# TEAMCAPTAIN bmfx # include += HilariousDeathArtist.rc include += ibm_glyphs.txt show_player_species = true best_effort_brighten_background=false bold_brightens_foreground=true no_dark_brand=false ############## # Autopickup # ############## autopickup = $?!"%/+: explore_greedy = true ae := autopickup_exceptions ae += useless_item ae += evil_item ae += (amulet|staff|tome) of .* ae += scrolls? of (torment|noise|curse|amnesia|vulnerability) ae += potions? of (brilliance|mutation|paralysis|.*poison) ae += potions? of (decay|degeneration) ae += wand of (draining|fire|cold|invisibility|magic darts|random effects|slowing|flame|frost|confusion|lightning) ae += staff of .* ae += ring of (flight|fire|resist corrosion|ice|regeneration|sustain abilities) ae += ring of (strength|intelligence|dexterity|protection from .*) ae += ring of (life protection|positive energy|stealth|loudness|invisibility) ae += ring of (see invisible|control teleport|magical power|wizardry) ae += armour_plus(cur) then return true end end end if you.xl() < 17 then if name:find("dragon hide") or name:find("dragon armour") or name:find("crystal") then return true end end end if class == "weapon" then if you.xl() < 17 then if name:find("demon") or name:find("bastard") or name:find("eveningstar") or name:find("lajatang") or name:find("quick blade") then return true end end end return end add_autopickup_func(autopickup) } ########## # Glyphs # ########## mons := mon_glyph # Remove darkblue monsters mons ^= dire elephant : lightgreen Y mons ^= naga warrior : lightgreen N # Make attack proxies more visible mons ^= spectral weapon : red ☻ mons ^= battlesphere : lightblue ☻ # Make dancing weapons more visible mons ^= dancing weapon : cyan { ## Item Glyphs (stolen from gammafunk) item := item_glyph ## Reasonable defaults item += potion:lightblue item += scroll:lightblue item += dangerous_item:blue ### Potions ### # colors: # lightgreen # lightcyan # yellow # green # lightmagenta # lightred # lightgrey # magenta # brown # cyan # blue item += potions? of.*(poison|brilliance):darkgrey item += potions? of.*(flight):lightgrey item += potions? of.*(cancellation|berserk|agility|resistance|invisibility):green item += potions? of.*(cure mutation|beneficial mutation|experience):lightcyan item += potions? of.*(ambrosia|lignification|mutation|magic):magenta item += potions? of.*(heal wounds|haste|might):yellow item += potions? of.*(curing):brown : if you.race() == "Vampire" then item += potions? of blood:lightred item += potions? of coagulated blood:lightgrey : else item += potions? of.*blood:darkgrey : end ### Scrolls ### item += scroll.*(immolation|vulnerability|amnesia|noise):darkgrey item += scroll.*(identify|curse|magic map):lightgrey item += scroll.*(fear|summoning|fog):brown item += scroll.*(blinking|teleport):yellow item += scroll.*(silence|recharging):green item += scroll.*(enchant armour|brand weapon|enchant weapon):lightgreen item += scroll.*(acquirement):lightcyan : if you.race() == "Vampire" or you.race() == "Mummy" : or you.race() == "Ghoul" then item += scroll.*(holy word):red item += scroll.*(torment):green : else item += scroll.*(holy word):green item += scroll.*(torment):red : end item += (book|magical staff).*:darkgrey item += (jewellery).*:lightblue item += .*tome of.*:darkgrey item += ( lightcyan ) :yellow ## This mapping is 0.16+ : if not crawl.version then item += ( rod ) : \ :end item += useless.*(potion|scroll|missile|armour|weapon|jewellery|rod):darkgrey item += unidentified.*(potion|scroll|book|jewellery|wand|rod|magical staff).*:lightblue item += (a )?stones?$:brown ### Food ### item += chunks?.*flesh:brown item += contaminated.*chunk:darkgrey item += mutagenic.*chunk:magenta item += evil_eating.*chunk:red item += (inedible|rotting.*chunk):darkgrey item += poisonous.*chunk:green item += (strawberry|grape|sultana):brown item += ( +pears?$|apple|apricot|choko|lychee|rambutan|fruit):brown item += ( +oranges?$|banana|lemon|pizza|sausage|snozz|jerky|jerkies|cheese|honeycomb|royal jell):yellow item += (meat ration|bread ration):lightcyan : if not crawl.version then item += ambrosia:lightcyan :end ### Wands ### item += wand of.*(heal wounds|hasting|teleportation):lightcyan item += wand of.*(digging|disintegration|invisibility):lightgrey item += wand of.*(flame|frost|magic dart|polymorph|paralysis|enslavement|slowing|confusion|random effects):darkgrey item += wand of.*(lightning|draining|cold|fire):magenta ## Want this to override anything above, since using these can cause pennance. item += evil_item:red #################### ### Menu options ### #################### drop_filter += useless_item ### Menu colorings ### ## These should match the item_glyph colours exactly when possible. menu := menu_colour menu = ### General colorings ### ## These two need to come first to override any entries below. menu += darkgrey:.*useless.* menu += red:.*evil_item.* menu += pickup:lightcyan:god gift menu += inventory:white:\w \#\s menu += notes:white:Reached XP level menu += inventory:white:\w \+\s menu += inventory:white:\w \#\s menu += darkgrey:(melded) menu += lightred: cursed menu += inventory:lightgreen:.*equipped.* menu += white:.*artefact.* ## Not needed in 0.16+ menu += lightblue:^unidentified .*(potion|scroll|wand|jewellery|book|rod|magical staff).* menu += lightblue:^unidentified .*weapon.*(runed|glowing) menu += lightblue:^unidentified .*armour.*(runed|glowing|embroidered|shiny|dyed) ### Food ### menu += red:evil_eating.*chunk menu += magenta:mutagenic.*chunk menu += green:poisonous.*chunk menu += darkgrey:(rotting.*chunk|inedible|rot-inducing) menu += brown:contaminated.*chunk menu += lightgrey: +(chunks?$|chunks? +) menu += green:(strawberr|grape|sultana) menu += brown:( +pears?$| +pears? +|apple|apricot|choko|lychee|rambutan|fruit) menu += yellow:( +oranges?$| +oranges? +|banana|lemon|pizza|sausage|snozz|jerky|jerkies|cheese|honeycomb|royal jell) menu += lightcyan:(meat ration|bread ration) ### Potions ### menu += darkgrey:potions? of.*(brilliance|poison) menu += green:potions? of.*(resistance|invisibility|berserk|agility|flight) menu += brown:potions? of.*curing menu += yellow:potions? of.*(heal wounds|might|haste) menu += magenta:potions? of.*(cancellation|ambrosia|magic) menu += cyan:potions? of.*(beneficial mutation|cure mutation) menu += lightcyan:potions? of.*(experience) ## food potions : if you.race() == "Vampire" then menu += lightred:potions? of blood menu += lightgrey:potions? of coagulated blood : else menu += darkgrey:potions? of.*blood menu += lightred:potions? of.*porridge : end ### Scrolls ### menu += lightgray:scroll.*(curse|identify|magic map) menu += lightgreen:scroll.*(enchant armour|brand weapon|enchant weapon III) menu += yellow:scroll.*(fog|teleport|blink) : if you.race() == "Vampire" or you.race() == "Mummy" : or you.race() == "Ghoul" then menu += blue:scroll.*(holy word) menu += lightred:scroll.*(torment) : else menu += lightred:scroll.*(holy word) menu += blue:scroll.*(torment) : end menu += green:scroll.*(recharging|silence) menu += brown:scroll.*(fear|summoning|amnesia) menu += darkgray:scroll.*(noise|vulnerability|immolation) menu += lightcyan:scroll.*(acquire) ### Wands ### menu += lightcyan:wand of.*(heal wounds|hasting|teleportation) menu += darkgrey:wand of.*(slowing|confusion|random effects) menu += darkgrey:wand of.*(polymorph|paralysis|enslavement) menu += lightgrey:wand of.*(digging|disintegration|invisibility) menu += darkgrey:wand of.*(flame|frost|magic dart) menu += magenta:wand of.*(lightning|draining|cold|fire) menu += blue:.*dangerous_item.* prefer_safe_chunks = true show_inventory_weights = true auto_drop_chunks = yes sort_menus += inv: true : equipped, freshness, charged ########## # Travel # ########## travel_delay = -1 explore_delay = -1 rest_delay = -1 show_travel_trail = true explore_wall_bias = 10 explore_greedy = true explore_stop = stairs,shops,altars,portals,branches,runed_doors explore_stop += greedy_pickup_smart runrest_ignore_poison = 2:30 runrest_ignore_monster += butterfly:1, swamp worm:2 trapwalk_safe_hp = dart:20,needle:15,arrow:35,bolt:45,spear:40,blade:95 auto_exclude += oklob,statue,curse skull,roxanne,lightning spire,mimic sort_menus += inv: true : equipped, freshness, charged stop := runrest_stop_message ignore := runrest_ignore_message # Annoyances #ignore += Magic restored ignore += Jiyva gurgles merrily ignore += Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice ignore += Jiyva says: Divide and consume ignore += You hear.*splatter ignore += You feel.*sick ignore += disappears in a puff of smoke ignore += engulfed in a cloud of smoke ignore += standing in the rain ignore += engulfed in white fluffiness ignore += safely over a trap ignore += A.*toadstool withers and dies ignore += toadstools? grow ignore += You walk carefully through the ignore += grinding sound ignore += contamination has completely ignore += chunks of flesh in your inventory.*rotted away ignore += rod.*has recharged #ignore += your breath back ignore += the plant is engulfed ignore += the walls burn your ignore += the wall burns your ignore += absorbed by ash ignore += appreciates your ignore += accepts your kill ignore += appreciates # Bad things stop += You fall through a shaft stop += emits a blaring wail stop += (blundered into a|invokes the power of) Zot stop += (starving|devoid of blood) stop += wrath finds you stop += lose consciousness stop += You recover from your berserk rage stop += You feel yourself speed up # Expiring effects stop += You feel yourself slow down stop += You are starting to lose your buoyancy stop += You have got your breath back :if you.god() == "Xom" then stop += god: :else ignore += god: :end stop += hell_effect: ignore += pray: ignore += talk: ignore += talk_visual: ignore += friend_spell: ignore += friend_enchant: ignore += friend_action: ignore += sound: ############# # Interface # ############# allow_self_target = no easy_confirm = safe confirm_butcher = never auto_eat_chunks = true auto_drop_chunks = yes autofight_stop = 61 autofight_throw_nomove = true autofight_caught = true hp_warning = 0 hp_colour = 100:green, 99:lightgray, 75:yellow, 50:lightred, 25:red mp_colour = 100:green, 99:lightgray, 75:yellow, 50:lightred, 25:red stat_colour = 3:red, 5:lightred show_inventory_weights = true default_manual_training = true #small_more = true show_more = false easy_quit_item_prompts = true show_gold_turns = true show_game_turns = true easy_eat_chunks = true fire_order = launcher, rock, return, javelin, fire_order += tomahawk, dart, stone, net fire_order += inscribed enable_recast_spell = false # Spellcasting spam reduction by monqy { local function generic_cast_spell(cmd) crawl.mpr('Cast which spell?') crawl.flush_prev_message() crawl.process_keys(cmd) end function cast_spell() generic_cast_spell('z') end function force_cast_spell() generic_cast_spell('Z') end } ################### # Message colours # ################### $corpse := lightblue $inedible := darkgrey $evil := red $preferred := yellow $rot-inducing := lightred $mutagenic := magenta $dangerous := magenta $poisonous := lightgreen $contaminated := brown ### standard colours to be used for message highlighting $danger := lightred $warning := yellow $boring := darkgrey $item_dmg := $danger #msc := message_colour #msc = #menu := menu_colour #menu = # Multi-turn channel.multiturn = mute # Allies msc += mute:returns to your side msc += mute:a demon appears msc += mute:puff of smoke msc += mute:carefully avoids msc += mute:is recalled msc += mute:wall.*burn.*your msc += mute:dissolves? into (sparkling lights|shadows) msc += mute:crumbles away msc += mute:you swap places msc += mute:your.*(looks stronger|shudders|resists) msc += mute:(stumbles backwards|holds.*ground) msc += mute:(something|your).*(misses|does no damage) msc += mute:your.*(blinks|safely over|gestures) msc += mute:(phases out.*|misses) (your|something).* msc += mute:your.*but does no damage msc += mute:your.*(picks up|drops) msc += mute:your.*basks in the mutagenic energy msc += mute:you.*(struggles|tears|pulls away).*(web|net) msc += mute:constricts?.*no damage message_colour ^= mute:Your.*(bites|misses|hits|claws|gores) message_colour ^= mute:coagulate message_colour ^= mute:smell something rotten message_colour ^= mute:yum message_colour ^= mute:have rotted away message_colour ^= mute:plant is engulfed # Prayer #channel.pray += mute # Jiyva : if you.god() == "Jiyva" then msc += mute:slurping|squelching msc += mute:splits in two msc += mute:You feel.*(less hungry|power returning|better) : end # Interface msc += mute:Cast which spell\? \( msc += mute:^Casting.* msc += mute:Confirm with \. or Enter, or press \? or \* to list all spells\. msc += mute:Press\: \? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - you msc += mute:for a list of commands and other information msc += mute:melds.* msc += mute:Switching to.* msc += mute:Switching back.* # Other msc += mute:This raw flesh tastes terrible msc += mute:melds into your body msc += mute:begins to bleed from.*wounds msc += mute:writhes in agony as.*flesh msc += mute:An air elemental.*itself.*the air msc += mute:You feel a.*surge of power msc += mute:Your legs become a tail as you enter the water msc += mute:You cannot train any new skill # Default colours msc += $danger:drains you msc += $danger:feel drained msc += $danger:strangely unstable msc += $danger:curare-tipped.*hits you msc += $danger:Space warps.* around you msc += $danger:Space bends around you msc += $danger:sense of stasis msc += $danger:clumsily bash msc += $danger:goes berserk msc += $danger:Forgetting.* will destroy the book msc += $danger:The blast of calcifying dust hits you msc += $danger:You are engulfed in calcifying dust msc += $danger:is moving more slowly #msc += $danger:^Something .* you msc += $danger:You block its attack msc += $danger:looks stronger msc += $danger:constricts you msc += $danger:you convulse msc += $danger:You feel a build-up of mutagenic energy msc += $danger:place you under penance msc += $item_dmg:acid corrodes msc += $item_dmg:catch(es)? fire msc += $item_dmg:freezes? and shatters? msc += $item_dmg:covered with spores msc += $item_dmg:devours some of your food msc += $item_dmg:rots? away msc += $warning:ticking.*clock msc += $warning:dying ticks msc += $warning:distant snort msc += $warning:odd grinding sound msc += $warning:creaking of ancient gears msc += $warning:floor suddenly vibrates msc += $warning:a sudden draft msc += $warning:coins.*counted msc += $warning:tolling.*bell msc += $warning:roar of battle msc += $warning:creaking.*oriflamme msc += $warning:oriflamme is probably msc += $warning:wave of frost msc += $warning:crackling.*melting msc += $warning:hiss.*sand msc += $warning:sound.*rushing water msc += $warning:rusting.*drain msc += $warning:drain falling apart msc += $warning:oppressive heat msc += $warning:rumble.*avalanche of rocks msc += $warning:crackle.*arcane power msc += $warning:crackle.*magical portal msc += $warning:fails to return msc += $warning:no longer ripe msc += $boring:You start (resting|waiting) msc += $boring:Unknown command msc += $boring:but (do no|doesn't do any) damage msc += $boring:(prevent|prevents) you from hitting menu += inventory:white:\w \+\s menu += inventory:white:\w \#\s menu += darkgrey:(melded) menu += darkgrey:.*useless_item.* menu += red:.*evil_item.* menu += lightred: cursed menu += inventory:lightgreen:.*equipped.* menu += lightmagenta:.*misc.*rune( of Zot)? menu += lightmagenta:.*orb.*Zot menu += white:.*artefact.* menu += lightblue:^unidentified .*(potion|scroll|wand|jewellery).* #menu += lightblue:^unidentified .*weapon.*(runed|glowing) #menu += lightblue:^unidentified .*armour.*(runed|glowing) #menu += lightblue:^unidentified .*armour.*(embroidered|shiny|dyed) menu += yellow:(heal wounds|teleport|hasting|haste|blinking|might|agility|fog|fear) # Food menu += $inedible:.*inedible.* menu += $evil:.*evil_eating.* menu += $rot-inducing:.*rot-inducing.* menu += $mutagenic:.*mutagenic.* menu += $poisonous:.*poisonous.* menu += $contaminated:.*contaminated.* ######### # Notes ############################################################## ######### user_note_prefix=-- dump_message_count = 50 dump_order = header,hiscore,stats,misc,mutations,skills,spells,inventory dump_order += overview,screenshot,monlist,messages,action_counts,vaults dump_order += notes,kills dump_order = header,hiscore,stats,misc,mutations,skills,spells,inventory dump_order += messages,screenshot,monlist,kills,notes,vaults,action_counts ood_interesting = 6 note_hp_percent = 30 note_all_spells = false note_all_skill_levels = true note_messages += protects you from harm note_messages += You fall through a shaft dump_item_origins = artefacts, rods, ego_arm, ego_weap note_chat_messages = true note_dgl_messages = true ################# # More messages ############################################# ################# more := force_more_message more = # Important features : if you.god() == "Ashenzari" then more += You have a vision of.*gates? : else more += interdimensional caravan : end more += distant snort more += You feel a terrible weight on your shoulders more += a bailey more += wave of frost more += hiss of flowing sand more += sound of rushing water more += heat about you more += crackle.*arcane power more += Found a gateway leading out of the Abyss more += Found a gateway leading deeper into the Abyss more += Found .* abyssal rune of Zot more += The mighty Pandemonium lord .* resides here # Interrupts #more += You fail to use your ability more += You can't (read|drink|do) that more += You are too berserk more += This wand has no charges more += You don't have any such object more += do not work when you're silenced more += You can't unwield # Bad things more += You cannot teleport more += The writing blurs in front of your eyes more += You fall through a shaft more += (blundered into a|invokes the power of) Zot more += Ouch! That really hurt! more += dispelling energy hits you more += You convulse more += You are blasted by holy energy! more += You are (blasted|electrocuted)! more += You are( more)? (confused) more += god:(sends|finds|silent|anger) more += lose consciousness more += calcifying dust hits more += Space warps horribly around you more += hits you.*distortion #more += wielding.*distortion more += watched by something more += sentinel's mark forms # Hell effects more += hell_effect: # Expiring effects more += You feel yourself slow down more += You are starting to lose your buoyancy # Others #more += You have reached level #more += You have finished your manual of more += Your scales start more += You feel monstrous : if you.god() == "Xom" then more += god: : end more += oklob.*come more += (Agnes|Aizul|Antaeus|Asmodeus|Asterion|Azrael|Blork the orc|Boris|Cerebov|Crazy Yiuf|Dispater|Dissolution|Donald|Dowan|Duvessa|Edmund|the Enchantress|Ereshkigal|Erica|Erolcha|Eustachio|Fannar|Frances|Frederick|Gastronok|Geryon|Gloorx Vloq|Grinder|Grum|Harold|Ignacio|Ijyb|Ilsuiw|Jessica|Jorgrun|Jory|Joseph|Josephine|Khufu|Kirke|Lamia|the Lernaean hydra|Lom Lobon|Louise|Mara|Margery|Maud|Maurice|Menkaure|Mennas|Mnoleg|Murray|Natasha|Nergalle|Nessos|Nikola|Norris|Pikel|Plog|Polyphemus|Prince Ribbit|Psyche|Purgy|Robin|Roxanne|the royal jelly|Rupert|Saint Roka|the Serpent of Hell|Sigmund|Snorg|Sonja|Terence|Tiamat|Urug|Vashnia|Wiglaf|Xtahua|*ghost of).*into view ############### # Spell Slots # ############### # Set Alias for Spell Slots slot := spell_slot # Try to keep in alphabetic order (by keybind) slot += Freeze:a slot += Shroud:a slot += Blink:b slot += Call Canine Familiar:c slot += Call Imp:c slot += Confuse:c slot += Conjure Flame:c slot += Control Undead:c slot += Freezing Aura:c slot += Petrify:c slot += Spider Form:c slot += Deflect Missiles:d slot += Lethal Infusion:d slot += Repel Missiles:d slot += Fire Brand:f slot += Fireball:f slot += Apportation:g slot += Haste:h slot += Sublimation of Blood:m slot += Abjuration:q slot += Recall:r slot += Regeneration:r slot += Condensation Shield:s slot += Shroud of Golubria:s slot += Slow:s slot += Sticks to Snakes:s slot += Sticky Flame:s slot += Stoneskin:s slot += Swiftness:s slot += Passwall:w slot += Corona:v slot += Blade Hands:x slot += Iskenderun's Mystic Blast:x slot += Lightning Bolt:x slot += Mephitic Cloud:x slot += Stone Arrow:x slot += Throw Flame:x slot += Throw Frost:x slot += Throw Icicle:x slot += Vampiric Draining:x slot += Iskenderun's Battlesphere:z slot += Lee's Rapid Deconstruction:z slot += Spectral Weapon:z slot += Animate Dead:A slot += Animate Skeleton:A slot += Ozocubu's Armour:A slot += Controlled Blink:B slot += Summon Butterflies:B slot += Control Teleport:C slot += Death's Door:D slot += Flight:F slot += Cure Poison:P slot += Borgnjor's Revivification:R slot += Phase Shift:S slot += Song of Slaying:S : local dmg_old_hp = 0 < function ready() DmgTrack() end > : local dmg_old_hp = 0 : function DmgTrack() : local bot_hp, bot_mhp = you.hp() : local dmg_inturn = 0 : if dmg_old_hp > 0 then : dmg_inturn = dmg_old_hp - bot_hp : if bot_hp < dmg_old_hp then : crawl.mpr("You take " .. dmg_inturn .. " damage.") : end : end : dmg_old_hp = bot_hp : end explore_auto_rest = true auto_butcher = full