 66822 | Depths:4 | Noticed Ziyluu's ghost (veteran MiFi) 66822 | Depths:4 | Noticed Exiha's ghost (veteran MiFi) 66823 | Depths:4 | Noticed an ancient lich 66849 | Depths:4 | Killed an ancient lich 66849 | Depths:4 | Received a gift from Trog 66857 | Depths:4 | Killed Ziyluu's ghost 66863 | Depths:4 | Killed Exiha's ghost 66865 | Depths:4 | Identified the ring of Utergham {rC+ rCorr} 67215 | Depths:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Depths 67324 | Depths:5 | Found a gate to the Realm of Zot. 67395 | Depths:5 | Reached XP level 25. HP: 163/197 MP: 0/0 67395 | Depths:5 | Learned a level 9 spell: Absolute Zero 67539 | Depths:5 | Found Vuizech's Antique Weapon Shoppe. 67964 | Depths:5 | Found a gateway to a ziggurat. 68041 | Depths:5 | Found Moloar's Jewellery Shop. 68041 | Depths:5 | Found Huok's Book Shoppe. 68042 | Depths:5 | Found Ylyibb's Jewellery Shop. 68751 | Vaults:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Vaults 68921 | Vaults:5 | Received a gift from Trog 69055 | Vaults:5 | Reached skill level 12 in Stealth 69158 | Vaults:5 | Noticed Mara 69160 | Vaults:5 | Noticed Yermak's illusion 69182 | Vaults:5 | Killed Mara 69183 | Vaults:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 69192 | Vaults:5 | Killed an ancient lich 69211 | Vaults:5 | Noticed a dread lich 69254 | Vaults:5 | Killed a dread lich 69527 | Vaults:5 | Found Putubi's Magic Scroll Shoppe. 69527 | Vaults:5 | Found Diphulue's Antique Armour Boutique. 69652 | Vaults:5 | Received a gift from Trog 69668 | Vaults:5 | Identified the +13 plate armour of Greed {Harm rC++ Will- | Str+2} 69921 | Vaults:5 | Reached XP level 26. HP: 177/205 MP: 0/0 69993 | Vaults:5 | Reached skill level 12 in Armour 69994 | Vaults:5 | Noticed Jory 70023 | Vaults:5 | Killed Jory 70055 | Vaults:5 | Received a gift from Trog 70416 | Vaults:5 | Got a silver rune of Zot 70585 | Vaults:5 | Found Istaggea's Antique Weapon Boutique. 70818 | Vaults:5 | Identified the +1 robe "Zufehu Genom" {rPois rN+ Dex-5} 70899 | Vaults:5 | Found Cydierou's Jewellery Emporium. 70958 | Vaults:5 | Found Cydierou's Jewellery Emporium. 70962 | Vaults:5 | Found Istaggea's Antique Weapon Boutique. 70964 | Vaults:5 | Found Diphulue's Antique Armour Boutique. 70994 | Vaults:5 | Found Putubi's Magic Scroll Shoppe. 71826 | Vaults:5 | Bought an embroidered hat for 315 gold pieces 71826 | Vaults:5 | Bought a glowing helmet for 337 gold pieces 71841 | Vaults:5 | Bought a scroll of vulnerability for 82 gold pieces 71841 | Vaults:5 | Bought a scroll of blinking for 82 gold pieces 71841 | Vaults:5 | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 38 gold pieces 71841 | Vaults:5 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 33 gold pieces 71841 | Vaults:5 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 33 gold pieces 71841 | Vaults:5 | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 38 gold pieces 71841 | Vaults:5 | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 38 gold pieces 71923 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 49 gold pieces 71923 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of fear for 49 gold pieces 71923 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of vulnerability for 105 gold pieces 71923 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of fog for 28 gold pieces 71963 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of immolation for 42 gold pieces 71963 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 36 gold pieces 71963 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of blinking for 90 gold pieces 71963 | Vaults:4 | Bought 3 scrolls of immolation for 126 gold pieces 71963 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of enchant armour for 90 gold pieces 71963 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of blinking for 90 gold pieces 71963 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 36 gold pieces 71969 | Vaults:4 | Bought 2 scrolls of fear for 154 gold pieces 71969 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of vulnerability for 165 gold pieces 71969 | Vaults:4 | Bought a scroll of immolation for 77 gold pieces 72013 | Vaults:3 | Bought a scroll of enchant weapon for 135 gold pieces 72013 | Vaults:3 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 54 gold pieces 72013 | Vaults:3 | Bought 3 silver boomerangs for 81 gold pieces 72318 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 60 gold pieces 72318 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 36 gold pieces 72318 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of might for 48 gold pieces 72318 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 36 gold pieces 72318 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 36 gold pieces 72318 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 36 gold pieces 72319 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of ambrosia for 120 gold pieces 72319 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 45 gold pieces 72319 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 45 gold pieces 72319 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of ambrosia for 120 gold pieces 72319 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 75 gold pieces 72319 | Orc:2 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 75 gold pieces 72321 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of silence for 112 gold pieces 72321 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 52 gold pieces 72321 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of blinking for 112 gold pieces 72321 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of brand weapon for 300 gold pieces 72321 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of enchant armour for 112 gold pieces 72321 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 45 gold pieces 72321 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 45 gold pieces 72321 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 45 gold pieces 72517 | D:3 | Bought a scroll of enchant armour for 82 gold pieces 72517 | D:3 | Bought a scroll of enchant armour for 82 gold pieces 72841 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 51 gold pieces 72841 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of haste for 170 gold pieces 72841 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of ambrosia for 136 gold pieces 72841 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 85 gold pieces 72841 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 51 gold pieces 72841 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of haste for 170 gold pieces 72841 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of ambrosia for 136 gold pieces 73093 | Depths:4 | Bought a scroll of fog for 46 gold pieces 73093 | Depths:4 | Bought a scroll of enchant weapon for 172 gold pieces 73093 | Depths:4 | Bought a scroll of fog for 46 gold pieces 73093 | Depths:4 | Bought a scroll of enchant weapon for 172 gold pieces 73093 | Depths:4 | Bought a scroll of fear for 80 gold pieces 73093 | Depths:4 | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 80 gold pieces 73122 | Depths:5 | Bought a +4 ring of slaying for 1482 gold pieces 73763 | Slime:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Pits of Slime 73784 | Slime:5 | Noticed the Royal Jelly 73793 | Slime:5 | Killed the Royal Jelly 73844 | Slime:5 | Received a gift from Trog 74098 | Slime:5 | Reached skill level 15 in Armour 74210 | Slime:5 | Identified the +3 quarterstaff "Uqery" {vorpal, Contam | rPois Will+ Dex+2} 74238 | Slime:5 | Reached XP level 27. HP: 215/215 MP: 0/0 74238 | Slime:5 | Learned a level 9 spell: Shatter 74254 | Slime:5 | Identified the +5 shortbow "Pocvyg" {venom, rF+ rN+++ Str-5 | Dex-4 Stlth+} 74257 | Slime:5 | Identified the ring "Filod" {Fire rN+ Int+3 Dex+4} 74259 | Slime:5 | Identified the +3 leather armour of Akiwah Kazi {+Blink | rPois Int-4 Slay+3} 74273 | Slime:5 | Identified the +2 cloak of the Furrier {Int+4} 74290 | Slime:5 | Identified the +5 falchion "Jamexiyme" {vorpal, Dex+4} 74292 | Slime:5 | Got a slimy rune of Zot 74297 | Slime:5 | Identified the +6 halberd of Greed {vorpal, Drain +Blink | rC- Str+7} 74302 | Slime:5 | Identified the ring "Esyejel" {Fly rElec rN+ Dex+3} 74306 | Slime:5 | Identified the +8 double sword "Vauxta Zaemm" {vorpal, | Stlth+} 74640 | Crypt:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt 74673 | Crypt:1 | Reached skill level 15 in Stealth 74980 | Crypt:1 | Found a runed translucent door. 74981 | Crypt:1 | Noticed yalue's ghost (adept MiFi) 75025 | Crypt:1 | Killed yalue's ghost 75029 | Crypt:1 | Identified the ring of the Hart {Ice Contam rElec rPois} 75508 | Crypt:1 | Noticed a dread lich 75515 | Crypt:1 | Killed a dread lich 75704 | Crypt:1 | Noticed Frederick 75706 | Crypt:1 | Killed Frederick 75707 | Crypt:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Long Blades 75882 | Crypt:1 | Reached skill level 3 in Long Blades 76171 | Crypt:2 | Received a gift from Trog 77081 | Crypt:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Crypt 77112 | Crypt:3 | Reached skill level 6 in Long Blades 77437 | Crypt:3 | Received a gift from Trog 78018 | Crypt:3 | Found a staircase to the Tomb. 78482 | Crypt:3 | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul. 78722 | Crypt:3 | Reached skill level 9 in Long Blades 79274 | Crypt:3 | Found the +5 robe of Night {Dark Will+ SInv} 79301 | Crypt:3 | Identified the ring of Hafa {rPois MP+9 Str+4} 79302 | Crypt:3 | Identified the +7 plate armour of Ogunavac {rN+} 79310 | Crypt:3 | Identified the Reference Book on Darkness 79327 | Crypt:3 | Received a gift from Trog 79765 | Crypt:3 | Identified the ring "Qiuxal" {rPois Str+6 Stlth+} 80641 | Orc:2 | Bought the amulet "Ypnuam" {rF+ Regen+} for 484 gold pieces 80992 | Zot:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot 81164 | Zot:1 | Noticed Plog's ghost (legendary NaMo) 81172 | Zot:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 81172 | Zot:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 81174 | Zot:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 81221 | Zot:1 | Acquired the -2 hat of the Alchemist {rElec rPois rF+ rC+ | rN+ Will+ rMut rCorr} 81222 | Zot:1 | Found the -2 hat of the Alchemist {rElec rPois rF+ rC+ rN+ | Will+ rMut rCorr} 81232 | Zot:1 | Noticed an orb of fire 81347 | Zot:1 | Killed an orb of fire 82263 | Zot:1 | Received a gift from Trog 82401 | Zot:1 | Killed Plog's ghost 82581 | Zot:2 | Reached skill level 18 in Evocations 83522 | Zot:3 | Received a gift from Trog 84963 | Zot:4 | Acquired a manual of Maces & Flails 85856 | Depths:5 | Bought a manual of Invocations for 1435 gold pieces 86205 | Zig:1 | Entered Level 1 of a ziggurat 86231 | Zig:2 | Entered Level 2 of a ziggurat 86244 | Zig:3 | Entered Level 3 of a ziggurat 86244 | Zig:3 | Found the +3 sling "Punk" {acid, rCorr} 86255 | Zig:3 | Received a gift from Trog 86266 | Zig:3 | Identified the ring of Arrival {Fly rPois Str+3 Dex-2} 86275 | Zig:4 | Entered Level 4 of a ziggurat 86282 | Zig:4 | Reached skill level 18 in Stealth 86310 | Zig:4 | Identified the ring "Xiegij" {rPois Will+ Int+6} 86314 | Zig:5 | Entered Level 5 of a ziggurat 86367 | Zig:6 | Entered Level 6 of a ziggurat 86459 | Zig:6 | Identified the ring of Atheism {Ice rN+ Str+4 SInv} 86466 | Zig:7 | Entered Level 7 of a ziggurat 86543 | Zig:8 | Entered Level 8 of a ziggurat 86648 | Zig:8 | Identified the Reference Book on Fascination and Cold 86659 | Zig:9 | Entered Level 9 of a ziggurat 86712 | Zig:9 | Identified the ring "Faorao" {rPois Str+4} 86717 | Zig:9 | Identified the +2 mace of the Red Skies {antimagic, rF+ | Will- Str+2 Dex+2} 86775 | Zig:10 | Entered Level 10 of a ziggurat 86797 | Zig:10 | Noticed Eguhisk the pandemonium lord 86801 | Zig:10 | Noticed Lyugatz the pandemonium lord 86802 | Zig:10 | Found the ring of the Octopus King 86803 | Zig:10 | Identified the +6 short sword of Liberalism {god gift, | antimagic, rC+ Str+4 Int+3} (Trog gifted it to you on level | 10 of a ziggurat) 86803 | Zig:10 | Received a gift from Trog 86817 | Zig:10 | Killed Lyugatz the pandemonium lord 86840 | Zig:10 | Killed Eguhisk the pandemonium lord 86928 | Zig:10 | Identified a ring of the Octopus King {rN+ AC+1 EV+1 Str+1 | Int+1 Dex+1} 86939 | Zig:11 | Entered Level 11 of a ziggurat 86953 | Zig:11 | Noticed a juggernaut 86954 | Zig:11 | Noticed a juggernaut 86966 | Zig:11 | Killed a juggernaut 86976 | Zig:11 | Killed a juggernaut 87142 | Zig:11 | Identified the +5 quarterstaff of False Hope {antimagic, | rPois rN+ Str+3} 87143 | Zig:11 | Identified the ring of Kileps {Fly Will+} 87157 | Zig:12 | Entered Level 12 of a ziggurat 87164 | Zig:12 | Noticed Kaw Vaz the pandemonium lord 87171 | Zig:12 | Killed Kaw Vaz the pandemonium lord 87186 | Zig:12 | Reached skill level 24 in Fighting 87280 | Zig:12 | Identified the +8 plate armour of Duck's Teeth {rC++} 87296 | Zig:13 | Entered Level 13 of a ziggurat 87307 | Zig:13 | Received a gift from Trog 87404 | Zig:13 | Found the +8 whip "Snakebite" {curare, rPois} 87423 | Zig:14 | Entered Level 14 of a ziggurat 87639 | Zig:14 | Found the +4 robe of Augmentation {Str+4 Int+4 Dex+4} 87659 | Zig:14 | Identified the +8 rapier of Bakhesch {freeze, rF+ MP+9} 87668 | Zig:14 | Identified the +0 helmet of Distant Shores {rElec Int+3 | Stlth-} 87688 | Zig:15 | Entered Level 15 of a ziggurat 87706 | Zig:15 | Received a gift from Trog 87823 | Zig:15 | Reached skill level 12 in Short Blades 87882 | Zig:15 | Identified the +7 battleaxe of Ash {drain, *Rage rN+ Will+ | Str+3 Int+9} 87883 | Zig:15 | Identified the +1 quarterstaff of the Thirsty Knives {elec, | Fragile rPois MP-9 Dex+9} 87886 | Zig:15 | Identified the +0 chain mail of the Alphagorgon {Will- | Int+3 Dex+7 SInv} 87888 | Zig:15 | Identified the +5 flail "Xisud Leki" {vorpal, rN+ MP+9} 87893 | Zig:16 | Entered Level 16 of a ziggurat 87906 | Zig:16 | Noticed a royal mummy 87907 | Zig:16 | Noticed a royal mummy 87907 | Zig:16 | Noticed a royal mummy 87919 | Zig:16 | Noticed a royal mummy 87920 | Zig:16 | Killed a royal mummy 87924 | Zig:16 | Killed a royal mummy 87924 | Zig:16 | Received a gift from Trog 87928 | Zig:16 | Killed a royal mummy 87933 | Zig:16 | Killed a royal mummy 87964 | Zig:16 | Found the +10 zealot's sword {holy, *Rage rN+ EV+3} 87984 | Zig:16 | Identified the ring of Ciddi {Fly Str+3} 88041 | Zig:17 | Entered Level 17 of a ziggurat 88084 | Zig:17 | Received a gift from Trog 88176 | Zig:17 | Identified the +8 morningstar of Dried Tears {vorpal, | +Blink} 88179 | Zig:17 | Identified the +9 plate armour "Siega" {rC- Regen+ rCorr | Dex+4} 88191 | Zig:18 | Entered Level 18 of a ziggurat 88211 | Zig:18 | Found the +3 crown of Dyrovepreva {rElec Int+2 SInv} 88254 | Zig:18 | Identified the +7 quarterstaff "Xuninid" {speed, Fragile | rCorr Dex+4 SInv} 88261 | Zig:18 | Identified the Collected Works on the Excruciating Rocks 88307 | Zig:19 | Entered Level 19 of a ziggurat 88332 | Zig:19 | Received a gift from Trog 88492 | Zig:19 | Identified the +7 quarterstaff of Immorality {spect, rPois | rF- Int+8} 88504 | Zig:19 | Identified the +6 chain mail "Kuicoqef" {Rampage rC+ rN+} 88541 | Zig:20 | Entered Level 20 of a ziggurat 88560 | Zig:20 | Received a gift from Trog 88590 | Zig:20 | Noticed an ancient lich 88594 | Zig:20 | Noticed an ancient lich 88596 | Zig:20 | Killed an ancient lich 88597 | Zig:20 | Reached skill level 18 in Armour 88597 | Zig:20 | Reached skill level 15 in Short Blades 88600 | Zig:20 | Killed an ancient lich 88747 | Zig:20 | Identified the +0 leather armour of the King of the Hill | {rElec rPois Str+4} 88757 | Zig:20 | Identified the Reference Book on Icy Shape Shifting 88758 | Zig:20 | Identified the +6 eveningstar of Sin {vorpal, Str+2 Stlth+} 88765 | Zig:21 | Entered Level 21 of a ziggurat 88788 | Zig:21 | Received a gift from Trog 88792 | Zig:21 | Noticed a juggernaut 88797 | Zig:21 | Reached skill level 18 in Short Blades 88799 | Zig:21 | Noticed a juggernaut 88799 | Zig:21 | Noticed a juggernaut 88799 | Zig:21 | Noticed a juggernaut 88800 | Zig:21 | Noticed a juggernaut 88803 | Zig:21 | Noticed a juggernaut 88815 | Zig:21 | Killed a juggernaut 88815 | Zig:21 | Killed a juggernaut 88815 | Zig:21 | Killed a juggernaut 88819 | Zig:21 | Killed a juggernaut 88826 | Zig:21 | Noticed a juggernaut 88828 | Zig:21 | Killed a juggernaut 88833 | Zig:21 | Killed a juggernaut 88849 | Zig:21 | Killed a juggernaut 88991 | Zig:21 | Identified Guizinar's Disquisition on Weightlessness and | Ice 88993 | Zig:21 | Identified the +1 plate armour "Geewkauj" {MP+9} 89000 | Zig:22 | Entered Level 22 of a ziggurat 89032 | Zig:22 | Received a gift from Trog 89122 | Zig:22 | Identified the +2 scimitar of Vetzah {drain, Str+3} 89124 | Zig:22 | Identified the +2 scale mail "Unieghan" {rC+ Stlth+} 89126 | Zig:22 | Identified the +6 chain mail "Aboz" {Str+8} 89151 | Zig:23 | Entered Level 23 of a ziggurat 89162 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 89177 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 89189 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 89191 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 89197 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 89206 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 89207 | Zig:23 | Reached skill level 21 in Stealth 89207 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 89223 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 89240 | Zig:23 | Received a gift from Trog 89416 | Zig:23 | Identified the +5 shortbow of Immorality {freeze, rF+ Str-4 | Int+2} 89417 | Zig:23 | Identified the +0 scale mail of Boredom {rN+ Regen+ Str-4 | Slay+3} 89418 | Zig:23 | Identified the ring of Rufeuguh {rElec rPois MP+9 Int-4} 89423 | Zig:23 | Identified the ring "Vixkeps" {+Blink rF- rC+++ Str+6 | Int+2} 89435 | Zig:24 | Entered Level 24 of a ziggurat 89567 | Zig:24 | Reached skill level 18 in Throwing 89624 | Zig:24 | Received a gift from Trog 89755 | Zig:24 | Identified the +6 mace of Karma {elec, rPois} 89763 | Zig:25 | Entered Level 25 of a ziggurat 89786 | Zig:25 | Noticed a dread lich 89793 | Zig:25 | Noticed an ancient lich 89797 | Zig:25 | Noticed an ancient lich 89799 | Zig:25 | Killed a dread lich 89799 | Zig:25 | Noticed an ancient lich 89818 | Zig:25 | Killed an ancient lich 89829 | Zig:25 | Killed an ancient lich 89858 | Zig:25 | Killed an ancient lich 89881 | Zig:25 | Noticed a dread lich 89887 | Zig:25 | Killed a dread lich 89896 | Zig:25 | Noticed a dread lich 89917 | Zig:25 | Killed a dread lich 90159 | Zig:25 | Found the +14 obsidian axe {vorpal, Drain Fly SInv} 90164 | Zig:25 | Identified the ring "Ehasuek" {Dex+4 SInv} 90165 | Zig:25 | Identified the +2 trident of the Common Good {vorpal, rPois | rF+ Will++} 90166 | Zig:25 | Identified the +2 halberd of the Dove {holy, rN+ Will+ | Stlth+} 90175 | Zig:25 | Identified the +5 short sword of Extermination {antimagic, | rCorr Int+3} 90180 | Zig:25 | Identified the ring of Isyt {rElec rC+ Will+ Dex+6} 90182 | Zig:25 | Identified the ring of Ceurroc {rCorr Dex+5} 90205 | Zig:25 | Identified the +1 falchion of Lis Feoca {drain, *Rage rPois | Int+5 Dex+3} 90214 | Zig:26 | Entered Level 26 of a ziggurat 90257 | Zig:26 | Identified the +5 dagger "Honu" {god gift, vorpal, Contam | *Slow rN+++ Stlth+} (Trog gifted it to you on level 26 of a | ziggurat) 90257 | Zig:26 | Received a gift from Trog 90335 | Zig:26 | Received a gift from Trog 90377 | Zig:26 | Found the +8 trident of the Octopus King {venom, rElec | rPois Will+} 90383 | Zig:26 | Identified the +1 rapier "Ereeck" {flame, *Slow +Blink | rPois rN++} 90392 | Zig:26 | Identified the +1 fire dragon scales of Gestures {rF++ rC- | Str+3} 90394 | Zig:26 | Identified the +2 leather armour "Sih Goz" {Str+2} 90401 | Zig:26 | Identified Elan's Collected Works on the Creative Voyage 90407 | Zig:27 | Entered Level 27 of a ziggurat 90485 | Zig:27 | Noticed Qyblousk the pandemonium lord 90487 | Zig:27 | Killed Qyblousk the pandemonium lord 90589 | Zig:27 | Identified the +7 dagger of Infection {god gift, vorpal, | rF+ rC+ Dex-2} (Trog gifted it to you on level 27 of a | ziggurat) 90589 | Zig:27 | Received a gift from Trog 90829 | Zig:27 | Identified the +6 rapier of Taxation {elec, rPois rC+ Str-3 | Dex+4} 90844 | Zig:27 | Identified the +0 pair of gloves of Toqeev {Int+2} 90851 | Zig:27 | Acquired a manual of Long Blades 91012 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 91012 | D:14 | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +2) [potion of | mutation] 91013 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 91013 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You sometimes lose the ability to read | scrolls when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 91013 | D:14 | Gained mutation: A frigid envelope surrounds you and | freezes all who hurt you. [potion of mutation] 91013 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You sometimes lose the ability to read | scrolls when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 91013 | D:14 | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +2) [potion | of mutation] 91014 | D:14 | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +2) [potion of | mutation] 91014 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are agile. (Dex +2) [potion of | mutation] 91014 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are weak. (Str -2) [potion of | mutation] 91014 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You expend health (3 HP) to strengthen | your wands. [potion of mutation] 91015 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You are weak. (Str -2) [potion of mutation] 91015 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You expend health (3 HP) to strengthen your | wands. [potion of mutation] 91015 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your | head. [potion of mutation] 91015 | D:14 | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon | taking damage. [potion of mutation] 91015 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You evolve. [potion of mutation] 91016 | D:14 | Lost mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking | damage. [potion of mutation] 91016 | D:14 | Gained mutation: Your flesh is almost immune to the effects | of heat. (rF+++) [potion of mutation] 91016 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 91016 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 91016 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are strong-willed. (Will+) [potion of | mutation] 91017 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your head. | [potion of mutation] 91017 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You are strong-willed. (Will+) [potion of | mutation] 91017 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You are agile. (Dex +2) [potion of mutation] 91017 | D:14 | Lost mutation: A frigid envelope surrounds you and freezes | all who hurt you. [potion of mutation] 91017 | D:14 | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon | taking damage. [potion of mutation] 91017 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 91018 | D:14 | Lost mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking | damage. [potion of mutation] 91018 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 91018 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 91018 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are robust. (+10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 91019 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You evolve. [potion of mutation] 91019 | D:14 | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +2) [potion of | mutation] 91019 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 91019 | D:14 | Lost mutation: Your flesh is almost immune to the effects | of heat. (rF+++) [potion of mutation] 91019 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You have a somewhat thin skeletal | structure. (Dex +2, Stealth+) [potion of mutation] 91019 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 91019 | D:14 | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, | but a little more powerful. [potion of mutation] 91020 | D:14 | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, but | a little more powerful. [potion of mutation] 91020 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 91020 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You have a somewhat thin skeletal structure. | (Dex +2, Stealth+) [potion of mutation] 91020 | D:14 | Lost mutation: You are robust. (+10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 91020 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You have supernaturally acute eyesight. | (SInv) [potion of mutation] 91020 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are somewhat resistant to further | mutation. [potion of mutation] 91020 | D:14 | Gained mutation: You are robust. (+10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 91170 | Pan | Entered the realm of Cerebov. 91170 | Pan | Entered Pandemonium 91181 | Pan | Found the +6 sword of Cerebov {flame} 91181 | Pan | Noticed Cerebov 91224 | Pan | Killed Cerebov 91225 | Pan | Reached skill level 21 in Throwing 91276 | Pan | Got a fiery rune of Zot 91385 | Pan | Identified the amulet "Noptuz" {Reflect rC+ MP-9 Int+2 | SH+5} 91387 | Pan | Identified the +3 ring mail of the Meadowlark {rElec rPois | Regen+ rCorr} 91469 | Pan | Identified the amulet of Kephex {Acrobat rN+ rCorr Str-2 | Int+6} 91490 | Pan | Reached skill level 24 in Stealth 91491 | Pan | Identified the ring of Zecraesi {rPois rF+ rCorr Stlth-} 91581 | Pan | Identified the +1 ring mail "Trusted Companion" {rN+ MP-9 | Str+4} 91702 | Pan | Identified the +5 ring mail "Husiylal" {rCorr Str+6} 91892 | Pan | Identified the amulet "Neicrala" {Faith rPois rF- Str+9 | Int-2} 91909 | Pan | Received a gift from Trog 91915 | Pan | Noticed Ybbocs the pandemonium lord 91934 | Pan | Killed Ybbocs the pandemonium lord 92117 | Pan | Noticed Mennas 92156 | Pan | Killed Mennas 92242 | Pan | Noticed Anlekh the pandemonium lord 92252 | Pan | Killed Anlekh the pandemonium lord 92307 | Pan | Entered the realm of Mnoleg. 92401 | Pan | Identified the +7 double sword "Wies" {god gift, antimagic, | rN++ Will+ MP-9 Dex+2} (Trog gifted it to you in | Pandemonium) 92401 | Pan | Received a gift from Trog 92463 | Pan | Noticed Mnoleg 92478 | Pan | Killed Mnoleg 92500 | Pan | Identified the +0 scale mail of the Buccaneer {Str+3} 92508 | Pan | Got a glowing rune of Zot 92629 | Pan | Noticed Giraos the pandemonium lord 92634 | Pan | Killed Giraos the pandemonium lord 92739 | Depths:3 | Escaped Pandemonium 92744 | Pan | Entered Pandemonium 92889 | Pan | Noticed Olew the pandemonium lord 92894 | Pan | Identified the +8 falchion of Moluid {god gift, vorpal, | Will- Dex+8} (Trog gifted it to you in Pandemonium) 92894 | Pan | Received a gift from Trog 92897 | Pan | Killed Olew the pandemonium lord 93038 | Pan | Identified the +0 plate armour of Wisdom {Regen+ Str-2 | Dex+7 Stlth+} 93049 | Depths:3 | Escaped Pandemonium 93051 | Pan | Entered Pandemonium 93092 | Pan | Noticed Adejowoe the pandemonium lord 93102 | Pan | Killed Adejowoe the pandemonium lord 93127 | Pan | Gained mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably at | your foes. [a cacodemon] 93220 | Pan | Got a demonic rune of Zot 93384 | Pan | Identified the +12 short sword of Trog's Wrath {god gift, | antimagic, Str+4 Dex+4} (Trog gifted it to you in | Pandemonium) 93384 | Pan | Received a gift from Trog 93679 | Pan | Entered the realm of Gloorx Vloq. 93798 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 94057 | Pan | Reached skill level 21 in Dodging 94135 | Pan | Noticed Gloorx Vloq 94146 | Pan | Killed Gloorx Vloq 94174 | Pan | Got a dark rune of Zot 94260 | Pan | Entered the realm of Lom Lobon. 94260 | Pan | Noticed Lom Lobon 94268 | Pan | Killed Lom Lobon 94293 | Pan | Got a magical rune of Zot 94316 | Pan | Received a gift from Trog 94660 | Pan | Reached skill level 1 in Invocations 94667 | Pan | Reached skill level 3 in Invocations 94692 | Pan | Noticed Citruji the pandemonium lord 94711 | Pan | Reached skill level 6 in Invocations 94725 | Pan | Killed Citruji the pandemonium lord 94798 | Pan | Found a runed translucent door. 94809 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 94819 | Pan | Acquired 629 gold pieces 94826 | Pan | Took an exit into the Abyss. 94826 | Abyss:1 | Escaped into the Abyss 94856 | Abyss:2 | Reached skill level 12 in Invocations 94901 | Abyss:2 | Identified the +0 pair of gloves of Resourcefulness {Dex+2} 94918 | Abyss:2 | Found an opulent altar of Gozag. 95227 | Abyss:2 | Received a gift from Trog 95238 | Abyss:3 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 95305 | Abyss:3 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 95524 | Abyss:4 | Identified the +0 leather armour of Duty {rF+ Slay+5} 95638 | Abyss:4 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 95653 | Abyss:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Abyss 95653 | Abyss:5 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 95696 | Abyss:5 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 95739 | Abyss:5 | Received a gift from Trog 95742 | Abyss:5 | Reached skill level 15 in Invocations 95794 | Abyss:5 | Got an abyssal rune of Zot 95802 | Abyss:5 | Noticed a dread lich 95803 | Abyss:5 | Killed a dread lich 95818 | Depths:3 | Escaped the Abyss 95908 | Hell | Entered the Vestibule of Hell 95908 | Hell | Noticed Geryon 95910 | Hell | Killed Geryon 95945 | Hell | Found a gateway to the decaying netherworld of Tartarus. 95960 | Tar:1 | Entered Level 1 of Tartarus 95987 | Tar:2 | Received a gift from Trog 96208 | Tar:5 | Noticed a dread lich 96212 | Tar:5 | Killed a dread lich 96213 | Tar:5 | Reached skill level 18 in Invocations 96259 | Tar:6 | You are sucked into a shaft and drop 1 floor! 96259 | Tar:7 | Entered Level 7 of Tartarus 96345 | Tar:7 | Received a gift from Trog 96486 | Tar:7 | Identified Eggilaist's Reference Book on Virous Dislocation 96487 | Tar:7 | Identified the ring of Fyusiroa {+Blink rElec rPois} 96857 | Tar:7 | Received a gift from Trog 96899 | Tar:7 | Noticed Ereshkigal 96921 | Tar:7 | Killed Ereshkigal 96951 | Tar:7 | Reached skill level 21 in Invocations 96972 | Tar:7 | Got a bone rune of Zot 97177 | Hell | Found a gateway to the ashen valley of Gehenna. 97189 | Hell | Received a gift from Trog 97193 | Geh:1 | Entered Level 1 of Gehenna 97337 | Geh:4 | You are sucked into a shaft and drop 2 floors! 97398 | Geh:7 | Entered Level 7 of Gehenna 97547 | Geh:7 | Identified the +7 ice dragon scales "Jaup" {rElec rF- rC++ | Str+4} 97599 | Geh:7 | Identified the +10 rapier "Ymefay" {god gift, flame, | +Blink} (Trog gifted it to you on level 7 of Gehenna) 97599 | Geh:7 | Received a gift from Trog 97625 | Geh:7 | Found the +7 sceptre of Asmodeus 97625 | Geh:7 | Noticed Asmodeus 97657 | Geh:7 | Killed Asmodeus 97664 | Geh:7 | Got an obsidian rune of Zot 97918 | Hell | Found a gateway to the Iron City of Dis. 97925 | Dis:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Iron City of Dis 97944 | Dis:2 | You are sucked into a shaft and drop 2 floors! 98010 | Dis:7 | Entered Level 7 of the Iron City of Dis 98205 | Dis:7 | Found the +4 staff of Dispater 98205 | Dis:7 | Noticed Dispater 98219 | Dis:7 | Got an iron rune of Zot 98227 | Dis:7 | Received a gift from Trog 98371 | Hell | Found a gateway to the freezing wastes of Cocytus. 98380 | Coc:1 | Entered Level 1 of Cocytus 98403 | Coc:2 | You are sucked into a shaft and drop 2 floors! 98445 | Coc:4 | You are sucked into a shaft and drop 2 floors! 98459 | Coc:7 | Entered Level 7 of Cocytus 98590 | Coc:7 | Reached skill level 24 in Invocations 98802 | Coc:7 | Noticed Antaeus 98822 | Coc:7 | Received a gift from Trog 99027 | Coc:7 | Killed Antaeus 99051 | Coc:7 | Got an icy rune of Zot 99469 | Tomb:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Tomb of the Ancients 99643 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 99648 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 100332 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 100365 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 100471 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a royal mummy 100475 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a royal mummy 100482 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a royal mummy 100483 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a royal mummy 100483 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a royal mummy 100487 | Tomb:2 | Killed a royal mummy 100488 | Tomb:2 | Received a gift from Trog 100495 | Tomb:2 | Killed a royal mummy 100499 | Tomb:2 | Killed a royal mummy 100504 | Tomb:2 | Killed a royal mummy 100510 | Tomb:2 | Killed a royal mummy 100622 | Tomb:2 | Reached skill level 27 in Invocations 100660 | Tomb:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients 100662 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 100662 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 100672 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 100675 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 100688 | Tomb:3 | Received a gift from Trog 100696 | Tomb:3 | HP: 11/367 [ancient champion/+2 battleaxe (16)] 100704 | Tomb:3 | Received a gift from Trog 100707 | Zig:1 | Entered Level 1 of a ziggurat 100738 | Zig:2 | Entered Level 2 of a ziggurat 100765 | Zig:3 | Entered Level 3 of a ziggurat 100815 | Zig:4 | Entered Level 4 of a ziggurat 100857 | Zig:5 | Entered Level 5 of a ziggurat 100858 | Zig:5 | Noticed Bax Wial the pandemonium lord 100869 | Zig:5 | Killed Bax Wial the pandemonium lord 100884 | Zig:5 | Reached skill level 27 in Fighting 100903 | Zig:6 | Entered Level 6 of a ziggurat 100905 | Zig:6 | Noticed an ancient lich 100914 | Zig:6 | Killed an ancient lich 100924 | Zig:6 | Reached skill level 12 in Long Blades 100957 | Zig:7 | Entered Level 7 of a ziggurat 100958 | Zig:7 | Noticed a juggernaut 100964 | Zig:7 | Killed a juggernaut 100965 | Zig:7 | Received a gift from Trog 101066 | Zig:8 | Entered Level 8 of a ziggurat 101113 | Zig:8 | Identified the amulet "Imnuoqe" {Spirit Fragile +Blink rF+ | rC++} 101118 | Zig:8 | Identified the +0 troll leather armour of Cuotyr Zuima | {-Tele Harm rElec Will++ Regen+} 101123 | Zig:9 | Entered Level 9 of a ziggurat 101129 | Zig:9 | Noticed an ancient lich 101130 | Zig:9 | Noticed an ancient lich 101137 | Zig:9 | Reached skill level 15 in Long Blades 101151 | Zig:9 | Killed an ancient lich 101159 | Zig:9 | Killed an ancient lich 101185 | Zig:9 | Identified the +6 short sword "Qiniumof" {vamp, Dex+4} 101214 | Zig:10 | Entered Level 10 of a ziggurat 101226 | Zig:10 | Received a gift from Trog 101277 | Zig:10 | Identified the +7 spear "Zikoh" {vorpal, Str+5 Int+2} 101283 | Zig:10 | Identified the +4 flail of the Morning {pain, rElec Int+8} 101286 | Zig:11 | Entered Level 11 of a ziggurat 101299 | Zig:11 | Received a gift from Trog 101323 | Zig:12 | Entered Level 12 of a ziggurat 101431 | Zig:13 | Entered Level 13 of a ziggurat 101467 | Zig:13 | Reached skill level 21 in Armour 101469 | Zig:13 | Received a gift from Trog 101596 | Zig:14 | Entered Level 14 of a ziggurat 101606 | Zig:14 | Noticed Umyun the pandemonium lord 101606 | Zig:14 | Noticed Voicuix the pandemonium lord 101606 | Zig:14 | Noticed Ydouxzum the pandemonium lord 101614 | Zig:14 | Killed Umyun the pandemonium lord 101625 | Zig:14 | Killed Woffeov the pandemonium lord 101631 | Zig:14 | Noticed Kaudaepn the pandemonium lord 101634 | Zig:14 | Killed Ydouxzum the pandemonium lord 101637 | Zig:14 | Noticed Qamirao the pandemonium lord 101644 | Zig:14 | Killed Kaudaepn the pandemonium lord 101648 | Zig:14 | Killed Voicuix the pandemonium lord 101656 | Zig:14 | Killed Qamirao the pandemonium lord 101657 | Zig:14 | Reached skill level 18 in Shields 101659 | Zig:14 | Noticed Qamoq the pandemonium lord 101660 | Zig:14 | Received a gift from Trog 101665 | Zig:14 | Killed Qamoq the pandemonium lord 101715 | Zig:14 | Identified the ring of Derchotty {Fly Slay+2} 101720 | Zig:15 | Entered Level 15 of a ziggurat 101825 | Zig:15 | Found the amulet of Vitality {Regen+ HP+15} 101847 | Zig:15 | Identified The Advanced Guide to Sorcery 101863 | Zig:15 | Identified the +2 kite shield of Autotheism {-Cast Will++} 101873 | Zig:16 | Entered Level 16 of a ziggurat 101900 | Zig:16 | Received a gift from Trog 101904 | Zig:16 | Reached skill level 18 in Long Blades 102014 | Zig:17 | Entered Level 17 of a ziggurat 102032 | Zig:17 | Identified the +8 rapier of Bog Cym {god gift, vorpal, | Will+} (Trog gifted it to you on level 17 of a ziggurat) 102032 | Zig:17 | Received a gift from Trog 102120 | Zig:17 | Identified the +7 chain mail of Olugh {Regen+} 102123 | Zig:17 | Identified the ring of the Gloaming {MP+9 Str+2} 102169 | Zig:18 | Entered Level 18 of a ziggurat 102246 | Zig:18 | Received a gift from Trog 102361 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 102364 | Tomb:3 | Found the +13 scythe of Curses {drain, Drain} 102366 | Tomb:3 | Identified the +1 robe of Devizau {rPois rC++ Regen+ Int-2} 102382 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 102384 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 102473 | Tomb:3 | Found the +4 moon troll leather armour {Spirit, Regen++ | MP+5} 102520 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 102547 | Tomb:3 | Got a golden rune of Zot 102573 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 103263 | Zot:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot 103378 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 103379 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 103380 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 103382 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 103383 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 103385 | Zot:5 | Noticed a dread lich 103386 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Trog 103387 | Zot:5 | Killed a dread lich 103388 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 103389 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 103391 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 103396 | Zot:5 | Noticed a dread lich 103400 | Zot:5 | Reached skill level 24 in Throwing 103404 | Zot:5 | Killed a dread lich 103551 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Trog 103644 | Zot:5 | Got the Orb of Zot 103787 | Depths:3 | Noticed Tufise the pandemonium lord 104208 | D:$ | Escaped with the Orb! Illustrated notes Levels and vault maps discovered: D:1: amcnicky_arrival_underground_garden, layout_loops_corners, shapermc_ecumenical_altar_venn D:2: layout_basic, st_stairs_6, corexii_item_surrounded_by_moat D:3: layout_basic, chei_slow_surprise, serial_shops, shop, uniq_terence, uniq_sigmund D:4: minmay_recursive_quarters, layout_layer_cave D:5: layout_cave_pools, serial_gnoll_camp, gnoll_camp_mini_hut, gnoll_camp_huts_moat, gnoll_camp_mini_hut, gnoll_camp_mini_house, grums_kennel, gnoll_camp_mini_basic D:6: layout_loops_ring, nicolae_overflow_hidden_temple, minmay_misc_feat_rugged, minmay_fractal_squares_5 D:7: minmay_spotlight, layout_basic, gammafunk_temple_overflow_arena, minmay_temple_entry_oklob, serial_bayou_pond_e D:8: layout_basic, kennysheep_mini_moat, kennysheep_generic_room_10, uniq_erica D:9: layout_roguey, orc_0_dummy, special_room [special_room_bee] D:10: layout_rooms D:11: layout_basic, lair_entry_dummy, minivault_12 D:12: layout_loops_ring, uniq_fannar D:13: layout_layer_cave D:14: lemuel_ogre_cave, layout_loops_ring, skrybe_vaults_entry_preservation, kennysheep_donut, zin_purify D:15: grunt_enter_depths_hoard, layout_long_grid, minmay_misc_feat_columns, serial_ice, serial_ice_l, serial_ice_a, serial_ice_n, serial_ice_g, uniq_jorgrun, uniq_kirke Lair:1: layout_regular_city, basic_altar, grunt_megastairs_4 Lair:2: layout_hall_layers, minmay_shoals_entry_lonely_mermaid, nicolae_spider_entry_tight_spaces Lair:3: layout_regular_city Lair:4: layout_regular_city, beast_lair_carwin_5, grunt_megastairs_3, serial_bayou_shore_a Lair:5: layout_gridlike, slime_dummy, grunt_megastairs_2 Lair:6: minmay_lair_end_enchanted_forest, layout_cave_pods, dpeg_oklob_1 Shoals:1: layout_shoals, portal_ice_cave_entry_ice_statue_one Shoals:2: layout_shoals Shoals:3: layout_shoals Shoals:4: shoals_end_grunt_ice, layout_shoals, nicolae_shoals_arrival_archipelago, uniq_polyphemus Spider:1: nicolae_spider_hilbert_zone_1 [nicolae_spider_hilbert_4_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_4_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_4_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_4_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_3_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_3_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_3_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_3_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_3_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_6_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_6_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_3_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_3_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_3_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_3_sides_1_open, nicolae_spider_hilbert_2_sides_1_open] Spider:2: layout_spider_delve, uniq_azrael, uniq_louise Spider:3: layout_spider_delve, hangedman_spider_tarantella_strand, uniq_arachne Spider:4: spider_rune_water, nicolae_spider_nook, uniq_agnes Slime:1: layout_caves Slime:2: layout_caves, uniq_dissolution Slime:3: layout_caves Slime:4: layout_caves Slime:5 Orc:1: layout_diamond_mine, basic_altar Orc:2: st_orc_ogre_mass, layout_caves Elf:1: layout_rooms, basic_altar, hangedman_elven_crosses_minicolossus, lemuel_upstairs_altar Elf:2: layout_geoelf_octagon, minmay_the_grid_2x2 [minmay_the_grid_all_tris, minmay_the_grid_spikes, minmay_the_grid_rooms, minmay_the_grid_prize_shrinking_boxes] Elf:3: grunt_elf_hall_asides, layout_rooms, uniq_asterion Vaults:1: vaults_dpeg_encased_lava, v_misc_29, nicolae_vaults_diagonal_hallway_7, v_alt_pattern_5, layout_vaults_omnigrid Vaults:2: grunt_vaults_diagonal, vaults_room_pool, nicolae_vaults_fighting_squares, v_misc_11, vaults_room_grid, v_misc_30, hangedman_vaults_slice, v_misc_13, vaults_standard_mumra_lines, ontoclasm_vaults_ring_small, layout_vaults_big_room Vaults:3: nicolae_vaults_little_squares_1, minmay_crypt_entry_necro_gods, hangedman_vaults_restitches, vaults_dpeg_ring, v_misc_8, vaults_dpeg_hooks, grunt_vaults_swirl, ontoclasm_vaults_ring_small, nicolae_vaults_network_square, nicolae_vaults_little_squares_4, ontoclasm_vaults_shuriken, hangedman_vaults_pinch, nicolae_vaults_little_ls, nicolae_vaults_little_squares_1, v_misc_19, nicolae_vaults_hallways_thing, v_alt_pattern_6, layout_vaults_omnibox, serial_shops, shop, nicolae_shop_stone, nicolae_trove_entry_isolated, uniq_margery Vaults:4: hangedman_vaults_slither, vaults_dpeg_diagonal, hangedman_vaults_corner, v_alt_pattern_6, ontoclasm_vaults_idyll, ontoclasm_vaults_ring_square, kb_rosetta, vaults_room_semicircle, layout_vaults_maze_snakey, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_statue_plus, shop, shop Vaults:5: uniq_mara, uniq_jory Crypt:1: layout_misc_corridors, ebering_ghost_reflecting_pool, grunt_crypt_arrival_webbed, uniq_frederick Crypt:2: layout_gridlike Crypt:3: evilmike_haunted_forest Tomb:1 Tomb:2 Tomb:3 Depths:1: layout_basic, hell_entry, nicolae_lava_and_water, hangedman_glass_teeth, fedhas_altar_4, uniq_sojobo Depths:2: minmay_connected_triangles_in_corner, layout_gridville, hell_entry, serial_shops, shop, minmay_staircase_statues, hangedman_decor_peaks_small, grunt_decor_junction, grunt_megastairs_1, uniq_enchantress, uniq_nikola Depths:3: cheibrodos_quadrivalence, layout_cave_shapes, grunt_hell_horde, rand_demon_pan_entry_9, trog_three_pillars_becter Depths:4: grunt_twist_and_shout, layout_gridlike, mu_enter_wizlab_4, gammafunk_ghost_crypt, abyss_entry, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_waterfront, hell_entry, grunt_gozag_breadcrumbs, infiniplex_staircase_pillars_3a Depths:5: grunt_zot_entry_funnels, layout_cave_pools, enter_ziggurat_a, hell_entry, serial_shops, shop, serial_bayou_shore_b, minmay_shop_grove, serial_bayou_shore_b Hell Dis:1: layout_gridville Dis:2: layout_subdivisions Dis:4: layout_subdivisions, hangedman_player_shredder Dis:5: layout_gridville Dis:6: kennysheep_iron_temple, layout_subdivisions Dis:7: iron_city_of_dis [dis_grunt, dis_wall_3], layout_chaotic_city Geh:1: layout_gehenna_lava_caves, lemuel_hellion_isle Geh:2: layout_gehenna_lava_caves Geh:3: layout_gehenna_pools_basic Geh:4: layout_gehenna_pools_basic Geh:6: layout_gehenna_lava_caves Geh:7: geh_grunt Coc:1: layout_ice_bergs Coc:2: layout_cocytus_water_paths Coc:4: layout_ice_bergs Coc:6: layout_cocytus_water_paths Coc:7: coc_dpeg Tar:1: layout_honeycomb, nicolae_tar_cuneiform_oil Tar:2: layout_catacombs Tar:3: layout_catacombs Tar:4: layout_grid_maze Tar:5: grunt_deathspiral_small, layout_cathedral_of_symmetry, nicolae_tar_cuneiform_bird Tar:6: layout_grid_maze Tar:7: tar_mu [tar_mu_maze] Zot:1: layout_basic, gammafunk_ghost_split Zot:2: layout_cathedral_of_symmetry, grunt_ministairs_1 Zot:3: layout_twisted_circle Zot:4: layout_twisted_circle, grunt_ministairs_10 Zot:5: layout_onion Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | ---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----- Spellcasting | 1 | 1.6 Fighting | 3 5 6 8 10 12 13 15 16 18 21 22 23 27 | 27.0 Armour | 3 5 9 11 15 22 | 22.1 Short Blades | 4 6 8 10 19 | 19.2 Shields | 2 4 11 12 14 15 20 | 20.9 Stealth | 1 4 8 10 14 26 | 26.8 Evocations | 4 6 8 13 14 15 20 | 20.2 Dodging | 4 7 10 13 14 15 20 23 | 23.0 Throwing | 3 4 6 10 12 14 16 24 | 24.7 Long Blades | 19 | 19.3 Invocations | 27 | 27.0 Crossbows | | 3.2 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 | 7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-24 | 25-27 || total -------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------++------- Melee: Short sword | 66 | 78 | 154 | | | | | | || 298 Trident | 13 | | | | | | | | || 13 Dagger | | | 287 | 843 | 1732 | 2225 | 2542 | 2174 | 214 || 10017 Scimitar | | | | | 25 | | | | || 25 Quick blade | | | | | | | | | 4418 || 4418 Rapier | | | | | | | | | 2157 || 2157 Eudemon blade | | | | | | | | | 149 || 149 Fire: Hand crossbow | 40 | 9 | 98 | 25 | | | | | || 172 Throw: Stone | | | | 15 | | | | | || 15 Boomerang | | | | 1 | 62 | 20 | 168 | 422 | 1560 || 2233 Dart | | | | 6 | 64 | 231 | 18 | 15 | 144 || 478 Javelin | | | | | | | 8 | 66 | 750 || 824 Throwing net | | | | | | | | 2 | 10 || 12 Invok: Berserk | | 6 | 5 | 14 | 21 | 13 | 12 | 8 | 1 || 80 Trog's Hand | | | | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 15 || 24 Brothers in Arms | | | | | | | 2 | 1 | 1 || 4 Abil: Evoke Invisibilit | | | | | | 9 | 6 | 8 | 36 || 59 Evoke Blink | | | | | | | | 1 | 19 || 20 Evoke: Wand | | | | 6 | 10 | 13 | 46 | 71 | 97 || 243 Lightning rod | | | | | 4 | 4 | 7 | 11 | || 26 Box of beasts | | | | | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 14 || 22 Condenser vane | | | | | 1 | 2 | 7 | 6 | 22 || 38 Phantom mirror | | | | | | 1 | | 2 | 15 || 18 Tin of tremorston | | | | | | | | | 29 || 29 Horn of Geryon | | | | | | | | | 6 || 6 Figurine of a zig | | | | | | | | | 1 || 1 Use: Scroll | 1 | | 6 | 3 | 7 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 137 || 169 Potion | | 3 | | | | 1 | 6 | | 68 || 78 Stab: Sleeping | 1 | | | 9 | 13 | 32 | 57 | 10 | 104 || 226 Distracted | | | | 1 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 3 | 31 || 44 Paralysed | | | | 4 | | 6 | 1 | 3 | 8 || 22 Invisible | | | | | | 62 | 58 | 68 | 267 || 455 Held in net/web | | | | | | 6 | | 2 | 11 || 19 Petrified | | | | | | | | 6 | 10 || 16 Petrifying | | | | | | | | | 6 || 6 Armor: Leather armour | 28 | | | | | | | | || 28 Ring mail | | 27 | 5 | 66 | | | | | || 98 Scale mail | | | 181 | 72 | 422 | | | | || 675 Steam dragon scal | | | 4 | 14 | | | | | || 18 Troll leather arm | | | | | 17 | 278 | 132 | 21 | || 448 Chain mail | | | | | | | | 178 | 25 || 203 Plate armour | | | | | | | | | 820 || 820 Shadow dragon sca | | | | | | | | | 695 || 695 Skin | | | | | | | | | 178 || 178 Dodge: Dodged | 52 | 61 | 183 | 283 | 503 | 729 | 1064 | 647 | 3253 || 6775 Block: Buckler | | | 58 | 130 | 86 | | | | || 274 Kite shield | | | | | 639 | 1527 | 1760 | 1259 | 4082 || 9267 Reflection | | | | | 7 | 44 | 76 | 21 | 13 || 161 Rpst.: Scimitar | | | | | 1 | | | | || 1 Eudemon blade | | | | | | | | | 14 || 14 Table legend: (Time is in decaauts) A = Elapsed time spent in this place. B = Non-inter-level travel time spent in this place. C = Inter-level travel time spent in this place. D = Time resting spent in this place. E = Time spent auto-exploring this place. F = Levels seen in this place. G = Mean time per level. A B C D E F G +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----+--------+ Total | 95250 | 81680 | 13570 | 6317 | 48726 | 155 | 614.5 | Dungeon | 26620 | 21474 | 5146 | 2041 | 15334 | 15 | 1774.7 | Lair | 10938 | 10037 | 901 | 1505 | 6942 | 6 | 1823.0 | Shoals | 3840 | 3696 | 144 | 224 | 1926 | 4 | 960.0 | Spider Nest | 4035 | 3771 | 264 | 57 | 2625 | 4 | 1008.8 | Slime Pits | 870 | 815 | 55 | 77 | 329 | 5 | 174.0 | Orcish Mines | 2623 | 1783 | 840 | 117 | 1175 | 2 | 1311.5 | Elven Halls | 4876 | 4314 | 562 | 368 | 2464 | 3 | 1625.3 | Vaults | 9429 | 7781 | 1648 | 92 | 5471 | 5 | 1885.8 | Crypt | 5146 | 4274 | 872 | 0 | 3450 | 3 | 1715.3 | Tomb | 1243 | 1082 | 161 | 301 | 0 | 3 | 414.3 | Depths | 8753 | 6321 | 2432 | 348 | 4158 | 5 | 1750.6 | Hell | 330 | 330 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 330.0 | Dis | 301 | 288 | 13 | 52 | 0 | 6 | 50.2 | Gehenna | 484 | 423 | 61 | 2 | 0 | 6 | 80.7 | Cocytus | 601 | 601 | 0 | 74 | 0 | 5 | 120.2 | Tartarus | 918 | 835 | 83 | 92 | 3 | 7 | 131.1 | Zot | 4165 | 3783 | 382 | 0 | 2933 | 5 | 833.0 | Abyss | 868 | 868 | 0 | 0 | 155 | 5 | 173.6 | Pandemonium | 3183 | 3183 | 0 | 441 | 351 | 17 | 187.2 | Ziggurat | 4820 | 4820 | 0 | 243 | 1323 | 45 | 107.1 | Trove | 39 | 39 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 39.0 | Ice Cave | 512 | 512 | 0 | 93 | 0 | 1 | 512.0 | Wizlab | 645 | 645 | 0 | 184 | 84 | 1 | 645.0 | +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----+--------+ Top non-repeatable levels by time: Lair:6: 3273 daAuts D:14: 3115 daAuts Crypt:3: 2862 daAuts Vaults:5: 2695 daAuts D:13: 2487 daAuts Depths:1: 2410 daAuts Vaults:3: 1930 daAuts Vaults:2: 1918 daAuts D:10: 1907 daAuts D:4: 1880 daAuts Depths:2: 1862 daAuts D:5: 1856 daAuts Depths:4: 1854 daAuts D:8: 1833 daAuts Elf:2: 1814 daAuts