# TEAMCAPTAIN tasonir travel_delay = -1 explore_delay = -1 rest_delay = -1 view_delay = 16 # enable travel trails to help contextualize player control handoffs show_travel_trail = true # highlight threatening mons tiles to help quickly contextualize m:threat() player control handoffs tile_show_threat_levels = tough, nasty # these should be true by default, but let's make sure default_autopickup = true explore_greedy = true pickup_thrown = true easy_unequip = true # If autofight_wait == true, ===hit_closest_nomove while not in range of an enemy will # wait for a turn instead of aborting autofight. autofight_wait = true # this option controls how many items in a stack before the game begins displaying # Items here: !! """ ( )))))) [[[ item_stack_summary_minimum = 50