Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.29-a0-1033-gb6c65ffae6 (webtiles) character file. Game seed: 12248233264828495362 18004707 acky5 the Intangible (level 27, 342/342 HPs) Began as a Djinni Conjurer on Aug 13, 2022. Was the Champion of Makhleb. Escaped with the Orb ... and 15 runes on Aug 14, 2022! The game lasted 05:09:30 (87646 turns). acky5 the Intangible (Djinni Conjurer) Turns: 87646, Time: 05:09:31 Health: 342/342 AC: 38 Str: 6 XL: 27 Gold: 20517 EV: 16 Int: 46 God: Makhleb [******] SH: 20 Dex: 15 rFire + + + SeeInvis + a - +3 Elemental Staff {rElec rF++ rC++ AC+5} rCold + + + Faith . l - +2 shield of Resistance {rF++ rC++ Will++} rNeg + + + Spirit . B - +8 scale mail "Wuluk" {Will+ Regen+ Int+3 Slay+6} rPois ∞ Reflect . M - +2 helmet {Int+3} rElec + Harm . H - +2 cloak {rCorr} rCorr + Rampage . Z - +1 pair of gloves "Kushrus" {rElec Int+4 Dex+3} Will +++++ Clarity + (boots unavailable) Stlth .......... g - amulet "Miudomej" {rN+ Will+ Regen+ Slay-2 Stlth+} HPRegen 2.27/turn R - ring "Tovumihu" {*Slow rF+ rN++ Dex-2 Slay+4} MPRegen 0.00/turn c - ring "Iheima" {Will++ rCorr Int+4 SInv} @: mighty, brilliant, berserking, resistant, attractive, flying, hasted, studying 2 skills, invisible, very quick A: sickness immunity, fire resistance 2, cold vulnerability 1, float, innate caster, HP casting, extra vitality 1, clarity, wild magic 1 0: Orb of Zot }: 15/15 runes: serpentine, barnacled, slimy, silver, golden, iron, obsidian, icy, bone, abyssal, demonic, glowing, magical, fiery, dark a: Renounce Religion, Minor Destruction, Lesser Servant of Makhleb, Major Destruction, Greater Servant of Makhleb You escaped. You worshipped Makhleb. Makhleb was exalted by your worship. You visited 18 branches of the dungeon, and saw 87 of its levels. You visited Pandemonium 1 time, and saw 16 of its levels. You visited the Abyss 2 times. You completed 3 ziggurats, and saw 81 of their levels. You also visited: Sewer, Ossuary and Wizlab. You collected 21839 gold pieces. You spent 1322 gold pieces at shops. Inventory: Hand Weapons a - the +3 Elemental Staff (weapon) {rElec rF++ rC++ AC+5} (You found it on level 15 of a ziggurat) If the wielder is skilled in Evocations, they can discharge powerful blasts of elemental energy when striking with it. It enhances your fire, ice, earth and air magic. AC: It affects your AC (+5). rF: It greatly protects you from fire. rC: It greatly protects you from cold. rElec: It insulates you from electricity. b - a +9 eudemon blade of holy wrath x - a +9 vampiric demon blade W - the +8 demon trident "Rift" {distort, reach+} (You found it on level 13 of a ziggurat) It warps and distorts space around it, and may blink, banish, or inflict extra damage upon those it strikes. Unwielding it can cause banishment or high damage. It can reach especially far, and its reaching attacks ignore other creatures in the way. Missiles J - 22 silver javelins (quivered) Q - 4 throwing nets Armour l - the +2 shield of Resistance (worn) {rF++ rC++ Will++} (You found it on level 8 of a ziggurat) rF: It greatly protects you from fire. rC: It greatly protects you from cold. Will: It greatly increases your willpower. n - the +1 cloak "Moetse" {rElec rPois MP-9 Str+3 Dex+3} (You bought it in a shop on level 2 of the Orcish Mines) Str: It affects your strength (+3). Dex: It affects your dexterity (+3). rElec: It insulates you from electricity. rPois: It protects you from poison. MP: It affects your magic capacity (-9). B - the +8 scale mail "Wuluk" (worn) {Will+ Regen+ Int+3 Slay+6} (You found it on level 5 of the Pits of Slime) Int: It affects your intelligence (+3). Slay: It affects your accuracy & damage with ranged weapons and melee (+6). Regen: It increases your rate of health regeneration. Will: It increases your willpower. H - a +2 cloak of preservation (worn) M - a +2 helmet of intelligence (worn) N - the +0 pair of fencer's gloves {Riposte Dex+3} (You acquired it on level 17 of a ziggurat) It allows the wearer to riposte with melee weapons, swiftly retaliating against missed or blocked melee attacks. Dex: It affects your dexterity (+3). Z - the +1 pair of gloves "Kushrus" (worn) {rElec Int+4 Dex+3} (You found it on level 18 of a ziggurat) Int: It affects your intelligence (+4). Dex: It affects your dexterity (+3). rElec: It insulates you from electricity. Jewellery c - the ring "Iheima" (right hand) {Will++ rCorr Int+4 SInv} (You found it on level 17 of a ziggurat) [ring of see invisible] Int: It affects your intelligence (+4). SInv: It lets you see invisible. rCorr: It protects you from acid and corrosion. Will: It greatly increases your willpower. g - the amulet "Miudomej" (around neck) {rN+ Will+ Regen+ Slay-2 Stlth+} (You found it on level 19 of a ziggurat) [amulet of regeneration] Slay: It affects your accuracy & damage with ranged weapons and melee (-2). rN: It protects you from negative energy. Regen: It increases your rate of health regeneration. Will: It increases your willpower. Stlth: It makes you more stealthy. i - the ring of Xecvotad {rN+ Will+ Int+6} (You found it on level 20 of a ziggurat) [ring of intelligence] Int: It affects your intelligence (+6). rN: It protects you from negative energy. Will: It increases your willpower. t - the ring "Botrimoph" {*Slow rElec rPois rC+ Int+7} (You found it on level 11 of a ziggurat) [ring of protection from cold] Int: It affects your intelligence (+7). rC: It protects you from cold. rElec: It insulates you from electricity. rPois: It protects you from poison. *Slow: It may slow you when you take damage. R - the ring "Tovumihu" (left hand) {*Slow rF+ rN++ Dex-2 Slay+4} (You acquired it on level 16 of a ziggurat) [ring of slaying] Dex: It affects your dexterity (-2). Slay: It affects your accuracy & damage with ranged weapons and melee (+4). rF: It protects you from fire. rN: It greatly protects you from negative energy. *Slow: It may slow you when you take damage. Wands e - a wand of iceblast (98) s - a wand of acid (23) V - a wand of digging (7) Scrolls m - 3 scrolls of summoning o - 22 scrolls of vulnerability u - 25 scrolls of blinking v - 63 scrolls of butterflies w - 8 scrolls of torment y - 19 scrolls of fear C - 82 scrolls of teleportation E - 13 scrolls of poison I - 28 scrolls of magic mapping K - 31 scrolls of immolation L - 14 scrolls of silence Y - 5 scrolls of enchant armour Potions d - 12 potions of cancellation f - 4 potions of lignification h - 52 potions of curing k - 5 potions of attraction p - 55 potions of mutation q - 26 potions of heal wounds r - 8 potions of might D - 2 potions of brilliance G - 14 potions of haste O - 12 potions of berserk rage P - 12 potions of resistance S - 14 potions of invisibility X - 4 potions of ambrosia Miscellaneous j - a condenser vane z - a tin of tremorstones (2/2) A - a lightning rod (4/4) F - a phial of floods T - a phantom mirror U - 2 +3 figurines of a ziggurat Skills: O Level 27 Fighting O Level 27 Long Blades O Level 27 Polearms O Level 27 Staves O Level 27 Throwing O Level 27 Armour O Level 27 Dodging O Level 27 Stealth O Level 27 Shields O Level 27 Spellcasting * Level 14.6 Invocations O Level 27 Evocations You couldn't memorise any spells. You knew the following spells: Your Spells Type Power Damage Failure Level a - Disjunction Tloc 92% N/A 1% 8 b - Chain Lightning Conj/Air 100% 3d133 2% 9 c - Iskenderun's Mystic Conj/Tloc 100% 2d19 1% 4 d - Fulminant Prism Conj/Hex 92% 3d37 1% 4 e - Dazzling Flash Conj/Hex 100% N/A 1% 3 f - Apportation Tloc 100% N/A 1% 1 g - Blink Tloc 100% N/A 1% 2 h - Mephitic Cloud Conj/Pois/Air 100% N/A 1% 3 i - Frozen Ramparts Ice 100% 1d16 1% 3 j - Magic Dart Conj 100% 1d8 1% 1 k - Malign Gateway Summ/Tloc 92% N/A 1% 7 l - Summon Cactus Giant Summ 92% N/A 1% 6 m - Monstrous Menagerie Summ 92% N/A 1% 7 n - Summon Horrible Thin Summ 92% N/A 1% 8 o - Summon Hydra Summ 92% N/A 1% 7 p - Olgreb's Toxic Radia Pois 100% N/A 1% 4 q - Searing Ray Conj 100% 2d8 1% 2 z - Irradiate Conj/Tmut 92% 3d42 1% 5 Your spell library was empty. Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (15/15) Temple (1/1) D:5 Lair (5/5) D:11 Shoals (4/4) Lair:3 Snake (4/4) Lair:3 Slime (5/5) Lair:4 Orc (2/2) D:11 Elf (3/3) Orc:2 Vaults (5/5) D:13 Crypt (3/3) Vaults:3 Tomb (3/3) Crypt:3 Depths (4/4) D:15 Hell (visited) Dis (7/7) Hell Geh (7/7) Hell Coc (7/7) Hell Tar (7/7) Hell Zot (5/5) Depths:4 Sewer (visited) Ossuary (visited) WizLab (visited) Altars: Ashenzari Cheibriados Dithmenos Elyvilon Fedhas Gozag Hepliaklqana Makhleb Nemelex Xobeh Okawaru Qazlal Ru Trog Uskayaw Wu Jian Xom Yredelemnul Zin The Shining One Jiyva Shops: D:2 ( D:3 = D:4 (=( D:7 ( D:8 [ D:12 * Orc:1 * Orc:2 ?[*[? Elf:1 * Shoals:3 = Vaults:3 [ Vaults:4 ([*( Depths:4 ! Portals: Hell: Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Abyss: Depths:3 Pandemonium: Depths:2 Depths:4 Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You are immune to sickness and miasma. You are immune to poison. Your flesh is very heat resistant. (rF++) You are vulnerable to cold. (rC-) You float through the air rather than walking. You learn spells naturally, not from books. Your magical power is your life essence. You have superior vitality. (+4 MHP) You possess an exceptional clarity of mind. Your spells are a little harder to cast, but a little more powerful. Message History There is a stone staircase leading up here. You fly upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. A green death comes into view. Casting: Chain Lightning (dangerous; 2% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! Lightning arcs from your hands! The bolt of lightning hits the green death!! The green death is heavily wounded. Unknown command. Casting: Chain Lightning (dangerous; 2% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! Lightning arcs from your hands! The bolt of lightning hits the green death!!!! You kill the green death! Makhleb accepts your kill. You feel better. Unknown command. (D) Dungeon (T) Temple (L) Lair (A) Shoals (P) Snake Pit (M) Slime Pits (O) Orcish Mines (E) Elven Halls (V) Vaults (C) Crypt (W) Tomb (U) Depths (H) Hell (I) Dis (G) Gehenna (X) Cocytus (Y) Tartarus (Z) Zot Where to? (Enter - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help) HP restored. There is a fountain of clear blue water here. There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here. Really quaff the potion of attraction? [Y]es or [N]o only, please. Really quaff the potion of attraction? You feel attractive to monsters. You fade into invisibility! You feel protected. You feel clever all of a sudden. You feel yourself speed up. You feel very mighty all of a sudden. A red film seems to cover your vision as you go berserk! You feel yourself moving faster! You feel mighty! You feel a strong urge to attack something. You have escaped! ...# ### #..#.#..>...# ...### ####..#.##.....# .....# #.....#.######## .....# ### ####.##.# .....# ##≈## ##≈....# .....# ##≈.≈#####≈♣≈..## .....#####≈.⌠.≈≈≈≈≈♣⌠♣≈.# ......[....≈........♣≈..# .....####...≈...@...≈...# .....# ##.≈♣.......♣≈.## ###### #≈♣⌠♣≈≈≈≈≈♣⌠♣≈# ##≈♣≈#####≈♣≈## ##≈## ##≈## ### ### There were no monsters in sight! Vanquished Creatures Cerebov (Pan) the Royal Jelly (Slime:5) Asmodeus (Geh:7) Ereshkigal (Tar:7) Gloorx Vloq (Pan) Ignacio (Pan) 57 pandemonium lords Lom Lobon (Pan) the Serpent of Hell (Tar:7) Mnoleg (Pan) 44 dread liches Dispater (Dis:7) 31 ancient liches 4 orbs of fire (Zot:5) 22 juggernauts 92 royal mummies 12 shard shrikes Frederick (Depths:4) Vashnia (Snake:3) 35 Killer Klowns Vv (Depths:3) 3 curse toes 21 caustic shrikes 46 golden dragons Geryon (Hell) 42 bone dragons 26 profane servitors Jory (Vaults:3) 6 pearl dragons 17 Tzitzimimeh 2 electric golems (Zot:5) 61 hellephants 39 Brimstone Fiends 14 doom hounds 19 iron giants An iron giant (shapeshifter) (Zig:21) 27 Ice Fiends Rupert (Lair:4) 18 Hell Sentinels 2 spectral shard shrikes Zenata (Vaults:4) 33 tentacled monstrosities 42 liches 70 searing wretches 27 deep elf blademasters A walking crystal tome (Depths:3) A quicksilver dragon (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) 15 quicksilver dragons 31 tainted leviathans 4 walking divine tomes 27 Orb Guardians 27 tentacled starspawn 27 deep elf master archers 37 titans Murray (Hell) 31 acid blobs A kraken (Shoals:4) 22 Executioners An acid blob (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) 2 sphinxes (shapeshifter) 5 thorn hunters 15 sphinxes 6 death cobs 54 ancient champions 3 eldritch tentacles Gastronok (Lair:1) 11 shadow dragons 7 tengu reavers A shadow dragon (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) 25 storm dragons 4 fenstrider witches (shapeshifter) 5 fenstrider witches 2 azure jellies (shapeshifter) (Zig:21) The ghost of mdk the Destroyer, an adept DECj of Vehumet (Shoals:4) 7 daevas 13 draconian monks 12 demonspawn warmongers 8 quicksilver elementals 85 nagarajas 59 revenants Ilsuiw (Shoals:3) 22 azure jellies 55 narguns 29 frost giants 14 rockslimes 11 ghost moths 29 orc warlords 4 deep elf sorcerers An emperor scorpion (shapeshifter) (Zig:21) 35 fire giants 2 spectral juggernauts 19 draconian knights 23 cacodemons 12 draconian shifters 4 frost giants (shapeshifter) 9 emperor scorpions (Zig:19) 101 balrugs 16 iron dragons 13 draconian scorchers 3 spectral caustic shrikes 4 juggernaut zombies 10 vault wardens The ghost of Ludicrosity the Fighter, a journeyman MiFi of Yredelemnul (Orc:2) 3 caustic shrike zombies 23 curse skulls 17 ghouls 3 angels 10 draconian stormcallers 3 shard shrike simulacra 12 draconian annihilators 21 reapers 2 ophanim 3 deep elf elementalists 35 war gargoyles A quicksilver ooze (shapeshifter) (Zig:22) 2 spriggan defenders 29 very ugly things 34 vampire knights A broodmother (Zig:19) 22 quicksilver oozes 20 demonspawn corrupters A stone giant (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) 8 demonspawn blood saints 3 caustic shrike skeletons 8 ironbound thunderhulks 24 ironbound preservers 39 stone giants 10 eleionomae 3 apis (Zig:9) 14 green draconians 24 putrid mouths 30 bennus 21 deep elf demonologists 2 eleionomae (shapeshifter) 3 demonspawn black suns 17 white draconians 3 juggernaut skeletons 16 elemental wellsprings 34 deep elf annihilators 13 black draconians 13 lorocyprocas 2 dire elephants (shapeshifter) (Zig:21) 8 entropy weavers 10 purple draconians 17 red draconians 15 yellow draconians 13 dire elephants 8 bunyips A spectral titan (Depths:1) 2 halazid warlocks (Tar:1) 30 wendigos 28 deep elf death magi A spark wasp (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) 20 blizzard demons 12 iron golems 8 spark wasps 32 eidola 76 mummy priests 10 fire dragons 7 merfolk javelineers 4 crystal guardians 22 ettins 2 spectral krakens (Tar:7) 9 shambling mangroves 10 merfolk impalers 23 deep elf high priests Josephine (D:11) 11 great orbs of eyes 2 quicksilver dragon zombies (Zig:17) 34 yaktaur captains 2 great orbs of eyes (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) 37 green deaths A spectral fenstrider witch (Tar:1) 7 jiangshi 2 spectral spriggans (Tar:3) 26 vault guards 13 hell beasts Erolcha (Orc:2) 13 ice dragons A spectral tengu (Depths:1) A quicksilver dragon skeleton (Zig:21) 10 ogre magi The ghost of mdk the Destroyer, a journeyman DECj of Vehumet (Lair:3) 49 hydras 5 caustic shrike simulacra 12 rakshasas 5 ironbound frosthearts 3 alligator snapping turtles A spectral shadow dragon (Tar:1) 8 boulder beetles 6 juggernaut simulacra A radroach (shapeshifter) (Zig:22) 5 ghost crabs 80 salamander tyrants 4 spriggan air magi 19 centaur warriors 3 catoblepae 2 death knights 5 spriggan skeletons A two-headed ogre (shapeshifter) (Zig:21) 2 jorogumos (shapeshifter) 9 merfolk aquamancers 11 two-headed ogres 4 radroaches 33 dancing weapons 2 spectral stone giants 13 stokers 10 alligators 25 anacondas An Orb Guardian skeleton (Crypt:2) 62 hell hogs 10 satyrs 7 merfolk avatars 21 naga warriors 6 titan zombies A fenstrider witch skeleton (Pan) 97 death scarabs 4 deep troll shamans 11 deep troll earth magi A spectral dire elephant (Tar:1) 11 death yaks 26 shock serpents 28 orc high priests 40 vampire magi 34 thrashing horrors 6 spriggan berserkers 43 naga sharpshooters 2 shock serpents (shapeshifter) Urug (Lair:1) 3 tengu warriors 2 storm dragon zombies 57 sun demons 17 deep elf knights 25 soul eaters 18 iron trolls 37 skeletal warriors 8 crystal echidnas 2 fire crabs (shapeshifter) 4 hell knights 34 shadow wraiths 9 spatial maelstroms 4 pharaoh ants (Zig:19) 10 goliath frogs 2 titan skeletons 2 sun moths (Zig:19) 18 sixfirhies 39 wretched stars A goliath frog (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) A death drake (shapeshifter) (Zig:22) 8 salamander mystics 13 shadow demons A spark wasp zombie (Depths:1) 7 cherubim A spectral hydra (Tar:1) 2 deep trolls (shapeshifter) A glowing orange brain (shapeshifter) (Zig:22) 2 sea snakes (shapeshifter) 10 spriggan druids 3 quicksilver dragon simulacra A storm dragon skeleton (Zig:18) 20 naga ritualists 3 steelbarb worms (Zig:19) 4 golden dragon zombies 17 death drakes 30 flayed ghosts 20 sea snakes 2 orb spiders (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) 15 glowing orange brains 55 deep trolls 10 orb spiders 6 bog bodies 10 spriggan simulacra 20 swamp dragons 9 obsidian statues Pikel (D:9) 3 golden dragon skeletons 77 large abominations 2 shadow dragon zombies 11 wizards 18 ironbound convokers A tengu zombie (Depths:1) A fenstrider witch simulacrum (Coc:2) 18 orc knights 2 lindwurms (shapeshifter) A bunyip skeleton (Pan) 4 sphinx zombies 24 deep elf archers A steelbarb worm (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) 4 necromancers 2 iron giant skeletons 30 harpies 8 lindwurms 53 deep elf zephyrmancers A harpy (shapeshifter) (Zig:21) 3 spectral iron dragons 4 iron dragon zombies 34 phantasmal warriors 6 wolf spiders 3 shadow dragon skeletons 3 tengu skeletons 3 oklob plants 8 orange crystal statues A mana viper (shapeshifter) (Zig:22) 9 shining eyes 52 deep elf pyromancers 21 mana vipers A spectral ice dragon (Tar:1) 16 cyclopes 3 frost giant zombies (Depths:1) 30 orc sorcerers 38 ugly things 3 spectral ettins A faun (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) 4 draconians (Abyss:3) 18 salamanders A manticore (shapeshifter) (Zig:21) 3 fire giant zombies (Depths:1) 7 worldbinders 11 will-o-the-wisps 2 spectral centaurs A stone giant skeleton (Zig:3) A moth of wrath (shapeshifter) (Zig:22) A dire elephant zombie (Tomb:1) 17 manticores 21 fauns 2 elephants (shapeshifter) An iron dragon skeleton (Zig:24) 43 moths of wrath 3 stone giant zombies A shining eye (shapeshifter) (Zig:23) A black mamba (shapeshifter) (Zig:12) 3 frost giant skeletons 2 guardian serpents (shapeshifter) 7 merfolk sirens An eleionoma skeleton (Crypt:2) A centaur zombie (Tomb:2) 3 rust devils 24 guardian serpents 39 naga magi 5 sphinx skeletons 19 apocalypse crabs 95 black mambas 10 water nymphs A water nymph (shapeshifter) (Zig:20) 6 ice statues 13 elephants 5 titan simulacra 15 fire giant skeletons 4 centaur skeletons A storm dragon simulacrum (Zig:24) 19 vault sentinels 13 molten gargoyles 2 torpor snails (shapeshifter) 27 orange demons An eye of devastation (shapeshifter) (Zig:20) 11 torpor snails 78 smoke demons 3 eyes of devastation 4 gargoyles (Crypt:3) 11 rime drakes 20 cane toads 2 komodo dragons (shapeshifter) 46 hellions 8 spectral swamp worms (Tar:7) An unseen horror (D:12) 5 efreet 12 demonic crawlers 20 komodo dragons 32 tormentors 42 ancient zymes 3 spriggan zombies 14 ice devils 2 golden dragon simulacra 4 spectral nagas 2 iron giant simulacra 15 freezing wraiths 3 tengu conjurers 28 yaktaurs 5 anaconda simulacra 156 guardian mummies 42 hellwings A minotaur skeleton (Pan) An alligator snapping turtle skeleton (Tomb:2) 7 red devils A troll (shapeshifter) (Zig:21) 3 meliai (D:11) A spectral harpy (Tar:4) 8 bloated husks 5 silent spectres 19 trolls A hydra zombie (Crypt:2) 7 wind drakes 2 yaktaur skeletons (Vaults:3) 39 merfolk 2 harpy zombies (Hell) 2 meliai (shapeshifter) 10 polar bears Grinder (D:5) 3 shadow dragon simulacra 27 hornets A tengu simulacrum (Zig:15) 2 tarantellas (Zig:19) A tarantella zombie (Crypt:2) A dream sheep (Zig:26) 4 tyrant leeches 2 slime creatures (shapeshifter) A harpy skeleton (Pan) A hydra skeleton (Hell) 20 raiju 92 slime creatures A meliai zombie (Crypt:1) A nameless horror (D:14) 9 blink frogs A frost giant simulacrum (Zig:7) 4 iron dragon simulacra 18 snapping turtles An ettin zombie (Hell) 96 starcursed masses 2 snapping turtles (shapeshifter) 72 flying skulls 26 water elementals Sigmund (D:5) 4 ettin skeletons 12 wraiths 4 jumping spiders (Zig:19) An alligator skeleton (Crypt:2) A culicivora (shapeshifter) (Zig:22) 2 culicivoras A wyvern (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5) 17 spriggans 6 air elementals A vampire (Abyss:3) 4 fire dragon skeletons (Crypt:3) 6 wyverns 6 basilisks 5 shadows 15 ynoxinuls 2 hogs (shapeshifter) 2 alligator snapping turtle simulacra 8 dire elephant simulacra A centaur simulacrum (Coc:2) 22 humans A black mamba skeleton (Pan) 9 chaos spawn 31 yaks 8 fire elementals 59 ushabtiu 12 golden eyes 44 neqoxecs 5 steam dragons 2 vampire mosquitoes A redback (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) 8 redbacks A naga zombie (Hell) 3 elf skeletons 7 glowing shapeshifter zombies 19 harpy simulacra 62 nagas 12 wargs 2 human zombies (Depths:1) 27 water moccasins 3 hydra simulacra 13 acid dragons 3 floating eyes (shapeshifter) 3 glowing shapeshifter skeletons An ogre skeleton (Vaults:3) A floating eye (Zig:19) 109 orc warriors A swamp drake (Zig:14) Pargi (Sewer) 7 ice beasts 2 sky beasts A black bear (shapeshifter) (Zig:27) A snapping turtle zombie (Crypt:1) 5 ettin simulacra 6 black bears 3 human skeletons (Vaults:3) 21 wolves A dream sheep skeleton (Crypt:1) A wolf (shapeshifter) (Depths:3) 38 ogres A boggart (shapeshifter) (Elf:1) 5 boggarts (Lair:5) 2 phantoms 4 centaurs 12 bullfrogs 5 necrophages 17 small abominations 4 glowing shapeshifter simulacra A komodo dragon skeleton (Crypt:1) 7 earth elementals 3 scorpions A naga simulacrum (Coc:7) A two-headed ogre simulacrum (Coc:2) A cyclops skeleton (Crypt:2) A wight (Abyss:3) 9 killer bees 8 electric eels 5 howler monkeys A crimson imp (Zig:22) A jelly (shapeshifter) (Elf:2) 3 quasits (Abyss:3) 4 hounds 29 orc priests 3 jellies An iguana (D:5) 41 orc wizards 4 lightning spires (Zig:21) 265 mummies 8 adders 4 gnolls (D:2) 3 white imps 5 ufetubi 2 adder skeletons (D:2) 3 worms A dart slug (D:5) 92 orcs A bat skeleton (D:2) 7 endoplasms 8 giant cockroaches 2 gnoll zombies (Ossuary) 5 goblins 9 hobgoblins 3 jackals (D:2) 7 quokkas 4 ball pythons A ball python skeleton (D:2) 9 bats 12 frilled lizards 6 kobolds 4 kobold zombies 3 orc zombies (Ossuary) A quokka skeleton (D:2) A quokka zombie (D:2) 9 rats A briar patch (Depths:2) 9 creeping infernos A fire vortex (Geh:2) 11 fulminant prisms 23 starspawn tentacles 7 tentacles 7529 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills) Antaeus (Coc:7) 2 ancient liches (Vaults:5) A dread lich (Abyss:3) An orb of fire (Zot:4) A juggernaut (Dis:7) A royal mummy (Tomb:1) Sojobo (Vaults:3) The ghost of Pifuepn the Slayer, a veteran MiFi of Uskayaw (Depths:1) 2 golden dragons (Vaults:5) 2 bone dragons (Abyss:3) An iron giant (Dis:7) A tentacled monstrosity (Vaults:5) 2 deep elf blademasters A deep elf master archer (Elf:3) 5 titans (Vaults:5) Frances (D:14) 2 sphinxes (Vaults:4) 2 Executioners 3 ancient champions (Dis:7) 2 shadow dragons A draconian monk (Abyss:3) An eldritch tentacle (Depths:1) A fire giant (Vaults:5) 4 tengu reavers A storm dragon (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5) 5 storm dragons A nagaraja (Snake:2) 6 deep elf sorcerers 3 frost giants Donald (Snake:4) A quicksilver elemental (Dis:7) 2 balrugs (Abyss:3) 2 iron dragons Louise (Elf:1) The ghost of Xano the Severer, an adept VSFi of Gozag (Shoals:1) 2 deep elf elementalists (Elf:3) 3 vault wardens An angel (Abyss:3) A draconian stormcaller (Abyss:3) A reaper (Abyss:3) 3 ironbound preservers 2 very ugly things 5 stone giants An ironbound thunderhulk (Vaults:1) 4 war gargoyles A vampire knight (Depths:1) 2 entropy weavers (Vaults:4) 3 deep elf demonologists 5 deep elf annihilators (Elf:3) 10 dire elephants A red draconian (Zot:4) An iron golem (Dis:7) 3 merfolk javelineers (Shoals:4) 2 ettins 6 deep elf death magi (Elf:3) A fire dragon (Depths:1) A merfolk impaler (Shoals:4) 4 deep elf high priests 4 yaktaur captains A spectral spriggan (Depths:1) 3 great orbs of eyes A boulder beetle (D:13) A vault guard (Vaults:5) An ice dragon (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5) 3 ice dragons (Depths:1) 3 merfolk avatars A salamander tyrant (Snake:4) A hydra (D:15) An alligator snapping turtle (Shoals:4) 2 ironbound frosthearts A merfolk aquamancer (Shoals:4) 2 naga warriors 2 death knights (D:15) A two-headed ogre (D:14) 8 centaur warriors 3 deep troll shamans (Depths:1) A death scarab (Tomb:1) A tengu warrior (D:15) 4 deep troll earth magi 8 dancing weapons A spriggan berserker (Depths:1) A spectral storm dragon (Depths:1) A crystal echidna (Dis:7) 11 deep elf knights A storm dragon zombie (Depths:1) An iron troll (Depths:1) A shadow wraith (Vaults:4) 3 skeletal warriors 2 wretched stars (Abyss:3) A spatial maelstrom (Abyss:3) A salamander mystic (Snake:4) 2 naga ritualists (Snake:4) 4 sea snakes A spectral iron dragon (Depths:1) 13 deep trolls 11 deep elf archers 2 orc knights (Vaults:4) 2 wizards 10 deep elf pyromancers 2 phantasmal warriors (D:15) 8 harpies 2 draconians (Abyss:3) 9 ironbound convokers An orc sorcerer (Abyss:3) 4 ugly things 4 manticores A mana viper (Snake:3) 19 deep elf zephyrmancers 2 fauns (Shoals:4) A merfolk siren (Shoals:3) 5 vault sentinels An apocalypse crab (Abyss:3) A black mamba (Snake:4) A smoke demon (Abyss:3) A guardian serpent (Snake:4) A water nymph (Shoals:2) A storm dragon simulacrum (Depths:1) 4 naga magi An efreet (D:15) A yaktaur (shapeshifter) (D:14) A spriggan zombie (Depths:1) 2 freezing wraiths (D:15) 2 tengu conjurers A troll (D:13) 2 ancient zymes (Abyss:3) 5 yaktaurs 6 wind drakes 8 merfolk 3 slime creatures (Vaults:1) A sphinx simulacrum (Depths:1) A shadow dragon simulacrum (Depths:1) A hornet (Depths:1) 2 snapping turtles (Shoals:4) An iron dragon simulacrum (Depths:1) 2 air elementals (Elf:1) 3 flying skulls (Abyss:3) A small abomination (Abyss:3) A spriggan (Depths:1) 3 water elementals 2 ynoxinuls (Abyss:3) 2 basilisks A large abomination (Abyss:3) 2 nameless horrors A fire elemental (Elf:1) 2 redbacks A neqoxec (Abyss:3) 7 nagas A spatial vortex (Abyss:3) A water moccasin (Lair:4) An earth elemental (Elf:2) 10 starcursed masses (Abyss:3) 396 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (others) An orb of fire (Zot:5) A Killer Klown (Zig:27) 2 pandemonium lords (Zig:27) 2 golden dragons 3 tentacled monstrosities 91 eldritch tentacles A fenstrider witch (Zig:17) An eleionoma (Zig:14) A green death (Zig:14) A deep elf high priest (Elf:1) 2 shambling mangroves 2 hydras 2 goliath frogs (Zig:14) 3 swamp dragons 2 death drakes A sea snake (Shoals:4) A glowing orange brain (Pan) A deep elf zephyrmancer (Elf:2) An orc sorcerer (Orc:2) A naga mage (Snake:4) A guardian serpent (Zig:26) A will-o-the-wisp (Zig:14) A vault sentinel (Vaults:1) 2 anaconda simulacra An iron giant simulacrum (Coc:6) A tyrant leech (Zig:10) A bloated husk (Zig:14) A polar bear (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5) A snapping turtle (Shoals:4) A jumping spider (Zig:19) A stone giant simulacrum (Coc:1) 2 water elementals A swamp drake (Zig:17) An ettin simulacrum (Coc:1) A large abomination (Abyss:3) An orc wizard (Orc:2) 8 ball lightnings (Pan) 6 briar patches A bush (Abyss:3) 2 creeping infernos A fire vortex (Geh:3) 12 foxfires 241 fulminant prisms 31 fungi 132 plants 24 starspawn tentacles 5 tentacles 4 toadstools (D:1) 36 withered plants 641 creatures vanquished. Grand Total: 8566 creatures vanquished Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | acky5 the Djinni Conjurer began the quest for the Orb. 0 | D:1 | acky5 set off with the following spells memorised: Magic | Dart, Searing Ray, Dazzling Flash, Fulminant Prism, | Iskenderun's Mystic Blast. 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 15/15 MP: 0/0 229 | D:1 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 20/22 MP: 0/0 605 | D:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Fighting 802 | D:1 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 23/27 MP: 0/0 802 | D:1 | Learned a level 1 spell: Apportation 1337 | D:2 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 18/32 MP: 0/0 1811 | D:2 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 36/38 MP: 0/0 1811 | D:2 | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink 2624 | D:2 | Found Satobloaly's Weapon Shop. 2984 | D:3 | Found Emig's Jewellery Shoppe. 3011 | D:3 | Found a glowing drain. 3037 | Sewer | Entered a sewer 3161 | Sewer | Noticed Pargi 3187 | Sewer | Killed Pargi 3188 | Sewer | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting 3188 | Sewer | Reached XP level 6. HP: 17/46 MP: 0/0 4160 | D:3 | Found a faded altar of an unknown god. 4757 | D:4 | Found Woxoogil's Jewellery Shop. 4759 | D:4 | Found Gisugg's Antique Weapon Emporium. 4763 | D:4 | Found Yvuo's Antique Weapon Shop. 4786 | D:4 | Reached XP level 7. HP: 41/50 MP: 0/0 4786 | D:4 | Learned a level 3 spell: Mephitic Cloud 5354 | D:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon 5383 | D:5 | Noticed Grinder 5398 | D:5 | Killed Grinder 5596 | D:5 | Reached XP level 8. HP: 51/58 MP: 0/0 6003 | D:5 | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple. 6048 | Temple | Entered the Ecumenical Temple 6502 | D:5 | Noticed Sigmund 6507 | D:5 | Killed Sigmund 6508 | D:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting 6714 | D:5 | Found a shadowy altar of Dithmenos. 7106 | D:6 | You are sucked into a shaft and drop 3 floors! 7144 | D:9 | Noticed Pikel 7152 | D:9 | Killed Pikel 7153 | D:9 | Reached XP level 9. HP: 47/67 MP: 0/0 7153 | D:9 | Learned a level 3 spell: Frozen Ramparts 7167 | D:10 | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon 7609 | D:8 | Noticed a hornet 7615 | D:8 | Killed a hornet 7677 | D:8 | Identified the +0 pair of gloves of Joy {+Blink} 7691 | D:8 | Noticed a boulder beetle 7784 | D:8 | Found a sand-covered staircase. 7791 | Ossuary | Entered an ossuary 8345 | D:8 | Found Dicwavvawine's Antique Armour Shoppe. 8696 | D:6 | Reached skill level 1 in Armour 8793 | D:6 | Reached XP level 10. HP: 67/75 MP: 0/0 8877 | D:6 | Identified the +4 mace of the Evening {vorpal, rC+ Int+3} 9270 | D:6 | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru. 9270 | D:6 | Found a broken altar of Ashenzari. 9991 | D:3 | Bought the amulet of Fyofem {Regen+ Dex+7} for 568 gold | pieces 10352 | D:7 | Found Jazir's Antique Weapon Emporium. 10498 | D:7 | Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw. 11213 | D:8 | Noticed a cyan ugly thing 11217 | D:8 | Noticed a brown ugly thing 11476 | D:8 | Killed a brown ugly thing 11485 | D:8 | Killed a cyan ugly thing 11512 | D:8 | Identified the ring of Ynokhluv {Fly Str+3 Int+2} 12000 | D:9 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 12007 | D:9 | Killed a two-headed ogre 12008 | D:9 | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging 12008 | D:9 | Reached XP level 11. HP: 75/81 MP: 0/0 12008 | D:9 | Learned a level 4 spell: Olgreb's Toxic Radiance 12391 | D:9 | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh. 12476 | D:10 | Reached skill level 10 in Spellcasting 12712 | D:10 | Found a faded altar of an unknown god. 12712 | D:10 | Found a faded altar of an unknown god. 12712 | D:10 | Found a hazy altar of Hepliaklqana. 12714 | D:10 | Found a faded altar of an unknown god. 12856 | D:10 | Found a burning altar of Makhleb. 12857 | D:10 | Found an iron altar of Okawaru. 12948 | D:10 | Became a worshipper of Makhleb the Destroyer 13072 | D:10 | Noticed a purple ugly thing 13082 | D:10 | Killed a purple ugly thing 13379 | D:11 | Noticed an ogre mage 13379 | D:11 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 13385 | D:11 | Killed a two-headed ogre 13386 | D:11 | Reached skill level 5 in Armour 13388 | D:11 | Killed an ogre mage 13390 | D:11 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 13394 | D:11 | Killed a two-headed ogre 13411 | D:11 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 13412 | D:11 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 13418 | D:11 | Killed a two-headed ogre 13424 | D:11 | Killed a two-headed ogre 13425 | D:11 | Reached XP level 12. HP: 47/89 MP: 0/0 13501 | D:11 | Found a staircase to the Lair. 13584 | D:11 | Noticed Josephine 13590 | D:11 | Killed Josephine 13590 | D:11 | Reached * piety under Makhleb 13702 | D:11 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 13706 | D:11 | Killed a two-headed ogre 13785 | D:11 | Noticed a boulder beetle 13793 | D:11 | Killed a boulder beetle 13997 | D:8 | Killed a boulder beetle 14170 | D:11 | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines. 14180 | D:11 | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting 14372 | D:11 | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas. 14559 | Orc:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines 14559 | Orc:1 | Noticed an orc warlord 14559 | Orc:1 | Found Diexof's General Store. 14566 | Orc:1 | Noticed an orc warlord 14568 | Orc:1 | Killed an orc warlord 14568 | Orc:1 | Reached ** piety under Makhleb 14571 | Orc:1 | Reached XP level 13. HP: 96/97 MP: 0/0 14571 | Orc:1 | Learned a level 5 spell: Irradiate 14576 | Orc:2 | Entered Level 2 of the Orcish Mines 15168 | Orc:2 | Noticed Erolcha 15169 | Orc:2 | Reached *** piety under Makhleb 15176 | Orc:2 | Killed Erolcha 15487 | Orc:2 | Found Kam Koy's Magic Scroll Emporium. 15514 | Orc:2 | Found a runed translucent door. 15514 | Orc:2 | Noticed Ludicrosity's ghost (journeyman MiFi) 15646 | Orc:2 | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls. 15727 | Orc:2 | Reached **** piety under Makhleb 15767 | Orc:2 | Found Soikk's Antique Armour Emporium. 15767 | Orc:2 | Found Zimm's Magic Scroll Emporium. 15768 | Orc:2 | Found Yxkolum's General Store. 15768 | Orc:2 | Found Sozem's Antique Armour Shop. 15791 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of fear for 52 gold pieces 15819 | Orc:2 | Bought the +1 cloak "Moetse" {rElec rPois MP-9 Str+3 Dex+3} | for 321 gold pieces 15819 | Orc:2 | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces 16260 | Orc:1 | Killed an orc warlord 16404 | Orc:1 | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces 16498 | Orc:1 | Found a runed translucent door. 16544 | Orc:1 | Reached XP level 14. HP: 98/105 MP: 0/0 16560 | Orc:1 | Identified the +1 scale mail of Siog {Dex+2} 16687 | Lair:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts 16769 | Lair:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging 16772 | Lair:1 | Reached ***** piety under Makhleb 16784 | Lair:1 | Noticed Urug 16796 | Lair:1 | Killed Urug 17130 | Lair:1 | Noticed Gastronok 17149 | Lair:1 | Killed Gastronok 18252 | Lair:3 | Found a staircase to the Snake Pit. 18436 | Lair:3 | Found a staircase to the Shoals. 18678 | Lair:3 | Noticed mdk's ghost (journeyman DECj) 18746 | Lair:3 | Found a runed translucent gate. 18746 | Lair:3 | Found a runed translucent gate. 18747 | Lair:3 | Found a runed translucent gate. 18887 | Lair:3 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 112/112 MP: 0/0 18887 | Lair:3 | Learned a level 6 spell: Summon Cactus Giant 19257 | Lair:3 | Killed mdk's ghost 19306 | Lair:4 | Noticed Rupert 19329 | Lair:4 | Killed Rupert 19330 | Lair:4 | Reached skill level 10 in Armour 19358 | Lair:4 | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits. 19360 | Lair:4 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 19517 | Lair:4 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 109/118 MP: 0/0 20115 | Lair:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Lair of Beasts 20600 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 15 in Spellcasting 20693 | Lair:5 | Reached ****** piety under Makhleb 21299 | D:8 | Bought a slimy ring mail for 261 gold pieces 21299 | D:8 | Identified the +4 ring mail of Devotion {Harm MP+9} (You | bought it in a shop on level 8 of the Dungeon) 21429 | D:12 | Found Sept's Gadget Gallery. 22063 | D:13 | Found a gate to the Vaults. 22093 | D:13 | Identified a scroll of acquirement 22094 | D:13 | Acquired the +3 warlock's mirror {reflect} 22094 | D:13 | Found the +3 warlock's mirror {reflect} 22164 | D:13 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 124/127 MP: 0/0 22164 | D:13 | Learned a level 7 spell: Monstrous Menagerie 22497 | D:13 | Reached skill level 1 in Shields 22503 | D:13 | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog. 23185 | D:14 | Noticed Frances 23196 | D:14 | Killed Frances 23644 | D:15 | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon 23792 | D:15 | Found a staircase to the Depths. 24624 | Shoals:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Shoals 24727 | Shoals:1 | Found a runed translucent door. 24963 | Shoals:1 | Acquired a manual of Shields 24973 | Shoals:1 | Reached skill level 5 in Shields 25224 | Shoals:1 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 25224 | Shoals:1 | Noticed Xano's ghost (adept VSFi) 25517 | Shoals:1 | Killed Xano's ghost 25525 | Shoals:1 | Identified the +1 ring mail of Veuqie {Harm Int+6} 25746 | Orc:2 | Killed Ludicrosity's ghost 26094 | Shoals:2 | Reached XP level 18. HP: 134/134 MP: 0/0 26957 | Shoals:3 | Found Fueparizu's Jewellery Shop. 26958 | Shoals:3 | Identified the ring of Megalomania {rF+ Str+3 Dex+4 SInv | Stlth+} 27011 | Shoals:3 | Identified the +6 chain mail of Eternal Vigilance {rC+ | rCorr} 27146 | Shoals:3 | Noticed Ilsuiw 27164 | Shoals:3 | Killed Ilsuiw 27569 | Shoals:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Shoals 27674 | Snake:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Snake Pit 29502 | Snake:3 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 138/141 MP: 0/0 29502 | Snake:3 | Learned a level 7 spell: Malign Gateway 29698 | Snake:3 | Noticed Vashnia 29715 | Snake:3 | Killed Vashnia 29833 | Snake:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Fighting 30195 | Snake:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Snake Pit 30353 | Snake:4 | Reached skill level 15 in Dodging 30983 | Snake:4 | Noticed Donald 30989 | Snake:4 | Killed Donald 31277 | Snake:4 | Got a serpentine rune of Zot 31648 | Elf:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls 31656 | Elf:1 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 150/150 MP: 0/0 32058 | Elf:1 | Identified the +1 pair of boots of Inaction {Dex+6} 32080 | Elf:1 | Paralysed by an air elemental for 1 turns 32082 | Elf:1 | Paralysed by an air elemental for 1 turns 32284 | Elf:1 | Found Jumpigus's General Store. 32443 | Elf:1 | Noticed Louise 32476 | Elf:1 | Killed Louise 33312 | Elf:2 | Noticed a Tzitzimitl 33315 | Elf:2 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 33514 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed translucent gate. 33514 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed translucent gate. 33518 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed translucent gate. 33518 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed translucent gate. 33518 | Elf:2 | Found a huge runed translucent gate. 34898 | Elf:2 | Reached XP level 21. HP: 157/157 MP: 0/0 34898 | Elf:2 | Learned a level 8 spell: Summon Horrible Things 34932 | Elf:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Elven Halls 35083 | Elf:3 | Acquired 973 gold pieces 35544 | Elf:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Armour 35951 | Elf:3 | Identified the +9 short sword of the Morning {vorpal, rCorr | Str-5 Int+2 Stlth+} 35985 | Elf:3 | Identified the +10 scimitar of the Painted God {pain, | Str+4} 36011 | Elf:3 | Identified the +9 war axe of Imbalance {vorpal, Will+ Str+4 | Stlth+} 36022 | Elf:3 | Identified the +10 dagger of Hubris {vorpal, rPois rF+} 36029 | Elf:3 | Identified the +3 hand axe "Netostra" {drain, Will- rCorr | Str+4} 36786 | Abyss:3 | Cast into level 3 of the Abyss (merfolk impaler) 37039 | Abyss:3 | Paralysed by an ogre mage for 3 turns 37383 | Abyss:3 | Found a hazy altar of Hepliaklqana. 37384 | Abyss:3 | Found a hazy altar of Hepliaklqana. 37384 | Abyss:3 | Found a hazy altar of Hepliaklqana. 37385 | Abyss:3 | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul. 37385 | Abyss:3 | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas. 37385 | Abyss:3 | Found a white marble altar of Elyvilon. 37385 | Abyss:3 | Found a burning altar of Makhleb. 37386 | Abyss:3 | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh. 37386 | Abyss:3 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 37386 | Abyss:3 | Found an iron altar of Okawaru. 37390 | Abyss:3 | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog. 37390 | Abyss:3 | Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw. 37390 | Abyss:3 | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One. 37393 | Abyss:3 | Found a shadowy altar of Dithmenos. 37393 | Abyss:3 | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin. 37393 | Abyss:3 | Found an opulent altar of Gozag. 37393 | Abyss:3 | Found an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council. 37397 | Abyss:3 | Found a snail-covered altar of Cheibriados. 37397 | Abyss:3 | Found an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council. 37397 | Abyss:3 | Found a stormy altar of Qazlal. 37428 | Abyss:3 | Paralysed by accursed screaming for 1 turns 37433 | Abyss:3 | Noticed a bone dragon 37469 | Abyss:3 | Killed a bone dragon 37483 | Abyss:3 | Noticed a bone dragon 37501 | Abyss:3 | Killed a bone dragon 37502 | Abyss:3 | Reached XP level 22. HP: 127/166 MP: 0/0 38047 | Abyss:3 | Noticed a bone dragon 38067 | Abyss:3 | Killed a bone dragon 38076 | Abyss:3 | Noticed a bone dragon 38100 | Abyss:3 | Paralysed by accursed screaming for 1 turns 38131 | Abyss:3 | Killed a bone dragon 38154 | Abyss:3 | Noticed a profane servitor 38162 | Abyss:3 | Killed a profane servitor 38267 | Abyss:3 | Found a transporter. 38304 | Abyss:3 | Noticed a dread lich 38316 | Abyss:3 | Killed a dread lich 38339 | Abyss:3 | Found a transporter. 38347 | Abyss:3 | Got an abyssal rune of Zot 38364 | Shoals:4 | Escaped the Abyss 38436 | Shoals:4 | Upgraded the game from 0.29-a0-1027-gcd8c55af63 to | 0.29-a0-1033-gb6c65ffae6 39020 | Shoals:4 | Found a transporter. 39020 | Shoals:4 | Found a transporter. 39024 | Shoals:4 | Noticed mdk's ghost (adept DECj) 39156 | Shoals:4 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 174/174 MP: 0/0 39156 | Shoals:4 | Learned a level 7 spell: Summon Hydra 39226 | Shoals:4 | Identified the +6 flail of Anaph {drain, rElec rPois Str+4} 39927 | Shoals:4 | Got a barnacled rune of Zot 39963 | Shoals:4 | Identified the ring "Rannod" {*Corrode rN+ Str+6 Dex+4} 40239 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults 41520 | Vaults:1 | Identified the +9 rapier "Iriuze" {vorpal, Str+3} 41965 | Vaults:2 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 137/183 MP: 0/0 42971 | Vaults:3 | Found a staircase to the Crypt. 43189 | Vaults:3 | Found Viduhoss's Antique Armour Shop. 43231 | Vaults:3 | Noticed Jory 43270 | Vaults:3 | Killed Jory 43323 | Vaults:3 | Noticed Sojobo 43340 | Vaults:3 | Paralysed by an air elemental for 1 turns 43347 | Vaults:3 | Killed Sojobo 44166 | Vaults:4 | Found a transporter. 44210 | Vaults:4 | Found a transporter. 44382 | Vaults:4 | Found Qihoh's Weapon Shoppe. 44523 | Vaults:4 | Reached XP level 25. HP: 165/190 MP: 0/0 44523 | Vaults:4 | Learned a level 8 spell: Disjunction 44581 | Vaults:4 | Found Xomnou's Weapon Boutique. 44708 | Vaults:4 | Found Tiexaerio's Armour Shop. 44715 | Vaults:4 | Found Cimaih's General Store. 44887 | Vaults:4 | Noticed Zenata 44905 | Vaults:4 | Killed Zenata 45403 | Vaults:4 | Identified the ring "Semiplewn" {Fly Dex+4} 45409 | Vaults:4 | Identified the +10 battleaxe of Jukill {holy, Drain Dex+4 | SInv} 45439 | Vaults:4 | Identified the amulet of the Burgomaster {RegenMP Fragile | rN+ Int+5} 45804 | Shoals:4 | Killed mdk's ghost 46328 | Vaults:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Vaults 46536 | Vaults:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 47189 | Vaults:5 | Killed an ancient lich 47189 | Vaults:5 | HP: 3/176 [disintegration (81)] 47588 | Vaults:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 47621 | Vaults:5 | Reached XP level 26. HP: 69/199 MP: 0/0 47891 | Vaults:5 | Killed an ancient lich 47922 | Vaults:5 | Got a silver rune of Zot 48743 | Vaults:5 | Identified the +6 spear of Division {antimagic, rElec Will+ | Dex+2} 48774 | Vaults:5 | Identified the +1 plate armour of the Blessed Realm {rC+ | Int+2} 48788 | Vaults:5 | Identified the +8 short sword "Xuppumaw" {vamp, Dex+4} 48971 | Vaults:5 | Identified the ring of Qowkagik {rC- Str+2 Int+6 Slay+4} 48976 | Vaults:5 | Identified the +3 scale mail of Satuc {rCorr Str+5} 49664 | Depths:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Depths 49674 | Depths:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 50728 | Depths:1 | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul. 50944 | Depths:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 50944 | Depths:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 50944 | Depths:1 | Found a runed translucent gate. 50945 | Depths:1 | Noticed a dread lich 50946 | Depths:1 | Noticed Pifuepn's ghost (veteran MiFi) 51146 | Depths:1 | Killed a dread lich 51173 | Depths:1 | Killed Pifuepn's ghost 51378 | Depths:2 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. 51476 | Depths:2 | Reached XP level 27. HP: 183/207 MP: 0/0 51476 | Depths:2 | Learned a level 9 spell: Chain Lightning 51534 | Depths:2 | Found a magical portal. 51551 | WizLab | Entered Eringya's Formal Garden 51977 | WizLab | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas. 53072 | Depths:3 | Noticed Vv 53250 | Depths:3 | Killed Vv 53626 | Depths:3 | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss. 53685 | Depths:3 | Identified the +1 leather armour of Josteiqim {rC+ rCorr} 53972 | Depths:3 | You are sucked into a shaft and drop 1 floor! 53972 | Depths:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Depths 53973 | Depths:4 | Found Zodet's Distillery. 53990 | Depths:4 | Noticed Frederick 53993 | Depths:4 | Killed Frederick 54005 | Depths:4 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 60 gold pieces 54015 | Depths:4 | Reached skill level 10 in Shields 54121 | Depths:4 | Found a gate to the Realm of Zot. 54416 | Depths:4 | Noticed a juggernaut 54418 | Depths:4 | Killed a juggernaut 54631 | Depths:4 | Found a one-way gateway to a ziggurat. 55577 | Slime:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Pits of Slime 56192 | Slime:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Pits of Slime 56214 | Slime:5 | Noticed the Royal Jelly 56275 | Slime:5 | Killed the Royal Jelly 56304 | Slime:5 | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, | but a little less powerful. [a shining eye] 56530 | Slime:5 | Identified the ring of Udamalakk {Ice rElec Str+5 Int-3 | Dex+4} 56575 | Slime:5 | Identified the +0 leather armour of the Bursted God | {Stlth+} 56578 | Slime:5 | Identified the +2 chain mail of the Vestibule of Hell {rN+ | Str+4} 56624 | Slime:5 | Got a slimy rune of Zot 56625 | Slime:5 | Identified the +7 sling of the Ancients {freeze, rPois} 56636 | Slime:5 | Identified the +8 scale mail "Wuluk" {Will+ Regen+ Int+3 | Slay+6} 57054 | Zig:1 | Entered Level 1 of a ziggurat 57068 | Zig:2 | Entered Level 2 of a ziggurat 57078 | Zig:2 | Identified the amulet of Cheibriados's Pride {Acrobat +Inv | rF+ Stlth+} 57084 | Zig:3 | Entered Level 3 of a ziggurat 57099 | Zig:4 | Entered Level 4 of a ziggurat 57117 | Zig:5 | Entered Level 5 of a ziggurat 57134 | Zig:5 | Identified the +0 robe of Oblivion {rF+ Regen+ Slay+3} 57141 | Zig:6 | Entered Level 6 of a ziggurat 57144 | Zig:6 | Found the +12 glaive of Prune {vorpal} 57157 | Zig:7 | Entered Level 7 of a ziggurat 57250 | Zig:8 | Entered Level 8 of a ziggurat 57291 | Zig:9 | Entered Level 9 of a ziggurat 57305 | Zig:9 | Identified the +11 short sword of Dried Tears {freeze, rC+ | Will++} 57324 | Zig:10 | Entered Level 10 of a ziggurat 57357 | Zig:10 | Identified the +1 rapier "Emaew" {venom, rN+} 57487 | Zig:10 | Identified the +7 great sword "Gitaazou" {freeze, rC+ | rCorr} 57502 | Zig:11 | Entered Level 11 of a ziggurat 57516 | Zig:11 | Noticed a royal mummy 57519 | Zig:11 | Noticed a royal mummy 57523 | Zig:11 | Killed a royal mummy 57524 | Zig:11 | Killed a royal mummy 57530 | Zig:11 | Identified the ring "Botrimoph" {*Slow rElec rPois rC+ | Int+7} 57552 | Zig:12 | Entered Level 12 of a ziggurat 57558 | Zig:12 | Noticed a juggernaut 57558 | Zig:12 | Noticed a juggernaut 57562 | Zig:12 | Killed a juggernaut 57563 | Zig:12 | Killed a juggernaut 57573 | Zig:12 | Identified the ring of the Furies {rF+ Str+2 Dex+6} 57588 | Zig:12 | Identified the +2 sling of the Mind {speed, +Blink rElec | rC+} 57593 | Zig:12 | Identified the ring of Ymapiufi {rC+ Str+3} 57601 | Zig:12 | Identified the ring "Zomuosk" {+Blink Fly} 57607 | Zig:12 | Identified the +2 scale mail "Damnable Contraption" {-Cast | rN+ Slay+3} 57640 | Zig:13 | Entered Level 13 of a ziggurat 57652 | Zig:13 | Noticed a shard shrike 57654 | Zig:13 | Noticed a shard shrike 57655 | Zig:13 | Killed a shard shrike 57658 | Zig:13 | Killed a shard shrike 57663 | Zig:13 | Found the +8 demon trident "Rift" {distort, reach+} 57671 | Zig:13 | Identified the ring "Qeenoi" {MP+9 Int+3} 57679 | Zig:13 | Identified the +4 chain mail of Wytuf {rF+ Stlth+} 57707 | Zig:14 | Entered Level 14 of a ziggurat 57773 | Zig:14 | Identified the +4 leather armour "Qeoclidoi" {rF- Will+++ | Str-4 SInv} 57778 | Zig:14 | Identified the +6 quarterstaff "Yluriab" {freeze, rCorr | Str+4} 57781 | Zig:14 | Identified the +10 rapier "Muyfaane" {vorpal, rF+ Str+3 | Dex+4} 57788 | Zig:14 | Identified the +6 dagger "Nypsiklo" {holy, *Rage rCorr | Str+4 Dex+7} 57793 | Zig:15 | Entered Level 15 of a ziggurat 57808 | Zig:15 | Noticed a shard shrike 57812 | Zig:15 | Killed a shard shrike 57812 | Zig:15 | Noticed a shard shrike 57814 | Zig:15 | Killed a shard shrike 57818 | Zig:15 | Found the +3 Elemental Staff {rElec rF++ rC++ AC+5} 57825 | Zig:15 | Identified the ring "Umoitol" {rC- Int+5 SInv} 57847 | Zig:15 | Identified the +6 scale mail of Astonud {Harm *Corrode | *Slow SInv} 57939 | Zig:16 | Entered Level 16 of a ziggurat 57983 | Zig:16 | Noticed a dread lich 57988 | Zig:16 | Killed a dread lich 58082 | Zig:16 | Identified the amulet "Utrygech" {Faith Rampage} 58096 | Zig:16 | Acquired the ring "Tovumihu" {*Slow rF+ rN++ Dex-2 Slay+4} 58097 | Zig:16 | Acquired 981 gold pieces 58107 | Zig:16 | Identified the amulet "Cyxydog" {Spirit Harm} 58147 | Zig:17 | Entered Level 17 of a ziggurat 58160 | Zig:17 | Noticed a royal mummy 58161 | Zig:17 | Noticed a royal mummy 58162 | Zig:17 | Noticed a royal mummy 58163 | Zig:17 | Killed a royal mummy 58166 | Zig:17 | Killed a royal mummy 58167 | Zig:17 | Killed a royal mummy 58169 | Zig:17 | Noticed a royal mummy 58171 | Zig:17 | Noticed a royal mummy 58173 | Zig:17 | Killed a royal mummy 58176 | Zig:17 | Killed a royal mummy 58274 | Zig:17 | Identified the ring of Mirth {rPois rC+ Str+3} 58289 | Zig:18 | Entered Level 18 of a ziggurat 58289 | Zig:18 | Noticed a dread lich 58296 | Zig:18 | Noticed a juggernaut 58299 | Zig:18 | Killed a juggernaut 58300 | Zig:18 | Noticed a juggernaut 58307 | Zig:18 | Noticed a juggernaut 58308 | Zig:18 | Killed a juggernaut 58310 | Zig:18 | Noticed a juggernaut 58312 | Zig:18 | Killed a juggernaut 58316 | Zig:18 | Killed a juggernaut 58331 | Zig:18 | Noticed a juggernaut 58351 | Zig:18 | Identified the +3 spear "Egg" {vorpal, *Corrode rElec | rPois} 58536 | Zig:19 | Entered Level 19 of a ziggurat 58578 | Zig:19 | Acquired 271 gold pieces 58585 | Zig:19 | Identified the +10 great sword of Dishonesty {holy, Drain | Dex+7} 58593 | Zig:19 | Identified the ring "Naelom" {rN+ EV+4} 58595 | Zig:19 | Identified the +9 ring mail "Tuqoiq" {rF+++ Regen+ Int+3 | Dex-2 SInv} 58606 | Zig:19 | Identified the +6 battleaxe "Santash" {flame, Str+4 Dex+3 | Stlth-} 58613 | Zig:20 | Entered Level 20 of a ziggurat 58629 | Zig:20 | Reached skill level 1 in Evocations 58636 | Zig:20 | Reached skill level 5 in Evocations 58704 | Zig:20 | Identified the ring of Xecvotad {rN+ Will+ Int+6} 58714 | Zig:20 | Identified the +0 ring mail of Anej {rC- Will+ Regen+ | Dex+4} 58804 | Zig:21 | Entered Level 21 of a ziggurat 58821 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 58821 | Zig:21 | Noticed Foeteid the pandemonium lord 58821 | Zig:21 | Noticed Omufuf the pandemonium lord 58821 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 58821 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 58822 | Zig:21 | Noticed Himmaepn the pandemonium lord 58822 | Zig:21 | Noticed Engiup the pandemonium lord 58823 | Zig:21 | Noticed Wemyrh Qoef the pandemonium lord 58823 | Zig:21 | Noticed Wegax the pandemonium lord 58823 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 58824 | Zig:21 | Killed Foeteid the pandemonium lord 58824 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 58824 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 58824 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 58824 | Zig:21 | Noticed Vyxtolok the pandemonium lord 58825 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 58825 | Zig:21 | Killed Omufuf the pandemonium lord 58825 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 58825 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 58825 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 58825 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 58826 | Zig:21 | Killed Himmaepn the pandemonium lord 58826 | Zig:21 | Killed Wemyrh Qoef the pandemonium lord 58826 | Zig:21 | Killed Wegax the pandemonium lord 58826 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 58826 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 58826 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 58827 | Zig:21 | Killed Engiup the pandemonium lord 58827 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 58828 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 58829 | Zig:21 | Killed Vyxtolok the pandemonium lord 58829 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 58833 | Zig:21 | Found the +2 cloak of the Thief {*Fog Slay-2 SInv Stlth+} 58857 | Zig:21 | Identified the +1 trident "Dade" {freeze, Int-5 Dex+10 SInv | Stlth-} 58871 | Zig:21 | Identified the +1 leather armour of the Furrier {rPois | Regen+} 58880 | Zig:21 | Identified the +7 chain mail "Ruyduywe" {Int+7} 58882 | Zig:21 | Identified the +4 flail of Taxation {spect, rElec Dex+2} 58890 | Zig:22 | Entered Level 22 of a ziggurat 58922 | Zig:22 | Paralysed by accursed screaming for 1 turns 59004 | Zig:22 | Identified the +0 ring mail of Tulips {rPois rF+ Stlth-} 59015 | Zig:22 | Identified the ring "Yclet" {Wiz rC+} 59024 | Zig:22 | Identified the +4 rapier of Tuphuy Ycso {vorpal, *Corrode | rElec Stlth+} 59028 | Zig:23 | Entered Level 23 of a ziggurat 59045 | Zig:23 | Reached skill level 1 in Polearms 59051 | Zig:23 | Reached skill level 27 in Dodging 59065 | Zig:23 | Found the necklace of Bloodlust {*Rage Will++ Int-3 Slay+6} 59081 | Zig:23 | Identified the +7 spear "Ezxo" {antimagic, *Slow Int+4 | Dex+3} 59086 | Zig:23 | Identified the ring of Pommufin {Fire Stlth+} 59090 | Zig:23 | Reached skill level 27 in Spellcasting 59118 | Zig:23 | Identified the +5 dagger of Ylaeffit {freeze, rC+ Stlth+} 59119 | Zig:23 | Identified the +0 chain mail of Fallacy {+Blink Int-4 | Stlth+} 59120 | Zig:23 | Identified the +5 rapier "Buuqetez" {flame, rElec Int+3} 59125 | Zig:24 | Entered Level 24 of a ziggurat 59142 | Zig:24 | Noticed a shard shrike 59144 | Zig:24 | Paralysed by a wendigo for 1 turns 59146 | Zig:24 | Killed a shard shrike 59148 | Zig:24 | Noticed a shard shrike 59148 | Zig:24 | Noticed an ancient lich 59150 | Zig:24 | Killed a shard shrike 59152 | Zig:24 | Reached skill level 5 in Polearms 59152 | Zig:24 | Killed an ancient lich 59170 | Zig:24 | Identified the +1 leather armour of an ossuary {rF+} 59172 | Zig:24 | Identified the ring "Ceotsewa" {Drain rPois rF+ EV+4 Int+4} 59208 | Zig:24 | Identified the ring "Ruhocol" {Str+2 Dex+6} 59215 | Zig:24 | Identified the +1 leather armour of Gongam {Int+7 Stlth+} 59220 | Zig:24 | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, but | a little less powerful. [potion of mutation] 59220 | Zig:24 | Gained mutation: You are strong-willed. (Will+) [potion of | mutation] 59220 | Zig:24 | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, | but a little less powerful. [potion of mutation] 59220 | Zig:24 | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +4, Int/Dex | -1) [potion of mutation] 59221 | Zig:24 | Lost mutation: You are strong-willed. (Will+) [potion of | mutation] 59221 | Zig:24 | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +4, Int/Dex | -1) [potion of mutation] 59221 | Zig:24 | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, but | a little less powerful. [potion of mutation] 59221 | Zig:24 | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 59221 | Zig:24 | Gained mutation: Your movements are slightly less | encumbered by armour. (ER -2) [potion of mutation] 59238 | Zig:25 | Entered Level 25 of a ziggurat 59278 | Zig:25 | Identified the +1 ring mail "Dolaacyi" {rCorr Dex+3} 59284 | Zig:25 | Identified the ring of the Briny Deep {rN+ Int+3 Dex+3} 59292 | Zig:25 | Identified the +5 falchion of Severance {vorpal, rC+} 59304 | Zig:25 | Identified the +4 rapier of Lefaob {venom, Will+ Int+3} 59311 | Zig:25 | Identified the amulet "Pyji" {Acrobat Harm MP+9 Slay+3 | SInv} 59322 | Zig:26 | Entered Level 26 of a ziggurat 59385 | Zig:26 | Identified the +9 sling of Anocs {vorpal, rElec rN+ Will+} 59394 | Zig:26 | Identified the ring "Qoutuar" {rN+ Will+ SInv} 59406 | Zig:26 | Identified the +4 morningstar of Disembowelment {venom, | rC+} 59420 | Zig:26 | Identified the +0 plate armour "Qusessit" {rElec rC+ Str+3 | Dex+4} 59424 | Zig:27 | Entered Level 27 of a ziggurat 59443 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 59444 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 59446 | Zig:27 | Reached skill level 27 in Fighting 59448 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 59448 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 59448 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 59448 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 59451 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 59451 | Zig:27 | Noticed an ancient lich 59452 | Zig:27 | Reached skill level 10 in Polearms 59452 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 59452 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 59452 | Zig:27 | Noticed an ancient lich 59453 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 59454 | Zig:27 | Killed an ancient lich 59456 | Zig:27 | Killed an ancient lich 59460 | Zig:27 | Noticed an ancient lich 59463 | Zig:27 | Killed an ancient lich 59471 | Zig:27 | Found the +7 sceptre of Torment {pain, torment} 59472 | Zig:27 | Found the +1 robe of Vines {NoPotionHeal Regen++++} 59473 | Zig:27 | Found the dreamshard necklace {*Dream Drain} 59477 | Zig:27 | Identified the ring of the Tempest {Wiz Str+6 Dex-3} 59492 | Zig:27 | Identified the +8 dire flail "Woumn" {freeze, *Noise | Will++} 59500 | Zig:27 | Identified the +3 broad axe of the Pariah {spect, rF+ | rCorr} 59501 | Zig:27 | Identified the ring of Yppy {Will+++ Str+6} 60118 | Hell | Entered the Vestibule of Hell 60118 | Hell | Noticed Geryon 60124 | Hell | Killed Geryon 60124 | Hell | Noticed Murray 60131 | Hell | Killed Murray 60211 | Hell | Found a gateway to the Iron City of Dis. 60292 | Hell | Found a gateway to the ashen valley of Gehenna. 60419 | Hell | Found a gateway to the decaying netherworld of Tartarus. 60495 | Hell | Found a gateway to the freezing wastes of Cocytus. 60639 | Zot:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot 60650 | Zot:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Evocations 61057 | Zot:1 | Identified the +4 shortbow of Destiny {freeze, rN++ rCorr} 61395 | Zot:2 | Reached skill level 15 in Shields 61472 | Zot:2 | Noticed a Killer Klown 61484 | Zot:2 | Killed a Killer Klown 61575 | Zot:2 | Noticed a Killer Klown 61576 | Zot:2 | Killed a Killer Klown 61577 | Zot:2 | Noticed a Killer Klown 61583 | Zot:2 | Killed a Killer Klown 61584 | Zot:2 | Reached skill level 27 in Armour 63012 | Zot:4 | Noticed a Killer Klown 63015 | Zot:4 | Killed a Killer Klown 63670 | Zot:4 | Noticed a Killer Klown 63672 | Zot:4 | Killed a Killer Klown 63912 | Zot:4 | Noticed an orb of fire 63922 | Zot:4 | Killed an orb of fire 64142 | Zot:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot 64172 | Zot:5 | Identified the +1 leather armour "Ogyzob" {rN+ Str-3 SInv} 64796 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 64796 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 64797 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You are occasionally teleported next to | monsters. [an orb of fire] 64799 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You have hidden genetic potential. [an orb | of fire] 64802 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 64804 | Zot:5 | Noticed a dread lich 64804 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 64805 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 64807 | Zot:5 | Killed a dread lich 64810 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 64811 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 64812 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 64815 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 64816 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [an orb of fire] 64816 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You are often teleported next to monsters. | [an orb of fire] 64817 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 64817 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 64839 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 64848 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely | shaped body. [an orb of fire] 64921 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 64923 | Zot:5 | Killed a Killer Klown 64924 | Zot:5 | Killed a Killer Klown 65001 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You are often teleported next to monsters. | [potion of mutation] 65001 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You are occasionally teleported next to | monsters. [potion of mutation] 65001 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: Your movements are slightly less encumbered | by armour. (ER -2) [potion of mutation] 65001 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +4, Str/Dex -1) | [potion of mutation] 65001 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: Your skin changes colour to match your | surroundings (Stealth+). [potion of mutation] 65005 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely shaped | body. [potion of mutation] 65005 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You have hidden genetic potential. [potion | of mutation] 65005 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 65005 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You do not regenerate when monsters are | visible. [potion of mutation] 65006 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You do not regenerate when monsters are | visible. [potion of mutation] 65006 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +4, Str/Dex -1) | [potion of mutation] 65006 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: Your flesh is almost immune to the effects | of heat. (rF+++) [potion of mutation] 65007 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: Your skin changes colour to match your | surroundings (Stealth+). [potion of mutation] 65007 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: Your flesh is almost immune to the effects | of heat. (rF+++) [potion of mutation] 65007 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [potion of | mutation] 65007 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, | but a little less powerful. [potion of mutation] 65007 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: Your natural rate of healing is unusually | fast. [potion of mutation] 65008 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: Your natural rate of healing is unusually | fast. [potion of mutation] 65008 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, but | a little less powerful. [potion of mutation] 65008 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [potion of | mutation] 65008 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon | taking damage. [potion of mutation] 65008 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You do not regenerate when monsters are | visible. [potion of mutation] 65008 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your | head. [potion of mutation] 65009 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [potion of | mutation] 65009 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You do not regenerate when monsters are | visible. [potion of mutation] 65009 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your head. | [potion of mutation] 65009 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to drink | potions when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 65010 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to drink | potions when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 65010 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking | damage. [potion of mutation] 65010 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You have hidden genetic potential. [potion | of mutation] 65010 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to drink | potions when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 65010 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You have a pair of small antennae on your | head. [potion of mutation] 65011 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to drink | potions when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 65011 | Zot:5 | Lost mutation: You have a pair of small antennae on your | head. [potion of mutation] 65011 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: Your flesh is almost immune to the effects | of heat. (rF+++) [potion of mutation] 65011 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 65011 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: You expend health (3 HP) to strengthen | your wands. [potion of mutation] 65105 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 65112 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 65112 | Zot:5 | Killed a Killer Klown 65142 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 65144 | Zot:5 | Killed a Killer Klown 65147 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 65150 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 65657 | Crypt:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt 65678 | Crypt:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Long Blades 66298 | Crypt:2 | Reached skill level 5 in Long Blades 66336 | Crypt:2 | Identified the +1 leather armour "Urrior" {Str+2} 66742 | Crypt:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Crypt 67152 | Crypt:3 | Found a staircase to the Tomb. 67237 | Crypt:3 | Gained mutation: You are agile. (Dex +4, Str/Int -1) | [hidden potential] 67249 | Crypt:3 | Identified the +1 leather armour of the Trombone {+Inv} 67725 | Crypt:3 | Noticed a dread lich 67727 | Crypt:3 | Noticed an ancient lich 67728 | Crypt:3 | Killed a dread lich 67732 | Crypt:3 | Killed an ancient lich 67744 | Crypt:3 | Identified the ring "Foloco" {rElec rF+ Dex+3} 68087 | Tomb:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Tomb of the Ancients 68444 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 68452 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 68466 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 68480 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 68613 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 68618 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 68861 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a royal mummy 68863 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a royal mummy 68863 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a royal mummy 68863 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a royal mummy 68866 | Tomb:2 | Killed a royal mummy 68870 | Tomb:2 | Killed a royal mummy 68872 | Tomb:2 | Killed a royal mummy 68873 | Tomb:2 | Killed a royal mummy 69162 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69162 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69165 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69166 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69170 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69171 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69171 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69172 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69175 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69175 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69180 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69183 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69184 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69186 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69232 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69237 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69317 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69321 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69322 | Tomb:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Long Blades 69338 | Tomb:1 | Gained mutation: You possess an exceptional clarity of | mind. [hidden potential] 69338 | Tomb:1 | Lost mutation: You have hidden genetic potential. [hidden | potential expressed] 69354 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69372 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69389 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69402 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69404 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69409 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69420 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69445 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69479 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69483 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69485 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69491 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69504 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69509 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69510 | Tomb:1 | Reached skill level 15 in Evocations 69549 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69555 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69565 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69570 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69583 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a royal mummy 69591 | Tomb:1 | Killed a royal mummy 69798 | Tomb:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients 69815 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 69816 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 69819 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 69821 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 69827 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 69843 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 69846 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 69846 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 69916 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 69918 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 69921 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 69923 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 69923 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 69926 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 69929 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 69934 | Tomb:3 | Killed a royal mummy 69982 | Tomb:3 | Found the +10 zealot's sword {holy, *Rage rN+ EV+3} 69988 | Tomb:3 | Identified the +8 mace of Kakotaev {pain, +Blink Int+5} 70046 | Tomb:3 | Identified the +0 ring mail of Ceomelal {Drain Will+++ | Dex+3 SInv} 70062 | Tomb:3 | Identified the ring "Nidoul" {Ice *Corrode rN+ Str+3 Int+2} 70075 | Tomb:3 | Identified the +1 scale mail of Magic {rF++ Stlth+} 70138 | Tomb:3 | Got a golden rune of Zot 70190 | Tomb:3 | Identified the ring "Geimeam" {EV+4 Dex+5} 70227 | Tomb:3 | Found the +7 lajatang of Order {silver, rMut} 71069 | Pan | Entered Pandemonium 71104 | Pan | Found a transporter. 71142 | Pan | Found a transporter. 71152 | Pan | Identified the +0 pair of boots "Lifekaho" {rCorr} 71173 | Pan | Identified the ring "Maally" {rPois rF- Dex+7} 71183 | Pan | Identified the +11 flail of Quqiso Ylos {spect, Fly Dex+4} 71288 | Pan | Noticed Jeh Urie the pandemonium lord 71291 | Pan | Killed Jeh Urie the pandemonium lord 71501 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 71573 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, | but a little less powerful. [a neqoxec] 71728 | Pan | Reached skill level 27 in Shields 71759 | Pan | Identified the +1 robe of Kleptomania {Dex+4} 71780 | Pan | Noticed Elubilud the pandemonium lord 71786 | Pan | Killed Elubilud the pandemonium lord 71803 | Pan | Got a demonic rune of Zot 71877 | Pan | Gained mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to read | scrolls when taking damage. [a cacodemon] 71904 | Pan | Lost mutation: You possess an exceptional clarity of mind. | [potion of mutation] 71904 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 71904 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are weak. (Str -2) [potion of | mutation] 71904 | Pan | Gained mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably at | your foes. [potion of mutation] 71905 | Pan | Lost mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to read | scrolls when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 71905 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are agile. (Dex +4, Str/Int -1) [potion | of mutation] 71905 | Pan | Gained mutation: You passively map a small area around you. | [potion of mutation] 71905 | Pan | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, but | a little less powerful. [potion of mutation] 71905 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are agile. (Dex +4, Str/Int -1) | [potion of mutation] 71949 | Pan | Gained mutation: You have hidden genetic defects. [a | cacodemon] 72048 | Pan | Noticed Muiskyeq the pandemonium lord 72063 | Pan | Killed Muiskyeq the pandemonium lord 72091 | Pan | Gained mutation: You frequently scream uncontrollably at | your foes. [hidden defects] 72093 | Pan | Lost mutation: You expend health (3 HP) to strengthen your | wands. [potion of mutation] 72093 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are agile. (Dex +4, Str/Int -1) [potion | of mutation] 72093 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, | but a little less powerful. [potion of mutation] 72093 | Pan | Lost mutation: You have hidden genetic defects. [potion of | mutation] 72094 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are weak. (Str -2) [potion of mutation] 72094 | Pan | Lost mutation: Your flesh is almost immune to the effects | of heat. (rF+++) [potion of mutation] 72094 | Pan | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, but | a little less powerful. [potion of mutation] 72094 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, | but a little more powerful. [potion of mutation] 72094 | Pan | Gained mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to drink | potions when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 72095 | Pan | Lost mutation: You passively map a small area around you. | [potion of mutation] 72095 | Pan | Lost mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to drink | potions when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 72095 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are robust. (+10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 72095 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are robust. (+10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 72095 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +4, Int/Dex | -1) [potion of mutation] 72146 | Pan | Entered the realm of Lom Lobon. 72399 | Pan | Noticed Lom Lobon 72408 | Pan | HP: 6/228 [Lom Lobon/great icy blast (37)] 72785 | Pan | Killed Lom Lobon 72809 | Pan | Got a magical rune of Zot 73051 | Pan | Entered the realm of Cerebov. 73073 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 73470 | Pan | Identified the +7 halberd "Uhufeic" {freeze, Dex+7} 73518 | Pan | Found the +6 sword of Cerebov {flame} 73518 | Pan | Noticed Cerebov 73525 | Pan | Killed Cerebov 73547 | Pan | Got a fiery rune of Zot 73575 | Pan | Identified the +6 halberd "Demonbane" {elec, Fragile rElec | rPois Stlth+} 73678 | Pan | Identified the +2 chain mail of Compression {Harm rPois | Regen+} 73881 | Pan | Entered the realm of Mnoleg. 73951 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [a cacodemon] 73952 | Pan | Gained mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to read | scrolls when taking damage. [a cacodemon] 73955 | Pan | Lost mutation: You frequently scream uncontrollably at your | foes. [potion of mutation] 73955 | Pan | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, but | a little more powerful. [potion of mutation] 73955 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [potion of | mutation] 73955 | Pan | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely | shaped body. [potion of mutation] 73955 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +4, Str/Dex -1) | [potion of mutation] 73956 | Pan | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +4, Int/Dex | -1) [potion of mutation] 73956 | Pan | Lost mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably at | your foes. [potion of mutation] 73956 | Pan | Lost mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely shaped | body. [potion of mutation] 73957 | Pan | Lost mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to read | scrolls when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 73957 | Pan | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +4, Str/Dex -1) | [potion of mutation] 73957 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 73957 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are agile. (Dex +4, Str/Int -1) | [potion of mutation] 73958 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 73958 | Pan | Lost mutation: You are agile. (Dex +4, Str/Int -1) [potion | of mutation] 73958 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your natural rate of healing is unusually | fast. [potion of mutation] 73958 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your movements are slightly less | encumbered by armour. (ER -2) [potion of mutation] 73968 | Pan | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, | but a little less powerful. [a cacodemon] 73976 | Pan | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [a shining eye] 74016 | Pan | Noticed Mnoleg 74024 | Pan | Killed Mnoleg 74059 | Pan | Got a glowing rune of Zot 74117 | Pan | Entered the realm of Gloorx Vloq. 74152 | Pan | Noticed Gloorx Vloq 74165 | Pan | Killed Gloorx Vloq 74191 | Pan | Got a dark rune of Zot 74236 | Pan | Noticed Ignacio 74251 | Pan | Killed Ignacio 74358 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 74368 | Pan | Took an exit into the Abyss. 74368 | Abyss:3 | Escaped into the Abyss 74380 | Depths:2 | Escaped the Abyss 74950 | Zig:1 | Entered Level 1 of a ziggurat 74969 | Zig:2 | Entered Level 2 of a ziggurat 74989 | Zig:3 | Entered Level 3 of a ziggurat 74992 | Zig:3 | Noticed a dread lich 74995 | Zig:3 | Killed a dread lich 75011 | Zig:4 | Entered Level 4 of a ziggurat 75044 | Zig:5 | Entered Level 5 of a ziggurat 75096 | Zig:6 | Entered Level 6 of a ziggurat 75102 | Zig:6 | Noticed a dread lich 75102 | Zig:6 | Found the +10 tower shield of Ignorance {rN+ Int-4} 75104 | Zig:6 | Killed a dread lich 75133 | Zig:7 | Entered Level 7 of a ziggurat 75167 | Zig:8 | Entered Level 8 of a ziggurat 75175 | Zig:8 | Found the +2 shield of Resistance {rF++ rC++ Will++} 75248 | Zig:9 | Entered Level 9 of a ziggurat 75275 | Zig:9 | Identified the +6 rapier of the Solstice {flame, +Blink rF+ | rCorr} 75291 | Zig:9 | Identified the +2 shortbow "Zijipria" {freeze, rCorr Str+3} 75305 | Zig:10 | Entered Level 10 of a ziggurat 75319 | Zig:10 | Found the +8 trident of the Octopus King {venom, rElec | rPois} 75347 | Zig:11 | Entered Level 11 of a ziggurat 75368 | Zig:11 | Identified the +8 double sword "Gijehos" {vorpal, rN+} 75371 | Zig:11 | Identified the +9 short sword of Inflation {venom, rN+} 75382 | Zig:11 | Identified the +6 great mace "Niraad" {vorpal, Fly SInv} 75399 | Zig:12 | Entered Level 12 of a ziggurat 75411 | Zig:12 | Found the +7 great mace "Firestarter" {inner flame, rF++} 75457 | Zig:13 | Entered Level 13 of a ziggurat 75464 | Zig:13 | Noticed a dread lich 75467 | Zig:13 | Killed a dread lich 75468 | Zig:13 | Reached skill level 27 in Evocations 75474 | Zig:13 | Found the +7 mace of Variability {chain chaos} 75490 | Zig:13 | Identified the amulet of Eternal Harmony {Reflect +Blink | SH+5} 75526 | Zig:14 | Entered Level 14 of a ziggurat 75536 | Zig:14 | Noticed an ancient lich 75539 | Zig:14 | Killed an ancient lich 75540 | Zig:14 | Reached skill level 15 in Polearms 75558 | Zig:14 | Identified the +9 war axe of Uwemirri {drain, Dex+3} 75569 | Zig:14 | Identified the +0 robe "Kueme" {rCorr} 75570 | Zig:14 | Identified the ring "Foulia" {rPois rN+ Str+3 Int-5 SInv} 75579 | Zig:15 | Entered Level 15 of a ziggurat 75675 | Zig:16 | Entered Level 16 of a ziggurat 75681 | Zig:16 | Noticed a royal mummy 75683 | Zig:16 | Noticed an ancient lich 75686 | Zig:16 | Killed a royal mummy 75686 | Zig:16 | Killed an ancient lich 75686 | Zig:16 | Noticed a royal mummy 75687 | Zig:16 | Noticed a royal mummy 75690 | Zig:16 | Killed a royal mummy 75690 | Zig:16 | Noticed a royal mummy 75691 | Zig:16 | Killed a royal mummy 75694 | Zig:16 | Killed a royal mummy 75759 | Zig:16 | Identified the +1 robe of New Discoveries {rElec rPois rN+} 75774 | Zig:17 | Entered Level 17 of a ziggurat 75786 | Zig:17 | Noticed a dread lich 75791 | Zig:17 | Killed a dread lich 75801 | Zig:17 | Identified the +0 pair of boots of Rylah {Will+ Regen+ | SInv} 75803 | Zig:17 | Identified the ring "Iheima" {Will++ rCorr Int+4 SInv} 75810 | Zig:17 | Identified the +8 trident of Generosity {venom, rF++ rC+ | rCorr Int-2} 75816 | Zig:17 | Acquired the +0 pair of fencer's gloves {Riposte Dex+3} 75816 | Zig:17 | Found the +0 pair of fencer's gloves {Riposte Dex+3} 75869 | Zig:18 | Entered Level 18 of a ziggurat 75879 | Zig:18 | Noticed a royal mummy 75879 | Zig:18 | Noticed a royal mummy 75881 | Zig:18 | Noticed a royal mummy 75881 | Zig:18 | Noticed a royal mummy 75883 | Zig:18 | Noticed a royal mummy 75884 | Zig:18 | Killed a royal mummy 75885 | Zig:18 | Killed a royal mummy 75886 | Zig:18 | Killed a royal mummy 75886 | Zig:18 | Noticed a royal mummy 75887 | Zig:18 | Killed a royal mummy 75889 | Zig:18 | Killed a royal mummy 75890 | Zig:18 | Killed a royal mummy 75934 | Zig:18 | Identified the +5 hand axe of Reah Cae {freeze, Will+} 75937 | Zig:18 | Identified the +3 leather armour of the Centipede {Str+4} 75938 | Zig:18 | Identified the +7 sling "Demonbane" {freeze, Will+ Dex+4} 75940 | Zig:18 | Identified the +9 spear "Ogreslayer" {antimagic, rN+ Str+3} 75947 | Zig:18 | Identified the +10 hand axe of Pexinly {vorpal, rN+ rCorr} 75951 | Zig:18 | Identified the +7 glaive "Eshrelua" {venom, Fragile rPois | Dex+2} 75952 | Zig:18 | Identified the +11 trident of Gallantry {venom, Fragile rF+ | Dex+4} 75981 | Zig:19 | Entered Level 19 of a ziggurat 75991 | Zig:19 | Paralysed by a floating eye for 4 turns 75997 | Zig:19 | Paralysed by a floating eye for 2 turns 76007 | Zig:19 | Paralysed by a floating eye for 2 turns 76033 | Zig:19 | Identified the +7 flail of Indignation {vorpal, Str+6 Int+2 | Dex-3} 76035 | Zig:19 | Identified the +2 swamp dragon scales of Doomed Creativity | {Drain rPois rF+ Dex+4} 76045 | Zig:19 | Identified the +7 war axe of the Skies Above {pain, rF+} 76047 | Zig:19 | Identified the ring "Vaotsab" {Contam rPois rCorr Str+2} 76049 | Zig:19 | Identified the +5 scale mail of the Past {rElec rN+} 76086 | Zig:20 | Entered Level 20 of a ziggurat 76099 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 76099 | Zig:20 | Noticed an ancient lich 76100 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 76102 | Zig:20 | Killed an ancient lich 76104 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 76106 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 76121 | Zig:20 | Identified the +3 eveningstar of Flawed Execution {vorpal, | +Blink rC+++ Int-2 Stlth-} 76137 | Zig:20 | Identified the +6 falchion of Sugur {antimagic, rPois rC- | Will++ rCorr} 76147 | Zig:20 | Identified the ring of Cedd {+Blink rC- rN+ Str+4} 76155 | Zig:21 | Entered Level 21 of a ziggurat 76168 | Zig:21 | Noticed Ollenil the pandemonium lord 76168 | Zig:21 | Noticed Dyjef the pandemonium lord 76170 | Zig:21 | Noticed Adumig the pandemonium lord 76171 | Zig:21 | Noticed Huar the pandemonium lord 76172 | Zig:21 | Noticed Ledweklil the pandemonium lord 76172 | Zig:21 | Noticed Kaeru the pandemonium lord 76172 | Zig:21 | Noticed Biavvaty the pandemonium lord 76172 | Zig:21 | Noticed Mefeol the pandemonium lord 76172 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76172 | Zig:21 | Noticed Xetiecosa the pandemonium lord 76173 | Zig:21 | Killed Ollenil the pandemonium lord 76173 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76173 | Zig:21 | Noticed Xawenn the pandemonium lord 76174 | Zig:21 | Killed Adumig the pandemonium lord 76174 | Zig:21 | Killed Dyjef the pandemonium lord 76174 | Zig:21 | Noticed Xedghiz the pandemonium lord 76174 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76174 | Zig:21 | Noticed Pomuphak the pandemonium lord 76175 | Zig:21 | Killed Ledweklil the pandemonium lord 76175 | Zig:21 | Killed Biavvaty the pandemonium lord 76175 | Zig:21 | Killed Huar the pandemonium lord 76175 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 76175 | Zig:21 | Killed Xetiecosa the pandemonium lord 76175 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76175 | Zig:21 | Noticed Jasepo Tuwe the pandemonium lord 76176 | Zig:21 | Killed Mefeol the pandemonium lord 76176 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 76176 | Zig:21 | Killed Kaeru the pandemonium lord 76176 | Zig:21 | Noticed Quveo the pandemonium lord 76176 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76177 | Zig:21 | Noticed Zoimoteg the pandemonium lord 76177 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 76177 | Zig:21 | Noticed Ylacku the pandemonium lord 76177 | Zig:21 | Noticed Foug the pandemonium lord 76178 | Zig:21 | Killed Xawenn the pandemonium lord 76178 | Zig:21 | Noticed Ycroaxaw the pandemonium lord 76178 | Zig:21 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76179 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 76179 | Zig:21 | Killed Jasepo Tuwe the pandemonium lord 76180 | Zig:21 | Killed Pomuphak the pandemonium lord 76180 | Zig:21 | Killed Ylacku the pandemonium lord 76180 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 76180 | Zig:21 | Noticed Kivuij the pandemonium lord 76181 | Zig:21 | Killed a Killer Klown 76181 | Zig:21 | Killed Xedghiz the pandemonium lord 76182 | Zig:21 | Killed Ycroaxaw the pandemonium lord 76183 | Zig:21 | Killed Quveo the pandemonium lord 76185 | Zig:21 | Killed Zoimoteg the pandemonium lord 76185 | Zig:21 | Killed Foug the pandemonium lord 76186 | Zig:21 | Killed Kivuij the pandemonium lord 76192 | Zig:21 | Found the +3 pair of gauntlets of War {Slay+5} 76192 | Zig:21 | Found the +8 Wrath of Trog {antimagic, *Rage Rampage} 76196 | Zig:21 | Identified the +10 sling of the Blessed Realm {vorpal, | rElec Int+4} 76206 | Zig:21 | Identified the ring of Hiofoezi {rN+ MP+9} 76244 | Zig:21 | Identified the ring of Ygagham {rElec Will+} 76280 | Zig:22 | Entered Level 22 of a ziggurat 76289 | Zig:22 | Noticed a dread lich 76290 | Zig:22 | Noticed an ancient lich 76292 | Zig:22 | Noticed an ancient lich 76292 | Zig:22 | Noticed a dread lich 76293 | Zig:22 | Noticed an ancient lich 76296 | Zig:22 | Noticed a dread lich 76296 | Zig:22 | Killed a dread lich 76296 | Zig:22 | Killed an ancient lich 76296 | Zig:22 | Killed an ancient lich 76296 | Zig:22 | Killed an ancient lich 76297 | Zig:22 | Noticed a dread lich 76298 | Zig:22 | Noticed an ancient lich 76299 | Zig:22 | Killed a dread lich 76299 | Zig:22 | Killed a dread lich 76301 | Zig:22 | Killed an ancient lich 76302 | Zig:22 | Killed a dread lich 76320 | Zig:22 | Identified the +0 robe of the Blue Moon {rN+ Will- Regen+ | Dex+2} 76331 | Zig:22 | Identified the +3 falchion of Slime {flame, rF+ Str-4 | Dex+4} 76359 | Zig:22 | Identified the +9 battleaxe of the Pure People {pain, Will+ | Dex+4} 76380 | Zig:23 | Entered Level 23 of a ziggurat 76422 | Zig:23 | Reached skill level 27 in Polearms 76422 | Zig:23 | Reached skill level 1 in Throwing 76424 | Zig:23 | Reached skill level 1 in Staves 76476 | Zig:23 | Found the ring of the Mage {Wiz Archmagi} 76484 | Zig:23 | Reached skill level 5 in Throwing 76485 | Zig:23 | Identified the ring of Dawn {Contam rF+ Dex+4} 76493 | Zig:23 | Identified the +2 great sword of Iconoclasm {vamp, Dex+3} 76518 | Zig:24 | Entered Level 24 of a ziggurat 76532 | Zig:24 | Reached skill level 5 in Stealth 76550 | Zig:24 | Found the +9 sword of Zonguldrok {reap} 76571 | Zig:24 | Identified the +0 ring mail of the Marlin {-Cast Regen+ | Str-3 Dex+9} 76578 | Zig:24 | Identified the +0 cloak of Fedhas's Envy {Str+5} 76590 | Zig:24 | Identified the ring "Nifrenia" {rN+ MP+9} 76681 | Zig:25 | Entered Level 25 of a ziggurat 76690 | Zig:25 | Reached skill level 5 in Staves 76693 | Zig:25 | Reached skill level 10 in Throwing 76710 | Zig:25 | Reached skill level 10 in Stealth 76758 | Zig:25 | Identified the +4 demon trident of Arrival {drain, rElec | rC- rN++} 76764 | Zig:25 | Identified the ring "Mynut" {rPois MP+9} 76773 | Zig:25 | Identified the +10 hand axe of Focus {venom, rF- Will+ | Dex+4} 76830 | Zig:26 | Entered Level 26 of a ziggurat 76867 | Zig:26 | Found the +8 longbow "Zephyr" {speed, Dex+3 SInv} 76892 | Zig:26 | Identified the ring of Acsac {Int+6 Stlth+} 76899 | Zig:26 | Identified the +1 chain mail of Lust {rF- rN+ Str+3} 76953 | Zig:27 | Entered Level 27 of a ziggurat 76959 | Zig:27 | Noticed Ackemong the pandemonium lord 76961 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76961 | Zig:27 | Noticed Niusk the pandemonium lord 76961 | Zig:27 | Noticed Fisoottyve the pandemonium lord 76962 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76963 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76963 | Zig:27 | Noticed Iczew the pandemonium lord 76964 | Zig:27 | Noticed Gataedie the pandemonium lord 76964 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76964 | Zig:27 | Noticed Tufyamak the pandemonium lord 76964 | Zig:27 | Noticed Uzaopp the pandemonium lord 76964 | Zig:27 | Noticed Miochytt the pandemonium lord 76964 | Zig:27 | Noticed Neqoc the pandemonium lord 76964 | Zig:27 | Noticed Beatak the pandemonium lord 76964 | Zig:27 | Noticed Uleboq Xoal the pandemonium lord 76964 | Zig:27 | Noticed Latiuss the pandemonium lord 76965 | Zig:27 | Noticed Juihupte the pandemonium lord 76965 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76965 | Zig:27 | Noticed Lacw the pandemonium lord 76965 | Zig:27 | Noticed Logi the pandemonium lord 76965 | Zig:27 | Killed Uleboq Xoal the pandemonium lord 76966 | Zig:27 | Killed Tufyamak the pandemonium lord 76966 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76966 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76967 | Zig:27 | Noticed Jualuopp the pandemonium lord 76968 | Zig:27 | Killed Gataedie the pandemonium lord 76968 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76968 | Zig:27 | Killed Iczew the pandemonium lord 76968 | Zig:27 | Killed Fisoottyve the pandemonium lord 76968 | Zig:27 | Killed Miochytt the pandemonium lord 76968 | Zig:27 | Killed Neqoc the pandemonium lord 76968 | Zig:27 | Noticed Vesenom the pandemonium lord 76968 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76968 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76968 | Zig:27 | Noticed Zeockopt the pandemonium lord 76968 | Zig:27 | Killed Uzaopp the pandemonium lord 76968 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76969 | Zig:27 | Killed Beatak the pandemonium lord 76969 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76970 | Zig:27 | Killed Ackemong the pandemonium lord 76970 | Zig:27 | Killed Juihupte the pandemonium lord 76970 | Zig:27 | Killed Latiuss the pandemonium lord 76970 | Zig:27 | Killed Logi the pandemonium lord 76970 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76970 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76970 | Zig:27 | Noticed Saxeate the pandemonium lord 76970 | Zig:27 | Noticed Mytauh the pandemonium lord 76971 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76971 | Zig:27 | Killed Zeockopt the pandemonium lord 76971 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76971 | Zig:27 | Noticed Syfanoriys the pandemonium lord 76971 | Zig:27 | Noticed Yfaxav the pandemonium lord 76971 | Zig:27 | Noticed Afeuxt the pandemonium lord 76971 | Zig:27 | Noticed Seafaz the pandemonium lord 76972 | Zig:27 | Killed Jualuopp the pandemonium lord 76972 | Zig:27 | Killed Vesenom the pandemonium lord 76972 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76972 | Zig:27 | Noticed Axkay the pandemonium lord 76972 | Zig:27 | Noticed Bathupoz the pandemonium lord 76973 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76973 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76974 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76974 | Zig:27 | Killed Niusk the pandemonium lord 76974 | Zig:27 | Killed Afeuxt the pandemonium lord 76974 | Zig:27 | Killed Saxeate the pandemonium lord 76974 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76974 | Zig:27 | Noticed a Killer Klown 76975 | Zig:27 | Killed Mytauh the pandemonium lord 76976 | Zig:27 | Killed Axkay the pandemonium lord 76976 | Zig:27 | Killed Bathupoz the pandemonium lord 76976 | Zig:27 | Killed Lacw the pandemonium lord 76976 | Zig:27 | Killed Syfanoriys the pandemonium lord 76976 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76977 | Zig:27 | Reached skill level 10 in Staves 76977 | Zig:27 | Killed Yfaxav the pandemonium lord 76977 | Zig:27 | Killed a Killer Klown 76978 | Zig:27 | Reached skill level 15 in Throwing 76978 | Zig:27 | Killed Seafaz the pandemonium lord 76985 | Zig:27 | Found the +5 sword of Power {vorpal} 77000 | Zig:27 | Identified the amulet "Fiychov" {RegenMP rC+ Stlth+} 77003 | Zig:27 | Identified the ring of Dekhlasch {rPois rF+ rN+ MP-9 Str+6} 77014 | Zig:27 | Identified the ring "Wazxonki" {Ice rCorr Str+4} 77065 | Zig:27 | Identified the +6 hand axe "Vicuak" {venom, *Rage rN+ | Dex+7} 77974 | Hell | Lost mutation: Your natural rate of healing is unusually | fast. [potion of mutation] 77974 | Hell | Lost mutation: Your movements are slightly less encumbered | by armour. (ER -2) [potion of mutation] 77974 | Hell | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, but | a little less powerful. [potion of mutation] 77974 | Hell | Gained mutation: You do not regenerate when monsters are | visible. [potion of mutation] 77975 | Hell | Lost mutation: You do not regenerate when monsters are | visible. [potion of mutation] 77975 | Hell | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in iridescent | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 77975 | Hell | Gained mutation: You possess an exceptional clarity of | mind. [potion of mutation] 77975 | Hell | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, | but a little more powerful. [potion of mutation] 78002 | Geh:1 | Entered Level 1 of Gehenna 78238 | Geh:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Stealth 78653 | Geh:7 | Entered Level 7 of Gehenna 79040 | Geh:7 | Identified the ring "Vuqo" {Fire *Slow Will++ Int+2 Dex+3} 79047 | Geh:7 | Identified the ring "Defrisagih" {+Blink rPois Will+ Int-3} 79115 | Geh:7 | Found the +7 sceptre of Asmodeus 79115 | Geh:7 | Noticed Asmodeus 79121 | Geh:7 | Killed Asmodeus 79137 | Geh:7 | Got an obsidian rune of Zot 79336 | Dis:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Iron City of Dis 79709 | Dis:3 | You are sucked into a shaft and drop 2 floors! 79709 | Dis:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 79711 | Dis:5 | Killed an ancient lich 79862 | Dis:5 | Noticed a dread lich 79865 | Dis:5 | Killed a dread lich 80241 | Dis:7 | Entered Level 7 of the Iron City of Dis 80371 | Dis:7 | Noticed a juggernaut 80377 | Dis:7 | Killed a juggernaut 80427 | Dis:7 | Noticed a juggernaut 80434 | Dis:7 | Killed a juggernaut 80581 | Dis:7 | Noticed a juggernaut 80585 | Dis:7 | Killed a juggernaut 80840 | Dis:7 | Identified the +8 battleaxe of Starshine {antimagic, rElec | Will+ Int+4} 80841 | Dis:7 | Found the +4 staff of Dispater 80841 | Dis:7 | Noticed Dispater 80848 | Dis:7 | Killed Dispater 80849 | Dis:7 | Found the +7 captain's cutlass {speed, disarm} 80874 | Dis:7 | Got an iron rune of Zot 81250 | Tar:1 | Entered Level 1 of Tartarus 81897 | Tar:4 | Lost strength. 82332 | Tar:7 | Entered Level 7 of Tartarus 82792 | Tar:7 | Identified the +6 scale mail of Dim Light {Str+8 Dex-2} 82847 | Tar:7 | Reached skill level 15 in Staves 82855 | Tar:7 | Identified the +9 battleaxe of Springtime {flame, rC+} 82855 | Tar:7 | Noticed Ereshkigal 82859 | Tar:7 | Killed Ereshkigal 82860 | Tar:7 | Noticed the Serpent of Hell 82863 | Tar:7 | Killed the Serpent of Hell 82903 | Tar:7 | Found the +4 robe of Folly {Brilliance Will-∞ Int+8} 82905 | Tar:7 | Identified the +1 ring mail of Icroas {Int+5 Stlth-} 82906 | Tar:7 | Found the brooch of Shielding {Spirit SH+8} 82907 | Tar:7 | Identified the +7 mace of Koox Taa {venom, *Corrode Fly | rPois Will-} 82910 | Tar:7 | Got a bone rune of Zot 83244 | Coc:1 | Entered Level 1 of Cocytus 83248 | Coc:1 | Paralysed by a wendigo for 1 turns 83609 | Coc:1 | Noticed a dread lich 83736 | Coc:5 | Noticed a shard shrike 83745 | Coc:5 | Noticed a shard shrike 83747 | Coc:6 | Noticed a shard shrike 83747 | Coc:6 | Noticed a shard shrike 83748 | Coc:6 | Noticed a shard shrike 83748 | Coc:6 | Noticed a shard shrike 83749 | Coc:6 | Noticed a shard shrike 83750 | Coc:6 | Killed a shard shrike 83750 | Coc:6 | Killed a shard shrike 83750 | Coc:6 | Killed a shard shrike 83750 | Coc:6 | Noticed a shard shrike 83751 | Coc:6 | Killed a shard shrike 83751 | Coc:6 | Killed a shard shrike 83752 | Coc:6 | Killed a shard shrike 83769 | Coc:7 | Entered Level 7 of Cocytus 83854 | Coc:7 | Identified the +4 buckler "Enelifik" {rC+ MP+9 Int-3 Dex+4} 83902 | Coc:7 | Identified the +8 double sword of Dust {speed, +Blink rN+ | Str-2 Dex+5} 84068 | Coc:7 | Identified the amulet of Cawess {RegenMP Rampage Int-3 | Dex+6} 84188 | Coc:7 | Noticed Antaeus 84214 | Coc:7 | Killed Antaeus 84249 | Coc:7 | Identified the ring of Fragile Peace {+Blink rCorr EV+4 | Int-4} 84261 | Coc:7 | Got an icy rune of Zot 84542 | Zig:1 | Entered Level 1 of a ziggurat 84560 | Zig:2 | Entered Level 2 of a ziggurat 84591 | Zig:3 | Entered Level 3 of a ziggurat 84595 | Zig:3 | Noticed a royal mummy 84600 | Zig:3 | Killed a royal mummy 84624 | Zig:4 | Entered Level 4 of a ziggurat 84645 | Zig:5 | Entered Level 5 of a ziggurat 84656 | Zig:5 | Found the +8 arc blade {discharge, rElec} 84665 | Zig:5 | Identified the ring "Naovam" {Fly Will+ Int+4} 84667 | Zig:5 | Reached skill level 15 in Long Blades 84691 | Zig:6 | Entered Level 6 of a ziggurat 84717 | Zig:7 | Entered Level 7 of a ziggurat 84720 | Zig:7 | Noticed a royal mummy 84720 | Zig:7 | Noticed a royal mummy 84722 | Zig:7 | Noticed a royal mummy 84725 | Zig:7 | Killed a royal mummy 84725 | Zig:7 | Killed a royal mummy 84725 | Zig:7 | Killed a royal mummy 84765 | Zig:7 | Found the ring of the Octopus King 84779 | Zig:7 | Identified a ring of the Octopus King {rCorr HP+2 AC+2 EV+2 | SH+2} 84800 | Zig:8 | Entered Level 8 of a ziggurat 84821 | Zig:8 | Identified the amulet of Kindness {Spirit rC+ rN++} 84852 | Zig:9 | Entered Level 9 of a ziggurat 84856 | Zig:9 | Noticed a juggernaut 84860 | Zig:9 | Killed a juggernaut 84905 | Zig:10 | Entered Level 10 of a ziggurat 84935 | Zig:10 | Identified the +4 trident of Vean {venom, rC- Str+6 Int+3 | Dex+4} 84937 | Zig:10 | Identified the ring of Vierchueme {Ice rElec Will+++ Int-3 | Stlth+} 84944 | Zig:11 | Entered Level 11 of a ziggurat 84956 | Zig:11 | Noticed Sunk the pandemonium lord 84960 | Zig:11 | Killed Sunk the pandemonium lord 84986 | Zig:11 | Identified the +0 hand axe "Gaofocs" {vorpal, Drain rElec | Int+8} 85001 | Zig:12 | Entered Level 12 of a ziggurat 85020 | Zig:12 | Found the +6 arbalest "Damnation" {damnation} 85045 | Zig:12 | Identified the +0 buckler of Eduf {rElec} 85070 | Zig:13 | Entered Level 13 of a ziggurat 85109 | Zig:13 | Identified the ring of the Tempest {rPois rN++ MP+9 Dex+2 | SInv} 85128 | Zig:14 | Entered Level 14 of a ziggurat 85139 | Zig:14 | Found the +2 Maxwell's thermic engine {flame, freeze} 85157 | Zig:14 | Identified the +2 scale mail of a Billion Xeniums {Rampage | rPois MP+9} 85169 | Zig:14 | Identified the +1 robe "Tirabuoja" {rPois Will+ Slay+2} 85172 | Zig:15 | Entered Level 15 of a ziggurat 85177 | Zig:15 | Noticed a dread lich 85179 | Zig:15 | Killed a dread lich 85261 | Zig:16 | Entered Level 16 of a ziggurat 85269 | Zig:16 | Noticed an ancient lich 85271 | Zig:16 | Noticed an ancient lich 85272 | Zig:16 | Killed an ancient lich 85274 | Zig:16 | Killed an ancient lich 85274 | Zig:16 | Noticed a dread lich 85274 | Zig:16 | Noticed an ancient lich 85275 | Zig:16 | Killed an ancient lich 85275 | Zig:16 | Noticed an ancient lich 85276 | Zig:16 | Killed a dread lich 85276 | Zig:16 | Killed an ancient lich 85293 | Zig:16 | Identified the amulet "Jaophutz" {*Slow Regen+ rCorr Str-3 | Stlth+} 85315 | Zig:16 | Identified the +2 scimitar "Gireab" {freeze, Str+2} 85363 | Zig:16 | Identified the +0 robe of Broken Taboos {Int+4} 85396 | Zig:17 | Entered Level 17 of a ziggurat 85517 | Zig:18 | Entered Level 18 of a ziggurat 85523 | Zig:18 | Noticed a dread lich 85525 | Zig:18 | Noticed a dread lich 85527 | Zig:18 | Noticed an ancient lich 85527 | Zig:18 | Noticed a dread lich 85529 | Zig:18 | Noticed a dread lich 85529 | Zig:18 | Killed a dread lich 85530 | Zig:18 | Killed a dread lich 85533 | Zig:18 | Killed a dread lich 85533 | Zig:18 | Killed an ancient lich 85533 | Zig:18 | Killed a dread lich 85544 | Zig:18 | Identified the +6 rapier of Puylan {flame, rElec rPois | Int-3} 85545 | Zig:18 | Identified the +1 pair of gloves "Kushrus" {rElec Int+4 | Dex+3} 85622 | Zig:19 | Entered Level 19 of a ziggurat 85626 | Zig:19 | Noticed a juggernaut 85630 | Zig:19 | Killed a juggernaut 85632 | Zig:19 | Noticed a juggernaut 85634 | Zig:19 | Killed a juggernaut 85682 | Zig:19 | Identified the amulet "Miudomej" {rN+ Will+ Regen+ Slay-2 | Stlth+} 85707 | Zig:19 | Identified the +3 scale mail of Ocuuloqe {Rampage +Blink | rF-} 85710 | Zig:19 | Identified the +9 long sword of the Brewing Gods {vorpal, | rPois Will++} 85714 | Zig:19 | Identified the +6 hand axe of Feurirex {vorpal, rPois | Dex+4} 85723 | Zig:19 | Identified the ring "Meulice" {rF+ Int+3} 85783 | Zig:20 | Entered Level 20 of a ziggurat 85794 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 85794 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 85794 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 85794 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 85794 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 85795 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 85796 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 85796 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 85797 | Zig:20 | Reached skill level 27 in Stealth 85797 | Zig:20 | Noticed an ancient lich 85797 | Zig:20 | Noticed an ancient lich 85797 | Zig:20 | Noticed an ancient lich 85797 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 85798 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 85798 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 85798 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 85798 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 85798 | Zig:20 | Noticed an ancient lich 85799 | Zig:20 | Killed an ancient lich 85799 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 85799 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 85800 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 85800 | Zig:20 | Noticed a dread lich 85801 | Zig:20 | Killed an ancient lich 85801 | Zig:20 | Killed an ancient lich 85801 | Zig:20 | Killed an ancient lich 85801 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 85802 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 85805 | Zig:20 | Found the +8 Vampire's Tooth {vamp} 85809 | Zig:20 | Killed a dread lich 85819 | Zig:20 | Identified the +2 scale mail of Huraixet {Fly Str+2 Int+4 | Stlth+} 85825 | Zig:20 | Identified the ring "Ybur" {rC+ Str+5} 85853 | Zig:20 | Identified the +6 halberd of Subterfuge {flame, rPois | Stlth+} 85894 | Zig:21 | Entered Level 21 of a ziggurat 85898 | Zig:21 | Noticed an ancient lich 85898 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85899 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85907 | Zig:21 | Killed an ancient lich 85907 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85908 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85908 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85911 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85912 | Zig:21 | Noticed a dread lich 85912 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85913 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85914 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85915 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85916 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85916 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85916 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85916 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85917 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85917 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85917 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85918 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85918 | Zig:21 | Killed a dread lich 85918 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85918 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85919 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85919 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85920 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85921 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85922 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85922 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85923 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85923 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85923 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85924 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85925 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85925 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85927 | Zig:21 | Noticed a royal mummy 85929 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85930 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85930 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85931 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 85932 | Zig:21 | Killed a royal mummy 86040 | Zig:21 | Identified the +8 battleaxe "Caxzane" {venom, rElec Str+3 | Int+3} 86047 | Zig:21 | Identified the +11 trident "Egg" {antimagic, rC+++ Int+6} 86048 | Zig:21 | Identified the +6 short sword of Embarrassment {protect, | Contam Fly rN+ Dex+2} 86061 | Zig:21 | Identified the +8 shortbow "Paibb" {flame, rC+ Dex+2} 86078 | Zig:21 | Identified the +0 ring mail "Messoxi" {Fly} 86085 | Zig:21 | Identified the +8 quarterstaff of Rirezod {vorpal, Str+4 | Int+3 Dex+3} 86086 | Zig:21 | Identified the +3 leather armour of Vuuhioc {+Blink Regen+ | Int+5} 86090 | Zig:22 | Entered Level 22 of a ziggurat 86108 | Zig:22 | Reached skill level 27 in Throwing 86124 | Zig:22 | Found the +8 frozen axe "Frostbite" {freezing cloud, *Noise | Fly rC+} 86140 | Zig:22 | Identified the +1 chain mail "Zeihaur" {rN++ Int-4 Dex+4} 86142 | Zig:22 | Identified the +2 ice dragon scales of the Wumpus {rF- rC++ | Will+} 86144 | Zig:22 | Identified the ring "Foif" {rC+ Int+6 Dex+6} 86147 | Zig:22 | Identified the ring of Suicidal Tendencies {Contam +Blink | rElec Will+ Int+8} 86154 | Zig:22 | Identified the amulet "Barphel" {RegenMP rPois Will+ Str-4 | Stlth+} 86161 | Zig:22 | Identified the ring of the Empty Page {Ice rElec rCorr | Int+4} 86182 | Zig:23 | Entered Level 23 of a ziggurat 86187 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 86187 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 86190 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 86191 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 86191 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 86192 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 86192 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 86193 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 86193 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 86194 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 86194 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 86194 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 86195 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 86196 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 86196 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 86197 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 86198 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 86198 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 86199 | Zig:23 | Noticed a juggernaut 86202 | Zig:23 | Killed a juggernaut 86234 | Zig:23 | Identified the +7 whip of Truncation {vorpal, rC+ rCorr | Str+3} 86238 | Zig:23 | Identified the +6 spear of Cowardice {spect, rF+ Dex+2} 86247 | Zig:23 | Identified the ring of Orur {Wiz Will+ Str+3} 86251 | Zig:23 | Identified the +1 plate armour of Mental Paralysis {rF- rC+ | Regen+} 86260 | Zig:23 | Identified the +1 leather armour of the Cicada {Slay+3} 86264 | Zig:23 | Identified the +6 spear "Ytzu" {holy, rN+ Stlth+} 86266 | Zig:23 | Identified the +10 spear "Tiotusaa" {vorpal, +Blink Will+ | rCorr} 86271 | Zig:24 | Entered Level 24 of a ziggurat 86277 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86277 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86278 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86280 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86280 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86281 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86282 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86282 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86282 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86283 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86283 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86283 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86284 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86284 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86284 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86285 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86286 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86286 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86287 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86288 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86289 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86289 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86290 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86291 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86291 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86292 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86292 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86293 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86293 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86293 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86293 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86295 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86295 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86296 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86296 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86296 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86297 | Zig:24 | Noticed a royal mummy 86301 | Zig:24 | Killed a royal mummy 86399 | Zig:24 | Identified the +2 dagger of Doom {vorpal, Str+3 Dex+3} 86405 | Zig:24 | Identified the +1 chain mail "Eruhaos" {rC+} 86412 | Zig:24 | Identified the +5 great sword of Propriety {freeze, Str+5} 86415 | Zig:24 | Identified the +5 morningstar of Peril {vorpal, rF++ Will-} 86430 | Zig:25 | Entered Level 25 of a ziggurat 86452 | Zig:25 | Reached skill level 27 in Long Blades 86454 | Zig:25 | Paralysed by accursed screaming for 2 turns 86507 | Zig:25 | Identified the ring "Guocsepe" {rPois Will+ Dex+6} 86523 | Zig:25 | Identified the +1 executioner's axe of Ruination {venom, | rElec Will- Int+3} 86546 | Zig:25 | Identified the +6 chain mail "Verookho" {Rampage rF- Int+8} 86580 | Zig:26 | Entered Level 26 of a ziggurat 86660 | Zig:26 | Identified the +4 morningstar of Domination {protect, rPois | Stlth+} 86691 | Zig:26 | Identified the +5 long sword of Risk Management {venom, | rPois rCorr} 86738 | Zig:27 | Entered Level 27 of a ziggurat 86744 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 86745 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 86746 | Zig:27 | Noticed an ancient lich 86747 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 86750 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 86750 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 86751 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 86751 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 86752 | Zig:27 | Reached skill level 27 in Staves 86752 | Zig:27 | Killed an ancient lich 86753 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 86753 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 86754 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 86757 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 86758 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 86758 | Zig:27 | Noticed an ancient lich 86759 | Zig:27 | Reached skill level 10 in Invocations 86760 | Zig:27 | Killed an ancient lich 86760 | Zig:27 | Noticed an ancient lich 86760 | Zig:27 | Noticed a dread lich 86762 | Zig:27 | Killed a dread lich 86763 | Zig:27 | Noticed an ancient lich 86763 | Zig:27 | Killed an ancient lich 86764 | Zig:27 | Killed an ancient lich 86764 | Zig:27 | Noticed an ancient lich 86766 | Zig:27 | Killed an ancient lich 86851 | Zig:27 | Identified the ring "Xiepajuh" {Fly rF+ Str-5 Int+3} 86863 | Zig:27 | Identified the +4 hand axe of Income {flame, rC+ Will- | rCorr} 86873 | Zig:27 | Identified the +1 leather armour "Annoat" {Slay+5} 86890 | Zig:27 | Identified the +4 scimitar "Puvol" {vorpal, rElec rPois | rN++ Dex-3} 86895 | Zig:27 | Identified the +0 sling "Arcanum" {venom, Will+ Int-4 | Dex+3} 86899 | Zig:27 | Identified the amulet of the Mutiny {Faith *Corrode rN+ | Int+2} 87151 | Zot:5 | Got the Orb of Zot 87179 | Zot:5 | Noticed Avueviod the pandemonium lord 87182 | Zot:5 | Killed Avueviod the pandemonium lord 87296 | Depths:4 | Noticed Xyusio the pandemonium lord 87299 | Depths:4 | Killed Xyusio the pandemonium lord 87521 | D:8 | Noticed Doilex the pandemonium lord 87525 | D:7 | Noticed Focuximipp the pandemonium lord 87527 | D:7 | Killed Focuximipp the pandemonium lord 87646 | D:$ | Escaped with the Orb! Illustrated notes Levels and vault maps discovered: D:1: ldierk_water_garden, layout_basic D:2: minmay_angry_zag, layout_loops_ring, serial_shops, shop, serial_undead, serial_undead_e, serial_undead_c, serial_undead_e, serial_undead_c D:3: layout_rooms, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_hallway_stairs, gup_sewer_entry_glass, ebering_ecumenical_altar_mist, serial_co_window_serial, co_window_of_opportunity_a, co_window_corner_a, co_window_corner_a, co_window_paths_b, co_window_corner_a, co_window_paths_b, co_window_paths_a, co_window_corner_b, co_window_paths_c, co_window_broadway_c, co_window_paths_c, co_window_4corner_b, glass_columns_a, glass_columns_b, glass_columns_c, glass_columns_a, minmay_misc_feat_ornament D:4: layout_rooms, nicolae_wooded_promenade D:5: layout_basic, nicolae_dithmenos_shadow_blocks, minmay_temple_entry_enclosed_plants, grunt_ministairs_11, uniq_sigmund, uniq_grinder D:6: layout_basic, gammafunk_temple_overflow_wave D:7: layout_layer_cave, led_sif_book, nicolae_overflow_crystal_walls, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_waterfront, hangedman_decor_lopped D:8: layout_basic, nicolae_ossuary_entry_monument, serial_shops, nicolae_stop_n_shop_2, minmay_diamond_spiral D:9: layout_roguey, mainiacjoe_overflow_surrounded_room, uniq_pikel D:10: layout_loops_ring, nicolae_hepliaklqana_ecumenical_no_more, gammafunk_temple_overflow_pools D:11: layout_roguey, grunt_lair_entry_orc_guard_hut, orc_0_dummy, serial_ice, serial_ice_d, serial_ice_k, serial_ice_n, serial_ice_g, serial_ice_m, serial_ice_h, portal_ice_cave_demonic_guard, fedhas_ov_isle_minmay, uniq_josephine D:12: layout_loops_cross, nicolae_shop_gadgets D:13: layout_loops_ring, david_vaults_3, minivault_25, trog_three_pillars_becter D:14: layout_basic, chequers_arboretum, uniq_frances D:15: hangedman_depths_entry_try_elsewhere_first, layout_basic, minmay_misc_feat_tiny Temple: oiseaux_autumnal_temple Lair:1: layout_loops_ring, minmay_hedge_maze, lemuel_fruit_tree, infiniplex_staircase_pool, uniq_gastronok, uniq_urug Lair:2: layout_misc_corridors, serial_bayou_shore_b Lair:3: layout_hall_layers, minmay_shoals_entry_lonely_mermaid, minmay_snake_entry_guardpost_small, gammafunk_ghost_split, nicolae_lair_grazing_beasts [nicolae_sub_lair_graze_edge, nicolae_sub_lair_graze_edge, nicolae_sub_lair_graze_edge, nicolae_sub_lair_graze_edge] Lair:4: layout_regular_city, slime_entry_1, serial_bayou_shore_b, uniq_rupert Lair:5: minmay_lair_end_enchanted_forest, layout_regular_city, nzn_sisyphean_effort Shoals:1: cheibrodos_shoals_roost, layout_shoals, ebering_ghost_xom Shoals:2: layout_shoals Shoals:3: layout_shoals, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_hallway_plus, uniq_ilsuiw Shoals:4: shoals_end_simple, layout_shoals, ebering_ghost_davey_jones Snake:1: layout_layer_cave Snake:2: layout_onion, grunt_megastairs_1 Snake:3: layout_onion_interference, serial_bayou_shore_a, grunt_megastairs_2, uniq_vashnia Snake:4: snake_hunt, layout_cave_town, eino_curves_02, grunt_megastairs_3, uniq_donald Slime:1: layout_caves Slime:2: layout_caves Slime:3: cheibrodos_slime_lost_civilization_8, layout_caves Slime:4: layout_caves Slime:5 Orc:1: layout_caves, serial_shops, shop, basic_altar, lightli_church_of_beogh Orc:2: st_orc_elflike, layout_caves, serial_shops, nicolae_lakefront_shop, gammafunk_ghost_grave, uniq_erolcha Elf:1: minmay_elf_arrival_circle, layout_geoelf_octagon, serial_shops, shop, hangedman_elf_represent, lemuel_upstairs_altar, uniq_louise Elf:2: elven_hall_of_blades_hangedman_alternative [nicolae_blade_entry_area_security], layout_geoelf_grid Elf:3: minmay_elf_hall_curves, layout_geoelf_castle, nicolae_elf_glassroom_feature Vaults:1: v_rooms_4, v_misc_12, nicolae_vaults_network_quinsquares [nicolae_vaults_network_quincunx_subvault, nicolae_vaults_network_quincunx_subvault, nicolae_vaults_network_quincunx_subvault, nicolae_vaults_network_quincunx_subvault], vaults_standard_mumra_lines, v_misc_27, vaults_dpeg_diagonal, nicolae_vaults_ninety_degrees, vaults_room_stairs_pillars, layout_vaults_omnicross Vaults:2: nicolae_vaults_bisected_slash, v_misc_9, vaults_room_pool, v_pattern_5, v_misc_4, ontoclasm_vaults_eye, vaults_room_pool, grunt_vaults_diagonal, v_misc_27, v_misc_19, vaults_dpeg_emergency_exit, layout_vaults_omnigrid Vaults:3: ontoclasm_vaults_shuriken, minmay_crypt_entry_skeletal_spiral, nicolae_vaults_twisting_passages, ontoclasm_vaults_hangar, v_misc_27, vaults_dpeg_cross, v_misc_24, vaults_dpeg_hooks, grunt_vaults_hallway_short, vaults_room_pool, layout_vaults_big_room, serial_shops, shop_fountains, uniq_jory, uniq_sojobo Vaults:4: hangedman_vaults_maws, v_misc_30, v_rooms_3, v_misc_15, v_pattern_3, grunt_vaults_focal, hangedman_vaults_pinch, ontoclasm_vaults_twist, gammafunk_dig_for_victory, hangedman_vaults_maws, v_misc_15, vaults_room_fancy_cross, vaults_room_grid, layout_vaults_omnibox, serial_shops, shop, nicolae_shop_advertising_works [nicolae_subvault_shop_adworks], shop, nicolae_shop_crystal, uniq_zenata Vaults:5 Crypt:1: layout_misc_corridors, grunt_crypt_arrival_webbed Crypt:2: layout_misc_corridors, st_stairs_3 Crypt:3: quadcrypt_mu Tomb:1 Tomb:2 Tomb:3 Depths:1: layout_roguey, hell_entry, gammafunk_ghost_necromancy, dk_noncrumbling_4, nicolae_yredelemnul_corpse_copse Depths:2: dpeg_oklob_gauntlet, layout_basic, grunt_pan_entry_spiral, nicolae_benzene_ring, mu_enter_wizlab_6, pf_hell_entry_great_geh Depths:3: minmay_big_diamond_grid, layout_cave_shapes, abyss_entry, grunt_mini_vestibule, minmay_curled_crystal, serial_bayou_shore_b, uniq_vv, uniq_josephina Depths:4: evilmike_zot_entry_diamond, layout_basic, enter_ziggurat_c, grunt_pan_entry_sceptre, serial_shops, nicolae_diamond_shop, hangedman_decor_riveting, hell_entry, uniq_frederick Hell Dis:1: layout_regular_city, nicolae_dis_iron_filings Dis:2: layout_jigsaw Dis:3: layout_jigsaw Dis:5: layout_jigsaw Dis:6: layout_subdivisions Dis:7: dis_grunt_layers Geh:1: layout_gehenna_pools_triple, nicolae_geh_single_fiery_grave Geh:2: layout_gehenna_pools_triple Geh:3: layout_gehenna_lava_caves Geh:4: layout_gehenna_pools_triple, nicolae_geh_lava_lounge Geh:5: nicolae_geh_tyrants_menagerie, layout_gehenna_pools_box Geh:6: layout_gehenna_pools_basic Geh:7: geh_grunt Coc:1: layout_ice_bergs Coc:2: nicolae_hells_demon_pit, layout_ice_bergs Coc:3: layout_cocytus_water_paths Coc:4: layout_cocytus_water_paths Coc:5: layout_ice_bergs Coc:6: layout_cocytus_water_paths Coc:7: coc_mu Tar:1: layout_catacombs, nicolae_tar_cuneiform_to_be, nicolae_tar_cuneiform_bread, nicolae_tar_just_some_guys Tar:2: layout_grid_maze, nicolae_tar_cuneiform_bread Tar:3: layout_honeycomb Tar:4: layout_cathedral_of_symmetry Tar:5: layout_honeycomb Tar:6: layout_grid_maze Tar:7: tar_minmay_river Zot:1: layout_gridlike Zot:2: circus_mu, layout_concentric_octagons Zot:3: layout_gridlike Zot:4: layout_basic Zot:5: layout_basic Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | ---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----- Fighting | 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 27 | 27.0 Spellcasting | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 | 27.0 Armour | 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 27 | 27.0 Dodging | 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27 | 27.0 Shields | 7 8 27 | 27.0 Evocations | 27 | 27.0 Polearms | 27 | 27.0 Long Blades | 27 | 27.0 Throwing | 27 | 27.0 Stealth | 27 | 27.0 Staves | 27 | 27.0 Invocations | 14 | 14.6 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 | 7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-24 | 25-27 || total -------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------++------- Melee: Unarmed | | 3 | | | | | | | || 3 Mace | | | | 6 | 29 | 234 | 117 | 89 | 32 || 507 Staff | | | | | | | | | 116 || 116 Eudemon blade | | | | | | | | | 109 || 109 Throw: Javelin | | | | | | | | | 9 || 9 Cast: Magic Dart | 56 | 48 | 6 | | | | | | || 110 Searing Ray | 5 | 33 | 32 | 35 | 11 | 10 | | 1 | || 127 Dazzling Flash | | 1 | 2 | | | | | | || 3 Fulminant Prism | | 1 | 30 | 59 | 38 | 57 | 13 | 24 | 30 || 252 Iskenderun's Myst | | 1 | 24 | 66 | 98 | 215 | 276 | 531 | 326 || 1537 Mephitic Cloud | | | 2 | 8 | 11 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 || 27 Frozen Ramparts | | | 1 | 7 | 19 | 12 | 3 | 9 | 1 || 52 Olgreb's Toxic Ra | | | | 14 | 75 | 100 | 62 | 70 | 77 || 398 Blink | | | | 1 | | | | | 1 || 2 Irradiate | | | | | 10 | 55 | 62 | 24 | 26 || 177 Summon Cactus Gia | | | | | | 21 | 3 | 5 | 3 || 32 Monstrous Menager | | | | | | 37 | 2 | 5 | 4 || 48 Malign Gateway | | | | | | | 40 | 19 | 34 || 93 Summon Horrible T | | | | | | | 20 | 21 | 37 || 78 Apportation | | | | | | | | 1 | 7 || 8 Summon Hydra | | | | | | | | 20 | 12 || 32 Disjunction | | | | | | | | | 29 || 29 Chain Lightning | | | | | | | | | 2888 || 2888 Evoke: Phantom mirror | | | | 1 | | | | | || 1 Wand | | | | | | | | | 12 || 12 Figurine of a zig | | | | | | | | | 2 || 2 Condenser vane | | | | | | | | | 1 || 1 Use: Scroll | | | 7 | 6 | 13 | 11 | 2 | | 48 || 87 Potion | | | | | 1 | | | 3 | 96 || 100 Stab: Distracted | | | | | | 4 | | 1 | 2 || 7 Petrified | | | | | | 2 | | | || 2 Sleeping | | | | | | 1 | 1 | | || 2 Confused | | | | | | | | | 1 || 1 Armor: Robe | 2 | 6 | 6 | | | | | | 42 || 56 Steam dragon scal | | | 2 | 16 | | | | | || 18 Troll leather arm | | | | 7 | 41 | 171 | 126 | 140 | 77 || 562 Scale mail | | | | | | | | | 285 || 285 Skin | | | | | | | | | 83 || 83 Leather armour | | | | | | | | | 3 || 3 Dodge: Dodged | 6 | 20 | 13 | 51 | 113 | 531 | 415 | 581 | 773 || 2503 Block: Buckler | | | | | | 260 | 275 | 323 | 410 || 1268 Reflection | | | | | | 43 | 87 | 80 | 263 || 473 Tower shield | | | | | | | | | 702 || 702 Kite shield | | | | | | | | | 113 || 113 Rpst.: Staff | | | | | | | | | 73 || 73 Eudemon blade | | | | | | | | | 35 || 35 Table legend: (Time is in decaauts) A = Elapsed time spent in this place. B = Non-inter-level travel time spent in this place. C = Inter-level travel time spent in this place. D = Time resting spent in this place. E = Time spent auto-exploring this place. F = Levels seen in this place. G = Mean time per level. A B C D E F G +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----+--------+ Total | 88288 | 76992 | 11296 | 9702 | 41892 | 189 | 467.1 | Dungeon | 18411 | 15232 | 3179 | 1069 | 11762 | 15 | 1227.4 | Temple | 271 | 229 | 42 | 0 | 217 | 1 | 271.0 | Lair | 5312 | 4351 | 961 | 0 | 3436 | 5 | 1062.4 | Shoals | 5006 | 4441 | 565 | 527 | 2496 | 4 | 1251.5 | Snake Pit | 3921 | 3770 | 151 | 392 | 2335 | 4 | 980.2 | Slime Pits | 1159 | 1082 | 77 | 615 | 172 | 5 | 231.8 | Orcish Mines | 2448 | 2023 | 425 | 441 | 1039 | 2 | 1224.0 | Elven Halls | 5263 | 4634 | 629 | 1486 | 1850 | 3 | 1754.3 | Vaults | 9031 | 8198 | 833 | 1982 | 4049 | 5 | 1806.2 | Crypt | 2615 | 2290 | 325 | 0 | 1755 | 3 | 871.7 | Tomb | 2667 | 2284 | 383 | 165 | 1111 | 3 | 889.0 | Depths | 7321 | 5096 | 2225 | 1088 | 2798 | 4 | 1830.2 | Hell | 710 | 485 | 225 | 0 | 315 | 1 | 710.0 | Dis | 1684 | 1542 | 142 | 154 | 760 | 6 | 280.7 | Gehenna | 1280 | 1227 | 53 | 25 | 151 | 7 | 182.9 | Cocytus | 917 | 735 | 182 | 85 | 72 | 7 | 131.0 | Tartarus | 1882 | 1668 | 214 | 40 | 988 | 7 | 268.9 | Zot | 4800 | 4121 | 679 | 443 | 2925 | 5 | 960.0 | Abyss | 1609 | 1609 | 0 | 49 | 415 | 2 | 804.5 | Pandemonium | 3300 | 3300 | 0 | 258 | 1165 | 16 | 206.2 | Ziggurat | 7244 | 7244 | 0 | 813 | 1044 | 81 | 89.4 | Sewer | 510 | 510 | 0 | 65 | 382 | 1 | 510.0 | Ossuary | 357 | 357 | 0 | 0 | 288 | 1 | 357.0 | Wizlab | 557 | 557 | 0 | 4 | 366 | 1 | 557.0 | +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----+--------+ Top non-repeatable levels by time: Vaults:4: 2770 daAuts Depths:2: 2536 daAuts Elf:2: 2293 daAuts Vaults:5: 2082 daAuts Depths:1: 2013 daAuts Orc:2: 1790 daAuts D:2: 1742 daAuts D:11: 1714 daAuts Vaults:1: 1664 daAuts Abyss:3: 1609 daAuts Tomb:1: 1605 daAuts D:8: 1595 daAuts Depths:4: 1572 daAuts Crypt:3: 1501 daAuts Elf:1: 1488 daAuts