{ local need_skills_opened = true function ready() if you.race() ~= "Gnoll" and you.turns() == 0 and need_skills_opened then need_skills_opened = false crawl.sendkeys("m") end end add_autopickup_func(function(it, name) local class = it.class(true) local armour_slots = {cloak="Cloak", helmet="Helmet", gloves="Gloves", boots="Boots", body="Armour", shield="Shield"} if it.is_useless then return false end if class == "armour" then sub_type = it.subtype() equipped_item = items.equipped_at(armour_slots[sub_type]) if (sub_type == "cloak") or (sub_type == "helmet") or (sub_type == "gloves") or (sub_type == "boots") then return not equipped_item or it.artefact or it.branded or it.ego end if sub_type == "body" then if equipped_item then local armourname = equipped_item.name() if equipped_item.artefact or equipped_item.branded or equipped_item.ego or (equipped_item.plus > 2) or armourname:find("dragon") then return it.artefact else return it.artefact or it.branded or it.ego end end return true end if sub_type == "shield" then if equipped_item then return it.artefact or it.branded or it.ego end end return false end if class == "weapon" then local weapon = items.equipped_at("Weapon") if weapon then if (weapon.branded or weapon.artefact or weapon.name():find("staff of")) then return false else local name = weapon.name() local sb = you.skill("Short Blades") local lb = you.skill("Long Blades") local axe = you.skill("Axes") local mf = you.skill("Maces & Flails") local pole = you.skill("Polearms") local staff = you.skill("Staves") if sb > 6 then if name:find("quick blade") then return true end end if lb > 8 then if name:find("demon blade") then return true end if name:find("double sword") then return true end end if lb > 14 then if name:find("triple sword") then return true end end if axe > 8 and mf <= 8 then if name:find("battleaxe") then return true end if name:find("broad axe") then return true end if name:find("executioner") then return true end end if axe > 18 then if name:find("executioner") then return true end end if mf > 8 and staff <= 8 and axe <= 8 then if name:find("eveningstar") then return true end if name:find("demon whip") then return true end if name:find("sacred scourge") then return true end end if mf > 14 and staff <= 14 and axe <= 14 then if name:find("great mace") then return true end end if pole > 8 and staff <= 8 then if name:find("trident") then return true end if name:find("demon trident") then return true end if name:find("trishula") then return true end end if pole > 14 and staff <= 14 then if name:find("glaive") then return true end if name:find("bardiche") then return true end end if staff > 8 then if name:find("lajatang") then return true end end end elseif (you.skill("Unarmed Combat") < 3) then return true end end end) } travel_delay = -1 explore_delay = -1 rest_delay = -1 view_delay = 40 tile_web_mouse_control = false note_chat_messages = true tile_water_anim=false default_autopickup = true default_manual_training = true pickup_mode = multi equip_unequip = true runrest_ignore_poison = 2:40 trapwalk_safe_hp = dart:20,needle:15,arrow:35,bolt:45,spear:40,axe:45,blade:95 dump_order = header,hiscore,stats,misc,mutations,skills,spells,action_counts, inventory dump_order += screenshot,monlist,kills,vaults,messages,notes auto_butcher = hungry confirm_butcher = never auto_eat_chunks = true easy_eat_chunks = true easy_eat_contaminated = true sort_menus = true : equipped, freshness, charged show_more = false show_inventory_weights = true show_gold_turns = true show_game_turns = true show_newturn_mark = true show_travel_trail = true show_god_gift = yes autofight_stop = 75 autofight_throw = false autofight_throw_nomove = false autofight_fire_stop = true hp_colour = 100:green, 90:lightgray, 75:yellow, 50:lightred, 25:red mp_colour = 100:green, 90:lightgray, 75:yellow, 50:lightred, 25:red ae := autopickup_exceptions #-------------------------- ae += useless_item, dangerous_item, evil_item ae += scrolls? of (torment|brand|amnesia|vulnerability) ae += potions? of (lignification|ambrosia) ae += wand of random effects ae += ring of (fire|ice|magical power|wizardry) ae += <(lamp of fire|phial of floods|lightning rod) ae += potions? of flight : end fm := force_more_message #----------------------- fm += You have reached level fm += Your scales start fm += You fall through a shaft fm += life is in your own hands fm += dispelling energy hits you fm += You convulse fm += god:(sends|finds|silent|anger) fm += divine experience fm += You have finished your manual fm += ^Careful! fm += interdimensional caravan fm += distant snort fm += calcifying dust hits fm += Space warps horribly around you fm += hits you.*distortion fm += Space bends around you\. fm += You feel Trog fm += voice booms out fm += watched by something fm += You are slowing down fm += ([Ff]iend|[Hh]ellion|[Tt]ormentor,[Ll]ich).*comes? into view fm += (Agnes|Aizul|Arachne|Asmodeus|Antaeus|Azrael).*comes? into view fm += (Blork|Boris|Cerebov).*comes? into view fm += (Dispater|Dissolution|Donald|Dowan|Duvessa).*comes? into view fm += (Edmund|Enchantress|Ereshkigal|Erica|Erolcha|Eustachio).*comes? into view fm += (Fannar|Frances|Frederick).*comes? into view fm += (Gastronok|Geryon|Grinder|Grum).*comes? into view fm += (Harold|Ignacio|Ijyb|Ilsuiw).*comes? into view fm += (Jorgrun|Jory|Joseph|Josephine).*comes? into view fm += (Ribbit|Roka).*comes? into view fm += (Khufu|Kirke).*comes? into view fm += (Lamia|Leanaean|Lobon|Louise).*comes? into view fm += (Mara|Margery|Maud|Maurice|Menkaure|Mennas|Mnoleg|Murray).*comes? into view fm += (Nergalle|Nessos|Nikola|Norris).*comes? into view fm += (Pikel|Polyphemus|Psyche|Purgy).*comes? into view fm += (royal jelly|Roxanne|Rupert).*comes? into view fm += (Serpent of Hell|Sigmund|Sojobo|Sonja|Snorg).*comes? into view fm += (Terence|Tiamat).*comes? into view fm += (Urug|Vloq|Xtahua|Yiuf).*comes? into view fm += ([Hh]ydr|[Oo]klob).*comes? into view : if you.xl() < 15 then fm += (orc priest|eel|[Jj]ell|[Ss]hadow|[Gg]argoyle).*comes? into view : end ai := autoinscribe #--------------- ai += (distortion|vampiric):!w ai += staff of (wizardry|energy|power|conjuration|summoning):!a ai += chunk:@w1 ai += scroll of teleportation:@r1 ai += scroll of blinking:@r2 ai += scrolls? of identify:@r3 ai += scroll of remove curse:@r4 ai += potion of heal wounds:@q1 ai += potion of curing:@q2 ai += potion of haste:@q4 ai += throwing net:!f ss := spell_slot #--------------- ss += Apportation:a ss += Blink:b ss += Controlled Blink:c ss += Flight:f ss += Invisibility:i ss += Aura of Abjuration:j ss += Deflect Missiles:mM ss += Necromutation:n ss += Orb of Destruction:o ss += Regeneration:r ss += Swiftness:s ss += Sublimation of Blood:u ss += Borgnjor's Revivification:p ss += .*:ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ts := travel_stop_message #------------------------- ts += An alarm trap emits a blaring wail ts += You are starting to lose your buoyancy ts += You start to feel a little slower ts += Your transformation is almost over ts += You lose control over your flight ts += You start to feel a little uncertain ts += Your repel missiles spell is about to expire ri := runrest_ignore_message #---------------------------- ri += You feel.*sick ri += You feel a bit more experienced ri += disappears in a puff of smoke ri += engulfed in a cloud of smoke ri += safely over a trap ri += You hear a grinding noise ri += You smell something rotten ri += Your vampire flickers and vanishes for a moment ri += pray: ri += talk: ri += talk_visual: ri += friend_spell: ri += friend_enchant: ri += friend_action: ri += sound: mc := menu_colour #------------------------- mc += cyan:brand weapon mc += cyan:enchant weapon mc += cyan:enchant armour mc += lightcyan:magic mapping mc += lightcyan:potions? of might mc += lightcyan:potions? of agility mc += lightcyan:potions? of brilliance mc += lightcyan:potions? of haste #mc += green:potions? of resistance mc += brown:wand of flame mc += brown:wand of para mc += brown:wand of poly #mc += brown:wand of ensl mc += brown:wand of dis as := ability_slot #------------------------- as ^= End Trans: u as ^= Evoke Invis: i as ^= Turn Visibl: I