## ## magus.rc ################################################################################################ ## ## BEGIN ################################################################################################ : rc_msg("Initializing magus.rc ...") : crawl.enable_more(false) ## ## Globals.rc ################################################################################################ # PAUSE variable for ForceMorePrompts.rc $PAUSE_MORE := PAUSE { -- Pause for AnnounceDamage.lua PAUSE_MORE = "PAUSE" -- Standard Colors (ignoring black, not visible) COLORS = { ["darkgrey"] = "darkgrey", ["lightgrey"] = "lightgrey", ["white"] = "white", ["blue"] = "blue", ["lightblue"] = "lightblue", ["green"] = "green", ["lightgreen"] = "lightgreen", ["cyan"] = "cyan", ["lightcyan"] = "lightcyan", ["red"] = "red", ["lightred"] = "lightred", ["magenta"] = "magenta", ["lightmagenta"] = "lightmagenta", ["yellow"] = "yellow", ["brown"] = "brown"} } ## ## Utils.lua ################################################################################################ { function withColor(color, str) return string.format("<%s>%s", color, str, color) end function rc_out(symbol, color, msg) crawl.mpr(string.format("%s <%s>%s", symbol, color, msg, color)) end function rc_msg(msg) rc_out("🤖", "blue", msg) end function rc_scs(msg) rc_out("✅", "green", msg) end function rc_err(msg) rc_out("❌", "lightred", msg) end function table_has(table, match) for index, value in ipairs(table) do if value == match then return true end end return false end } ## ## Lua Setup ################################################################################################ ## ## AnnounceDamage.lua ################################################################################################ { local Messages = { ["HPSimple"] = function(delta) return withColor(COLORS.white, string.format("HP[%s]", delta_color(0 - delta)) ) end, ["HPMax"] = function (color, hp, hpm, delta) crawl.mpr( withColor(COLORS.lightgreen, string.format("You now have %s max hp (%s).", hpm, delta_color(delta)) ) ) end, ["HPLoss"] = function (color, hp, hpm, loss) crawl.mpr( string.format("%s%s", withColor(COLORS.red, string.format("You take %s damage,", loss)), withColor(color, string.format(" and now have %s/%s hp.", hp, hpm)) ) ) end, ["HPGain"] = function (color, hp, hpm, gain) crawl.mpr( string.format("%s%s", withColor(COLORS.lightgreen, string.format("You regained %s hp,", gain)), withColor(color, string.format(" and now have %s/%s hp.", hp, hpm)) ) ) end, ["HPFull"] = function (color, hp) crawl.mpr( withColor(COLORS.lightgreen, string.format("Your hp is fully restored (%s).", hp) ) ) end, ["HPMassivePause"] = function () crawl.mpr( withColor(COLORS.lightred, string.format("MASSIVE DAMAGE!! (%s)", PAUSE_MORE) ) ) end, ["MPSimple"] = function(delta) return withColor(COLORS.white, string.format("MP[%s]", delta_color(0 - delta)) ) end, ["MPLoss"] = function (color, mp, mpm, loss) crawl.mpr( string.format("%s%s", withColor(COLORS.cyan, string.format("You lost %s mp,", loss)), withColor(color, string.format(" and now have %s/%s mp.", mp, mpm)) ) ) end, ["MPGain"] = function (color, mp, mpm, gain) crawl.mpr( string.format("%s%s", withColor(COLORS.cyan, string.format("You regained %s mp,", gain)), withColor(color, string.format(" and now have %s/%s mp.", mp, mpm)) ) ) end, ["MPFull"] = function (color, mp) crawl.mpr( withColor(COLORS.cyan, string.format("Your mp is fully restored (%s).", mp)) ) end, [""]=""} local prev_hp = 0 local prev_hp_max = 0 local prev_mp = 0 local prev_mp_max = 0 function delta_color(delta) local color = delta < 0 and COLORS.red or COLORS.green local signDelta = delta < 0 and delta or "+"..delta return string.format("<%s>%s", color, signDelta, color) end -- Simplified condensed HP and MP output -- Print a single condensed line showing HP & MP change -- e.g.😨 HP[-2] MP[-1] function simple_announce_damage(curr_hp, max_hp, hp_diff, mp_diff) local emoji = "" local message = nil -- MP[-1] if hp_diff == 0 and mp_diff ~= 0 then message = Messages.MPSimple(mp_diff) -- HP[-2] elseif hp_diff ~= 0 and mp_diff == 0 then message = Messages.HPSimple(hp_diff) -- HP[-2] MP[-1] elseif hp_diff ~= 0 and mp_diff ~= 0 then message = string.format("%s %s", Messages.HPSimple(hp_diff), Messages.MPSimple(mp_diff)) else -- No changes end if message ~= nil then if curr_hp <= (max_hp * 0.25) then emoji = "😱" elseif curr_hp <= (max_hp * 0.50) then emoji = "😨" elseif curr_hp <= (max_hp * 0.75) then emoji = "😮" elseif curr_hp < max_hp then emoji = "😕" else emoji = "😎" end crawl.mpr(string.format("\n%s %s", emoji, message)) end end -- Try to sync with colors defined in Interface.rc function color_by_max(message_func, curr, max, diff) if curr <= (max * 0.25) then message_func(COLORS.red, curr, max, diff) elseif curr <= (max * 0.50) then message_func(COLORS.lightred, curr, max, diff) elseif curr <= (max * 0.75) then message_func(COLORS.yellow, curr, max, diff) else message_func(COLORS.lightgrey, curr, max, diff) end end function announce_damage() -- TODO Define Colors.Red, Colors.Green, etc. -- TODO Move current/previous into array pair -- Save previous as last_hp -- Shift current into previous -- Early return if last_hp was == 0 local curr_hp, max_hp = you.hp() local curr_mp, max_mp = you.mp() --Skips message on initializing game if prev_hp > 0 then local hp_diff = prev_hp - curr_hp local max_hp_diff = max_hp - prev_hp_max local mp_diff = prev_mp - curr_mp local max_mp_diff = max_mp - prev_mp_max -- Simplified condensed HP and MP output simple_announce_damage(curr_hp, max_hp, hp_diff, mp_diff) -- HP Max if max_hp_diff > 0 then Messages.HPMax(COLORS.green, curr_hp, max_hp, max_hp_diff) elseif max_hp_diff < 0 then Messages.HPMax(COLORS.yellow, curr_hp, max_hp, max_hp_diff) end -- HP Loss -- Ensure we lost MORE than the change in max hp -- i.e. a change in max hp should not be considered damage if (hp_diff > 0 and hp_diff > math.abs(max_hp_diff)) then color_by_max(Messages.HPLoss, curr_hp, max_hp, hp_diff) if hp_diff > (max_hp * 0.20) then Messages.HPMassivePause() end end -- HP Gain -- More than 1 HP gained if (hp_diff < 0) then -- Remove the negative sign by taking absolute value local hp_gain = math.abs(hp_diff) if (hp_gain > 1) and not (curr_hp == max_hp) then color_by_max(Messages.HPGain, curr_hp, max_hp, hp_gain) end if (curr_hp == max_hp) then Messages.HPFull(nil, curr_hp) end end -- MP Gain -- More than 1 MP gained if (mp_diff < 0) then -- Remove the negative sign by taking absolute value local mp_gain = math.abs(mp_diff) if (mp_gain > 1) and not (curr_mp == max_mp) then color_by_max(Messages.MPGain, curr_mp, max_mp, mp_gain) end if (curr_mp == max_mp) then Messages.MPFull(nil, curr_mp) end end -- MP Loss -- Ensure we lost MORE than the change in max mp -- i.e. a change in max mp should not be considered loss if (mp_diff > 0 and mp_diff > math.abs(max_mp_diff)) then color_by_max(Messages.MPLoss, curr_mp, max_mp, mp_diff) end end --Set previous hp/mp and form at end of turn prev_hp = curr_hp prev_hp_max = max_hp prev_mp = curr_mp prev_mp_max = max_mp end } ## ## OpenSkills.lua ################################################################################################ { -- Open skills menu at start of runs local need_skills_opened = true local function start_open_skills() if you.turns() == 0 and need_skills_opened then need_skills_opened = false crawl.sendkeys("m") end end -- Runs once when parsed during rc init start_open_skills() } -- Runs once when parsed during rc init add_autopickup_func(pickup_equipment) } ## ## NoteVersion.lua ################################################################################################ { local didRun = false function note_version() if didRun then return end local version = "magus.rc [v1.9.6]" crawl.take_note(version) didRun = true end } ## ## TurnReady.lua ################################################################################################ { -- Run every player turn function ready() -- rc_msg("Running ready function...") -- Display damage taken in log announce_damage() note_version() end } ## ## RC Options (http://crawl.akrasiac.org/docs/options_guide.txt) ################################################################################################ ## ## Init.rc ################################################################################################ # When set to `true` or `full`, the game will pregenerate the entire # connected dungeon when starting a new character. This leads to # deterministic dungeon generation relative to a particular game seed, at # the cost of a slow game start. If set to `incremental`, the game will # generate levels as needed so that it always generates them in the same # order, also producing a deterministic dungeon. You still may encounter # variation in bazaars, the abyss, pandemonium, and ziggurats, and for # incremental pregeneration, artefacts. When set to `false` or `classic`, # the game will generate all levels on level entry, as was the rule before # 0.23. Some servers may disallow full pregeneration. # https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/docs/options_guide.txt#L421 # # `incremental` produces deterministic results and `full` is not supported # by webtiles, so we set this to `incremental` here for the best result pregen_dungeon = incremental ## ## Travel.rc ################################################################################################ autofight_stop = 75 autofight_caught = true # Prevent travel from routing through deep water. # By default, this option is commented out. For merfolk and/or characters with # permanent levitation, this will prevent travel or explore from going through any water # travel_avoid_terrain = deep water # Wait until your HP and MP are both at rest_wait_percent before moving rest_wait_percent = 100 explore_auto_rest = true # Set to -1 for instant-travel, set to 1 to see travel paths travel_delay = -1 explore_delay = 1 # Adjusts how much autoexplore favours attempting to discover room perimeters and corners. # At higher values, autoexplore will more heavily favour visiting squares that are next to walls; # at 0 it will not favour them at all. explore_wall_bias = 3 # auto explore stop defaults explore_stop = stairs,shops,altars,portals,branches,runed_doors,runes explore_stop += artefacts,glowing_items,greedy_pickup_smart,greedy_visited_item_stack # do not stop exploring for hungry # activity_interrupt_names # https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/9bf6f1401de0176e0e695ad85b3e9fc7e42da3ab/crawl-ref/source/delay.cc#L1306 interrupt_travel -= hungry runrest_stop_message += starving ## ## Interface.rc ################################################################################################ # hp and mp bar coloring view_delay = 300 hp_colour = 100:lightgreen, 99:lightgray, 75:yellow, 50:lightred, 25:red mp_colour = 100:cyan, 99:lightgray, 75:yellow, 50:lightred, 25:red hp_warning = 50 # monster colors monster_list_colour = monster_list_colour += friendly:green,neutral:brown monster_list_colour += good_neutral:brown,strict_neutral:brown monster_list_colour += trivial:darkgrey,easy:lightgrey monster_list_colour += tough:yellow,nasty:lightred # new characters start with manual skill (instead of automatic) default_manual_training = true # Unequip already equipped items by selecting in equip menus (i.e. w, W, P) equip_unequip = true # Cannot target self with risky magic allow_self_target = no # mini map size, [X] pixels per tile tile_map_pixels = 8 # Zot count status # If you spend the indicated number of turns in this branch without descending to # a new floor, Zot will find and consume you. # always_show_zot determines whether to show the "Zot" status light at all times # even when you've got plenty of time left. defaults to `false` always_show_zot = true ## ## Bindkey.rc ################################################################################################ # All commands and their key binds # https://github.com/jmbjr/dcss/blob/master/crawl-ref/docs/keybind.txt # CTRL+N will autofight without moving bindkey = [^N] CMD_AUTOFIGHT_NOMOVE ## ## ItemColors.rc ################################################################################################ ## Menu & Item colors should match exactly when possible. ## For menu_colour, the first match ignores subsequent matches. ## For item_glyph, subsequent matches override previous ones. ## Many of the entries below come from dat/defaults/menu_colours.txt, ## which we have to duplicate here since we want only some of the ## entries from that file. # Enable use of darkgrey bold_brightens_foreground=true # Set alias item := item_glyph menu := menu_colour # Clear default menu = menu += notes:white:Reached XP level ### General Inventory ### ## Reasonable defaults item += potion:lightgrey item += scroll:lightgrey item += wand:lightgrey item += dangerous_item:blue item += useless_item:darkgrey # Items currently not affecting you. menu += darkgrey:(melded) # Items disliked by your god. menu += red:forbidden # Useless items, comes here to override artefacts etc. menu += darkgrey:.*useless.* # Handle cursed and equipped items early to override other colour settings. menu += lightred:.*equipped.* cursed menu += red: (a|the) cursed menu += inventory:lightgreen:.*equipped.* # Colouring of autoinscribed god gifts menu += pickup:cyan:god gift # Highlight (partly) selected items menu += inventory:white:\w \+\s menu += inventory:white:\w \#\s ### Food ### ## Color chunks, put ordinary ones on lightgrey. menu += red:evil_eating.*chunk item += evil_eating.*chunk:red menu += blue:mutagenic.*chunk item += mutagenic.*chunk:blue menu += lightgrey:chunks?.*flesh item += chunks?.*flesh:lightgrey menu += green:( ration) item += ( ration):green ### Potions ### menu += white:potions? of.*(flight|stabbing) item += potions? of.*(flight|stabbing):white menu += yellow:potions? of.*berserk item += potions? of.*berserk:yellow menu += yellow:potions? of.*might item += potions? of.*might:yellow menu += white:potions? of.*cancellation item += potions? of.*cancellation:white menu += blue:potions? of.*(lignification|ambrosia) item += potions? of.*(lignification|ambrosia):blue menu += lightcyan:potions? of.*experience item += potions? of.*experience:lightcyan menu += white:potions? of.*(heal wounds|curing) item += potions? of.*(heal wounds|curing):white menu += yellow:potions? of.*resistance item += potions? of.*resistance:yellow menu += yellow:potions? of.*(haste|invisibility) item += potions? of.*(haste|invisibility):yellow menu += lightcyan:potions? of.*mutation item += potions? of.*mutation:lightcyan menu += yellow:potions? of.*brilliance item += potions? of.*brilliance:yellow menu += yellow:potions? of.*magic item += potions? of.*magic:yellow ### Scrolls ### : if table_has({"Vampire", "Mummy", "Ghoul"}, you.race()) then menu += lightred:scroll.*holy word item += scroll.*holy word:lightred menu += yellow:scroll.*torment item += scroll.*torment:yellow : else menu += yellow:scroll.*holy word item += scroll.*holy word:yellow menu += darkgrey:scroll.*torment item += scroll.*torment:darkgrey : end menu += lightcyan:scroll.*acquirement item += scroll.*acquirement:lightcyan menu += yellow:scroll.*(summoning) item += scroll.*(summoning):yellow menu += white:scroll.*identify item += scroll.*identify:white menu += blue:scroll.*magic mapping item += scroll.*magic mapping:blue menu += lightgrey:scroll.*(noise|silence|vulnerability) item += scroll.*(noise|silence|vulnerability):lightgrey menu += purle:scroll.*immolation item += scroll.*immolation:purple menu += lightgrey:scroll.*remove curse item += scroll.*remove curse:lightgrey menu += yellow:scroll.*(fog|teleport) item += scroll.*(fog|teleport):yellow menu += yellow:scroll.*(fear|blink) item += scroll.*(fear|blink):yellow menu += lightmagenta:scroll.*(enchant|brand weapon) item += scroll.*(enchant|brand weapon):lightmagenta ### General identification ### menu += cyan:manual of item += manual of:cyan menu += lightcyan:manual item += manual:lightcyan menu += lightblue:unidentified .*(potion|scroll|wand|jewellery|book|rod|magical staff) item += unidentified.*(potion|scroll|wand|jewellery|book|rod|magical staff).*:lightblue ### Gear ### menu += magenta:.*known .*(ring of (dexterity|strength|intelligence|slaying|evasion|protection(?! from))|amulet of reflection) item += known.*(ring of (dexterity|strength|intelligence|slaying|evasion|protection(?! from))|amulet of reflection):magenta menu += inventory:lightgray:.*(book|jewellery|magical staff) item += (identified|known).*(book|jewellery|magical staff):lightgray menu += lightmagenta:unidentified.*artefact.* item += unidentified.*artefact.*(jewellery).*:lightmagenta menu += white:.*artefact.* item += identified.*artefact.*(jewellery):white # Ego items menu += lightblue:unidentified.*weapon.*(runed|glowing|enchanted) menu += lightblue:unidentified.*armour.*(runed|glowing|embroidered|shiny|dyed) # Want this to override anything above item += (a )?stones?$:lightgray item += useless:darkgrey # Only mark these types when forbidden; for other types it looks odd. item += forbidden.*(potion|scroll|food):red ## ## ForceMorePrompts.rc ################################################################################################ show_more = false # 1. Dungeon Features # 2. Failure # 3. Bad Things # 4. Translocations # 5. Expiring Effects # 6. Religion # 7. Hell Effects # 8. Monsters # Set alias more := force_more_message stop := runrest_stop_message #################### # Dungeon Features # #################### # Abyssal Rune more += Found .* abyssal rune of Zot # Entrances, Exits, and Arrivals more += Found a frozen archway more += Found a gateway leading out of the Abyss more += Found a labyrinth entrance more += Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple more += The mighty Pandemonium lord.*resides here # Portal Timers more += distant snort more += interdimensional caravan more += invites you to visit more += oppressive heat more += roar of battle more += sound of rushing water more += The drain falls to bits more += There is an entrance to a bailey on this level more += tolling of a bell more += wave of frost more += You hear the drain falling apart more += You hear.*crackle.*magical portal more += You hear.*crackling.*archway more += You hear.*creaking.*(oriflamme|portcullis) more += You hear.*hiss.*sand more += You hear.*rumble.*avalanche more += You hear.*rusting.*drain more += You hear.*ticking.*clock # Traps more += (blundered into a|invokes the power of) Zot more += A huge blade swings out and slices into you stop += An alarm trap emits a blaring wail stop += found a zot trap stop += hear a soft click more += The power of Zot is invoked against you more += You (become entangled|are caught) in (a|the) (web|net) more += You fall through a shaft more += You stumble into the trap # Other more += Another plant grows acid sacs more += One of the plants suddenly grows acid sacs more += The walls and floor vibrate strangely for a moment more += You are suddenly pulled into a different region more += You have a vision of.*gates? ########### # Failure # ########### more += do not work when you're silenced more += sense of stasis more += Something interferes with your magic more += The rod doesn't have enough magic points more += The spell fizzles more += The writing blurs in front of your eyes more += The.*is unaffected more += This potion can/'t work under stasis more += This wand has no charges more += too hungry more += You are held in a net more += You are too injured to fight blindly more += You can't gag anything down more += You can't unwield more += You cannot cast spells when silenced more += You cannot cast spells while unable to breathe more += You cannot teleport right now more += You don't have any such object more += You don't have enough magic more += You don't.* that spell more += You fail to use your ability more += You have no appropriate body parts free more += You have no means to grasp a wand firmly enough more += You haven't enough magic at the moment more += You miscast more += Your amulet of stasis more += Your attempt to break free more += Your body armour is too heavy ############################# # Bad and Unexpected Things # ############################# # announce_damage more += $PAUSE_MORE # Bad things happening to you more += corrodes your equipment more += Your corrosive artefact corrodes you more += are blown away by the wind more += dispelling energy hits you more += infuriates you more += lose consciousness more += mark forms upon you more += Ouch! That really hurt! more += silver sears you more += Space bends around you more += Space warps horribly around you more += surroundings become eerily quiet more += Terrible wounds (open|spread) all over you more += The acid corrodes your more += The air around.*erupts in flames more += The air twists around and violently strikes you in flight more += You shudder from the earth-shattering force more += The arrow of dispersal hits you[^r] more += The barbed spikes become lodged in your body more += The barbed spikes dig painfully into your body as you move more += The blast of calcifying dust hits you[^r] more += The poison in your body grows stronger more += The pull of.*song draws you forwards more += The.*engulfs you in water more += The.*grabs you[^r] more += You (are|feel) drained more += You are (blasted|electrocuted) more += You are blown backwards more += You are burned terribly more += You are encased in ice more += You are engulfed in calcifying dust more += You are engulfed in dark miasma more += You are engulfed in mutagenic fog more += You are knocked back more += You are mesmerised more += You are slowing down more += You are trampled more += You convulse more += You feel a (horrible|terrible) chill more += You feel haunted more += You feel less vulnerable to poison more += You feel your attacks grow feeble more += You feel your flesh.*rot more += You feel your power drain away more += You feel your power leaking away more += You feel yourself grow more vulnerable to poison more += You stumble backwards more += You.*re (confused|more confused|too confused) more += You.*re (poisoned|more poisoned|lethally poisoned) more += Your body is wracked with pain more += Your damage is reflected back at you more += Your limbs are stiffening more += Your magical defenses are stripped away more += Your?.*suddenly stops? moving # Monsters doing bad things more += A tree reaches out and hits you! more += Agitated ravens fly out from beneath the more += begins to recite a word of recall more += Being near the torpor snail leaves you feeling lethargic more += blows on a signal horn more += cast banishment more += cast paralyse more += cast Torment more += goes berserk more += The moth of wrath goads something on more += is duplicated more += is no longer invulnerable more += Its appearance distorts for a moment more += Mara seems to draw the.*out of itself more += Mara shimmers more += Miasma billows from the more += shoots a curare more += stands defiantly in death's doorway more += steals.*your more += swoops through the air toward you more += The forest starts to sway and rumble more += The jumping spider pounces on you [^but] more += The octopode crusher throws you more += The shadow imp is revulsed by your support of nature more += The water nymph flows with the water more += The.*offers itself to Yredelemnul more += The.*seems to speed up more += The.*shudders more += There is a horrible\, sudden wrenching feeling in your soul more += Vines fly forth from the trees! more += You are hit by a branch more += You feel you are being watched by something more += Your magical defenses are stripped away more += \'s.*reflects # Unexpected situations more += A magical barricade bars your way more += Done waiting more += doors? slams? shut more += It doesn't seem very happy more += Mutagenic energies flood into your body more += Some monsters swap places more += (are starving|devoid of blood) more += (The|Your).*falls away! more += The divine light dispels your darkness! more += The walls disappear more += There is a sealed passage more += You are wearing\: more += You cannot afford.*fee # more += You feel (dopey|clumsy|weak) more += You feel a genetic drift more += You feel monstrous more += You feel your rage building more += You have disarmed more += You have finished your manual more += You need to eat something NOW more += You smell decay. (^Yuck!) more += You stop (a|de)scending the stairs more += You turn into a fleshy mushroom more += Your body shudders with the violent release of wild energies more += Your guardian golem overheats more += your magic stops regenerating more += Your scales start more += your.*devoured more += Green shoots are pushing up through the earth # Things getting better stop += contamination has completely more += You can move again more += You slip out of the net more += You.*and break free more += Your fit of retching subsides more += seems mollified # Ghouls : if you.race() == "Ghoul" then stop += smell.*(rott(ing|en)|decay) stop += something tasty in your inventory : end ################## # Translocations # ################## # Teleporting more += You blink more += You.*teleport [^f] more += You feel strangely (unstable|stable) more += You feel your translocation being delayed more += Your surroundings flicker more += Your surroundings seem slightly different more += Your surroundings suddenly seem different # -Tele more += You cannot blink right now more += You cannot teleport right now more += You feel.*firmly anchored in space more += You are no longer firmly anchored in space # -cTele more += You feel your control is inadequate #################### # Expiring Effects # #################### # God Abilities # Divine Shield (The Shining One) more += Your divine shield starts to fade. more += Your divine shield fades away. # Jelly Prayer (Jiyva) more += Your prayer is over. # Mirror Damage (Yredelemnul) more += dark mirror aura disappears # Player Spells # Aura of Abjuration stop += Your aura of abjuration expires # Control Teleport stop += you feel uncertain # Death's Door more += time is quickly running out more += life is in your own # Enslavement more += is no longer charmed # Flight more += You are starting to lose your buoyancy stop += You lose control over your flight # Haste more += Your extra speed is starting to run out more += You feel yourself slow down # Invisibility more += You feel more conspicuous more += You flicker for a moment more += You flicker back # Ozocubu's Armour and Condensation Shield more += Your icy (shield|armour) evaporates more += Your.*(shield|armour) melts away # Phase Shift more += You feel closer to the material plane more += You are firmly grounded in the material plane once more # Repel/Deflect stop += missiles spell is about to expire more += You feel less protected from missiles # Shroud of Golubria stop += shroud begins to fray stop += shroud unravels more += Your shroud falls apart # Silence more += Your hearing returns # Swiftness stop += start to feel a little slower more += You feel sluggish # Transmutations more += Your transformation is almost over more += You have a feeling this form more += Your skin feels tender more += You feel yourself come back to life # Other # Potion of Resistance more += You start to feel less resistant. more += Your resistance to elements expires ############ # Religion # ############ # Gifts or abilities are ready # Dithmenos more += You are shrouded in an aura of darkness more += You now sometimes bleed smoke more += You.*no longer.*bleed smoke more += Your shadow no longer tangibly mimics your actions more += Your shadow now sometimes tangibly mimics your actions # Gozag more += will now duplicate a non-artefact item # Jiyva more += will now unseal the treasures of the Slime Pits # Kikubaaqudgha more += Kikubaaqudgha will now enhance your necromancy # Lugonu more += Lugonu will now corrupt your weapon # Qazlal more += resistances upon receiving elemental damage more += You are surrounded by a storm which can block enemy attacks # Ru more += you are ready to make a new sacrifice # Sif Muna more += Sif Muna is protecting you from the effects of miscast magic # The Shining One more += The Shining One will now bless # Zin more += will now cure all your mutations # You Screwed Up more += is no longer ready # Poor Decisions more += You really shouldn't be using # Gaining new abilities : if you.god() ~= "Uskayaw" then more += You can now more += Your?.*can no longer : end # Wrath more += Nemelex gives you another card to finish dealing more += Fedhas invokes the elements against you more += Lugonu sends minions to punish you more += Okawaru sends forces against you more += wrath finds you # Xom Effects more += staircase.*moves more += is too large for the net to hold # Other more += Jiyva alters your body : if you.god() == "Xom" then more += god: : end : if not string.find(you.god(), "Jiyva") then more += splits in two :end ################ # Hell Effects # ################ more += A gut-wrenching scream fills the air more += Brimstone rains from above more += Die\, mortal more += Leave now\, before it is too late more += Something frightening happens more += Trespassers are not welcome here more += We do not forgive those who trespass against us more += We have you now more += You do not belong in this place more += You feel a terrible foreboding more += You feel lost and a long\, long way from home more += You hear diabolical laughter more += You hear words spoken in a strange and terrible language more += You sense a hostile presence more += You sense an ancient evil watching you more += You shiver with fear more += You smell brimstone more += You suddenly feel all small and vulnerable more += You will not leave this place more += You have reached level more += You rejoin the land of the living ############ # Monsters # ############ # Arriving Unexpectedly more += appears in a shower of sparks more += appears out of thin air more += comes (up|down) the stairs more += Something appears in a flash of light more += The.*is a mimic more += You sense the presence of something unfriendly more += The.*answers the.*call more += Wisps of shadow swirl around more += Shadows whirl around # Item Use more += drinks a potion more += evokes.*(amulet|ring) more += reads a scroll more += zaps a (wand|rod) # Dangerous monsters we force_more when first seen. # Things with ranged (or extremely fast), irresistable effects. more += ((floating|shining) eye|dream sheep|death drake).*into view more += (wretched star|apocalypse crab|death drake).*into view more += (entropy weaver|torpor snail|spriggan druid).*into view more += (vault (warden|sentinel)|merfolk (avatar|siren)).*into view more += (guardian serpent|draconian shifter|convoker|death cob).*into view more += (phantasmal warrior|air elemental).*into view # Distortion more += distortion # Malmutate more += (cacodemon|neqoxec).*into view # Paralysis/Petrify/Banish more += (orc sorcerer|(?> note_items += artefact note_items += experience,of Zot,acquirement,Archmagi note_items += crystal plate,pearl dragon scales,gold dragon scales # note some auto inscribes # do not match curare note_messages += (?> 🤖 colortest <%s>%s", color, color, color)) -- end -- end -- colortest() -- rc_out("COLORS", COLORS.brown, COLORS.brown) } ## ## END ################################################################################################ : rc_scs("Successfully initialized magus.rc [v1.9.6]") : crawl.enable_more(true)