# TEAMCAPTAIN mrdesaussure allow_self_target = no show_more = false autofight_stop = 50 explore_auto_rest = true auto_switch = true auto_butcher = true auto_eat_chunks = true default_manual_training = true stop = Your transformation is almost over. more := force_more_message more += corrodes your equipment more += Your corrosive artefact corrodes you more += are blown away by the wind more += dispelling energy hits you more += infuriates you more += lose consciousness more += mark forms upon you more += MASSIVE DAMAGE more += Ouch! That really hurt! more += silver sears you more += Space bends around you more += Space warps horribly around you more += surroundings become eerily quiet more += Terrible wounds (open|spread) all over you more += The acid corrodes your more += The air around.*erupts in flames more += The air twists around and violently strikes you in flight more += You shudder from the earth-shattering force more += The arrow of dispersal hits you[^r] more += The barbed spikes become lodged in your body more += The barbed spikes dig painfully into your body as you move more += The blast of calcifying dust hits you[^r] more += The poison in your body grows stronger more += The pull of.*song draws you forwards more += The.*engulfs you in water more += The.*grabs you[^r] more += You (are|feel) drained more += You are (blasted|electrocuted) more += You are blown backwards more += You are burned terribly more += You are encased in ice more += You are engulfed in calcifying dust more += You are engulfed in dark miasma more += You are engulfed in mutagenic fog more += You are knocked back more += You are mesmerised more += You are slowing down more += You are trampled more += You convulse more += You feel a (horrible|terrible) chill more += You feel haunted more += You feel less vulnerable to poison more += You feel your attacks grow feeble more += You feel your flesh.*rot more += You feel your power drain away more += You feel your power leaking away more += You feel yourself grow more vulnerable to poison more += You stumble backwards more += You.*re (confused|more confused|too confused) more += You.*re (poisoned|more poisoned|lethally poisoned) more += Your body is wracked with pain more += Your damage is reflected back at you more += Your limbs are stiffening more += Your magical defenses are stripped away more += Your?.*suddenly stops? moving # Monsters doing bad things more += A tree reaches out and hits you! more += Agitated ravens fly out from beneath the more += begins to recite a word of recall more += Being near the torpor snail leaves you feeling lethargic more += blows on a signal horn more += cast banishment more += cast paralyse more += cast Torment more += goes berserk more += The moth of wrath goads something on more += is duplicated more += is no longer invulnerable more += Its appearance distorts for a moment more += Mara seems to draw the.*out of itself more += Mara shimmers more += Miasma billows from the more += shoots a curare more += stands defiantly in death's doorway more += steals.*your more += swoops through the air toward you more += The forest starts to sway and rumble more += The jumping spider pounces on you [^but] more += The octopode crusher throws you more += The shadow imp is revulsed by your support of nature more += The water nymph flows with the water more += The.*offers itself to Yredelemnul more += The.*seems to speed up more += The.*shudders more += There is a horrible\, sudden wrenching feeling in your soul more += Vines fly forth from the trees! more += You are hit by a branch more += You feel you are being watched by something more += Your magical defenses are stripped away more += \'s.*reflects # Unexpected situations more += A magical barricade bars your way more += Done waiting more += doors? slams? shut more += It doesn't seem very happy more += Mutagenic energies flood into your body more += Some monsters swap places more += (starving|devoid of blood) more += (The|Your).*falls away! more += The divine light dispels your darkness! more += The walls disappear more += There is a sealed passage more += You are wearing\: more += You cannot afford.*fee more += You feel (dopey|clumsy|weak) more += You feel a genetic drift more += You feel monstrous more += You feel your rage building more += You have disarmed more += You have finished your manual more += You have reached level more += You need to eat something NOW more += You smell decay. (^Yuck!) more += You stop (a|de)scending the stairs more += You turn into a fleshy mushroom more += Your body shudders with the violent release of wild energies more += Your guardian golem overheats more += your magic stops regenerating more += Your scales start more += your.*devoured more += Green shoots are pushing up through the earth