# TEAMCAPTAIN ProzacElf default_manual_training = true show_more = false always_show_zot = true --Later Versions bindkey = [NP5] CMD_WAIT prompt_menu = false --Autofight DEFAULT autofight_warning = 30 autofight_stop = 80 hp_warning = 65 note_hp_percent = 35 travel_delay = 7 explore_delay = 5 rest_delay = -1 --Autofight SPEEDRUN ; autofight_warning = 0 ; autofight_stop = 35 ; hp_warning = 70 ; travel_delay = -1 ; explore_delay = -1 --AUTOPICKUP autopickup_exceptions ^= wand of flame, amnesia, polymorph, of dispersal, ") end } macros += M < ===climbup macros += M > ===climbdown --Ziggurats ; msc ^= yellow:haste ; msc ^= magenta:brilliance ; msc ^= blue:magic