Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.22-a0-982-gdd22fea6c5 (webtiles) character file. 67582 paymentplan the Severer (level 15, -18/115 HPs) Began as a Ghoul Wanderer on Mar 13, 2020. Was the Champion of Hepliaklqana. Killed from afar by an orc sorcerer (26 damage) ... with a bolt of fire ... on level 2 of the Orcish Mines. The game lasted 00:46:23 (18488 turns). paymentplan the Severer (Ghoul Wanderer) Turns: 18488, Time: 00:46:24 Health: -18/115 AC: 17 Str: 23 XL: 15 Next: 23% Magic: 20/20 EV: 5 Int: 6 God: Hepliaklqana [******] Gold: 1831 SH: 18 Dex: 9 Spells: 8/14 levels left rFire . . . SeeInvis . V - +2 war axe (chop) rCold + . . Gourm . S - +2 large shield {AC+3} rNeg + + + Faith . y - +0 plate armour rPois ∞ Spirit . v - +1 helmet rElec . Reflect . B - scarf {repulsion} rCorr . Harm . (no gloves) MR ++... (no boots) Stlth .......... a - amulet of regeneration HPRegen 0.00/turn i - ring of protection from magic MPRegen 0.17/turn l - +4 ring of slaying @: rotting, repel missiles A: rotting body, reduced essence, claws 1, carnivore, cold resistance 1, negative energy resistance 3, inhibited regeneration, torment resistance, unbreathing a: Recall Ancestor, Ancestor Identity, Transference, Idealise, Renounce Religion You were on level 2 of the Orcish Mines. You worshipped Hepliaklqana. Hepliaklqana was exalted by your worship. You were not hungry. You have taken no pledge. You visited 4 branches of the dungeon, and saw 19 of its levels. You also visited: Sewer, Ice Cave and Volcano. You collected 1853 gold pieces. You spent 22 gold pieces at shops. Inventory: Hand Weapons j - a +0 war axe of flaming V - a +2 war axe of chopping (weapon) Missiles e - 38 arrows Armour s - a scarf of spirit shield v - a +1 helmet (worn) y - a +0 plate armour (worn) B - a scarf of repulsion (worn) S - a +2 large shield of protection (worn) Jewellery a - an amulet of regeneration (around neck) i - a ring of protection from magic (left claw) l - a +4 ring of slaying (right claw) n - an uncursed ring of stealth t - a +2 ring of intelligence C - a cursed -3 ring of intelligence H - an uncursed ring of poison resistance {unknown} I - an uncursed ring of stealth K - the amulet "Ecutam" {+Rage rC+} (You found it on level 4 of the Lair of Beasts) [amulet of rage] It protects you from cold. It lets you go berserk. Wands b - a wand of hasting (6) A - a wand of paralysis (20) D - a wand of flame (16) E - a wand of acid (6) J - a wand of clouds (4) M - a wand of digging (47) N - a wand of iceblast (20) R - a wand of polymorph (10) W - a wand of random effects (32) Scrolls d - 9 scrolls of teleportation g - a scroll of fear o - 7 scrolls of remove curse q - 4 scrolls of identify r - a scroll of fog x - a scroll of recharging L - 4 scrolls of amnesia T - a scroll of enchant armour Potions c - a potion of magic k - 2 potions of flight m - 3 potions of haste p - a potion of mutation {unknown} z - 4 potions of curing F - 7 potions of brilliance X - a potion of restore abilities Y - 2 potions of agility Comestibles f - 33 rations h - 7 chunks of flesh Skills: + Level 10.8 Fighting - Level 16.0 Axes - Level 6.0 Armour - Level 5.0 Dodging - Level 1.1 Stealth - Level 7.3 Shields - Level 6.4 Hexes - Level 7.2 Charms + Level 8.0 Invocations - Level 1.0 Evocations You had 8 spell levels left. You knew the following spells: Your Spells Type Power Failure Level Hunger a - Regeneration Chrm/Necr #......... 100% 3 ####... b - Spectral Weapon Hex/Chrm #....... 100% 3 ####... Your spell library contained the following spells: Spells Type Power Failure Level Hunger Cause Fear Hex #......... 100% 4 #####.. Conjure Flame Conj/Fire #....... 100% 3 ####... Lightning Bolt Conj/Air #......... 100% 5 ######. Slow Hex #....... 100% 2 ###.... Freezing Cloud Conj/Ice/Air #......... 100% 6 ####### Mephitic Cloud Conj/Pois/Air #....... 100% 3 ####... Ring of Flames Chrm/Fire #......... 100% 7 ####### Poisonous Cloud Conj/Pois/Air #......... 100% 5 ######. Blink Tloc N/A 100% 2 ###.... Ozocubu's Armour Chrm/Ice #....... 100% 3 ####... Shatter Erth #......... 100% 9 ####### Static Discharge Conj/Air #....... 100% 3 ####... Corona Hex #...... 99% 1 ##..... Portal Projectile Hex/Tloc #..... 100% 3 ####... Tornado Air #......... 100% 9 ####### Leda's Liquefaction Hex/Erth #......... 100% 4 #####.. Shroud of Golubria Chrm/Tloc #......... 100% 2 ###.... Inner Flame Hex/Fire #....... 100% 3 ####... Dazzling Spray Conj/Hex #..... 100% 3 ####... Infusion Chrm #... 99% 1 ##..... Song of Slaying Chrm #....... 100% 2 ###.... Poisonous Vapours Pois/Air #..... 100% 2 ###.... Ignition Fire #......... 100% 8 ####### Blade of Disaster Conj/Chrm #......... 100% 5 ######. Differential Expansion Conj/Ice #....... 100% 3 ####... Chill Thread Chrm/Ice #... 100% 1 ##..... Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (10/15) Temple (1/1) D:5 Lair (6/6) D:10 Swamp (0/4) Lair:3 Spider (0/4) Lair:2 Slime (0/5) Lair:6 Orc (2/2) D:9 Elf: Orc:2 Altars: Ashenzari Cheibriados Dithmenos Elyvilon Fedhas Gozag Hepliaklqana Jiyva Kikubaaqudgha Makhleb Nemelex Xobeh Okawaru Qazlal Ru Sif Muna Trog Uskayaw Vehumet Wu Jian Xom Yredelemnul Zin The Shining One Beogh Shops: D:4 ? D:5 ? Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations Your body is rotting away. You thrive on raw meat. You are immune to poison. You have sharp fingernails. You are carnivorous and can eat meat at any time. Your flesh is cold resistant. (rC+) You are immune to negative energy. (rN+++) You do not regenerate when monsters are visible. You are immune to unholy pain and torment. You can survive without breathing. Your life essence is reduced to manifest your ancestor. (-10% HP) Message History You slash the orc knight! The orc knight is severely wounded. You hit the orc knight but do no damage. The orc knight is severely wounded. You block the orc knight's attack. Eat one of 8 chunks of flesh? (ye/n/q) You eat one of the 8 chunks of flesh. This raw flesh tastes great! Bernie 2020 emerges from the mists of memory! The orc sorcerer gestures wildly while chanting. You block the sixfirhy's attack. The sixfirhy hits you. The sixfirhy shocks you! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The sixfirhy hits you. * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The sixfirhy shocks you! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The orc knight hits you but does no damage. The orc sorcerer points at you and mumbles some strange words. The bolt of fire hits you! You die... ## ...##............ ###.$ ### #######...... #....o##### #.....#...... .....o3.'.# #...).#...... #....o###.# #..⌠).')..... ###.. #.#####...).#...... ## #.#...#.....#..###. #.#3.[###'###### ## #o@.R)).........+ ###o..#.##+###+## #...#.# ##+##.# #.......# ######### You could see the friendly Bernie 2020 the battlemage, an orc knight, a sixfirhy and an orc sorcerer. Vanquished Creatures A frost giant (IceCv) An ettin (Orc:2) Fannar (Lair:1) A hydra (Lair:4) Erica (D:8) A queen ant (Lair:3) An ice dragon (Lair:6) 2 two-headed ogres 5 death yaks An orc high priest (Orc:2) 5 ugly things (Volcano) 2 orc sorcerers 5 elephants (Lair:5) 4 black mambas 14 spiny frogs 5 rime drakes 5 torpor snails (Lair:6) 2 komodo dragons A troll (D:9) 12 polar bears 2 tyrant leeches (Lair:6) 8 hornets (Lair:6) 6 hippogriffs 2 redbacks (Lair:6) Eustachio (D:4) A tarantella (Lair:2) 7 wyverns 5 fire bats (Volcano) 33 yaks A basilisk (Lair:3) 3 wargs 10 soldier ants (Lair:3) 14 water moccasins 2 ice beasts 5 porcupines 2 sky beasts (D:8) 17 orc warriors A black bear (Lair:2) 2 phantoms A necrophage (D:8) 19 wolves 9 ogres 4 crocodiles 5 centaurs 6 big kobolds 3 bullfrogs 2 scorpions (D:4) 10 killer bees 5 howler monkeys An electric eel (Lair:2) 3 crimson imps A bullfrog zombie (D:6) 2 hounds 3 lava snakes (Volcano) A quasit (D:8) 8 jellies 11 orc wizards A gnoll shaman (D:6) 9 orc priests 2 centaur skeletons 4 iguanas 26 worker ants 12 sheep A hound zombie (D:8) A hound skeleton (D:6) 13 gnolls A howler monkey skeleton (D:9) 11 adders A river rat (Sewer) 2 shadow imps 9 white imps (Lair:4) 12 oozes An adder skeleton (D:6) 4 worms 4 leopard geckos 62 orcs 9 giant cockroaches 6 goblins 7 hobgoblins 8 jackals 6 quokkas 4 ball pythons 5 bats 5 frilled lizards A giant cockroach zombie (D:6) 20 kobolds A quokka skeleton (D:4) 18 rats A fungus (Lair:4) 2 plants (Lair:6) 555 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills) An orc warlord (Orc:2) A hydra (Lair:6) 2 death yaks A wolf spider (Lair:6) A lindwurm (Lair:6) An orc sorcerer (Orc:2) An ice statue (IceCv) A guardian serpent (Lair:6) 5 elephants (Lair:5) 5 black mambas 2 spiny frogs 2 rime drakes A smoke demon (Volcano) 2 komodo dragons 4 tyrant leeches 2 hornets (Lair:6) A polar bear (IceCv) A hippogriff (Lair:2) 2 wyverns 14 yaks A fire bat (Volcano) 2 wargs 4 soldier ants (Lair:3) A porcupine (Lair:1) 8 water moccasins A black bear (Lair:2) 8 orc warriors An ice beast (D:10) A sky beast (D:9) An ogre (D:9) 4 wolves 4 crocodiles A bullfrog (D:7) A gnoll sergeant (D:8) A wyvern skeleton (D:9) 2 scorpions A howler monkey (D:9) A hound (D:8) 4 lava snakes (Volcano) 4 orc priests An iguana (D:5) 3 orc wizards 2 worker ants (Lair:3) A sheep (Lair:5) A worker ant zombie (D:6) 3 white imps (Lair:4) An ooze (D:8) 5 orcs A kobold (D:9) 2 fungi 3 plants 124 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (others) A spiny frog (Lair:6) 11 battlemagi 4 ancestors 16 fungi 31 plants 63 creatures vanquished. Grand Total: 742 creatures vanquished Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | paymentplan the Ghoul Wanderer began the quest for the Orb. 0 | D:1 | paymentplan set off with: a +2 hand axe, a +0 shortbow, 24 arrows, a scroll of teleportation, a +0 robe, a ration 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 22/22 MP: 0/0 79 | D:1 | Reached skill level 2 in Axes 214 | D:1 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 28/28 MP: 1/1 697 | D:2 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 34/34 MP: 2/2 760 | D:2 | Reached skill level 3 in Axes 885 | D:2 | Found a shimmering altar of Xom. 964 | D:2 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 29/41 MP: 3/3 977 | D:2 | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting 1118 | D:2 | Noticed a moth of wrath 1120 | D:2 | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog. 1791 | D:3 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 45/48 MP: 3/4 1873 | D:3 | Reached skill level 4 in Axes 2231 | D:4 | Reached XP level 6. HP: 50/56 MP: 5/5 2268 | D:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Axes 2400 | D:4 | Reached XP level 7. HP: 54/61 MP: 6/6 2464 | D:4 | Noticed Eustachio 2475 | D:4 | Killed Eustachio 2475 | D:4 | Reached skill level 6 in Axes 2498 | D:4 | Found a glowing drain. 2526 | Sewer | Entered a sewer 2972 | Sewer | Reached XP level 8. HP: 66/68 MP: 7/7 3210 | D:4 | Reached skill level 7 in Axes 3292 | D:4 | Found Gajitw Alie's Magic Scroll Shop. 3295 | D:4 | Bought a scroll of identify for 22 gold pieces 3519 | D:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon 3721 | D:5 | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple. 3730 | Temple | Entered the Ecumenical Temple 3804 | Temple | Became a worshipper of Hepliaklqana the Forgotten 3936 | D:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Armour 4039 | D:5 | Found Kaewatel's Magic Scroll Boutique. 4214 | D:6 | Reached skill level 8 in Axes 4730 | D:6 | Reached * piety under Hepliaklqana 4744 | D:6 | Reached XP level 9. HP: 66/66 MP: 8/8 5041 | D:7 | Found a shadowy altar of Dithmenos. 5080 | D:7 | Reached skill level 9 in Axes 5151 | D:7 | You fall through a shaft! 5379 | D:7 | Reached skill level 1 in Dodging 5770 | D:8 | Noticed Erica 5785 | D:8 | Killed Erica 5785 | D:8 | Reached skill level 10 in Axes 5833 | D:8 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 5889 | D:8 | HP: 1/66 [killer bee (4)] 5897 | D:8 | HP: 3/65 [killer bee (1)] 6118 | D:8 | Reached XP level 10. HP: 72/72 MP: 8/9 6140 | D:8 | Killed a two-headed ogre 6381 | D:8 | Reached skill level 11 in Axes 6760 | D:8 | Reached ** piety under Hepliaklqana 6761 | D:8 | Remembered your ancestor Bernie 2020 as a battlemage 7116 | D:8 | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging 7552 | D:9 | Reached skill level 12 in Axes 7722 | D:9 | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines. 7788 | D:9 | Reached skill level 1 in Shields 7788 | D:9 | Reached XP level 11. HP: 71/80 MP: 8/10 7953 | D:10 | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon 8022 | D:10 | Got a dazzling leather armour 8033 | D:10 | Identified the +2 leather armour of the Dice {rF+ rC+ Int+2} (You found it on level 10 of the Dungeon) 8122 | D:10 | Found a staircase to the Lair. 8142 | D:10 | Noticed a two-headed ogre 8147 | D:10 | Killed a two-headed ogre 8320 | D:10 | Reached *** piety under Hepliaklqana 8613 | Lair:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts 8838 | Lair:1 | Noticed Fannar 8850 | Lair:1 | Killed Fannar 8919 | Lair:1 | Reached skill level 13 in Axes 9552 | Lair:2 | Learned a level 3 spell: Regeneration 9643 | Lair:2 | Found a hole to the Spider Nest. 9654 | Lair:2 | Reached **** piety under Hepliaklqana 9675 | Lair:2 | Reached skill level 5 in Shields 9680 | Lair:2 | Reached XP level 12. HP: 74/86 MP: 11/11 10086 | Lair:2 | Reached skill level 14 in Axes 10986 | Lair:3 | Reached skill level 1 in Invocations 11128 | Lair:3 | Noticed a queen ant 11147 | Lair:3 | Killed a queen ant 11358 | Lair:3 | Found a staircase to the Swamp. 11709 | Lair:4 | Found a frozen archway. 11753 | IceCv | Entered an ice cave 11893 | IceCv | Reached skill level 15 in Axes 11937 | IceCv | Reached XP level 13. HP: 74/96 MP: 13/15 11949 | IceCv | Reached ***** piety under Hepliaklqana 12097 | IceCv | Reached skill level 5 in Invocations 12227 | IceCv | Noticed a frost giant 12265 | IceCv | Killed a frost giant 12939 | Lair:4 | Got a glittering jade amulet 12940 | Lair:4 | Identified the amulet "Ecutam" {+Rage rC+} (You found it on level 4 of the Lair of Beasts) 13220 | Lair:4 | Learned a level 3 spell: Spectral Weapon 13541 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 1 in Charms 13626 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Charms 13720 | Lair:5 | Reached XP level 14. HP: 86/106 MP: 16/16 14338 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 1 in Hexes 14403 | Lair:6 | Entered Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts 14456 | Lair:6 | Found a dark tunnel. 14472 | Volcano | Entered a volcano 15002 | Volcano | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog. 15026 | Volcano | Found a burning altar of Makhleb. 15254 | Lair:6 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 15254 | Lair:6 | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits. 15277 | Lair:6 | Found a runed door. 15315 | Lair:6 | Reached skill level 5 in Hexes 16241 | Lair:6 | Reached skill level 16 in Axes 16921 | Orc:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines 16969 | Orc:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting 16969 | Orc:1 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 72/113 MP: 17/18 17400 | Orc:2 | Entered Level 2 of the Orcish Mines 17436 | Orc:2 | Reached ****** piety under Hepliaklqana 17769 | Orc:2 | Noticed an orc warlord 17781 | Orc:2 | Killed an orc warlord 18198 | Orc:2 | HP: 2/115 [sun demon[an orc high priest] (15)] 18410 | Orc:2 | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 18488 | Orc:2 | Killed from afar by an orc sorcerer Vault maps used: D:1: dpeg_arrival_tiny_d D:2: lemuel_round_altar, tgw_trog D:3: kennysheep_generic_room_13 D:4: cheibrodos_sewer_entry_bend, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_behind_doors, minmay_hedge_maze, uniq_eustachio D:5: minmay_temple_entry_trees, serial_shops, shop, first_ration D:7: nicolae_dithmenos_shadow_blocks D:8: hangedman_little_slice_of_home, uniq_erica D:9: orc_0_dummy D:10: david_lair_shrubbed Temple: dpeg_three_leaves_temple Lair:1: infiniplex_staircase_pool_2, uniq_fannar Lair:2: spider_nest_entry_rubble, gammafunk_lair_bear_cave Lair:3: minmay_swamp_entry_worms, zaba_anthell Lair:4: portal_ice_cave_entry_imps, serial_bayou_lagoon_a, minmay_lair_drake_nest Lair:6: hangedman_lair_tendril_chambers, wormcave, slime_altar_1, enter_volcano_1 Orc:1: uniq_josephine Orc:2: pubby_orc_utopia Sewer: sewer_co_tree IceCv: ice_cave_caverns_03 Volcano: volcano_grotto Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | ---------------+----------------------------------------------+----- Axes | 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 15 16 | 16.0 Fighting | 5 6 7 9 10 | 10.8 Armour | 2 3 4 5 6 | 6.0 Dodging | 3 5 | 5.0 Shields | 1 5 6 7 | 7.3 Invocations | 4 5 6 8 | 8.0 Charms | 5 7 | 7.2 Hexes | 6 | 6.4 Stealth | | 1.1 Evocations | | 1.0 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 | 7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 || total -------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------++------- Melee: Hand axe | 87 | 71 | 379 | 150 | 41 || 728 Battleaxe | | 73 | | | || 73 War axe | | | | 357 | 727 || 1084 Invok: Ancestor Identity | | | 1 | | || 1 Ancestor Life: Ba | | | | 1 | || 1 Evoke: Wand | | | | | 6 || 6 Use: Scroll | | 6 | 9 | 13 | 8 || 36 Potion | | | 2 | 3 | 6 || 11 Stab: Sleeping | 3 | | | | || 3 Distracted | | | | 5 | 2 || 7 Eat: Chunk | 1 | 13 | 14 | 34 | 58 || 120 Ration | | 1 | | | || 1 Armor: Robe | 4 | | | | || 4 Chain mail | 63 | 80 | 125 | | || 268 Plate armour | | | 70 | 266 | 287 || 623 Dodge: Dodged | 45 | 69 | 128 | 169 | 64 || 475 Deflected | | | | | 1 || 1 Block: Buckler | | | | 102 | || 102 Large shield | | | | 30 | 580 || 610 Table legend: A = Spawn XP B = Non-spawn XP C = Spawn XP percentage of total XP D = Spawn monster count E = Non-spawn monster count F = Spawn count percentage of total count G = Total turns spent on level A B C D E F G +---------+---------+-------+---------+---------+-------+--------- Total | 0 | 96547 | 0.0 | 0 | 672 | 0.0 | 18488 +---------+---------+-------+---------+---------+-------+--------- D:1 | 0 | 33 | 0.0 | 0 | 20 | 0.0 | 680 D:2 | 0 | 131 | 0.0 | 0 | 33 | 0.0 | 1106 D:3 | 0 | 68 | 0.0 | 0 | 16 | 0.0 | 369 D:4 | 0 | 839 | 0.0 | 0 | 27 | 0.0 | 814 D:5 | 0 | 489 | 0.0 | 0 | 20 | 0.0 | 469 D:6 | 0 | 415 | 0.0 | 0 | 14 | 0.0 | 864 D:7 | 0 | 960 | 0.0 | 0 | 22 | 0.0 | 992 D:8 | 0 | 3990 | 0.0 | 0 | 47 | 0.0 | 1348 D:9 | 0 | 2040 | 0.0 | 0 | 25 | 0.0 | 674 D:10 | 0 | 1623 | 0.0 | 0 | 9 | 0.0 | 684 Lair:1 | 0 | 6300 | 0.0 | 0 | 23 | 0.0 | 941 Lair:2 | 0 | 3176 | 0.0 | 0 | 16 | 0.0 | 905 Lair:3 | 0 | 8101 | 0.0 | 0 | 62 | 0.0 | 1287 Lair:4 | 0 | 6535 | 0.0 | 0 | 40 | 0.0 | 890 Lair:5 | 0 | 12601 | 0.0 | 0 | 39 | 0.0 | 993 Lair:6 | 0 | 20123 | 0.0 | 0 | 65 | 0.0 | 1835 Orc:1 | 0 | 2134 | 0.0 | 0 | 33 | 0.0 | 479 Orc:2 | 0 | 8334 | 0.0 | 0 | 68 | 0.0 | 1088 Sewer | 0 | 381 | 0.0 | 0 | 28 | 0.0 | 550 IceCv | 0 | 12862 | 0.0 | 0 | 45 | 0.0 | 843 Volcano | 0 | 5412 | 0.0 | 0 | 20 | 0.0 | 582 +---------+---------+-------+---------+---------+-------+---------