# TEAMCAPTAIN dolemite99 # allow_extended_colours = true # tile_show_items = false tile_skip_title = true name_bypasses_menu = true travel_delay = -1 explore_delay = -1 rest_delay = -1 autofight_stop = 0 msg_condense_repeats = true show_more = false easy_door = true interrupt_rest -= interrupt_run interrupt_rest += hp_loss, monster_attack, monster, mimic, teleport, stat, hit_monster, sense_monster # sort_menus = true:equipped,identified,basename,art,ego,glowing,qualname,curse,charged,slot # sort_menus = pickup:true:equipped,identified,basename,art,ego,glowing,qualname,curse,charged,slot sort_menus = true : equipped, identified, basename, qualname, charged autofight_stop = 50 autofight_caught = true { function c_answer_prompt(prompt) if prompt:find("standing in a cloud of freezing") then return true end if prompt:find("frozen ramparts") then return true end if prompt:find("Your icy armour") then return true end -- if prompt:find("likely to hit you") then -- return true -- end if prompt:find("into that cloud of freezing") then return true end end } newgame_after_quit = true default_manual_training = true # inventory assign_item_slot = backward # auto_hide_spells = true autopickup = $:?!/ ae := autopickup_exceptions ae ^= wand of random effects ae += >wand of paralysis ae += >wand of confusion ae += >wand of digging ae += >wand of disintegration ae += >wand of polymorph ae += >wand of flame ae += >wand of enslavement # ae += >||ego||artefact>>\{13}/ macros += M \{18} \{6}@\{13} macros += M \{17} O macros += M a za macros += M s zs macros += M d zd macros += M q zq. macros += M w zw. macros += M e ze. macros += M A zA macros += M S zS macros += M D zD macros += M Q zQ macros += M W zW macros += M E zE macros += M x Zx. macros += M c Zc. macros += M v Zv. macros += M X ZX macros += M C ZC