# TEAMCAPTAIN dolemite99 name = yakattack runrest_wait_both = true rest_wait_ancestor = true autoinscribe += stone:+f fire_order = inscribed, launcher default_show_all_skills = true use_animations -= player # allow_extended_colours = true # tile_show_items = false tile_skip_title = true name_bypasses_menu = true allow_self_target = no travel_delay = -1 explore_delay = -1 rest_delay = -1 msg_condense_repeats = true show_more = false easy_door = true interrupt_rest -= interrupt_run interrupt_rest += hp_loss, monster_attack, monster, mimic, teleport, stat, hit_monster, sense_monster # sort_menus = true:equipped,identified,basename,art,ego,glowing,qualname,curse,charged,slot # sort_menus = pickup:true:equipped,identified,basename,art,ego,glowing,qualname,curse,charged,slot sort_menus = true : equipped, identified, basename, qualname, charged autofight_stop = 60 autofight_wait = 1 autofight_caught = true autofight_throw_nomove = false newgame_after_quit = true default_manual_training = true # inventory assign_item_slot = backward # auto_hide_spells = true view_delay = 20 # exploration show_travel_trail = true stop := runrest_stop_message runrest_ignore_poison = 5:10 runrest_ignore_monster += ^butterfly:1 ignore := runrest_ignore_message # Annoyances : if you.god() == "Jiyva" then ignore += You feel less wooden ignore += Jiyva gurgles merrily ignore += Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice ignore += Jiyva says: Divide and consume ignore += You hear.*splatter : end ignore ^= You feel.*sick ignore += disappears in a puff of smoke ignore += engulfed in a cloud of smoke ignore += standing in the rain ignore += engulfed in white fluffiness ignore += safely over a trap ignore += A.*toadstool withers and dies ignore += toadstools? grow ignore += You walk carefully through the ignore += chunks of flesh in your inventory.*rotted away ignore += Your transformation has ended runrest_ignore_poison = 5:10 runrest_ignore_monster += ^butterfly:1 # Bad things stop += You fall through a shaft stop += An alarm trap emits a blaring wail stop += (blundered into a|invokes the power of) Zot stop += A huge blade swings out and slices into you! stop += flesh start stop += (starving|feel devoid of blood) stop += wrath finds you stop += lose consciousness stop += watched by something stop += appears from out of your range of vision # Expiring effects stop += You feel yourself slow down stop += less insulated stop += You are starting to lose your buoyancy stop += You lose control over your flight stop += Your hearing returns # stop += Your transformation is almost over stop += back to life stop += uncertain stop += time is quickly running out stop += life is in your own hands stop += is no longer charmed stop += You start to feel a little slower stop += You are no longer : if you.god() == "Xom" then stop += god: :else ignore += god: :end ignore += pray: ignore += talk: ignore += talk_visual: ignore += friend_spell: ignore += friend_enchant: ignore += friend_action: ignore += sound: msc := message_colour # Muted - unnecessary msc += mute:The (bush|fungus|plant) is engulfed msc += mute:The (bush|fungus|plant) is struck by lightning msc += mute:Cast which spell msc += mute:Use which ability msc += mute:Evoke which item msc += mute:Confirm with # msc += mute:(Casting|Aiming|Aim|Zapping)\: msc += mute:Throwing.*\: msc += mute:You can\'t see any susceptible monsters within range msc += mute:Press\: \? \- help, Shift\-Dir \- straight line, f \- you msc += mute:for a list of commands and other information msc += mute:Firing \(i msc += mute:Fire\/throw which item\? msc += mute:You swap places msc ^= mute:is lightly (damaged|wounded) msc ^= mute:is moderately (damaged|wounded) msc ^= mute:is heavily (damaged|wounded) msc ^= mute:is severely (damaged|wounded) msc ^= mute:is almost (dead|destroyed) msc += mute:Was it this warm in here before msc += mute:The flames dance msc += mute:Your shadow attacks msc += mute:Marking area around msc += mute:Placed new exclusion msc += mute:Reduced exclusion size to a single square msc += mute:Removed exclusion msc += mute:You can access your shopping list by pressing msc += mute:for starvation awaits msc += mute:As you enter the labyrinth msc += mute:previously moving walls settle noisily into place msc += mute:You offer a prayer to Elyvilon msc += mute:You offer a prayer to Nemelex Xobeh msc += mute:You offer a prayer to Okawaru msc += mute:You offer a prayer to Makhleb msc += mute:You offer a prayer to Lugonu msc += mute:Lugonu accepts your kill msc += mute:Okawaru is noncommittal msc += mute:Nemelex Xobeh is (noncommittal|pleased) msc += mute:The plant looks sick msc += mute:You start butchering msc += mute:You continue butchering msc += mute:This raw flesh tastes terrible : if string.find(you.god(), "Jiyva") then msc += mute:You hear a.*slurping noise msc += mute:You hear a.*squelching noise msc += mute:You feel a little less hungry : end explore_stop = stairs,shops,altars,portals,branches,runed_doors # explore_stop += greedy_pickup_smart,greedy_visited_item_stack autopickup = $:?!/ # autopickup = $ ae := autopickup_exceptions ae ^= wand of random effects ae += >wand of paralysis ae += >wand of confusion ae += >wand of digging ae += >wand of disintegration ae += >wand of polymorph ae += >wand of flame ae += >wand of enslavement # ae +=