##### Crawl Init file ############################################### # For descriptions of all options, as well as some more in-depth information # on setting them, consult the file # options_guide.txt # in your /docs directory. If you can't find it, the file is also available # online at: # https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/docs/options_guide.txt # # Crawl uses the first file of the following list as its option file: # * init.txt in the -rcdir directory (if specified) # * .crawlrc in the -rcdir directory (if specified) # * init.txt (in the Crawl directory) # * ~/.crawl/init.txt (Unix only) # * ~/.crawlrc (Unix only) # * ~/init.txt (Unix only) # * settings/init.txt (in the Crawl directory) ##### Some basic explanation of option syntax ####################### # Lines beginning with '#' are comments. The basic syntax is: # # field = value or field.subfield = value # # Only one specification is allowed per line. # # The terms are typically case-insensitive except in the fairly obvious # cases (the character's name and specifying files or directories when # on a system that has case-sensitive filenames). # # White space is stripped from the beginning and end of the line, as # well as immediately before and after the '='. If the option allows # multiple comma/semicolon-separated terms (such as # autopickup_exceptions), all whitespace around the separator is also # trimmed. All other whitespace is left intact. # # There are three broad types of Crawl options: true/false values (booleans), # arbitrary values, and lists of values. The first two types use only the # simple =, with later options - which includes your options that are different # from the defaults - overriding earlier ones. List options allow using +=, ^=, # -=, and = to append, prepend, remove, and reset, respectively. Usually you will # want to use += to add to a list option. Lastly, there is := which you can use # to create an alias, like so: # ae := autopickup_exceptions # From there on, 'ae' will be treated as if it you typed autopickup_exceptions, # so you can save time typing it. # ##### Other files ################################################### # You can include other files from your options file using the 'include' # option. Crawl will treat it as if you copied the whole text of that file # into your options file in that spot. You can uncomment some of the following # lines by removing the beginning '#' to include some of the other files in # this folder. # Some useful, more advanced options, implemented in LUA. # include = advanced_optioneering.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Dvorak users. # include = dvorak_command_keys.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Colemak users. # include = colemak_command_keys.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Neo users. # include = neo_command_keys.txt # Override the vi movement keys with a non-command. # include = no_vi_command_keys.txt # Turn the shift-vi keys into safe move, instead of run. # include = safe_move_shift.txt ##### Ancient versions ############################################## # If you're used to the interface of ancient versions of Crawl, you may # get back parts of it by uncommenting the following options: # include = 034_command_keys.txt # And to revert monster glyph and colouring changes: # include = 052_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 060_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 071_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 080_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.9_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.12_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.13_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.14_monster_glyphs.txt #tile_player_tile = tile:felid_3 equip_unequip = true tile_show_player_species = false item_slot ^= identify:i item_slot ^= blinking:k item_slot ^= teleportation:t ai += scrolls? of teleportation:@r4 tile_show_threat_levels show_travel_trail = true tile_full_screen = true easy_eat_chunks = true auto_eat_chunks = true auto_butcher = true item_slot += potion of blood:q item_slot += chunk of flesh:e travel_open_doors = true default_manual_training = true autofight_stop = 74 need_skills_open = true message_colour = cyan:hits message_colour += purple:hits you view_delay = 900 explore delay = 20 travel_delay = -1 show_more = false < --------------------------- ---- Begin RandomTiles ---- --------------------------- -- See README.md for documentation. -- RandomTile options -- If you set randtile_options elsewhere in your rc, we don't override it. if not randtile_options then randtile_options = { -- Change the tile every N turns turns_change = 50, -- Which setting for tile_player_tile to use when disabling RandomTiles -- with toggle_random_tile(). Can set to e.g. "normal", "playermons", -- or a fixed mons/tile. disabled_setting = "tile:felid_3", -- If true, print the what tile we're changing to as if it were a -- god message from our current god or the default_god below when we -- have no god. If false, print a more generic message. god_message = true, default_god = "You", -- Cute speech string templates. In these %g is replaced with the -- god name, %am with the monster's name with an article, and %m -- with the monster's name without an article. god_speech = {["You"] = "%g become %am!", -- Used when the god has no entry ["default"] = "%g says: Become %am!", ["Sif Muna"] = "%g whispers: Become %am.", ["Trog"] = "%g roars: Now %m!!!", ["Xom"] = "%g titters: I'd like %am!", ["Nemelex Xobeh"] = "%g says: Let's draw a card...%m!"}, -- Colour of tile change message. message_colour = "lightblue" } end -- player_tiles defines the default array of player tiles from which -- RandomTiles chooses. New tiles entries can be added anywhere in this array, -- and lines can be removed or comment out to disable a tile, but remember that -- a comma must come after each entry. Each entry must have at minimum a `mons' -- field defined with a name for the entry. The actual tile to use can come -- from this `mons' field or either of the optional fields `tile' and -- `tileset', which are described later. If neither `tile' nor `tileset' are -- defined, then `mons' must be the monster name as seen under xv in-game (and -- as defined in the source file mon-data.h). For example, the entry: -- -- {mons = "hell sentinel"}, -- -- is equivalent to the rc option: -- -- tile_player_tile = mons:hell sentinel -- -- If the `mons' field isn't the monster's name, either because you've renamed -- it or because the corresponding monster doesn't exist, set the `tile' field -- to the tile's full name. The player_name_pairs[] array in the source file -- rltiles/tiledef-player.cc defines these names for all player tiles, and only -- tiles defined in this file can be used. These are the tiles you see in -- crawl's tilesheet file player.png. -- -- For example, the following entry: -- -- {mons = "a Zot statue", tile = "mons_zot_statue"}, -- -- is equivalent to the rc option: -- -- tile_player_tile = tile:mons_zot_statue -- -- For monsters like butterflies that have variant tiles, you can set the field -- `num_var' to the number of variants in order to use them. The array -- _tile_player_count[] in rltiles/tiledef-player.cc defines how many variants -- exist for each tile, but it's easier to look in the folders under -- rltiles/mon where the individual tile images are and see how many variants a -- tile has. Since rltiles/mon/animals has butterfly.png through -- butterfly10.png, which means 11 variants, the entry is: -- -- {mons = "butterfly", tile = "mons_butterfly", num_var=11}, -- -- By default RandomTiles chooses a new variant with each UI action (i.e. any -- keystroke that's not in a menu or prompt), even if the player's turn -- didn't change. Set the field `var_type' to "fixed", "sequence", or -- "oscillate" to change this behavior. With "fixed" a single variant is -- chosen when the entry is chosen, and with "sequence" and "oscillate", -- variants are progressed through in order (sequence) or forward-reverse -- order (oscillate) with each UI action. -- -- You can define a custom set of variants for use in an entry using the -- `tileset' field. For example, here's an entry for the Serpent of Hell that -- randomly chooses a Hell variant with every UI action: -- -- {mons = "The Serpent of Hell", -- tileset = {"mons_serpent_of_hell_tartarus", -- "mons_serpent_of_hell_cocytus", -- "mons_serpent_of_hell_dis", -- "mons_serpent_of_hell_gehenna"}}, -- -- Custom tilesets can use any of the `var_type' values described above. -- -- When the `tileset' field is used, there are special `var_type' values of -- "terrain", "status", "percent_hp", and "xl" available, which will change -- the tile based on a condition. To use one of these, make the -- tileset field into an an array of arrays, with the first entry in the -- inner array giving the condition value and the second giving the -- corresponding tile applied under that condition. The first entry in -- `tileset' must have an inner array value of "default" for when no other -- entry matches. -- -- For numeric `var_type' values like "percent_hp" and "xl", the first -- condition value for each non-default entries must be a number, and the -- tile of an entry is used if the player's current value is in less than or -- equal to the entry's condition value and greater than any other -- non-default entry in the tileset. For string values like "terrain" and -- "status", the first condition value will be a string that is matched -- against the player's current value. For "status", multiple status values -- can be active for the player, so we always use the first matching entry, -- and they should be listed in tileset in order of preference. -- -- See the entry for Ilsiuw to see a var_type example of "terrain", and the -- entry for Bai Suzhen to see an example of "percent_hp". Here is an -- example entry using a var_type of "status" that will use the Purgy tile -- normally, the Snorg tile when berserking, and the torpor snail tile when -- slowed (but not fast+slow): -- -- {mons = "Snorgy Snail", tileset = {{"default", "mons_purgy"}, -- {"berserk", "mons_snorg"}, -- -- entry below matches fast and fast+slow -- {"fast", "mons_purgy"}, -- {"slow", "mons_torpor_snail"}}, -- var_type = "status"}, -- -- The status names can be seen under the @ listing on the % screen, and -- these are the short_text values from the duration_data[] array defined in -- the source file duration-data.h. String value conditions are matched as -- lua patterns, so substring matches and wildcards will work; see the lua -- reference for details: http://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html -- -- begin player_tiles array if not player_tiles then player_tiles = { {mons = "acid blob"}, {mons = "acid dragon"}, {mons = "adder"}, {mons = "Agnes"}, {mons = "air elemental"}, {mons = "Aizul"}, {mons = "alligator"}, {mons = "alligator snapping turtle"}, {mons = "ancient champion"}, {mons = "angel"}, {mons = "Antaeus"}, {mons = "ancient lich"}, {mons = "ancient zyme"}, {mons = "apis"}, {mons = "apocalypse crab"}, {mons = "Arachne", tile = "mons_arachne_staveless"}, {mons = "Asmodeus"}, {mons = "Asterion"}, {mons = "Azrael"}, {mons = "azure jelly"}, {mons = "anaconda", weapon_offsets = "0,0", shield_offsets = "-2,5"}, {mons = "Bai Suzhen", tileset = { {"default", "mons_bai_suzhen"}, {0.5, "mons_bai_suzhen_dragon"}}, var_type = "percent_hp"}, {mons = "ball lightning"}, {mons = "ball python"}, {mons = "ballistomycete", max_version = 0.23, tileset = {"mons_ballistomycete_inactive", "mons_hyperactive_ballistomycete"}, var_type = "sequence"}, {mons = "ballistomycete", min_version = 0.24}, {mons = "ballistomycete spore"}, {mons = "balrug"}, {mons = "bat"}, {mons = "battlemage"}, {mons = "battlesphere"}, {mons = "basilisk"}, {mons = "bennu"}, {mons = "big kobold"}, {mons = "black bear"}, {mons = "black draconian"}, {mons = "black mamba"}, {mons = "blink frog", weapon_offsets = "5,-3", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "blizzard demon"}, {mons = "block of ice", tile = "mons_block_of_ice", num_var = 2, var_type="fixed"}, {mons = "Blork the orc"}, {mons = "bog body"}, {mons = "boggart"}, {mons = "bone dragon"}, {mons = "Boris"}, {mons = "briar patch"}, {mons = "brimstone fiend"}, {mons = "bullfrog"}, {mons = "burning bush"}, {mons = "bush", tile = "mons_bush", num_var = 4, var_type = "fixed"}, {mons = "butterfly", tile = "mons_butterfly", num_var = 11}, {mons = "cacodemon", weapon_offsets = "3,0", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "catoblepas"}, {mons = "caustic shrike", weapon_offsets = "-3,0", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "centaur"}, {mons = "centaur warrior"}, {mons = "Cerebov"}, {mons = "chaos spawn", tile = "mons_chaos_spawn", num_var = 5}, {mons = "cherub"}, {mons = "Chuck"}, {mons = "Cigotuvi's monster", tile = "mons_cigotuvis_monster"}, {mons = "Cloud Mage"}, {mons = "crawling corpse"}, {mons = "Crazy Yiuf"}, {mons = "crocodile"}, {mons = "crystal guardian"}, {mons = "crimson imp"}, {mons = "curse skull"}, {mons = "curse toe"}, {mons = "cyclops"}, {mons = "daeva"}, {mons = "dart slug"}, {mons = "death drake"}, {mons = "death knight"}, {mons = "death ooze"}, {mons = "death scarab", weapon_offsets = "-2,0", shield_offsets = "-12,0"}, {mons = "death yak", weapon_offsets = "-4,0", shield_offsets = "-2,0"}, {mons = "deep elf archer"}, {mons = "deep elf annihilator"}, {mons = "deep elf blademaster"}, {mons = "deep elf death mage"}, {mons = "deep elf demonologist"}, {mons = "deep elf elementalist"}, {mons = "deep elf high priest"}, {mons = "deep elf knight"}, {mons = "deep elf mage"}, {mons = "deep elf master archer"}, {mons = "deep elf sorcerer"}, {mons = "deep dwarf"}, {mons = "deep troll"}, {mons = "deep troll earth mage", weapon_offsets = "-3,6", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "deep troll monk ghost", tile = "mons_faint_deep_troll_monk"}, {mons = "deep troll shaman", weapon_offsets = "-3,6", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "deathcap"}, {mons = "death cob"}, {mons = "deformed elf", tile = "mons_deformed_elf"}, {mons = "deformed human", tile = "mons_deformed_human"}, {mons = "deformed orc", tile = "mons_deformed_orc"}, {mons = "demigod"}, {mons = "demonic crawler"}, {mons = "demonic plant", tile = "mons_demonic_plant"}, {mons = "demonspawn"}, {mons = "demonspawn monk ghost", tile = "mons_faint_demonspawn_monk"}, {mons = "diamond obelisk"}, {mons = "dimme", tile = "mons_dimme"}, {mons = "dire elephant", weapon_offsets = "-2,3", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "Dispater"}, {mons = "Dissolution"}, {mons = "doom hound"}, {mons = "Donald"}, {mons = "Dowan", tile = "mons_dowan", num_var = 2, var_type = "sequence"}, {mons = "draconian", tile = "draco_base"}, {mons = "draconian monk ghost", tile = "mons_faint_grey_draconian_monk"}, {mons = "dream sheep"}, {mons = "drowned soul"}, {mons = "dryad"}, {mons = "Duvessa", tile = "mons_duvessa", num_var = 2, var_type = "sequence"}, {mons = "dwarf"}, {mons = "Edmund"}, {mons = "earth elemental"}, {mons = "efreet"}, {mons = "electric eel"}, {mons = "electric golem"}, {mons = "Eustachio"}, {mons = "eidolon"}, {mons = "eldritch tentacle", tile = "mons_eldritch_tentacle_portal_9"}, {mons = "elemental wellspring"}, {mons = "elephant", weapon_offsets = "-2,3", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "elf"}, {mons = "emperor scorpion"}, {mons = "the Enchantress"}, {mons = "entropy weaver"}, {mons = "Ereshkigal", weapon_offsets = "0,-20", shield_offsets = "2,-8"}, {mons = "Erica"}, {mons = "Erolcha"}, {mons = "ettin"}, {mons = "eye of devastation"}, {mons = "eye of draining"}, {mons = "executioner"}, {mons = "Fannar"}, {mons = "faun"}, {mons = "felid", tile = "felid", num_var = 10, var_type = "fixed"}, {mons = "fire bat"}, {mons = "fire crab"}, {mons = "fire dragon"}, {mons = "fire elemental"}, {mons = "fire giant"}, {mons = "fire vortex", tile = "mons_fire_vortex", num_var = 4, var_type = "sequence"}, {mons = "flayed ghost"}, {mons = "flesh golem", tile = "mons_flesh_golem"}, {mons = "floating eye"}, {mons = "flying skull"}, {mons = "formicid"}, {mons = "Frances"}, {mons = "Frederick"}, {mons = "freezing wraith"}, {mons = "frilled lizard"}, {mons = "frost giant"}, {mons = "fulminant prism", tile = "mons_fulminant_prism", num_var = 4, var_type = "sequence"}, {mons = "fungus", tile = "mons_fungus", num_var = 9, var_type = "fixed"}, {mons = "gargoyle"}, {mons = "Gastronok"}, {mons = "Geryon"}, {mons = "ghost", tile = "mons_player_ghost"}, {mons = "ghost crab"}, {mons = "ghost moth"}, {mons = "ghoul"}, {mons = "THE GIAGGOSTUONO", tile = "mons_giaggostuono"}, {mons = "giant cockroach"}, {mons = "gigabat", tile = "mons_gigabat"}, {mons = "Gloorx Vloq"}, {mons = "glowing orange brain"}, {mons = "gnoll"}, {mons = "gnoll sergeant"}, {mons = "gnoll shaman"}, {mons = "goblin"}, {mons = "golden dragon"}, {mons = "golden eye"}, {mons = "great orb of eyes"}, {mons = "greater mummy"}, {mons = "green death"}, {mons = "green draconian"}, {mons = "grey draconian"}, {mons = "Grinder"}, {mons = "Grum"}, {mons = "guardian golem"}, {mons = "guardian mummy"}, {mons = "guardian serpent"}, {mons = "halazid warlock"}, {mons = "halfling"}, {mons = "Harold"}, {mons = "harpy"}, {mons = "Hellbinder"}, {mons = "hellephant"}, {mons = "hellion"}, {mons = "hellwing"}, {mons = "hell beast"}, {mons = "hell hog"}, {mons = "hell hound"}, {mons = "hell knight"}, {mons = "hell rat"}, {mons = "hell sentinel"}, {mons = "hell wizard", tileset = {"mons_hell_wizard_1", "mons_hell_wizard_2", "mons_hell_wizard_3"}, var_type = "oscillate"}, {mons = "hexer"}, {mons = "hippogriff"}, {mons = "hobgoblin"}, {mons = "hog"}, {mons = "holy swine"}, {mons = "hornet"}, {mons = "hound"}, {mons = "howler monkey"}, {mons = "human"}, {mons = "hungry ghost"}, {mons = "hydra", tile = "mons_hydra", num_var = 5, var_type = "oscillate"}, {mons = "ice beast"}, {mons = "ice fiend"}, {mons = "ice devil"}, {mons = "ice dragon"}, {mons = "ice statue"}, {mons = "iguana"}, {mons = "Ignacio"}, {mons = "Ijyb"}, {mons = "Ilsuiw", tileset = { {"default", "mons_ilsuiw"}, {"water", "mons_ilsuiw_water"}}, var_type = "terrain"}, {mons = "imperial myrmidon"}, {mons = "insubstantial wisp"}, {mons = "ironbrand convoker"}, {mons = "ironheart preserver"}, {mons = "iron dragon"}, {mons = "iron elemental"}, {mons = "iron giant"}, {mons = "iron golem"}, {mons = "iron imp"}, {mons = "iron troll", weapon_offsets = "-3,6", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "jackal"}, {mons = "jelly"}, {mons = "Jessica"}, {mons = "jiangshi", weapon_offsets = "1,3", shield_offsets = "2,2"}, {mons = "Jorgrun"}, {mons = "Jörmungandr", tile = "mons_jormungandr"}, {mons = "Jory"}, {mons = "Joseph"}, {mons = "Josephine"}, {mons = "juggernaut"}, {mons = "jumping spider"}, {mons = "Khufu"}, {mons = "killer bee"}, {mons = "killer klown", tile = "mons_killer_klown", num_var = 5}, {mons = "Kirke"}, {mons = "knight"}, {mons = "kobold"}, {mons = "kobold demonologist"}, {mons = "komodo dragon"}, {mons = "kraken"}, {mons = "Lamia", tile = "mons_lamia"}, {mons = "large abomination", tile = "mons_abomination_large", num_var = 7, var_type = "fixed"}, {mons = "lava snake", weapon_offsets = "0,0", shield_offsets = "-10,4"}, {mons = "leopard gecko"}, {mons = "Lernaean Hydra", tile = "mons_lernaean_hydra", var_type = "oscillate", num_var = 10}, {mons = "lich"}, {mons = "lightning spire"}, {mons = "lindwurm", weapon_offsets = "-3,-2", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "Lom Lobon"}, {mons = "lorocyproca"}, {mons = "lost soul"}, {mons = "Louise"}, {mons = "lurking horror"}, {mons = "macabre mass"}, {mons = "mana viper", weapon_offsets = "8,0", shield_offsets = "-2,2"}, {mons = "manticore"}, {mons = "Mara"}, {mons = "Margery"}, {mons = "Maud", tile = "mons_maud"}, {mons = "Maurice"}, {mons = "meliai"}, {mons = "Menkaure"}, {mons = "Mennas"}, {mons = "merfolk", tileset = { {"default", "mons_merfolk"}, {"water", "mons_merfolk_water"}}, var_type = "terrain"}, {mons = "merfolk aquamancer", tileset = { {"default", "mons_merfolk_aquamancer"}, {"water", "mons_merfolk_aquamancer_water"}}, var_type = "terrain"}, {mons = "merfolk avatar", tileset = { {"default", "mons_merfolk_avatar"}, {"water", "mons_merfolk_avatar_water"}}, var_type = "terrain"}, {mons = "merfolk impaler", tileset = { {"default", "mons_merfolk_impaler"}, {"water", "mons_merfolk_impaler_water"}}, var_type = "terrain"}, {mons = "merfolk javelineer", tileset = { {"default", "mons_merfolk_javelineer"}, {"water", "mons_merfolk_javelineer_water"}}, var_type = "terrain"}, {mons = "merfolk siren", tileset = { {"default", "mons_merfolk_siren"}, {"water", "mons_merfolk_siren_water"}}, var_type = "terrain"}, {mons = "minotaur"}, {mons = "Mnoleg"}, {mons = "molten gargoyle"}, {mons = "moon troll", weapon_offsets = "-3,6", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "moth of wrath"}, {mons = "mummy"}, {mons = "mummy priest"}, {mons = "Murray"}, {mons = "mutant beast", tile = "mutant_beast_base", num_var = 5, var_type = "oscillate"}, {mons = "mutant fire beast", tile = "mutant_beast_fire", num_var = 5, var_type = "oscillate"}, {mons = "naga"}, {mons = "nagaraja"}, {mons = "naga mage"}, {mons = "naga ritualist"}, {mons = "naga sharpshooter"}, {mons = "naga warrior"}, {mons = "Natasha"}, {mons = "necromancer"}, {mons = "necrophage"}, {mons = "Nellie"}, {mons = "neqoxec"}, {mons = "Nergalle"}, {mons = "Nessos"}, {mons = "Nikola"}, {mons = "obsidian statue"}, {mons = "octopode"}, {mons = "ogre"}, {mons = "ogre mage"}, {mons = "oklob plant"}, {mons = "oklob sapling"}, {mons = "ooze"}, {mons = "ophan"}, {mons = "orange crystal statue"}, {mons = "orange demon"}, {mons = "orb fetus", tile = "mons_orb_guardian_fetus"}, {mons = "orb guardian"}, {mons = "orb of destruction", tile = "mons_orb_of_destruction", num_var = 3, var_type = "sequence"}, {mons = "orb of electricity", tile = "mons_orb_of_electricity"}, {mons = "orb of fire"}, {mons = "orb of ice", tile = "mons_orb_of_ice"}, {mons = "orb spider"}, {mons = "orc"}, {mons = "orc high priest"}, {mons = "orc knight"}, {mons = "orc priest"}, {mons = "orc sorcerer"}, {mons = "orc warlord"}, {mons = "orc warrior"}, {mons = "orc wizard"}, {mons = "master elementalist", tile = "mons_master_elementalist"}, {mons = "pale draconian"}, {mons = "pandemonium lord"}, {mons = "peacekeeper"}, {mons = "pearl dragon"}, {mons = "phantasmal warrior"}, {mons = "phantom"}, {mons = "phase bat", tile = "mons_phase_bat"}, {mons = "Pikel"}, {mons = "pillar of salt", weapon_offsets = "3,0", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "plant"}, {mons = "polar bear"}, {mons = "porcupine"}, {mons = "Polyphemus"}, {mons = "Prince Ribbit", weapon_offsets = "5,-3", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "profane servitor"}, {mons = "Psyche"}, {mons = "Purgy"}, {mons = "purple draconian"}, {mons = "quasit"}, {mons = "queen ant"}, {mons = "queen bee"}, {mons = "quicksilver dragon"}, {mons = "quokka"}, {mons = "ragged hierophant"}, {mons = "raiju"}, {mons = "rakshasa"}, {mons = "rat"}, {mons = "reaper"}, {mons = "redback"}, {mons = "red devil"}, {mons = "red draconian"}, {mons = "revenant"}, {mons = "rime drake"}, {mons = "river rat"}, {mons = "Robin"}, {mons = "Roxanne"}, {mons = "the Royal Jelly"}, {mons = "Rupert"}, {mons = "rust devil"}, {mons = "Saint Roka"}, {mons = "salamander"}, {mons = "salamander mystic"}, {mons = "saltling"}, {mons = "satyr"}, {mons = "scorpion"}, {mons = "sea snake", weapon_offsets = "-4,5", shield_offsets = "-4,4"}, {mons = "seraph"}, {mons = "The Serpent of Hell", tileset = { "mons_serpent_of_hell_tartarus", "mons_serpent_of_hell_cocytus", "mons_serpent_of_hell_dis", "mons_serpent_of_hell_gehenna"}}, {mons = "servant of whispers"}, {mons = "shadow"}, {mons = "shadow demon"}, {mons = "shadow dragon"}, {mons = "shadow imp"}, {mons = "shadow wraith"}, {mons = "shambling mangrove"}, {mons = "shapeshifter", tileset = { "mons_glowing_shapeshifter", "mons_shapeshifter"}, var_type="sequence"}, {mons = "shard shrike", weapon_offsets = "8,0", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "shining eye"}, {mons = "shock serpent", weapon_offsets = "3,0", shield_offsets = "-2,3"}, {mons = "Sigmund"}, {mons = "silent spectre"}, {mons = "sixfirhy"}, {mons = "skeletal warrior"}, {mons = "sky beast"}, {mons = "slave"}, {mons = "slime creature", num_var = 5, var_type = "oscillate", tile = "mons_slime_creature"}, {mons = "small abomination"}, {mons = "smoke demon"}, {mons = "snapping turtle", tileset = { "mons_snapping_turtle", "mons_alligator_snapping_turtle"}, var_type="sequence"}, {mons = "Snorg"}, {mons = "soldier ant"}, {mons = "Sojobo"}, {mons = "Sonja"}, {mons = "soul eater"}, {mons = "spark wasp"}, {mons = "spatial maelstrom", tile = "mons_spatial_maelstrom", num_var = 4, var_type = "sequence"}, {mons = "spatial vortex", tile = "mons_spatial_vortex", num_var = 4, var_type = "sequence"}, {mons = "spellforged servitor"}, {mons = "sphinx"}, {mons = "spiny frog", weapon_offsets = "5,-3", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "spooky ghost", tile = "mons_ghost"}, {mons = "spriggan"}, {mons = "spriggan air mage"}, {mons = "spriggan berserker"}, {mons = "spriggan defender"}, {mons = "spriggan druid"}, {mons = "spriggan rider"}, {mons = "steam dragon"}, {mons = "stone giant"}, {mons = "storm dragon"}, {mons = "sun demon"}, {mons = "starcursed mass"}, {mons = "swamp dragon"}, {mons = "swamp drake"}, {mons = "swamp worm"}, {mons = "tarantella"}, {mons = "tengu"}, {mons = "tengu conjurer"}, {mons = "tengu reaver"}, {mons = "tengu warrior"}, {mons = "tentacled monstrosity"}, {mons = "tentacled starspawn"}, {mons = "Terence"}, {mons = "test spawner"}, {mons = "thorn hunter"}, {mons = "thrashing horror"}, {mons = "Tiamat", tile = "mons_tiamat", num_var = 9}, {mons = "titan"}, {mons = "toadstool", tile = "mons_toadstool", num_var = 2, var_type = "fixed"}, {mons = "toenail golem"}, {mons = "tormentor"}, {mons = "torpor snail", weapon_offsets = "9,-2", shield_offsets = "0,0"}, {mons = "training dummy"}, {mons = "tree", tile = "tran_tree"}, {mons = "troll"}, {mons = "twister", tile = "mons_twister", num_var = 4, var_type = "sequence"}, {mons = "two-headed ogre"}, {mons = "tyrant leech"}, {mons = "tzitzimitl"}, {mons = "ufetubus"}, {mons = "ugly thing", tile = "mons_ugly_thing", num_var = 6}, {mons = "unseen horror"}, {mons = "the Unspeakable", tile = "mons_unspeakable"}, {mons = "Urug"}, {mons = "ushabti"}, {mons = "vampire"}, {mons = "vampire bat"}, {mons = "vampire knight"}, {mons = "vampire mage"}, {mons = "vampire mosquito"}, {mons = "Vashnia"}, {mons = "vault guard"}, {mons = "vault sentinel"}, {mons = "vault warden"}, {mons = "very ugly thing", tile = "mons_very_ugly_thing", num_var = 6}, {mons = "vine stalker"}, {mons = "wandering mushroom"}, {mons = "war gargoyle"}, {mons = "water elemental"}, {mons = "water moccasin"}, {mons = "water nymph"}, {mons = "warg"}, {mons = "white draconian"}, {mons = "white imp"}, {mons = "wind drake"}, {mons = "wight"}, {mons = "Wiglaf", tile = "mons_wiglaf"}, {mons = "withered plant", tile = "mons_withered_plant"}, {mons = "wizard"}, {mons = "wolf"}, {mons = "wolf spider"}, {mons = "worker ant"}, {mons = "worldbinder"}, {mons = "worm"}, {mons = "wretched star"}, {mons = "wraith"}, {mons = "wyvern"}, {mons = "XTAHUA"}, {mons = "yak", weapon_offsets = "-4,0", shield_offsets = "-2,0"}, {mons = "yaktaur"}, {mons = "yaktaur captain"}, {mons = "yellow draconian"}, {mons = "ynoxinul"}, {mons = "Zonguldrok", tile = "mons_zonguldrok_lich"}, {mons = "a Zot statue", tile = "mons_zot_statue"}, } -- end player_tiles array end -- Note: No further configuration past this point. -- A list of tiles that are valid and compatible with our version. valid_tiles = {} rtdat = nil -- Wrapper of crawl.mpr() that prints text in white by default. if not mpr then mpr = function (msg, color) if not color then color = "white" end crawl.mpr("<" .. color .. ">" .. msg .. "") end end -- Populate valid_tiles function init_random_tiles(tiles) local version = tonumber(crawl.version("major")) for i,v in ipairs(player_tiles) do if v.mons and (not v.min_version or version >= tonumber(v.min_version)) and (not v.max_version or version <= tonumber(v.max_version)) then valid_tiles[#valid_tiles + 1] = v end end -- state data local default_state = {index = 1 + crawl.random2(#valid_tiles), last_index_change = you.turns(), last_variant = -1, forward_direction = true, last_xl = tonumber(you.xl()), enabled = true, timer_enabled = true} if not c_persist.randomtile_state then c_persist.randomtile_state = {} end rtdat = c_persist.randomtile_state for key,val in pairs(default_state) do if rtdat[key] == nil then rtdat[key] = val end end if rtdat.enabled then enable_random_tile(true) else disable_random_tile(true) end end -- Print a message about a tile set change function tile_change_message() if not randtile_options.god_message then return end local god = you.god() if god == "No God" then god = randtile_options.default_god end if randtile_options.god_speech[god] then msg_template = randtile_options.god_speech[god] else msg_template = randtile_options.god_speech["default"] end local msg = msg_template:gsub("%%g", god) local amons = crawl.grammar(valid_tiles[rtdat.index].mons, "A") local mons = valid_tiles[rtdat.index].mons msg = msg:gsub("%%am", amons) mons = mons:gsub("^[tT][hH][eE] ", "") mons = mons:gsub("^[aA][nN]? ", "") msg = msg:gsub("%%m", mons) mpr(msg, randtile_options.message_colour) end function get_terrain() local feat = view.feature_at(0,0) -- Set to "air" when flying so water and lava features under the -- player don't cause spurious matches. if you.status():find("flying") then feat = "air" end return feat end function get_percent_hp() local hp, mhp = you.hp() return hp / mhp end if not var_functions then var_functions = { ["percent_hp"] = get_percent_hp, ["status"] = you.status, ["terrain"] = get_terrain, ["xl"] = you.xl, } end -- Change the current tile using the tileset entry with the given index in -- valid_tiles. This will update the randtile state as necessary. function change_tile(index, force) local tileopt = nil local change_index = force or index ~= rtdat.index local entry = valid_tiles[index] local num_var = entry.num_var if not num_var and entry.tileset then num_var = table.getn(entry.tileset) end if num_var then local var_type = entry.var_type if not var_type then var_type = "random" end local variant = 1 if var_type == "random" or var_type == "fixed" then variant = crawl.random2(num_var) + 1 -- Iterate the sequence variant if we have valid state for it. elseif var_type == "sequence" and not change_index and rtdat.last_variant >= 1 and rtdat.last_variant < num_var then variant = rtdat.last_variant + 1 elseif var_type == "oscillate" and not change_index and rtdat.last_variant >= 1 then if rtdat.forward_direction and rtdat.last_variant == num_var then rtdat.forward_direction = false elseif not rtdat.forward_direction and rtdat.last_variant == 1 then rtdat.forward_direction = true end variant = rtdat.last_variant + (rtdat.forward_direction and 1 or -1) elseif var_functions[var_type] ~= nil then local comp_value = var_functions[var_type]() local comp_string = true if type(comp_value) == "number" then comp_string = false end for i, v in pairs(entry.tileset) do if i > 1 and (comp_string and comp_value:find(v[1]) or not comp_string and comp_value <= v[1]) then variant = i -- For string values, take the first match if comp_string then break end end end end rtdat.last_variant = variant -- custom-defined tilesets or an variant set defined by crawl itself. if entry.tileset then -- For var_type values that use var_functions if type(entry.tileset[variant]) == "table" then tileopt = entry.tileset[variant][2] else tileopt = entry.tileset[variant] end elseif entry.tile then local var_suf if variant == 1 then var_suf = "" else var_suf = "_" .. variant - 1 end tileopt = entry.tile .. var_suf end tileopt = "tile:" .. tileopt elseif entry.tile then tileopt = "tile:" .. entry.tile elseif entry.mons then tileopt = "mons:" .. entry.mons end if not tileopt then return end if change_index then rtdat.index = index rtdat.last_index_change = you.turns() end crawl.setopt("tile_player_tile = " .. tileopt) if valid_tiles[index].weapon_offsets then crawl.setopt("tile_weapon_offsets = " .. valid_tiles[index].weapon_offsets) else crawl.setopt("tile_weapon_offsets = reset") end if valid_tiles[index].shield_offsets then crawl.setopt("tile_shield_offsets = " .. valid_tiles[index].shield_offsets) else crawl.setopt("tile_shield_offsets = reset") end if change_index then tile_change_message() end end -- Change the tile by partial match of name to the mons entries in -- valid_tiles. Reads name from input if it's not given as an argument. function set_tile_by_name(name) if name == nil then crawl.formatted_mpr("Enter a tile name search string: ", "prompt") name = crawl.c_input_line() if not name then return end end local first_match = nil name = name:lower() for i,v in ipairs(valid_tiles) do local mname = v.mons:lower() if mname == name then first_match = i break elseif mname:find(name) and not first_match then first_match = i end end if first_match then change_tile(first_match, true) else mpr("Unable to match a player_tile mons value with " .. name, "lightred") end end -- Checks the randtile state, changing the tile when necessary. A change of the -- tile index will cause a tile change message to be displayed. The tile may be -- changed to a new tileset variant even if the index is unchanged, depending -- on the definition of the current tileset. If force_change is true, the tile -- index will always be changed. function random_tile(force_change) if not valid_tiles or not rtdat.enabled then return end local num_tiles = #valid_tiles local xl_changed = tonumber(you.xl()) ~= rtdat.last_xl if xl_changed then rtdat.last_xl = tonumber(you.xl()) end local turns_passed = tonumber(you.turns()) - randtile_options.turns_change local change_index = force_change or rtdat.timer_enabled and (xl_changed or turns_passed >= rtdat.last_index_change) local index if change_index then index = 1 + crawl.random2(num_tiles) else index = rtdat.index end local entry = valid_tiles[index] local var_type = "random" if (entry.num_var or entry.tileset) and entry.var_type then var_type = entry.var_type end if not change_index and var_type == "fixed" then return end -- We're changing the player tile because of an index change or because we -- are using a variant tileset that changes with every UI input. change_tile(index) end -- Force a tile change function new_random_tile() random_tile(true) end -- Toggle the turn/xl timer to disable/enable index changing. function toggle_tile_timer() if rtdat.timer_enabled then mpr("Disabling tile changes by turn or XL.") else mpr("Enabling tile changes by turn and XL.") end rtdat.timer_enabled = not rtdat.timer_enabled end function enable_random_tile(quiet) if not quiet then mpr("Enabling RandomTiles.") end rtdat.enabled = true -- Don't attempt to load an invalid index if rtdat.index == nil or rtdat.index > #valid_tiles then rtdat.index = 1 + crawl.random2(#valid_tiles) end change_tile(rtdat.index, true) end function disable_random_tile(quiet) rtdat.enabled = false crawl.setopt("tile_player_tile = " .. randtile_options.disabled_setting) crawl.setopt("tile_weapon_offsets = reset") crawl.setopt("tile_shield_offsets = reset") if not quiet then mpr("Disabling RandomTiles.") end end -- Toggle RandomTiles, setting it tile_player_tile to default setting if we're -- disabling. function toggle_random_tile() if rtdat.enabled then disable_random_tile() else enable_random_tile() end end -- Initialize the tileset, removing any invalid tile entries. init_random_tiles(player_tiles) ------------------------- ---- End RandomTiles ---- ------------------------- > } # The ready() function is needed for code that has to process each turn or UI # action. { function ready() -- Open skill screen on turn 0. -- RandomTiles random_tile() end } $danger = lightred - For messages you should most likely pay attention to $item_dmg = red - For messages about health or item destruction, or other very bad things $warning = yellow - For messages you should probably pay attention to, includes when stuff makes noise $boring = darkgrey - For messages you probably don't need to pay attention to $negative = brown - For messages that describe damage to you or an ally $good = lightblue - For messages that describe you or an ally doing damage to an enemy $positive = green - For messages that describe a beneficial effect that doesn't do damage $verypositive = lightgreen - For messages that describe when something dies or something good occurs $awesome = lightmagenta - For messages that describe gaining good mutations $interface = cyan - For messages that describe something to the player $takesaction = blue - For messages that describe when either you or an enemy attacks/casts $godaction = magenta - For messages relating to Gods # Variables for message highlighting $danger := lightred $item_dmg := red $warning := yellow $boring := darkgrey $negative := brown $good := lightblue $positive := green $verypositive := lightgreen $awesome := lightmagenta $interface := cyan $takesaction := blue $godaction := magenta $mp := lightcyan ############### # Damage Calc # ############### < local previous_hp = 0 local previous_mp = 0 local previous_form = "" local was_berserk_last_turn = false function AnnounceDamage() local current_hp, max_hp = you.hp() local current_mp, max_mp = you.mp() --Things that increase hp/mp temporarily really mess with this local current_form = you.transform() local you_are_berserk = you.berserk() local max_hp_increased = false local max_hp_decreased = false if (current_form ~= previous_form) then if (previous_form:find("dragon") or previous_form:find("statue") or previous_form:find("tree") or previous_form:find("ice")) then max_hp_decreased = true elseif (current_form:find("dragon") or current_form:find("statue") or current_form:find("tree") or current_form:find("ice")) then max_hp_increased = true end end if (was_berserk_last_turn and not you_are_berserk) then max_hp_decreased = true elseif (you_are_berserk and not was_berserk_last_turn) then max_hp_increased = true end --crawl.mpr(string.format("previous_form is: %s", previous_form)) --crawl.mpr(string.format("current_form is: %s", current_form)) --crawl.mpr(string.format("max_hp_increased is: %s", max_hp_increased and "True" or "False")) --crawl.mpr(string.format("max_hp_decreased is: %s", max_hp_decreased and "True" or "False")) --crawl.mpr(string:format("you_are_berserk is: %s", you_are_berserk and "True" or "False")) --crawl.mpr(string:format("was_berserk_last_turn is: %s", was_berserk_last_turn and "True" or "False")) --Skips message on initializing game if previous_hp > 0 then local hp_difference = previous_hp - current_hp local mp_difference = previous_mp - current_mp if max_hp_increased or max_hp_decreased then if max_hp_increased then crawl.mpr("You now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") else crawl.mpr("You now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") end else --On losing health if (current_hp < previous_hp) then if current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.30) then crawl.mpr("You take " .. hp_difference .. " damage, and have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr("You take " .. hp_difference .. " damage, and have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.70) then crawl.mpr("You take " .. hp_difference .. " damage, and have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.90) then crawl.mpr("You take " .. hp_difference .. " damage, and have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") else crawl.mpr("You take " .. hp_difference .. " damage, and have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") end if hp_difference > (max_hp * 0.20) then crawl.mpr("MASSIVE DAMAGE!!") end end --On gaining more than 1 health if (current_hp > previous_hp) then --Removes the negative sign local health_inturn = (0 - hp_difference) if (health_inturn > 1) and not (current_hp == max_hp) then if current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.30) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. health_inturn .. " hp, and now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. health_inturn .. " hp, and now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.70) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. health_inturn .. " hp, and now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.90) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. health_inturn .. " hp, and now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") else crawl.mpr("You regained " .. health_inturn .. " hp, and now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") end end if (current_hp == max_hp) then crawl.mpr("Health restored: " .. current_hp .. "") end end --On gaining more than 1 magic if (current_mp > previous_mp) then --Removes the negative sign local mp_inturn = (0 - mp_difference) if (mp_inturn > 1) and not (current_mp == max_mp) then if current_mp < (max_mp * 0.25) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. mp_inturn .. " mp, and now have " .. current_mp .. "/" .. max_mp .. " mp.") elseif current_mp < (max_mp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. mp_inturn .. " mp, and now have " .. current_mp .. "/" .. max_mp .. " mp.") else crawl.mpr("You regained " .. mp_inturn .. " mp, and now have " .. current_mp .. "/" .. max_mp .. " mp.") end end if (current_mp == max_mp) then crawl.mpr("MP restored: " .. current_mp .. "") end end --On losing magic if current_mp < previous_mp then if current_mp <= (max_mp / 5) then crawl.mpr("You now have " .. current_mp .. "/" ..max_mp .." mp.") elseif current_mp <= (max_mp / 2) then crawl.mpr("You now have " .. current_mp .. "/" ..max_mp .." mp.") else crawl.mpr("You now have " .. current_mp .. "/" ..max_mp .." mp.") end end end end --Set previous hp/mp and form at end of turn previous_hp = current_hp previous_mp = current_mp previous_form = current_form was_berserk_last_turn = you_are_berserk end