# TEAMCAPTAIN p0werm0de #============================================================================ default_manual_training = true hp_warning = 25 show_more = false show_god_gift = yes cloud_status = true travel_avoid_terrain = deep water #explore_greedy = false #works even worse without it than with it explore_auto_rest = false note_hp_percent = 20 note_all_skill_levels = true tile_map_pixels = 4 tile_font_crt_family = Consolas tile_font_stat_family = Consolas tile_font_msg_family = Consolas tile_font_lbl_family = Consolas #old font: DejaVu Sans Mono tile_menu_icons = false #tile highlights for yellow, red threat monsters tile_show_threat_levels = tough, nasty #0.28 consumables top panel action_panel_show_unidentified = true action_panel_orientation = horizontal #============================================================================ more := force_more_message # Bad mutations. Not updated in forever. There might have been some changes # to muts that might have made some of these not work anymore. # berserk more += You feel a little pissed off more += You feel angry more += You feel extremely angry at everything! # blurry vision more += Your vision blurs # teleportitis more += You feel weirdly uncertain more += You feel even more weirdly uncertain # deformed body more += Your body twists and deforms # frail more += You feel frail # --spell power +wiz more += Your connection to magic feels subdued more += Your connection to magic feels more subdued more += Your connection to magic feels nearly dormant # -wiz ++spell power more += You feel less in control of your magic more += You feel your magical power running wild # no device heal lvl 2-3 more += Your system mostly rejects artificial healing more += Your system completely rejects artificial healing # low regen lvl 3 more += Your regeneration stops completely # funny monsters, also not updated in forever more += The blast of calcifying dust hits you more += The vile air hits you more += The air twists around and violently strikes you in flight more += begins to recite a word of recall more += watched by something more += changes into (shining eye|floating eye) more += A sentinel's mark forms upon you # petrification more += You are slowing down # dispelled magic (quicksilver dragon, purple drac, hell effect) more += Your magical effects are unravelling # Pandemonium, lacks the demonic rune message more += The mighty Pandemonium lord .* resides here more += The tension of great conflict fills the air! # bad polymorphs, lacks shroom more += You turn into an insubstantial wisp more += You turn into a filthy swine # holy wrath vs undead more += You convulse # distortion weapons more += Space warps horribly around you more += Space bends around you more += hits you.*distortion more += warns you.*of distortion more += is wielding.*of distortion # invisibility ending more += You flicker for a moment # teleported onto exact same tile more += Your surroundings flicker # t e l e p o r t i t i s more += You are suddenly yanked towards a nearby monster # ... Form is expiring more += Your transformation is almost over # Death Channel is expiring more += Your unholy channel is weakening more += You feel the effects of Trog's Hand fading more += You have finished your manual more += Vehumet offers you more += You miscast more += LOW HITPOINT WARNING more += Ouch! That really hurt more += god:xom #============================================================================ flash := flash_screen_message flash += Space warps horribly around you flash += Space bends around you flash += hits you.*distortion flash += You are slowing down #============================================================================ note_messages += Your scales start note_messages += Ouch! That really hurt # note_messages += You pass out from exhaustion note_messages += You are suddenly yanked towards a nearby monster! #============================================================================ # These might not work properly anymore, I should check it some time. ae := autopickup_exceptions ae += scrolls? of (amnesia|silence) #============================================================================ ai := autoinscribe ai += potions? of (mutation|lignification|berserk rage):!q ai += scrolls? of (torment|holy word|silence|vulnerability|immolation|noise):!r ai += potions? of blood:@q0 ai += potions? of curing:@q1 ai += potions? of heal wounds:@q2 ai += scrolls? of identify:@r1 ai += scrolls? of remove curse:@r2 #============================================================================ spell_slot ^= Summon Lightning Spire:f spell_slot ^= Summon Mana Viper:w spell_slot ^= Apportation:A spell_slot ^= Passage of Golubria:d spell_slot ^= Portal Projectile:c spell_slot ^= Swiftness:P spell_slot ^= Blink:B spell_slot ^= Silence:L spell_slot ^= Borgnjor's Revivification:M spell_slot ^= Death's Door:N ability_slot ^= Potion Petition:H ability_slot ^= Call Merchant:L #============================================================================ { function toggle_manual_exploration() if (c_persist.force_more_on_new_enemy_sight == nil) then c_persist.force_more_on_new_enemy_sight = false end c_persist.force_more_on_new_enemy_sight = not c_persist.force_more_on_new_enemy_sight if (c_persist.force_more_on_new_enemy_sight) then crawl.setopt("force_more_message += comes? into view") crawl.mpr("Manual exploration ON.") else crawl.setopt("force_more_message -= comes? into view") crawl.mpr("Manual exploration OFF.") end end }