Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version bcrawl-1.38.1 (webtiles) character file. Game seed: 13315017293271323363 13330031 guanidine the Sorcerer (level 27, 317/317 HPs) Began as an Oni Arcane Marksman on Mar 30, 2023. Was a High Priest of Okawaru. Escaped with the Orb ... and 4 runes on Apr 1, 2023! The game lasted 08:10:57 (84905 turns). guanidine the Sorcerer (Oni Arcane Marksman) Turns: 84905, Time: 08:10:58 Health: 317/317 AC: 38 Str: 17 XL: 27 Magic: 59/59 EV: 44 Int: 27 God: Okawaru [*****.] Gold: 2410 SH: 18 Dex: 25 Spells: 3/68 levels left rFire + + + GDR: 42% - Stone claws (64.5) rCold + . . SeeInvis + Y - +2 shield of Resistance {rF+ rC+ MR+, !*} rNeg + . . Gourm . (armour currently unavailable) rPois ∞ Faith . h - +0 mask of the Dragon {MR+ Slay+3 SInv} rElec + Spirit . t - +2 cloak {+Inv} rCorr . Reflect . (gloves currently unavailable) MR +++++ (boots currently unavailable) Stlth ++........ T - amulet of Vequeqok {RegenMP rPois MP+9} HPRegen 0.62/turn c - ring of Beqy {EV+4 Str+3 SInv, =R} MPRegen 0.92/turn P - +6 ring of dexterity @: agile, statue-form (expiring), heroism, finesse, very slow A: oni magic, claws 1, fangs 1, horns 2, repulsion field 1, agile 1, fire resistance 2, magic resistance 1, no potion heal 1 0: Orb of Zot }: 4/15 runes: barnacled, slimy, silver, gossamer a: End Transformation, Heroism, Finesse, Renounce Religion, Evoke Invisibility You escaped. You worshipped Okawaru. Okawaru was extremely pleased with you. You were very full. You were a stone statue. You visited 12 branches of the dungeon, and saw 48 of its levels. You also visited: Wizlab. You collected 6134 gold pieces. You spent 3724 gold pieces at shops. Inventory: Hand Weapons B - a +5 blowgun Missiles H - 11 throwing nets {=f !f} Q - 96 curare-tipped needles Armour f - the -2 pair of gloves of the Solstice (melded) {rF+ rC+ Dex+2} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 9 of the Dungeon) It affects your dexterity (+2). It protects you from fire. It protects you from cold. h - the +0 mask of the Dragon (worn) {MR+ Slay+3 SInv} (You found it on level 5 of the Pits of Slime) It affects your accuracy and damage with ranged weapons and melee attacks (+3). It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. It lets you see invisible. q - a +0 pair of boots (melded) t - a +2 cloak of invisibility (worn) A - +3 swamp dragon scales (melded) Y - the +2 shield of Resistance (worn) {rF+ rC+ MR+, !*} (You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon) It protects you from fire. It protects you from cold. It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. Magical Staves b - an uncursed staff of power {!a} D - an uncursed staff of death {!a} F - an uncursed staff of fire {!a} W - an uncursed staff of wizardry {!a} Jewellery c - the ring of Beqy (left claw) {EV+4 Str+3 SInv, =R} (You found it on level 5 of the Pits of Slime) [ring of evasion] It affects your evasion (+4). It affects your strength (+3). It lets you see invisible. u - the ring of Spontaneous Combustion {MR+ Str+4 Dex+3 SInv} (You found it on level 5 of the Pits of Slime) [ring of see invisible] It affects your strength (+4). It affects your dexterity (+3). It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. It lets you see invisible. w - an uncursed ring of resist corrosion I - a +4 ring of intelligence K - the ring of Giugen {Fire rElec} (You took it off a wizard on level 3 of the Vaults) [ring of fire] It enhances your fire magic. It protects you from fire. It makes you vulnerable to cold. It insulates you from electricity. P - a +6 ring of dexterity (right claw) T - the amulet of Vequeqok (around neck) {RegenMP rPois MP+9} (You found it on level 3 of the Shoals) [amulet of magic regeneration] It increases your magic regeneration. It protects you from poison. It affects your magic capacity (+9). Wands d - a wand of digging (28) j - a wand of charming (20) l - a wand of iceblast (28) r - a wand of clouds (12) L - a wand of paralysis (37) R - a wand of scattershot (4) U - a wand of acid (15) Scrolls a - a scroll of fog n - 16 scrolls of teleportation o - 7 scrolls of fear p - 2 scrolls of silence s - 8 scrolls of immolation x - 2 scrolls of blinking N - a scroll of magic mapping V - 2 scrolls of summoning Potions g - 4 potions of might i - 4 potions of cancellation k - 2 potions of haste {!*} m - 3 potions of magic v - 17 potions of curing z - 5 potions of invisibility E - 7 potions of ambrosia J - 7 potions of flight M - 8 potions of mutation O - 3 potions of agility X - 8 potions of heal wounds Miscellaneous C - a lamp of fire Z - 6 phantom mirrors Comestibles e - 34 rations {!d} Skills: + Level 19.5(24.5) Fighting Level 7.0(12.0) Long Blades Level 15.0(20.0) Bows - Level 1.0(6.0) Throwing - Level 8.9(13.9) Armour - Level 15.0(20.0) Dodging - Level 5.0(10.0) Stealth - Level 14.0(19.0) Shields + Level 21.4(26.4) Unarmed Combat * Level 21.4 Spellcasting Level 21.4 Conjurations Level 21.4 Hexes Level 21.4 Charms Level 21.4 Summonings Level 21.4 Necromancy Level 21.4 Translocations Level 21.4 Transmutations Level 21.4 Fire Magic Level 21.4 Ice Magic Level 21.4 Air Magic Level 21.4 Earth Magic Level 21.4 Poison Magic - Level 11.0 Invocations - Level 14.0 Evocations You had 3 spell levels left. You knew the following spells: Your Spells Type Power Failure Level Hunger a - Bolt of Cold Conj/Ice #######... 1% 6 None b - Shackle Hex ######## 0% 2 None c - Ignition Fire ########.. 1% 8 ###.... d - Summon Horrible Thin Summ ########.. 1% 8 ###.... e - False Image Hex/Summ #######. 0% 3 None f - Infestation Hex/Tmut/Pois #######.. 1% 6 None g - Cause Fear Hex ########.. 0% 4 None h - Yara's Violent Unrav Hex/Tmut #######... 0% 4 None i - Bolt of Draining Conj/Necr #######... 0% 5 None j - Metabolic Englaciati Hex/Ice #######... 0% 5 None k - Apportation Tloc ###### 0% 1 None B - Blink Tloc N/A 0% 2 None I - Irradiate Conj/Tmut #######... 0% 5 None T - Statue Form Tmut/Erth #######.. 1% 6 None Your spell library contained the following spells: Spells Type Power Failure Level Hunger Corona Hex ####### 0% 1 None Inner Flame Hex/Fire N/A 0% 3 None Spectral Weapon Hex/Chrm #######. 0% 3 None Summon Greater Demon Summ ########.. 1% 7 None Fire Storm Conj/Fire #######... 52% 9 #####.. Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (12/12) Temple (1/1) D:5 Lair (6/6) D:7 Shoals (3/3) Lair:4 Spider (3/3) Lair:2 Slime (5/5) Lair:6 Orc (1/1) D:9 Elf (3/3) Orc Vaults (3/3) D:11 Crypt (1/2) Vaults:1 Depths (5/5) D:12 Zot (5/5) Depths:5 Altars: Ashenzari Cheibriados Dithmenos Fedhas Gozag Hepliaklqana Kikubaaqudgha Lugonu Makhleb Nemelex Xobeh Okawaru Qazlal Ru Sif Muna Trog Uskayaw Vehumet Wu Jian Xom Yredelemnul Jiyva Shops: Orc (:*} Elf:1 ! Elf:2 ( Elf:3 [ Vaults:1 * Vaults:2 ? Depths:1 * Depths:2 (?(! Depths:4 [( Portals: Hell: Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Depths:5 Abyss: Zot:4 Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Pandemonium: Depths:1 Depths:3 Depths:5 Ziggurat: Depths:5 Annotations: D:1 teleportitis 8-18 D:3 priest band, nat shafted, 1 exclusion D:6 2-stack mut pot teleportitis D:12 mut pot 4: still teleportitis, now frail Lair:5 rupert down Lair:6 ant nest Shoals:2 louise down Spider:2 mut pot 3: teleportitis remains Spider:3 mara down Slime:2 dis down Slime:3 1 exclusion Slime:5 trj up Elf:1 mut pot 5: teleportitis -> blurry vision Elf:2 frances down Depths:2 enchantress down Depths:4 alich vault Zot:4 tiamat down Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You learn spells by gaining experience, not through books or religion. You only train spellcasting to practice magic. You have sharp fingernails. You have very sharp teeth. You have a pair of horns on your head. You are surrounded by a mild repulsion field. (EV +2) ((You are partially covered in thin metallic scales. (AC +2))) ((You are partially covered in yellow scales. (AC +2))) You are agile. (Dex +2) Your flesh is very heat resistant. (rF++) You are resistant to hostile enchantments. (MR+) Potions are less effective at restoring your health. Message History You mangle Itaitexte!! You headbutt Itaitexte. Itaitexte is almost dead. You strike the helpless Itaitexte from behind! You eviscerate Itaitexte!!!! As Itaitexte dies, the sound returns. You kill Itaitexte! Okawaru accepts your kill. No path to travel! Saving game... please wait. Welcome back, guanidine the Oni Arcane Marksman. Okawaru says: Bring me glory in combat! Press m to set your skill training. Press ? for a list of commands and other information. No path to travel! New annotation for D:1 (include '!' for warning): teleportitis 8-18 Saving game... please wait. Level annotation: teleportitis 8-18 Welcome back, guanidine the Oni Arcane Marksman. Okawaru says: Bring me glory in combat! Press m to set your skill training. Press ? for a list of commands and other information. The power of the Orb breaks the dimensional shunt like a soap bubble! You have escaped! #.# #..............# #.# #####..######.####.# #####.####..)...# #.# #.# .†.........###..# ##.####.# #####.########..## #....##.# #............# #.##.##.# #######'####§####'##.##.# #...§§§§§§..##.##.# ######8#######.##.# #### #.##.# #)# #.##.# #.# #.##.# #.### #.##÷# #...# #....# ###.# #..### #.# #..# #.# #..# There were no monsters in sight! Vanquished Creatures the Royal Jelly (Slime:5) Dissolution (Slime:2) 3 juggernauts Tiamat (Zot:4) 3 orbs of fire 6 ancient liches the Enchantress (Depths:2) 4 Killer Klowns Bai Suzhen (Vaults:1) 14 golden dragons 2 curse toes 3 pandemonium lords 2 rockslimes A Brimstone Fiend (Zot:1) 2 Shadow Fiends 3 electric golems Frances (Elf:2) 14 tentacled monstrosities 28 Orb Guardians Rupert (Lair:5) An Ice Fiend (Zot:5) Asterion (Elf:1) 3 titans 2 liches (Vaults:3) 8 quicksilver dragons 20 acid blobs 3 deep elf master archers (Elf:3) 6 deep elf blademasters 4 sphinxes An Executioner (D:3) Polyphemus (Shoals:2) 3 tentacled starspawn (WizLab) 13 death cobs 10 shadow dragons 3 tengu reavers Kirke (D:11) Donald (Spider:3) 19 storm dragons 3 draconian knights 7 frost giants A fire giant (shapeshifter) (Depths:3) 4 war gargoyles 6 draconian monks 11 fire giants 16 azure jellies 7 deep elf sorcerers The ghost of robotcentaur the Nimble, an adept SkNe of Gozag (Spider:2) Louise (Shoals:2) 8 vault wardens (Vaults:3) 4 ghost moths 6 emperor scorpions A cacodemon (WizLab) A deep elf elementalist (Elf:3) 9 draconian shifters 5 draconian annihilators 5 draconian scorchers 6 ironheart preservers 8 eyes of devastation 32 stone giants 19 very ugly things 4 spriggan defenders 6 draconian stormcallers 4 vampire knights 4 jiangshi 18 yellow draconians 10 deep elf annihilators 4 deep elf demonologists 14 green draconians 2 lorocyprocas 10 black draconians 7 dire elephants 8 spark wasps 19 purple draconians Snorg (D:11) 11 red draconians 4 entropy weavers 12 white draconians An eidolon (Crypt:1) 2 crystal guardians (WizLab) 3 merfolk javelineers 4 deep elf death magi 9 ettins 7 merfolk impalers 10 fire dragons Josephine (Lair:4) Urug (Lair:5) 13 yaktaur captains A deep elf high priest (Elf:3) 8 ice dragons 7 hydras A hell beast (Depths:4) 3 rakshasas 29 vault guards A caustic shrike simulacrum (Depths:4) 6 spriggan air magi 7 ogre magi 6 deep troll shamans 25 two-headed ogres A merfolk avatar (Lair:6) 3 death knights 17 great orbs of eyes 5 death oozes (Slime:5) 7 tengu warriors 5 deep troll earth magi 3 vampire magi A satyr (Shoals:1) 2 merfolk aquamancers (Shoals:3) A queen ant (Lair:6) 2 ironheart beastmasters (Vaults:3) 7 sea snakes 32 dancing weapons A soul eater (Depths:3) A spriggan berserker (Depths:2) A sun demon (D:3) 27 deep elf knights Nergalle (D:9) 12 centaur warriors A fire crab (Lair:6) A fire crab (shapeshifter) (Depths:3) 10 deep trolls 2 sixfirhies A goliath frog (Lair:6) 12 hell knights An anaconda zombie (Crypt:1) A salamander mystic (Depths:5) 8 glowing orange brains 2 unseen horrors (Depths:3) A flayed ghost (Depths:3) 3 starcursed masses (WizLab) 3 orange crystal statues 9 cyclopes 11 ironheart convokers A lindwurm (shapeshifter) (Depths:4) 10 harpies 3 necromancers 19 deep elf archers 10 wizards 7 phantasmal warriors 36 ugly things 21 wolf spiders 7 orb spiders 7 orc sorcerers (Orc) 6 oklob plants (Zot:3) 3 fauns (Shoals:1) A shadow dragon skeleton (Crypt:1) 4 salamanders (Depths:5) 10 moths of wrath 52 deep elf magi 8 shining eyes 9 large abominations A guardian serpent (shapeshifter) (Elf:3) 5 merfolk sirens 13 manticores 10 elephants 9 black mambas 7 vault sentinels 3 rust devils 2 smoke demons 11 water nymphs A black mamba (shapeshifter) (Depths:1) 12 komodo dragons 13 cane toads 2 orange demons 2 torpor snails A purple draconian zombie (Crypt:1) 60 yaktaurs A hellion (Depths:3) 9 freezing wraiths 11 jumping spiders 6 rime drakes 5 demonic crawlers 6 tengu conjurers 4 guardian mummies A red devil (Depths:4) A tormentor (D:3) 14 merfolk A tyrant leech (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3) The ghost of Magugala the Destroyer, a novice AvCj of Vehumet (D:7) A harpy zombie (D:11) A queen bee (D:8) 3 meliai (D:12) 5 polar bears A wind drake (shapeshifter) (Depths:3) A merfolk (shapeshifter) (Depths:2) 4 wind drakes (Shoals:3) 5 hornets 27 dream sheep A raiju (shapeshifter) (Depths:5) 4 trolls 160 slime creatures 2 tyrant leeches (Lair:5) A meliai zombie (D:10) A hippogriff (shapeshifter) (Depths:3) 12 hippogriffs 4 snapping turtles A snapping turtle (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1) 26 blink frogs An ettin skeleton (Crypt:1) 8 air elementals 4 spriggans Sigmund (D:6) A spriggan (shapeshifter) (Depths:3) 8 wraiths A vampire (D:10) A ynoxinul (Depths:3) 30 water elementals 20 tarantellas 6 wyverns 2 basilisks (shapeshifter) 38 yaks 4 basilisks 17 golden eyes 2 hogs (D:11) 2 neqoxecs (Depths:5) An emperor scorpion simulacrum (Crypt:1) 2 fire elementals A chaos spawn (Depths:3) 7 humans (D:11) A steam dragon (D:7) 6 swamp worms (Lair:5) 3 hungry ghosts 44 redbacks 4 wargs 2 vampire mosquitoes Edmund (D:6) 2 acid dragons (D:10) 5 small abominations A floating eye (Slime:5) 9 crocodiles 9 water moccasins A porcupine (shapeshifter) (Depths:3) 7 porcupines 2 cane toad skeletons 10 orc warriors 5 soldier ants (Lair:6) An ice beast (shapeshifter) (Depths:1) An ice beast (D:11) 2 necrophages (D:7) A phantom (D:6) 4 sky beasts 2 black bears 19 ogres 3 wolves (Lair:4) A kobold brigand (D:8) 11 bullfrogs Blork the orc (D:6) 4 earth elementals 6 centaurs 2 wyvern skeletons 3 scorpions A water moccasin skeleton (D:7) 21 killer bees A snapping turtle simulacrum (Crypt:1) A killer bee (shapeshifter) (Depths:5) 6 howler monkeys 18 orc priests 9 crimson imps 2 bullfrog zombies 3 quasits A hound (shapeshifter) (Depths:3) 4 hounds A jelly (D:7) 39 orc wizards 2 iron imps 6 iguanas Natasha (thrice) (D:5) 4 hell rats (Lair:3) A lightning spire (Zot:3) 20 worker ants A hound zombie (D:7) 3 hound skeletons 4 mummies (Depths:5) 8 adders A hound simulacrum (D:7) 4 shadow imps 2 white imps (Depths:5) An ooze (D:1) An adder zombie (D:7) 3 adder skeletons 5 worms 4 dart slugs 8 leopard geckos 91 orcs 2 giant cockroaches 8 hobgoblins 8 jackals 18 kobolds 2 quokkas 7 bats 6 frilled lizards 6 goblins 8 rats 3 fungi A lurking horror (Zot:4) 2 plants (Shoals:2) 4 starspawn tentacles (WizLab) 2201 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills) Mara (Spider:3) 2 bone dragons An Orb Guardian (Zot:5) 2 shadow dragons A frost giant (Vaults:2) 3 vault wardens An emperor scorpion (Spider:3) 2 orc warlords A stone giant (Shoals:2) A very ugly thing (Vaults:1) 3 ironheart preservers (Vaults:1) A spark wasp (Spider:3) A deep elf annihilator (Elf:3) A dire elephant (Vaults:1) 2 yaktaur captains A hydra (D:11) A rakshasa (Vaults:1) An ogre mage (Vaults:1) 4 vault guards 2 great orbs of eyes (Vaults:1) 3 two-headed ogres 2 dancing weapons 2 deep troll shamans (Vaults:1) 2 death yaks (Shoals:2) 2 sea snakes An ironheart beastmaster (Vaults:1) A deep troll (Vaults:1) 3 deep elf knights 8 centaur warriors (Vaults:1) 3 wizards A flayed ghost (Vaults:2) 4 deep elf archers 2 phantasmal warriors An orc knight (D:11) 4 cyclopes A necromancer (D:11) 4 wolf spiders (Spider:3) 5 orb spiders (Spider:3) 3 ironheart convokers (Vaults:1) 4 harpies (Shoals:2) A faun (Shoals:1) 5 deep elf magi 8 ugly things A merfolk siren (Shoals:1) A manticore (D:11) A gargoyle (D:12) 3 rime drakes 5 jumping spiders (Spider:3) 4 demonic crawlers (Spider:3) 11 yaktaurs 2 freezing wraiths An eye of draining (D:11) 6 merfolk (Shoals:2) A hornet (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1) 2 snapping turtles 12 slime creatures 3 hippogriffs 2 tarantellas (Spider:3) A wraith (D:12) 3 wyverns (D:11) 11 humans (D:11) A basilisk (D:12) 2 vampire mosquitoes 11 redbacks An acid dragon (D:12) A hell hound (D:12) 8 orc warriors 6 ogres (Vaults:1) A human simulacrum (Vaults:1) An iguana (D:11) A shadow imp (D:12) 9 orcs 214 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (others) A ghost moth (Spider:3) An emperor scorpion (Spider:3) A catoblepas (Shoals:2) A two-headed ogre (Vaults:2) The ghost of CyborgElf the Archer, a novice CeHu of the Shining One (D:6) 2 orb spiders (Spider:3) 2 moths of wrath 4 yaks 4 humans (D:11) A yaktaur simulacrum (Vaults:2) A hungry ghost (D:10) 2 redbacks (Spider:3) A warg (D:7) An acid dragon (D:6) 2 orc warriors A kobold brigand (D:6) 2 water moccasin zombies A killer bee (D:8) 3 wights (D:9) A howler monkey (D:9) A crimson imp (D:11) A hound (D:9) 2 orc wizards (Orc) A worker ant simulacrum (D:7) 3 orcs A bush (Lair:6) A demonic plant (WizLab) 29 fungi A lurking horror (Zot:4) 51 plants 6 starspawn tentacles (WizLab) 130 creatures vanquished. Grand Total: 2545 creatures vanquished Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | guanidine the Oni Arcane Marksman began the quest for the | Orb. 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 17/17 MP: 5/5 137 | D:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Unarmed Combat 160 | D:1 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 24/24 MP: 7/7 164 | D:1 | Learned a level 2 spell: Shackle 720 | D:1 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 29/29 MP: 6/8 859 | D:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Stealth 1154 | D:1 | Learned a level 3 spell: False Image 1466 | D:2 | Found a transporter. 1474 | D:2 | Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw. 1482 | D:2 | Found a transporter. 1870 | D:2 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 36/36 MP: 1/9 1940 | D:2 | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink 2043 | D:2 | Found a faded altar of an unknown god. 3324 | D:2 | Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw. 3333 | D:2 | Found a transporter. 3369 | D:2 | Found a transporter. 4282 | D:3 | Noticed Natasha 4554 | D:2 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 38/45 MP: 6/11 5703 | D:4 | Noticed an ogre 5741 | D:4 | Killed an ogre 5742 | D:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Bows 5742 | D:4 | Reached XP level 6. HP: 51/51 MP: 2/12 5793 | D:4 | Learned a level 3 spell: Spectral Weapon 5874 | D:4 | Noticed a sky beast 5891 | D:4 | Killed a sky beast 5988 | D:4 | Reached skill level 1 in Throwing 6072 | D:4 | Reached XP level 7. HP: 57/57 MP: 3/14 6368 | D:4 | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru. 7323 | D:2 | Reached skill level 1 in Armour 7442 | D:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon 7509 | D:5 | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple. 7818 | D:5 | Killed Natasha 8142 | D:5 | Noticed Natasha 8146 | D:5 | Killed Natasha 8147 | D:5 | Reached XP level 8. HP: 66/66 MP: 12/16 8171 | D:5 | Learned a level 3 spell: Inner Flame 8205 | D:5 | Noticed Natasha 8208 | D:5 | Killed Natasha 8389 | D:5 | Found a white marble altar of Elyvilon. 8937 | D:6 | Noticed Blork the orc 8944 | D:6 | Killed Blork the orc 9147 | D:6 | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting 9253 | D:6 | Noticed Edmund 9282 | D:6 | Killed Edmund 9365 | D:6 | Gained mutation: You have a pair of horns on your head. | [potion of mutation] 9365 | D:6 | Gained mutation: You are occasionally teleported next to | monsters. [potion of mutation] 9365 | D:6 | Gained mutation: You are covered in fur. (AC +1) [potion of | mutation] 9365 | D:6 | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, | but a little more powerful. [potion of mutation] 9366 | D:6 | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, but | a little more powerful. [potion of mutation] 9366 | D:6 | Lost mutation: You have a pair of horns on your head. | [potion of mutation] 9366 | D:6 | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in thin metallic | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 9366 | D:6 | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +2) [potion of | mutation] 9366 | D:6 | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +2) [potion | of mutation] 9487 | D:6 | Reached XP level 9. HP: 60/74 MP: 17/17 9531 | Temple | Entered the Ecumenical Temple 9849 | Temple | Became a worshipper of Warmaster Okawaru 9963 | D:6 | Noticed Sigmund 10094 | D:6 | Killed Sigmund 10419 | D:6 | Found a shadowy altar of Dithmenos. 10447 | D:6 | Found a runed translucent gate. 10447 | D:6 | Found a runed translucent gate. 10449 | D:6 | Found a runed translucent gate. 10451 | D:6 | Identified the cursed +0 flail of Stickiness {freeze, | Str+3} 10451 | D:6 | Identified the cursed +1 chain mail of the Hills {Int+3 | Dex+4 Stlth-} 10453 | D:6 | Noticed CyborgElf's ghost (novice CeHu) 10454 | D:6 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 11116 | D:6 | Killed CyborgElf's ghost 11117 | D:6 | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting 11721 | D:7 | Found a runed translucent gate. 11721 | D:7 | Found a runed translucent gate. 11721 | D:7 | Found a runed translucent gate. 11721 | D:7 | Noticed Magugala's ghost (novice AvCj) 11786 | D:7 | Learned a level 4 spell: Cause Fear 11807 | D:7 | Reached * piety under Okawaru 11977 | D:7 | Reached XP level 10. HP: 86/86 MP: 19/19 12747 | D:7 | Learned a level 4 spell: Yara's Violent Unravelling 12810 | D:7 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 12839 | D:7 | Killed a two-headed ogre 12839 | D:7 | Reached ** piety under Okawaru 13126 | D:7 | Found a staircase to the Lair. 13292 | Lair:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts 13292 | Lair:1 | Noticed a cane toad 13316 | Lair:1 | Killed a cane toad 13328 | Lair:1 | Reached *** piety under Okawaru 13412 | Lair:1 | Reached XP level 11. HP: 92/92 MP: 2/24 13956 | Lair:1 | Noticed a four-headed hydra 13979 | Lair:1 | Killed a four-headed hydra 14086 | Lair:1 | Reached **** piety under Okawaru 14388 | Lair:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 14705 | D:7 | Killed Magugala's ghost 14782 | D:7 | Learned a level 5 spell: Bolt of Draining 15187 | Lair:2 | Found a hole to the Spider Nest. 15187 | Lair:2 | Noticed an orb spider 15193 | Lair:2 | Killed an orb spider 15672 | Lair:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 16593 | Lair:3 | Reached ***** piety under Okawaru 16594 | Lair:3 | Reached skill level 10 in Spellcasting 16962 | Lair:3 | Reached XP level 12. HP: 100/100 MP: 23/28 17288 | Lair:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 17519 | Lair:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 17520 | Lair:3 | Reached skill level 10 in Bows 17542 | Lair:3 | Learned a level 5 spell: Metabolic Englaciation 17568 | Lair:3 | Noticed an eight-headed hydra 17583 | Lair:3 | Killed an eight-headed hydra 17594 | Lair:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 17895 | Lair:3 | Noticed a six-headed hydra 17940 | Lair:3 | Killed a six-headed hydra 17940 | Lair:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 17941 | Lair:3 | Got a heavy robe {god gift} 18052 | Lair:3 | Found an iron altar of Okawaru. 18689 | Lair:4 | Noticed a seven-headed hydra 18735 | Lair:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Armour 18850 | Lair:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Invocations 18996 | Lair:4 | Killed a seven-headed hydra 19105 | Lair:4 | Noticed Josephine 19141 | Lair:4 | Killed Josephine 19142 | Lair:4 | Reached XP level 13. HP: 110/110 MP: 1/29 19375 | Lair:4 | Found a staircase to the Shoals. 20132 | Lair:5 | Noticed Urug 20137 | Lair:5 | Noticed Rupert 20708 | D:8 | Identified the +0 robe of Darilom {+Fly Str+4} (Okawaru | gifted it to you on level 3 of the Lair of Beasts) 20941 | D:8 | Found a snail-covered altar of Cheibriados. 21169 | D:8 | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging 21477 | D:8 | Learned a level 5 spell: Irradiate 21722 | D:9 | Identified the +7 short sword of Disgust {pierce, rC+ Str+2 | Int-4} 21826 | D:9 | Received a gift from Okawaru 21827 | D:9 | Got a pair of twisted gloves {god gift} 21836 | D:9 | Identified the -2 pair of gloves of the Solstice {rF+ rC+ | Dex+2} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 9 of the Dungeon) 21870 | D:9 | Found a runed door. 21899 | D:9 | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines. 21983 | D:9 | Found an opulent altar of Gozag. 22007 | D:9 | Identified the +10 falchion of Pandemonium {drain, +Inv | rPois MR+ Int+4} 22290 | D:9 | Noticed a fire dragon 22290 | D:9 | Noticed an ice dragon 22293 | D:9 | Noticed a fire dragon 22293 | D:9 | Noticed an ice dragon 22295 | D:9 | Found a runed door. 22296 | D:9 | Found the +2 shield of Resistance {rF+ rC+ MR+} 22510 | D:9 | Killed a fire dragon 22511 | D:9 | Reached skill level 1 in Evocations 22527 | D:9 | Killed an ice dragon 22750 | D:9 | Killed a fire dragon 22875 | D:9 | Killed an ice dragon 22876 | D:9 | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting 23083 | D:10 | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon 23083 | D:10 | Noticed Nergalle 23468 | D:9 | Killed Nergalle 24632 | D:11 | Noticed Snorg 24702 | D:11 | Noticed a rakshasa 24739 | D:11 | Killed a rakshasa 24811 | D:11 | Noticed Kirke 24826 | D:11 | Killed Kirke 24827 | D:11 | Reached XP level 14. HP: 104/121 MP: 10/31 24949 | D:11 | Killed Snorg 26197 | Lair:5 | Killed Urug 26989 | Lair:5 | Reached ****** piety under Okawaru 26989 | Lair:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 27158 | Lair:6 | Entered Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts 27208 | Lair:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 27726 | Orc | Entered the Orcish Mines 27762 | D:9 | Reached skill level 1 in Long Blades 28102 | Orc | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 28287 | Orc | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls. 28515 | Orc | Found Xial's Gadget Shoppe. 28544 | Orc | Found Ysio's General Store. 28593 | Orc | Found Asyteni's Book Shoppe. 28626 | Orc | Found Rerchiuse's Antique Weapon Shop. 28806 | Orc | Bought a potion of magic for 80 gold pieces 28806 | Orc | Bought a scroll of identify for 32 gold pieces 28861 | Orc | Bought a wand of clouds (6) for 294 gold pieces 28861 | Orc | Bought a wand of iceblast (7) for 168 gold pieces 29228 | Lair:5 | Killed Rupert 29229 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Long Blades 29796 | Lair:6 | Received a gift from Okawaru 30004 | Lair:6 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 99/126 MP: 6/33 30801 | Lair:6 | Received a gift from Okawaru 30802 | Lair:6 | Got a transparent longbow {god gift} 30804 | Lair:6 | Identified the +5 longbow "Pahuro" {velocity, rF+} (Okawaru | gifted it to you on level 6 of the Lair of Beasts) 31948 | Lair:6 | Received a gift from Okawaru 31949 | Lair:6 | Got a transparent chain mail {god gift} 31960 | Lair:6 | Identified the +8 chain mail of Cocytus {MR+ Dex+2 Slay-5} | (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 6 of the Lair of Beasts) 32231 | Lair:6 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 32232 | Lair:6 | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits. 32877 | D:7 | Learned a level 6 spell: Bolt of Cold 32955 | D:12 | Entered Level 12 of the Dungeon 34255 | Spider:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Spider Nest 34440 | Spider:1 | Noticed an emperor scorpion 34463 | Spider:1 | Killed an emperor scorpion 35475 | Spider:2 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 134/137 MP: 3/35 35569 | Spider:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 35972 | Spider:2 | Found a runed translucent door. 36021 | Spider:2 | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +2) [potion of | mutation] 36021 | Spider:2 | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +2) [potion of | mutation] 36021 | Spider:2 | Gained mutation: You are resistant to hostile enchantments. | (MR+) [potion of mutation] 36021 | Spider:2 | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +2) [potion of | mutation] 36021 | Spider:2 | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in yellow | scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation] 36052 | Spider:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 36407 | D:9 | Learned a level 6 spell: Infestation 37188 | Spider:2 | Noticed robotcentaur's ghost (adept SkNe) 37189 | Spider:2 | Found the +18 shield of the Gong {rElec rN+ MR+ EV-5} 37209 | Spider:2 | Killed robotcentaur's ghost 37228 | Spider:2 | Got a shimmering halberd 37408 | Shoals:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Shoals 38187 | Shoals:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 38521 | Shoals:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 38628 | Shoals:2 | Noticed Polyphemus 38639 | Shoals:2 | Killed Polyphemus 38658 | Shoals:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 39011 | Shoals:2 | Identified a scroll of acquirement 39013 | Shoals:2 | Identified the +0 hat of the Eternal Fruit {+Fly rElec MR+} | (You acquired it on level 2 of the Shoals) 39110 | Shoals:2 | Noticed Louise 39115 | Shoals:2 | Killed Louise 39223 | Shoals:2 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 126/144 MP: 15/37 39726 | D:11 | Found a gate to the Vaults. 40243 | D:12 | Reached skill level 15 in Bows 40321 | D:12 | Received a gift from Okawaru 40489 | D:12 | Found a staircase to the Depths. 40767 | D:12 | Lost mutation: You are covered in fur. (AC +1) [potion of | mutation] 40767 | D:12 | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +2) [potion of | mutation] 40767 | D:12 | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 40767 | D:12 | Gained mutation: You are mostly covered in yellow scales. | (AC +3) [potion of mutation] 41008 | Spider:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Spider Nest 41019 | Spider:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 41043 | Spider:3 | Learned a level 1 spell: Apportation 41127 | Spider:3 | Noticed Mara 41157 | Spider:3 | Reached skill level 5 in Evocations 41178 | Spider:3 | Killed Mara 41568 | Spider:3 | Reached XP level 18. HP: 119/138 MP: 0/38 42065 | D:9 | Learned a level 6 spell: Statue Form 42241 | Lair:6 | Got a steaming chain mail 42279 | Lair:6 | Identified the +4 chain mail of Tenacity {rElec} (You found | it on level 6 of the Lair of Beasts) 42793 | Spider:3 | Got a gossamer rune of Zot 43041 | Spider:3 | Noticed Donald 43131 | Spider:3 | Killed Donald 43131 | Spider:3 | Identified the +8 scale mail "Cisuiff" {Dex+4} (Okawaru | gifted it to you on level 3 of the Spider Nest) 43131 | Spider:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 43661 | Elf:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls 43666 | Elf:1 | Found Puadghiat's Distillery. 43672 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of mutation for 104 gold pieces 43672 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of mutation for 104 gold pieces 43678 | Elf:1 | Noticed Asterion 43684 | Elf:1 | Killed Asterion 43687 | Elf:1 | Lost mutation: You are occasionally teleported next to | monsters. [potion of mutation] 43687 | Elf:1 | Lost mutation: You are resistant to hostile enchantments. | (MR+) [potion of mutation] 43687 | Elf:1 | Lost mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 43687 | Elf:1 | Gained mutation: Scrolls take you a little longer to read. | [potion of mutation] 43687 | Elf:1 | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely | shaped body. [potion of mutation] 43687 | Elf:1 | Gained mutation: You have sharp toenails. [potion of | mutation] 44047 | Elf:1 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 44389 | Elf:1 | Reached skill level 5 in Unarmed Combat 45138 | Lair:4 | Identified the +12 halberd "Piamesk" {drain, Dex+4} (You | found it on level 2 of the Spider Nest) 45254 | Shoals:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Shoals 45911 | Shoals:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 45984 | Shoals:3 | Identified the cursed +0 scale mail of Buko {rElec rCorr} 46415 | Shoals:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 46440 | Shoals:3 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 163/163 MP: 39/39 46697 | Shoals:3 | Identified the amulet of Vequeqok {RegenMP rPois MP+9} 46738 | Shoals:3 | Identified the +2 robe of Protective Custody {*Slow rPois | rC+ rN++} 47179 | Shoals:3 | Reached skill level 10 in Unarmed Combat 47200 | Shoals:3 | Got a barnacled rune of Zot 47870 | Elf:2 | Found Mekebbo Ucog's Weapon Shoppe. 48522 | Elf:2 | Noticed Frances 48818 | Elf:2 | Killed Frances 49165 | Elf:2 | Found Naut's Food Boutique. 49288 | Elf:2 | Found a runed gate. 49289 | Elf:2 | Found a runed gate. 49289 | Elf:2 | Found a runed gate. 49920 | Elf:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 50615 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults 50792 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Shields 50793 | Vaults:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 50874 | Vaults:1 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 171/171 MP: 27/40 50877 | Vaults:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 50932 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 5 in Shields 50987 | Vaults:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 51013 | Vaults:1 | Noticed a bone dragon 51025 | Vaults:1 | Killed a bone dragon 51068 | Vaults:1 | Found a staircase to the Crypt. 51812 | Vaults:1 | Identified the +1 ring mail of Idghei {rPois MR++ Regen+ | Slay+3} 51834 | Vaults:1 | Found Pukhleilo's General Store. 52013 | Vaults:1 | Noticed Bai Suzhen 52023 | Vaults:1 | Killed Bai Suzhen 52770 | Vaults:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 53018 | Vaults:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 53111 | Vaults:2 | Found Apadoq's Magic Scroll Emporium. 53125 | Vaults:2 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 51 gold pieces 53125 | Vaults:2 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 51 gold pieces 53125 | Vaults:2 | Bought a scroll of enchant armour for 127 gold pieces 53125 | Vaults:2 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 51 gold pieces 53125 | Vaults:2 | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 59 gold pieces 53125 | Vaults:2 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 51 gold pieces 53125 | Vaults:2 | Bought a scroll of fog for 34 gold pieces 53205 | Vaults:2 | Identified the +2 cloak of Ferocious Curiosity {Regen+ | SInv} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 2 of the Vaults) 53205 | Vaults:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 53482 | Vaults:2 | Reached skill level 10 in Shields 54017 | Vaults:2 | Reached XP level 21. HP: 178/178 MP: 38/41 54371 | Vaults:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 54761 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of cancellation for 65 gold pieces 54761 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of invisibility for 104 gold pieces 54761 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of flight for 52 gold pieces 54798 | Elf:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Elven Halls 54995 | Elf:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Spellcasting 55081 | Elf:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 55337 | Elf:3 | Found Pij Dyxt's Armour Shop. 55401 | Elf:3 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 56241 | Elf:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 56427 | Elf:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Unarmed Combat 56725 | Elf:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 56873 | Elf:3 | Identified the +6 trident "Ajazy" {flame, Dex+2} 56874 | Elf:3 | Identified the +2 leather armour "Unuve" {Stlth+} 56875 | Elf:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 56875 | Elf:3 | Identified the cursed ring "Qefed" {rElec Stlth--} 57139 | Elf:3 | Identified the +0 pair of gloves of the Evening Star {-Cast | rF- rC+++ Regen+ Dex+3} 57159 | Elf:3 | Identified the +7 double sword of Change {pain, Str+2 | Dex+2} 57173 | Elf:3 | Reached XP level 22. HP: 185/185 MP: 23/43 58442 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of invisibility for 104 gold pieces 58442 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of brilliance for 52 gold pieces 58442 | Elf:1 | Bought a potion of flight for 52 gold pieces 58564 | Depths:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Depths 58736 | Depths:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 58736 | Depths:1 | Found an iron altar of Okawaru. 58799 | Depths:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 58840 | Depths:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 59425 | Depths:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 59851 | Depths:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 60123 | Depths:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 60148 | Depths:1 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. 60249 | Depths:1 | Found Kalyvaim's Demolitions Depot. 60867 | Depths:2 | Noticed a rockslime 60952 | Depths:2 | Killed a rockslime 60996 | Depths:2 | Found Axaplimi's Distillery. 61014 | Depths:2 | Found Jiuvvebb's Magic Scroll Boutique. 61017 | Depths:2 | Found Migipp's Antique Weapon Shop. 61018 | Depths:2 | Found Sedoed's Weapon Boutique. 61020 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 90 gold pieces 61081 | Depths:2 | Identified the +5 great sword "Butigala" {drain, Dex+8} 61236 | Depths:2 | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss. 61364 | Depths:2 | Identified the +1 faerie dragon scales {rPois MR+ Regen+ | rCorr HP+3} 61364 | Depths:2 | Noticed the Enchantress 61583 | Depths:1 | Learned a level 8 spell: Ignition 62277 | Depths:2 | Killed the Enchantress 62278 | Depths:2 | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging 62278 | Depths:2 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 192/192 MP: 20/45 62495 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of brilliance for 72 gold pieces 62495 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of curing for 45 gold pieces 62495 | Depths:2 | Bought a potion of magic for 90 gold pieces 62591 | Depths:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 62770 | Depths:3 | Found a magical portal. 62774 | WizLab | Entered Lehudib's Moon Base 62850 | WizLab | Received a gift from Okawaru 63499 | WizLab | Identified the cursed -2 helmet of the Evening {MR++ Regen+ | Dex-4 Stlth+} 63529 | WizLab | Received a gift from Okawaru 63575 | WizLab | Lost mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely shaped | body. [potion of mutation] 63575 | WizLab | Lost mutation: Scrolls take you a little longer to read. | [potion of mutation] 63575 | WizLab | Lost mutation: You have sharp toenails. [potion of | mutation] 63575 | WizLab | Lost mutation: You are mostly covered in yellow scales. (AC | +3) [potion of mutation] 63575 | WizLab | Gained mutation: Your flesh is cold resistant. (rC+) | [potion of mutation] 63575 | WizLab | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 63575 | WizLab | Gained mutation: You have a pair of horns on your head. | [potion of mutation] 63576 | WizLab | Lost mutation: You have a pair of horns on your head. | [potion of mutation] 63576 | WizLab | Lost mutation: Your flesh is cold resistant. (rC+) [potion | of mutation] 63576 | WizLab | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +2) [potion | of mutation] 63576 | WizLab | Gained mutation: You are agile. (Dex +2) [potion of | mutation] 63577 | WizLab | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +2) [potion of | mutation] 63577 | WizLab | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon | taking damage. [potion of mutation] 63577 | WizLab | Gained mutation: Your flesh is heat resistant. (rF+) | [potion of mutation] 63578 | WizLab | Lost mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of | mutation] 63578 | WizLab | Lost mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking | damage. [potion of mutation] 63578 | WizLab | Gained mutation: Your flesh is very heat resistant. (rF++) | [potion of mutation] 63578 | WizLab | Gained mutation: You have a pair of horns on your head. | [potion of mutation] 63578 | WizLab | Gained mutation: You are resistant to hostile enchantments. | (MR+) [potion of mutation] 63578 | WizLab | Gained mutation: You are surrounded by a mild repulsion | field. (EV +2) [potion of mutation] 63675 | WizLab | Found a transporter. 63734 | WizLab | Received a gift from Okawaru 63950 | WizLab | Found a transporter. 64967 | Depths:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 65259 | Depths:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 65971 | Slime:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Pits of Slime 66034 | Slime:1 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 203/203 MP: 46/46 66425 | Slime:2 | Noticed Dissolution 66431 | Slime:1 | Identified the +12 chain mail of Okawaru's Pride {Regen+} | (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 1 of the Pits of Slime) 66431 | Slime:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 67993 | Slime:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Pits of Slime 68253 | Slime:5 | Noticed the Royal Jelly 68391 | Slime:5 | Killed the Royal Jelly 68534 | Slime:5 | Found the +3 crown of Dyrovepreva {rElec Int+2 SInv} 68562 | Slime:5 | Found the +0 mask of the Dragon {MR+ Slay+3 SInv} 68582 | Slime:5 | Identified the ring of Beqy {EV+4 Str+3 SInv} 68591 | Slime:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 68622 | Slime:5 | Got a slimy rune of Zot 68623 | Slime:5 | Identified the ring of Spontaneous Combustion {MR+ Str+4 | Dex+3 SInv} 69030 | Slime:2 | Killed Dissolution 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69762 | Elf:2 | Bought a ration for 60 gold pieces 69862 | Orc | Bought a phantom mirror for 280 gold pieces 69862 | Orc | Bought a wand of digging (8) for 252 gold pieces 69862 | Orc | Bought a wand of clouds (6) for 294 gold pieces 70061 | Depths:4 | Noticed an ancient lich 70146 | Depths:4 | Reached XP level 25. HP: 211/211 MP: 47/47 70172 | Depths:4 | Noticed an ancient lich 70244 | Depths:4 | Noticed a juggernaut 70258 | Depths:3 | Killed a juggernaut 70339 | Depths:4 | Noticed a golden dragon 70354 | Depths:4 | Reached skill level 15 in Fighting 70363 | Depths:4 | Killed a golden dragon 70370 | Depths:4 | Killed an ancient lich 70370 | Depths:4 | Received a gift from Okawaru 70603 | Depths:4 | Noticed a golden dragon 70637 | Depths:3 | Killed a golden dragon 70750 | Depths:4 | Killed an ancient lich 70750 | Depths:4 | Identified the +3 long sword "Taiqi" {drain, rF+ MR- Int+8 | Dex+3} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 4 of the Depths) 70750 | Depths:4 | Received a gift from Okawaru 70761 | Depths:4 | Noticed a golden dragon 70777 | Depths:4 | Killed a golden dragon 70790 | Depths:4 | Noticed a Killer Klown 70802 | Depths:4 | Killed a Killer Klown 70857 | Depths:4 | Identified the ring "Muekh" {rElec rPois rN+ Str-5} 71020 | Depths:4 | Found Mepourow's Antique Armour Shoppe. 71357 | Depths:4 | Found Feeng's Antique Weapon Emporium. 71490 | Depths:4 | Bought a polished war axe for 246 gold pieces 71490 | Depths:4 | Identified the +4 war axe of Resourcefulness {flame, | Fragile +Rage rElec rPois} (You bought it in a shop on | level 4 of the Depths) 71522 | Depths:4 | Learned a level 8 spell: Summon Horrible Things 71555 | Depths:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Depths 71555 | Depths:5 | Noticed a golden dragon 71876 | Depths:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 72021 | Depths:5 | Noticed a golden dragon 72033 | Depths:5 | Killed a golden dragon 72056 | Depths:5 | Identified the ring "Buoracvish" {+Fly rPois} 72123 | Depths:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 72194 | Depths:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 72271 | Depths:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 72426 | Depths:5 | Killed a golden dragon 72426 | Depths:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 72427 | Depths:5 | Reached skill level 10 in Invocations 72811 | Depths:5 | Reached XP level 26. HP: 232/232 MP: 37/47 72968 | Depths:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 72985 | Depths:5 | Killed an ancient lich 73047 | Depths:5 | Found a gate to the Realm of Zot. 73354 | Depths:5 | Found a gateway to a ziggurat. 73581 | Vaults:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Vaults 73583 | Vaults:3 | Identified the +0 pair of gloves "Aqeobbov" {*Slow rN++ | rCorr Int-5} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 3 of the | Vaults) 73583 | Vaults:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 73584 | Vaults:3 | Reached skill level 10 in Evocations 73837 | Zot:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot 74090 | Zot:1 | Noticed a golden dragon 74105 | Zot:1 | Killed a golden dragon 74240 | Zot:1 | Noticed a golden dragon 74253 | Zot:1 | Killed a golden dragon 74652 | Zot:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 74774 | Zot:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 75004 | Zot:2 | Noticed a golden dragon 75009 | Zot:2 | Noticed a golden dragon 75010 | Zot:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 75022 | Zot:2 | Killed a golden dragon 75028 | Zot:2 | Killed a golden dragon 75029 | Zot:2 | Reached XP level 27. HP: 232/238 MP: 14/48 75325 | Zot:2 | Noticed an orb of fire 75331 | Zot:2 | Killed an orb of fire 75331 | Zot:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 75353 | Zot:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru 75674 | Zot:2 | Learned a level 3 spell: False Image 75751 | Zot:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 75754 | Zot:3 | Noticed a golden dragon 75760 | Zot:3 | Noticed a golden dragon 75766 | Zot:3 | Killed a golden dragon 75776 | Zot:3 | Killed a golden dragon 76790 | Zot:4 | Learned a level 1 spell: Apportation 76868 | Zot:4 | Noticed a golden dragon 76882 | Zot:4 | Killed a golden dragon 76993 | Zot:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Stealth 77175 | Zot:4 | Received a gift from Okawaru 77749 | Zot:4 | Identified the +4 dragonskin cloak 77749 | Zot:4 | Noticed Tiamat 77769 | Zot:4 | Killed Tiamat 78042 | Zot:4 | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 78500 | Vaults:3 | Noticed a juggernaut 78502 | Vaults:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 78642 | Vaults:3 | Identified the cursed ring "Ziurounwyn" {*Slow Str-2 Slay+5 | Stlth+} 78872 | Vaults:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 78890 | Vaults:3 | Noticed a golden dragon 78898 | Vaults:3 | Killed a golden dragon 78924 | Vaults:3 | Killed a juggernaut 78924 | Vaults:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 78932 | Vaults:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 79100 | Vaults:3 | Identified the cursed ring "Likluges" {rN+ MR+++ Str-2 SInv | Stlth--} 79185 | Vaults:3 | Identified the +0 robe of Conscience {rC++ Str+4} (Okawaru | gifted it to you on level 3 of the Vaults) 79185 | Vaults:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 79281 | Vaults:3 | Identified the +5 glaive of Alisuol {flame, Dex+3} 79381 | Vaults:3 | Identified the ring of Giugen {Fire rElec} 79668 | Vaults:3 | Identified the +8 spear of Benevolence {elec, rPois rN+++ | Str-5 Dex+4} 79753 | Vaults:3 | Identified the +8 trident of Immorality {flame, MR++ Int+4} 79818 | Vaults:3 | Noticed a juggernaut 79828 | Vaults:3 | Killed a juggernaut 80098 | Vaults:3 | Got a silver rune of Zot 80815 | Depths:5 | Killed an ancient lich 80923 | Zot:4 | Received a gift from Okawaru 80931 | Zot:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot 81567 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 81579 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 81588 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 81677 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 81702 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 81709 | Zot:5 | Killed a Killer Klown 81840 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 82031 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 82040 | Zot:5 | Killed a Killer Klown 82040 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 82359 | Crypt:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt 82499 | Crypt:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru 82861 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 82870 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 82944 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 82954 | Zot:5 | Killed a Killer Klown 82954 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 82955 | Zot:5 | Reached skill level 15 in Dodging 82962 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 83070 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 83073 | Zot:5 | Gained mutation: Potions are less effective at restoring | your health. [an orb of fire] 83082 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 83096 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 83186 | Zot:5 | Noticed a golden dragon 83192 | Zot:5 | Killed a golden dragon 83243 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 84378 | Zot:5 | Identified the amulet of the Salamander {RegenMP Dex+2} | (You acquired it on level 5 of the Realm of Zot) 84393 | Zot:5 | Got the Orb of Zot 84412 | Zot:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 84448 | Zot:4 | Noticed Xeskulat the pandemonium lord 84477 | Zot:3 | Noticed Rillexesh the pandemonium lord 84477 | Zot:3 | Noticed an ancient lich 84481 | Zot:3 | Killed Rillexesh the pandemonium lord 84482 | Zot:3 | Killed an ancient lich 84482 | Zot:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru 84790 | D:3 | Noticed Jit Cies the pandemonium lord 84807 | D:3 | Killed Jit Cies the pandemonium lord 84891 | D:1 | Noticed Itaitexte the pandemonium lord 84903 | D:1 | Killed Itaitexte the pandemonium lord 84905 | D:$ | Escaped with the Orb! Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | ---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----- Unarmed Combat | 1 9 14 16 17 18 21 | 21.4 Bows | 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 13 15 | 15.0 Stealth | 1 2 3 4 5 | 5.0 Fighting | 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 | 19.5 Spellcasting | 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 | 21.4 Dodging | 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 | 15.0 Throwing | 1 | 1.0 Armour | 1 3 5 7 8 | 8.9 Invocations | 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 | 11.0 Evocations | 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 14 | 14.0 Long Blades | 6 7 | 7.0 Shields | 3 10 11 12 13 14 | 14.0 Conjurations | | 21.4 Hexes | | 21.4 Charms | | 21.4 Summonings | | 21.4 Necromancy | | 21.4 Translocations | | 21.4 Transmutations | | 21.4 Fire Magic | | 21.4 Ice Magic | | 21.4 Air Magic | | 21.4 Earth Magic | | 21.4 Poison Magic | | 21.4 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 | 7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-24 | 25-27 || total -------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------++------- Melee: Unarmed | 46 | 10 | | | | 16 | 342 | 541 | 1008 || 1963 Headbutt | 5 | 2 | 10 | 1 | 41 | 11 | 43 | 84 | 219 || 416 Bite | 4 | 2 | 6 | 1 | 15 | 13 | 36 | 44 | 113 || 234 Trident | 18 | 44 | 6 | | | | | | || 68 Falchion | | 12 | 68 | 4 | 189 | 80 | 10 | | || 363 Dagger | | | 8 | | | | | | || 8 Punch | | | | | 2 | 3 | 3 | | || 8 Kick | | | | | | 6 | 82 | 56 | || 144 Longbow | | | | | | 1 | | | || 1 Fire: Shortbow | 33 | 91 | 239 | 506 | 546 | | | | || 1415 Blowgun | | | | 2 | 178 | 61 | 4 | | 6 || 251 Longbow | | | | | 76 | 564 | 247 | | || 887 Throw: Stone | | 1 | | | | | | | || 1 Tomahawk | | 6 | 11 | 16 | 4 | | | | || 37 Throwing net | | | | | | | | | 3 || 3 Cast: Corona | 32 | 46 | 54 | 74 | 38 | | | | || 244 Shackle | 12 | 55 | 47 | 114 | 122 | 17 | 4 | 1 | 2 || 374 Spectral Weapon | | | 14 | 3 | 1 | | | | || 18 Inner Flame | | | 4 | 31 | 36 | | | | || 71 Yara's Violent Un | | | | 28 | 25 | | 26 | 6 | 9 || 94 Bolt of Draining | | | | 43 | 297 | 86 | 147 | 210 | 230 || 1013 False Image | | | | 1 | 3 | | | | 1 || 5 Metabolic Englaci | | | | 1 | 9 | 3 | 8 | 7 | 8 || 36 Cause Fear | | | | | 32 | 5 | 2 | 6 | 1 || 46 Blink | | | | | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 || 9 Bolt of Cold | | | | | 7 | 120 | 93 | 267 | 129 || 616 Infestation | | | | | | 48 | 37 | | || 85 Irradiate | | | | | | 4 | 6 | 2 | 1 || 13 Apportation | | | | | | 2 | | | 3 || 5 Statue Form | | | | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | || 3 Ignition | | | | | | | | 11 | 61 || 72 Summon Horrible T | | | | | | | | | 12 || 12 Invok: Heroism | | | | 3 | 18 | 17 | 13 | 20 | 37 || 108 Finesse | | | | | 4 | 2 | | 2 | 16 || 24 Abil: Evoke Invisibilit | | | | | 2 | 9 | 6 | | 12 || 29 Evoke Flight | | | | | | 4 | 1 | | || 5 Stop Flying | | | | | | 3 | 1 | 1 | || 5 Evoke: Wand | | | | | 4 | 11 | 1 | 14 | 12 || 42 Use: Scroll | 1 | 1 | 5 | 6 | 20 | 19 | 3 | 8 | 17 || 80 Potion | | | 4 | | 4 | 10 | 2 | 10 | 10 || 40 Stab: Invisible | | | 1 | | | 9 | | | 19 || 29 Paralysed | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 || 9 Distracted | | | | | 1 | | | | 1 || 2 Sleeping | | | | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 || 4 Petrifying | | | | | | | | 1 | || 1 Held in net/web | | | | | | | | | 11 || 11 Eat: Chunk | 6 | 16 | 23 | 25 | 69 | 71 | 45 | 20 | 35 || 310 Ration | | 2 | 2 | 7 | 10 | 4 | 5 | 11 | 16 || 57 Armor: Animal skin | 1 | | | | | | | | || 1 Leather armour | 6 | 7 | 5 | | | | | | || 18 Swamp dragon scal | | | 29 | 38 | 204 | 205 | | | || 476 Skin | | | | | | 193 | 378 | 348 | 471 || 1390 Dodge: Dodged | 45 | 30 | 86 | 44 | 292 | 537 | 349 | 435 | 948 || 2766 Block: Other | | | | | 10 | 14 | 2 | | || 26 Medium shield | | | | | | | 258 | 477 | 778 || 1513 Levels and vault maps discovered: D:1: minmay_arrival_three_doors, layout_loops_ring, chequers_serial_rivers_room_b D:2: layout_loops_corners, gammafunk_temple_overflow_arena, chequers_ecumenical_altar_twisty, first_ration, chequers_serial_rivers_micro_b D:3: layout_basic, lemuel_another_geyser, uniq_natasha D:4: layout_basic, nicolae_ru_great_annihilating_truth, dk_noncrumbling_3 D:5: layout_basic, minmay_temple_entry_from_below_a, elyvilon_altar_3 D:6: layout_basic, lemuel_coloured_pillars_altar, biasface_ghost_orc_armoury, uniq_edmund, uniq_sigmund, uniq_blork_the_orc D:7: layout_basic, erik_lair_orcish_takeover, gammafunk_ghost_necromancy D:8: layout_basic, lemuel_round_altar, david_nohive_1 D:9: layout_basic, grunt_gozag_breadcrumbs, hiddenorc2_lemuel, minmay_guarded_unrand_resistance D:10: layout_loops_ring, uniq_nergalle D:11: layout_gridville, grunt_vaults_entry_tiered, uniq_snorg, uniq_kirke D:12: hangedman_depths_entry_try_elsewhere_first, layout_cave_pools, special_room [special_room_mythical_zoo] Temple: dpeg_five_rooms_temple Lair:1: layout_chaotic_city, st_stairs_9, lemuel_fruit_tree Lair:2: layout_cave_pods, nicolae_spider_entry_orb_guardian, chequers_serial_rivers_small_a Lair:3: layout_layer_cave, basic_altar, chequers_serial_rivers_room_b Lair:4: layout_roguey, minmay_shoals_entry_lonely_mermaid, chequers_serial_rivers_small_a, patterned_corridor, grunt_megastairs_1, uniq_josephine Lair:5: layout_cave_shapes, worms_lemuel, serial_bayou_shore_b, uniq_rupert, uniq_urug Lair:6: gammafunk_lair_ancient_temple, layout_regular_city, dpeg_slime_entry_enclosed_altar, serial_forest, infiniplex_forest_straight_2, infiniplex_forest_lined_room_2, infiniplex_forest_clump_small, infiniplex_forest_clump_curved, infiniplex_forest_lined_3, wad_woods_antlair, infiniplex_staircase_pool, serial_bayou_shore_b Shoals:1: layout_shoals, kb_tengu_band Shoals:2: layout_shoals, serial_shops, shop, st_cyclops, uniq_polyphemus, uniq_louise Shoals:3: shoals_end_hellmonk_storm_palace [storm_palace_center_square, storm_palace_corner_narrow, storm_palace_corner_narrow, storm_palace_corner_narrow, storm_palace_corner_narrow] Spider:1: layout_spider_delve, nicolae_spider_shape Spider:2: layout_spider_delve, ebering_ghost_reflecting_pool Spider:3: grunt_spider_rune_circles, spiders_nest_spider_trap, uniq_donald, uniq_mara Slime:1: layout_caves Slime:2: layout_caves, uniq_dissolution Slime:3: layout_caves Slime:4: layout_caves Slime:5 Orc: st_orc_town, layout_caves Elf:1: layout_geoelf_diagonals, serial_shops, shop, minmay_elf_demonology, uniq_asterion Elf:2: nicolae_elf_blades_crystal_corner, layout_gridlike, serial_shops, shop, shop_fountains, nicolae_wwwww, sword_in_stone Elf:3: minmay_elf_hall, layout_onion_city, basic_altar, serial_shops, shop_statue Vaults:1: vaults_dpeg_diagonal, vaults_mumra_chevron, minmay_crypt_entry_nasty_monster, v_misc_2, nicolae_vaults_diagonal_hallway_6, dpeg_vaults_monster_box, nicolae_vaults_border_crossing, vaults_room_guarded_vault, nicolae_vaults_little_squares_2, layout_vaults_quadrants, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_statue_plus, uniq_bai_suzhen Vaults:2: ontoclasm_vaults_eye, st_eye, nicolae_vaults_asterisk, nicolae_vaults_circle_grid_a, v_pattern_4, vaults_dpeg_encased_lava, nicolae_vaults_ninety_degrees, vaults_dpeg_doors, hangedman_vaults_nails, vaults_room_fours, vaults_dpeg_hooks, grunt_vaults_hallway_short, layout_vaults_omnicross, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_waterfront Vaults:3: serial_shops Crypt:1: layout_gridlike, nicolae_crypt_soggy_tomb, grunt_crypt_arrival_split Depths:1: layout_forbidden_donut, nicolae_concentric_dashed_squares_mild, rand_demon_pan_entry_4, hell_entry, st_stairs_10, nicolae_blasting_shop, okawaru_ov_weapons_minmay, grunt_megastairs_5 Depths:2: grunt_twist_and_shout, layout_honeycomb, abandoned_shop, hell_entry, abyss_entry, serial_bayou_shore_b, minmay_shoptagon, infiniplex_staircase_spiral, uniq_enchantress Depths:3: minmay_split_circle, layout_cave_pools, mu_enter_wizlab_7, columned_hall_lemuel, minmay_room_of_horrors, grunt_hell_entry_dis_grunt, rand_demon_pan_entry_7, minmay_crystal_room, infiniplex_staircase_door_maze Depths:4: minmay_strange_plus, layout_cave_pools, abyss_entry_crystal, serial_sigils_hangedman_stare, grunt_mini_vestibule, serial_shops, shop, nicolae_shop_crystal, minmay_staircase_windowed_small, serial_bayou_shore_b Depths:5: evilmike_zot_entry_basic, layout_cave_pools, enter_ziggurat_d, pf_dread_powers_of_hell, grunt_pan_entry_zigzag, minivault_14, nicolae_sextant, minmay_guarded_unrand_curses Zot:1: layout_misc_corridors Zot:2: layout_misc_corridors, nicolae_zot_crop_circle Zot:3: evilmike_crystal_ball_defense, layout_onion_interference Zot:4: layout_basic, amcnicky_altar_lugonu_corruption, lemuel_elevator, uniq_tiamat Zot:5: layout_misc_corridors, grunt_ministairs_6