# TEAMCAPTAIN LAKREN # this rc is based off of simm's!! thank you # color.DARKGRAY = BLUE { local dmg_old_hp = 0 function DmgTrack() local bot_hp, bot_mhp = you.hp() local dmg_inturn = 0 local huge_int = 0 local percent_hp = 0 local percent_old_hp = 0 local percent_hp_txt = "--%" if dmg_old_hp > 0 then if bot_hp < dmg_old_hp then dmg_inturn = dmg_old_hp - bot_hp percent_old_hp = math.ceil((dmg_old_hp*100)/bot_mhp) percent_hp = math.ceil((bot_hp*100)/bot_mhp) percent_hp_txt = percent_hp .. "%" if percent_hp < 30 then percent_hp_txt = "" .. percent_hp_txt .. "" elseif percent_hp < 55 then percent_hp_txt = "" .. percent_hp_txt .. "" elseif percent_hp < 75 then percent_hp_txt = "" .. percent_hp_txt .. "" end percent_hp_txt = percent_hp_txt .. "(" .. bot_hp .. "hp)" if dmg_inturn > (bot_hp*0.25) then huge_dmg_note(dmg_inturn) crawl.mpr("Huge Dmg: -" .. (percent_old_hp-percent_hp) .. "%(-" .. dmg_inturn .. "hp)" .. " hp: " .. percent_hp_txt) dmg_old_hp = bot_hp crawl.flush_prev_message() crawl.more() crawl.more_autoclear(true) else if dmg_inturn > (bot_hp*0.15) then crawl.mpr("Damage: -" .. (percent_old_hp-percent_hp).."%(-" .. dmg_inturn .. "hp)" .. " hp: " .. percent_hp_txt) else crawl.mpr("Damage: -".. (percent_old_hp-percent_hp) .. "%(-" .. dmg_inturn .. "hp)" .. " hp: " .. percent_hp_txt) end end crawl.flush_prev_message() end end dmg_old_hp = bot_hp end function huge_dmg_note(x) crawl.take_note("Huge Dmg: " .. x .. " dmg") end function paranoid_rest() -- macro '5' to this local hp, mhp = you.hp() local mp, mmp = you.mp() local can_heal = hp < mhp and you.race() ~= 'Deep Dwarf' if can_heal or mp < mmp or you.confused() or you.slowed() or you.exhausted() or you.teleporting() or you.anchored() or you.rooted() or you.poisoned() or you.on_fire() or you.petrifying() or you.silencing() or you.breath_timeout() or you.contaminated() > 0 or not you.feel_safe() or crawl.yesno('Really rest?', false, 'n') then crawl.sendkeys('5') end end function search() -- macro '\{6}' (Ctrl-F) to this local ctrlf = string.char(6) local enter = string.char(13) local esc = string.char(27) local shortcuts = { 'armour', 'book', 'manual', 'altar', 'ego', 'dropped', 'blowgun|needle', 'cure mut|res.*abil', 'scroll.*ench', '@corpse$&&!!rot|skel', 'artifact', 'short bl', 'long bl', 'axe', 'mace', 'polearm', 'stave', '\\bbow', 'crossbow', 'throwable', 'rF\\+|ring.*fire', 'rC\\+|ring.*(cold|ice)', 'rPois|poison res', 'MR\\+|from magic', 'rCorr|resist corr', 'rMut|resist mut' }-- local function print_header() local function hilite(line) return '' .. line:gsub('(%w)=', '%1=') .. '' end crawl.clear_messages(true) local line = '' local sep = ' ' for i = 1, 26 do local k = string.char(64 + i)