auto_eat_chunks = true confirm_butcher = never easy_eat_chunks = true easy_eat_chunk = true autobutcher=true # TEAMCAPTAIN WalkerBoh default_manual_training = true show_more = false always_show_zot = true --Later Versions ; bindkey = [NP5] CMD_WAIT ; prompt_menu = false --Autofight DEFAULT autofight_warning = 30 autofight_stop = 80 hp_warning = 65 note_hp_percent = 35 travel_delay = 7 explore_delay = 5 rest_delay = -1 --Autofight SPEEDRUN ; autofight_warning = 0 ; autofight_stop = 35 ; hp_warning = 70 ; travel_delay = -1 ; explore_delay = -1 --AUTOPICKUP autopickup_exceptions ^= wand of flame, amnesia, polymorph, of dispersal, = v.cutoff then action = "-" elseif not active_fm[i] and you.xl() < v.cutoff then action = "+" end elseif v.cond == "relec" then if active_fm[i] and you.res_shock() >= v.cutoff then action = "-" elseif not active_fm[i] and you.res_shock() < v.cutoff then action = "+" end elseif v.cond == "rpois" then if active_fm[i] and you.res_poison() >= v.cutoff then action = "-" elseif not active_fm[i] and you.res_poison() < v.cutoff and you.race() ~= "Formicid" then action = "+" end elseif v.cond == "rcorr" then if active_fm[i] and you.res_corr() then action = "-" elseif not active_fm[i] and not you.res_corr() then action = "+" end elseif v.cond == "will" then if active_fm[i] and you.willpower() >= v.cutoff or you.race() == "Formicid" then action = "-" elseif not active_fm[i] and you.willpower() < v.cutoff and you.race() ~= "Formicid" then action = "+" end elseif v.cond == "willxl" then if active_fm[i] and you.xl() >= v.cutoff and you.willpower() == 3 and you.race() == "Minotaur" then action = "-" elseif not active_fm[i] and you.xl() < v.cutoff and you.willpower() == 3 and you.race() == "Minotaur" then action = "+" elseif active_fm[i] and you.willpower() >= 4 or you.race() == "Formicid" then action = "-" elseif not active_fm[i] and you.willpower() < 3 and you.race() ~= "Formicid" then action = "+" end elseif v.cond == "holy" then if not active_fm[i] and you.xl() >= v.cutoff and you.race() == "Demonspawn" or you.race() == "Ghoul" or you.race() == "Mummy" or you.race() == "Vampire" then action = "+" elseif active_fm[i] then action = "-" end elseif v.cond == "mhp" then if active_fm[i] and maxhp >= v.cutoff then action = "-" elseif not active_fm[i] and maxhp < v.cutoff then action = "+" end end if action == "+" then activated[#activated + 1] = fm_name elseif action == "-" then deactivated[#deactivated + 1] = fm_name end if action ~= nil then local opt = "force_more_message " .. action .. "= " .. msg crawl.setopt(opt) active_fm[i] = not active_fm[i] end end if #activated > 0 and notify_fm then crawl.mpr("Activating force_mores: " .. table.concat(activated, ", ")) end if #deactivated > 0 and notify_fm then crawl.mpr("Deactivating force_mores: " .. table.concat(deactivated, ", ")) end end local last_turn = nil function force_mores() if last_turn ~= you.turns() then update_force_mores() last_turn = you.turns() end end init_force_mores() } { function ready() force_mores() end } ; threemr = (Minotaur|Hill Orc|Human|Armataur|Palentonga|Centaur|Barachi|Octopode|Demonspawn|Gargoyle|Ghoul|Gnoll|Kobold|Merfolk|Tengu|Troll) ; local threemr = {"Minotaur","Hill Orc","Human","Armataur","Palentonga","Centaur","Barachi","Octopode","Demonspawn","Gargoyle","Ghoul","Gnoll","Kobold","Merfolk","Tengu","Troll"} --Prevent entering stairs, copied from Chish { local turn_of_last_climb=0 function climbprompt(cmd) if not(turn_of_last_climb==you.turns()-2) or crawl.yesno("really climb?",true) then crawl.sendkeys(cmd) turn_of_last_climb=you.turns() else crawl.mpr("ok, then.",2) turn_of_last_climb=0 end end function climbup() climbprompt("<") end function climbdown() climbprompt(">") end } macros += M < ===climbup macros += M > ===climbdown --Ziggurats ; msc ^= yellow:haste ; msc ^= magenta:brilliance ; msc ^= blue:magic