##### Crawl Init file ############################################### # For descriptions of all options, as well as some more in-depth information # on setting them, consult the file # options_guide.txt # in your /docs directory. If you can't find it, the file is also available # online at: # https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/docs/options_guide.txt # # Crawl uses the first file of the following list as its option file: # * init.txt in the -rcdir directory (if specified) # * .crawlrc in the -rcdir directory (if specified) # * init.txt (in the Crawl directory) # * ~/.crawl/init.txt (Unix only) # * ~/.crawlrc (Unix only) # * ~/init.txt (Unix only) # * settings/init.txt (in the Crawl directory) ##### Some basic explanation of option syntax ####################### # Lines beginning with '#' are comments. The basic syntax is: # # field = value or field.subfield = value # # Only one specification is allowed per line. # # The terms are typically case-insensitive except in the fairly obvious # cases (the character's name and specifying files or directories when # on a system that has case-sensitive filenames). # # White space is stripped from the beginning and end of the line, as # well as immediately before and after the '='. If the option allows # multiple comma/semicolon-separated terms (such as # autopickup_exceptions), all whitespace around the separator is also # trimmed. All other whitespace is left intact. # # There are three broad types of Crawl options: true/false values (booleans), # arbitrary values, and lists of values. The first two types use only the # simple =, with later options - which includes your options that are different # from the defaults - overriding earlier ones. List options allow using +=, ^=, # -=, and = to append, prepend, remove, and reset, respectively. Usually you will # want to use += to add to a list option. Lastly, there is := which you can use # to create an alias, like so: # ae := autopickup_exceptions # From there on, 'ae' will be treated as if it you typed autopickup_exceptions, # so you can save time typing it. # ##### Other files ################################################### # You can include other files from your options file using the 'include' # option. Crawl will treat it as if you copied the whole text of that file # into your options file in that spot. You can uncomment some of the following # lines by removing the beginning '#' to include some of the other files in # this folder. # Some useful, more advanced options, implemented in LUA. # include = advanced_optioneering.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Dvorak users. # include = dvorak_command_keys.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Colemak users. # include = colemak_command_keys.txt # Override the vi movement keys with a non-command. # include = no_vi_command_keys.txt # Turn the shift-vi keys into safe move, instead of run. # include = safe_move_shift.txt ##### Ancient versions ############################################## # If you're used to the interface of ancient versions of Crawl, you may # get back parts of it by uncommenting the following options: # include = 034_command_keys.txt # And to revert monster glyph and colouring changes: # include = 034_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 052_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 060_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 071_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 080_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.9_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.12_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.13_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.14_monster_glyphs.txt flash_screen_message+=distortion ## Warn earlier (default: 30%) hp_warning = 50 mp_warning = 0 hp_colour = 75:yellow, 50:red more += (ancient lich|caustic shrike|iron giant|juggernaut|floating eye|orb of fire|death drake|giant eyeball).*into view autofight_stop = 60 default_manual_training = true autoinscribe += bad_item.*potion:!q autoinscribe += potion.*mutation:!q spell_slot += regeneration:r spell_slot += blink:B spell_slot += portal projectile:p spell_slot += passage of golubria:g spell_slot += invisibility:I spell_slot += statue form:s spell_slot += confuse:c # Rebind shift-move to safe moving. macros += K \{-241} H macros += K \{-242} J macros += K \{-243} K macros += K \{-240} L macros += K \{-238} Y macros += K \{-235} U macros += K \{-237} B macros += Kl \{-234} N macros += K \{-236} S bindkey = [H] CMD_SAFE_MOVE_LEFT bindkey = [J] CMD_SAFE_MOVE_DOWN bindkey = [K] CMD_SAFE_MOVE_UP bindkey = [L] CMD_SAFE_MOVE_RIGHT bindkey = [Y] CMD_SAFE_MOVE_UP_LEFT bindkey = [U] CMD_SAFE_MOVE_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [B] CMD_SAFE_MOVE_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [N] CMD_SAFE_MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [S] CMD_SAFE_WAIT show_more = false fail_severity_to_confirm = 0 { -- change this between "false" and "true" to change the default mode. auto = false mk = 1 _pillar = nil _path = nil _seqForward = nil _seqBackward = nil _seqidx = 0 _dir = true _pillarDance = false function inputTogglePillar() local px, py = crawl.get_target() local wx, wy = travel.waypoint_delta(7) if _pillar ~= nil and wx ~= nil then for i, xy in ipairs(_pillar) do if xy[1] == wx + px and xy[2] == wy + py then killPillar() crawl.mpr("Previously selected pillar killed.") return end end end killPillar() doSearch(px, py) travel.set_waypoint(7, 0, 0) end function invertAuto() auto = not auto if auto then crawl.mpr("Switched into auto mode.") else crawl.mpr("Switched into manual mode.") end end function inputPillar() local x, y = crawl.get_target() killPillar() doSearch(x, y) travel.set_waypoint(7, 0, 0) end function dancePillar() if (not auto) and _pillarDance then crawl.mpr("Stopping manual dance.") stopPillarDance() if _nextAction ~= nil then -- kill the exclude we set after our last step local x, y = getOffset(_nextAction) travel.del_exclude(x, y, 0) end return end if _path == nil then crawl.mpr("No search selected!") return end -- find which tile (if any) of the path we are standing on local x, y = travel.waypoint_delta(7) local path = _path local idx = 0 for i, xy in ipairs(path) do if xy[1] == x and xy[2] == y then idx = i break end end if idx == 0 then crawl.mpr("Please step on one of the excluded tiles.") return end startPillarDance() _seqForward = getSeq(path) _seqBackward = getSeqBackwards(path) _seqidx = idx if (not auto) then crawl.mpr("Starting manual dance.") end end do local toOff function getOffset(cmd) toOff = toOff or { CMD_MOVE_UP_LEFT = { -1, -1 }, CMD_MOVE_UP_RIGHT = { 1, -1 }, CMD_MOVE_DOWN_LEFT = { -1, 1 }, CMD_MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT = { 1, 1 }, CMD_MOVE_UP = { 0, -1 }, CMD_MOVE_DOWN = { 0, 1 }, CMD_MOVE_LEFT = { -1, 0 }, CMD_MOVE_RIGHT = { 1, 0 } } return unpack(toOff[cmd]) end end function checkDance() -- checks whether we should dance, based on hp, mp, monster positioning, ... and also changes our direction -- if necessary (i.e. a monster is blocking our path). if not shouldDance() then stopPillarDance() return false end assert(_seqForward ~= nil) assert(_seqBackward ~= nil) assert(_seqidx ~= 0) local monsters = getAllMonsters() -- fast monsters and ranged monsters + casters are bad for health -- TODO allow user to override, could be useful for high-regen users vs. low level fast mons for i, mon in ipairs(monsters) do if string.find(mon:speed_description(), "fast") then crawl.mpr("Fast monster in LOS!") stopPillarDance() return false end if mon:status("fast") or mon:status("covering ground quickly") then crawl.mpr("Hasted/berserked/swifting monster in LOS!") stopPillarDance() return false end end local xdir, ydir, xndir, yndir local x, y = getOffset(getNextAction()) xdir, ydir = x, y -- the below pile of ifs checks whether we should keep going in current direction, switch direction, or stop -- altogether. It favors moving away from monsters to moving not away, and will never move towards monsters or -- within one tile of a monster. if not tileIsBetter(x, y, monsters) then _dir = not _dir x, y = getOffset(getNextAction()) xndir, yndir = x, y if not tileIsBetter(x, y, monsters) then _dir = not _dir x, y = xdir, ydir if not tileIsGood(x, y, monsters) then _dir = not _dir x, y = xndir, yndir if not tileIsGood(x, y, monsters) then crawl.mpr("No good direction to walk!") stopPillarDance() return false end end end end return true end function getNextAction() if _dir then return _seqForward[_seqidx] else return _seqBackward[_seqidx] end end function doSeqAction() local nextAction = getNextAction() -- actually performs the action and pushes the sequence pointer in the correct direction. if _dir then _seqidx = _seqidx + 1 if _seqidx > #_seqForward then _seqidx = 1 end else _seqidx = _seqidx - 1 if _seqidx < 1 then _seqidx = #_seqBackward end end local x, y = getOffset(nextAction) if not travel.feature_traversable(view.feature_at(x, y)) then crawl.mpr("Unexpected blockage of path! Did you close a door or move mid-dance?") stopPillarDance() return end crawl.do_commands({ nextAction }) end max_steps = 500 _stepcount = 0 function shouldDance() if (not auto) then -- user knows what they want return true end if _stepcount < max_steps then _stepcount = _stepcount + 1 local hp, mhp = you.hp() local mp, mmp = you.mp() return hp ~= mhp or mp ~= mmp end crawl.mpr("Hit max number of steps! You might have found an edge case. If you want to continue dancing, press your dance macro again.") return false end function showPillar() if _path == nil then return end local x, y = travel.waypoint_delta(7) if x == nil then return end local pathTiles = {} for i, t in ipairs(_path) do pathTiles[t] = true end showTiles(pathTiles, -x, -y) end function hidePillar() if _path == nil then return end local x, y = travel.waypoint_delta(7) if x == nil then return end local pathTiles = {} for i, t in ipairs(_path) do pathTiles[t] = true end hideTiles(pathTiles, -x, -y) end function startPillarDance() hidePillar() _pillarDance = true _nextAction = nil _stepcount = 0 end function stopPillarDance() showPillar() _pillarDance = false end function killPillar() hidePillar() _pillarDance = false _pillar = nil _path = nil _seqForward = nil _seqBackward = nil _seqidx = nil _dir = true end _nextAction = nil function doStep() if (not auto) and _pillarDance then if not checkDance() then -- dance stopped, delete "next step" exclusion and stop dancing if _nextAction ~= nil then local x, y = getOffset(_nextAction) travel.del_exclude(x, y) end stopPillarDance() return end if _nextAction ~= nil then -- if an enemy came into view, our next action may have changed, do nothing and just switch next action local confirmNextAction = getNextAction() if _nextAction == confirmNextAction then doSeqAction() -- after the action happens, the "next action" exclude should be under us travel.del_exclude(0, 0) else crawl.mpr("Direction swapped!") local x, y = getOffset(_nextAction) travel.del_exclude(x, y) end end _nextAction = getNextAction() if _nextAction ~= nil then local x, y = getOffset(_nextAction) travel.set_exclude(x, y, 0) end end end function c_answer_prompt() if (not auto) and _pillarDance then return true end end function ready() if auto and _pillarDance and checkDance() then doSeqAction() end end function can_walk_towards(m) -- it's ok to walk towards: neutral monsters, harmless monsters, and firewood. -- this is separate from can_walk_through because if they are in our direct path, we can't walk towards them. if not m or m:attitude() > 1 then return true end if m:name() == "butterfly" then return true end if m:is_firewood() then if string.find(m:name(), "ballistomycete") then return false end return true end return false end function can_walk_through(m) -- we can only walk through, and thus completely ignore, friendly non-stationary non-trapped monsters. return not m or (m:attitude() == 4 and not (m:is_stationary() or m:is_constricted() or m:is_caught())) end function getAllMonsters() local monsters = {} local los = you.los() for x_off = -los, los do for y_off = -los, los do if view.cell_see_cell(0, 0, x_off, y_off) then local mon = monster.get_monster_at(x_off, y_off) if not can_walk_through(mon) then monsters[#monsters + 1] = mon end end end end return monsters end function tileIsGood(x, y, monsters) -- a tile is "good" if it does not take us closer to any monsters. for i, mon in ipairs(monsters) do local newDist = getDist(x, y, mon:x_pos(), mon:y_pos()) if newDist == 0 then return false end if (not can_walk_towards(mon)) and (newDist <= 1 or (getDist(0, 0, mon:x_pos(), mon:y_pos()) > newDist and view.cell_see_cell(x, y, mon:x_pos(), mon:y_pos()))) then return false end end return true end function tileIsBetter(x, y, monsters) -- a tile is "better" if it takes us farther away from all monsters. for i, mon in ipairs(monsters) do local newDist = getDist(x, y, mon:x_pos(), mon:y_pos()) if newDist == 0 then return false end if (not can_walk_towards(mon)) and (newDist <= 1 or (getDist(0, 0, mon:x_pos(), mon:y_pos()) >= newDist and view.cell_see_cell(x, y, mon:x_pos(), mon:y_pos()))) then return false end end return true end function doSearch(x, y) -- first, get the outline (orthogonally adjacent tiles) of the pillar. local pillar = create(x, y) if pillar == nil then return nil end local xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = getBbox(pillar.floors) -- find two distinct tiles on the outline which are on the outline's axis aligned bounding box. local x1, y1, x2, y2 = findTwoTilesOnBorder(pillar.floors, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) local tileset = getTilesInBox(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) -- find the shortest path between those two tiles. local path = getPath(tileset, x1, y1, x2, y2) local next = path[2] -- block that path. if x1 == xmin then mk.put(tileset, x1, next[2], false) mk.put(tileset, x1 + 1, next[2], false) elseif x1 == xmax then mk.put(tileset, x1, next[2], false) mk.put(tileset, x1 - 1, next[2], false) elseif y1 == ymin then mk.put(tileset, next[1], y1, false) mk.put(tileset, next[1], y1 + 1, false) elseif y1 == ymax then mk.put(tileset, next[1], y1, false) mk.put(tileset, next[1], y1 - 1, false) end -- find the shortest path again. This will be forced to be the other path because of the blocked tiles. local path2 = getPath(tileset, x1, y1, x2, y2) -- flip the second path, concatenate it to the original path. Now we have a full cyclic path around the pillar. reverse(path2) local prevlen = #path for i = 2, (#path2 - 1) do path[prevlen + i - 1] = path2[i] end local pathTiles = {} for i, t in ipairs(path) do pathTiles[t] = true end showTiles(pathTiles) _path = path _pillar = pillar.walls crawl.mpr("Pillar chosen. Step on one of the excluded tiles and use your pillar dance macro to continue.") return path end function getSeq(path) local seq = {} for i, s in ipairs(path) do local t = path[(i + 1)] if i == #path then t = path[1] end -- this could be a lookup table, but i already wrote it local n if t[1] == s[1] and t[2] == s[2] + 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_DOWN" elseif t[1] == s[1] and t[2] == s[2] - 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_UP" elseif t[1] == s[1] + 1 and t[2] == s[2] then n = "CMD_MOVE_RIGHT" elseif t[1] == s[1] - 1 and t[2] == s[2] then n = "CMD_MOVE_LEFT" elseif t[1] == s[1] + 1 and t[2] == s[2] + 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT" elseif t[1] == s[1] + 1 and t[2] == s[2] - 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_UP_RIGHT" elseif t[1] == s[1] - 1 and t[2] == s[2] + 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_DOWN_LEFT" elseif t[1] == s[1] - 1 and t[2] == s[2] - 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_UP_LEFT" end seq[i] = n end return seq end function getSeqBackwards(path) local seq = {} for i, s in ipairs(path) do local t = path[(i - 1)] if i == 1 then t = path[#path] end local n -- lol if t[1] == s[1] and t[2] == s[2] + 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_DOWN" elseif t[1] == s[1] and t[2] == s[2] - 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_UP" elseif t[1] == s[1] + 1 and t[2] == s[2] then n = "CMD_MOVE_RIGHT" elseif t[1] == s[1] - 1 and t[2] == s[2] then n = "CMD_MOVE_LEFT" elseif t[1] == s[1] + 1 and t[2] == s[2] + 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT" elseif t[1] == s[1] + 1 and t[2] == s[2] - 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_UP_RIGHT" elseif t[1] == s[1] - 1 and t[2] == s[2] + 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_DOWN_LEFT" elseif t[1] == s[1] - 1 and t[2] == s[2] - 1 then n = "CMD_MOVE_UP_LEFT" end seq[i] = n end return seq end function getTilesInBox(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) local tiles = mk.new() for x = xmin, xmax do for y = ymin, ymax do mk.put(tiles, x, y, travel.feature_traversable(view.feature_at(x, y))) end end return tiles end function create(x, y) -- flood fill the wall tiles of the pillar, then get the orthogonally neighboring walkable tiles local walls = floodFillWalls(x, y) if walls == nil then return nil end return {walls=walls, floors=getNeighboringFloors(walls)} end function showTiles(tiles, offx, offy) offx = offx or 0 offy = offy or 0 for xy, _ in pairs(tiles) do local x = xy[1] + offx local y = xy[2] + offy travel.set_exclude(x, y, 0) end end function printTiles(tiles) -- helper debugging function for i, xy in ipairs(tiles) do crawl.mpr("(" .. xy[1] .. ", " .. xy[2] .. ")") end end function hideTiles(tiles, offx, offy) offx = offx or 0 offy = offy or 0 for xy, _ in pairs(tiles) do local x = xy[1] + offx local y = xy[2] + offy travel.del_exclude(x, y) end end function extendSet(a, b) for k, _ in pairs(b) do a[k] = true end end function has(l, t) for k, _ in pairs(l) do print(k) if k[1] == t[1] and k[2] == t[2] then return true end end return false end function newTupleSet() return {} end function floodFillWalls(x, y) if travel.feature_traversable(view.feature_at(x, y)) then return nil end local counter = 1 local used = mk.new() used:put(x, y, true) local queue = {} queue[1] = {x, y} local queue_next = 1 local n_pos = {} n_pos[{ 0, 1 }] = true n_pos[{ 0, -1 }] = true n_pos[{ 1, 0 }] = true n_pos[{ -1, 0 }] = true while queue_next <= #queue do local x, y = unpack(queue[queue_next]) queue_next = queue_next + 1 for oxoy, _ in pairs(n_pos) do local off_x, off_y = unpack(oxoy) if mk.get(used, x + off_x, y + off_y) == nil and not travel.feature_traversable(view.feature_at(x + off_x, y + off_y)) then counter = counter + 1 if counter > 1000 then crawl.mpr("Pillar too large! Did you select a map border?") return nil end used:put(x + off_x, y + off_y, true) queue[#queue + 1] = {x + off_x, y + off_y } end end end return queue end function getNeighboringFloors(tiles) local neighbors = {} local n_pos = newTupleSet() n_pos[{ 0, 1 }] = true n_pos[{ 0, -1 }] = true n_pos[{ 1, 0 }] = true n_pos[{ -1, 0 }] = true for _, xy in ipairs(tiles) do local x, y = unpack(xy) for oxoy, _ in pairs(n_pos) do local off_x, off_y = unpack(oxoy) if travel.feature_traversable(view.feature_at(x + off_x, y + off_y)) then neighbors[{ x + off_x, y + off_y }] = true end end end return neighbors end function getBbox(tiles) local xmin = math.huge local xmax = -math.huge local ymin = math.huge local ymax = -math.huge for tile, _ in pairs(tiles) do local x = tile[1] local y = tile[2] if x > xmax then xmax = x end if x < xmin then xmin = x end if y > ymax then ymax = y end if y < ymin then ymin = y end end return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax end function tilesOneApart(x1, y1, x2, y2) return math.abs(x1 - x2) <= 1 and math.abs(y1 - y2) <= 1 end function findTwoTilesOnBorder(tiles, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) local t1found = false local t1 = nil for tile, _ in pairs(tiles) do local x = tile[1] local y = tile[2] if (x == xmin or x == xmax or y == ymin or y == ymax) then if t1found then if not tilesOneApart(t1[1], t1[2], x, y) then return t1[1], t1[2], x, y end else t1found = true t1 = { x, y } end end end return nil end function getDist(x1, y1, x2, y2) return math.max(math.abs(x1 - x2), math.abs(y1 - y2)) end function getNeighboring(tileset, x, y) local neighbors = {} for ox = -1, 1 do for oy = -1, 1 do if mk.get(tileset, x + ox, y + oy) ~= nil and not (ox == 0 and oy == 0) then neighbors[{ x + ox, y + oy }] = true end end end return neighbors end function getMinTile(nodes, dist) local min = math.huge local tile for _, x, y, __ in mk.tuples(nodes) do local cost = mk.get(dist, x, y) if cost ~= nil and cost <= min then min = cost tile = { x, y } end end return tile end function getPath(tileset, x1, y1, x2, y2) -- we just use dijkstra's to get the shortest path local pq = newPriorityQueue() local dist = mk.new() local nodes = mk.new() local prev = mk.new() for _, x, y, trav in mk.tuples(tileset) do if trav then dist:put(x, y, math.huge) nodes:put(x, y, true) end end pq:insert({val={x1, y1}, cost=0}) dist:put(x1, y1, 0) while not pq:empty() do local u = pq:popMin().val assert(u ~= nil) mk.put(nodes, u[1], u[2], nil) if u[1] == x2 and u[2] == y2 then assert(prev:get(u[1], u[2]) ~= nil) return parsePrev(prev, x1, y1, x2, y2) end for v, _ in pairs(getNeighboring(nodes, u[1], u[2])) do local altDist = dist:get(u[1], u[2]) + 1 if dist:get(v[1], v[2]) == nil or altDist < dist:get(v[1], v[2]) then dist:put(v[1], v[2], altDist) prev:put(v[1], v[2], u) pq:insert({val=v, cost=altDist}) end end end end function parsePrev(prev, x1, y1, x2, y2) -- goes backwards along the prev chain to find the tiles in the shortest path local path = {} local u = { x2, y2 } path[1] = u while not (u[1] == x1 and u[2] == y1) do u = mk.get(prev, u[1], u[2]) assert(u ~= nil) path[#path + 1] = u end reverse(path) return path end function reverse(arr) local i, j = 1, #arr while i < j do arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i] i = i + 1 j = j - 1 end end local function getMk() -- i don't know enough lua to mess around with metatables and do this myself, so i yoinked this from somewhere -- simple table adaptor for using multiple keys in a lookup table -- cache some global functions/tables for faster access local assert = assert local select = assert(select) local next = assert(next) local setmetatable = assert(setmetatable) -- sentinel values for the key tree, nil keys, and nan keys local KEYS, NIL, NAN = {}, {}, {} local M = {} local M_meta = { __index = M } function M.new() return setmetatable({ [KEYS] = {} }, M_meta) end setmetatable(M, { __call = M.new }) function M.clear(t) for k in next, t do t[k] = nil end return t end -- local helper function to map a vararg of keys to the real key local function get_key(key, ...) for i = 1, select('#', ...) do if key == nil then break end local e = select(i, ...) if e == nil then e = NIL elseif e ~= e then -- can only happen for NaNs e = NAN end key = key[e] end return key end function M.get(t, ...) local key = get_key(t[KEYS], ...) if key ~= nil then return t[key] end return nil end -- local helper function for both put variants below local function put(t, idx, val, n, ...) for i = 1, n do local e = select(i, ...) if e == nil then e = NIL elseif e ~= e then -- can only happen for NaNs e = NAN end local nextidx = idx[e] if not nextidx then nextidx = {} idx[e] = nextidx end idx = nextidx end t[idx] = val end -- returns true if tab can be removed from the parent table local function del(t, idx, n, ...) if n > 0 then local e = ... if e == nil then e = NIL elseif e ~= e then -- can only happen for NaNs e = NAN end local nextidx = idx[e] if nextidx and del(t, nextidx, n - 1, select(2, ...)) then idx[e] = nil return t[idx] == nil and next(idx) == nil end return false else t[idx] = nil return next(idx) == nil end end function M.put(t, ...) local n, keys, val = select('#', ...), t[KEYS], nil if n > 0 then val = select(n, ...) n = n - 1 end if val == nil then if keys ~= nil then del(t, keys, n, ...) end else if keys == nil then keys = {} t[KEYS] = keys end put(t, keys, val, n, ...) end return t end -- same as M.put, but value comes first not last function M.putv(t, val, ...) local keys = t[KEYS] if val == nil then if keys ~= nil then del(t, keys, select('#', ...), ...) end else if keys == nil then keys = {} t[KEYS] = keys end put(t, keys, val, select('#', ...), ...) end return t end -- iteration is only available with coroutine support if coroutine ~= nil then local unpack = assert(unpack or table.unpack) local pairs = assert(pairs) local ipairs = assert(ipairs) local co_yield = assert(coroutine.yield) local co_wrap = assert(coroutine.wrap) -- internal iterator function local function iterate(iter, t, key, keystack, n) if t[key] ~= nil then keystack[n + 1] = t[key] co_yield(unpack(keystack, 1, n + 1)) end for k, v in iter(key) do if k == NIL then k = nil elseif k == NAN then k = 0 / 0 end keystack[n + 1] = k iterate(iter, t, v, keystack, n + 1) end return nil end -- iterator similar to pairs, but since we have multiple keys ... function M.tuples(t, ...) local vals, n = { true, ... }, select('#', ...) + 1 return co_wrap(function() local key = get_key(t[KEYS], unpack(vals, 2, n)) if key ~= nil then return iterate(pairs, t, key, vals, n) end end) end function M.ituples(t, ...) local vals, n = { ... }, select('#', ...) return co_wrap(function() local key = get_key(t[KEYS], unpack(vals, 1, n)) if key ~= nil then return iterate(ipairs, t, key, vals, n) end end) end -- Lua 5.2 metamethods for iteration M_meta.__pairs = M.tuples M_meta.__ipairs = M.ituples end return M end function newPriorityQueue() local lt = function(a, b) return a.cost < b.cost end return MinHeap.new(lt) end MinHeap = {} MH_meta = { __index = MinHeap } function getminfn(ltfn) return function(a, b) if ltfn(a, b) then return a else return b end end end function MinHeap.new(ltfn) if ltfn == nil then ltfn = function(a, b) return a < b end end local minfn = getminfn(ltfn) local t = setmetatable({}, MH_meta) t.lt = ltfn t.min = minfn return t end function MinHeap.getMin(heap) return heap[1] end function MinHeap.popMin(heap) local min = heap[1] heap[1] = heap[#heap] heap[#heap] = nil downheap(heap, 1) return min end function MinHeap.insert(heap, val) heap[#heap + 1] = val upheap(heap, #heap) end function MinHeap.empty(heap) return #heap == 0 end function downheap(heap, idx) local l = 2 * idx local r = 2 * idx + 1 if heap[l] ~= nil then if heap[r] ~= nil then local minchild = heap.min(heap[l], heap[r]) if not heap.lt(minchild, heap[idx]) then return end local swap if minchild == heap[l] then swap = l else swap = r end heap[swap] = heap[idx] heap[idx] = minchild downheap(heap, swap) else if not heap.lt(heap[l], heap[idx]) then return end local temp = heap[l] heap[l] = heap[idx] heap[idx] = temp end end end function upheap(heap, idx) if idx == 1 then return end local parent = math.floor(idx / 2) if not heap.lt(heap[idx], heap[parent]) then return end local temp = heap[parent] heap[parent] = heap[idx] heap[idx] = heap[temp] upheap(heap, parent) end mk = getMk() } #macros += M K ===inputTogglePillar #macros += M L ===dancePillar #macros += M M ===invertAuto